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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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No, it wasn't.

And I say Fox's spin is more defensible because Obama explicitly referred to the Paris attacks as a "setback" (though he hung some adjectives on there); Bush never referred explicitly to the Oregon shooting as "stuff."

Jeb is specifically downplaying the tragic aspect as a justification for *not* taking any action. Omitting the actual words used, that's what he's arguing for.

I don't see Obama saying that the Paris attacks ought to be disregarded or downplayed when discussing next steps, which is *exactly* what Bush is saying.

Context matters. The context of Bush's comments was a larger argument for INaction regarding a tragedy. even if his "stuff" was generic, the context was specific.

It's not spin if it *is* actually what the person was implying. Unless you think that when asked about the shooting, Jeb was referring to some other "stuff."

Fox News is attacking the tone, the Jeb criticism is attacking the merit of the actual argument along with the way Bush characterized it.


Judicial Watch today released more than 35 pages of emails former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s top aide Huma Abedin revealing that Abedin advised Clinton aide and frequent companion Monica Hanley that it was “very important” to go over phone calls with Clinton because the former Secretary of State was “often confused.” The emails, from Abedin’s “Huma@clintonemail.com” address, also reveal repeated security breaches, with the Secretary’s schedule and movements being sent and received through Abedin’s non-governmental and unsecured Clinton server account. The emails document requests for special State Department treatment for a Clinton Foundation associate and Abedin’s mother, a controversial Islamist leader.

The Abedin email material contains a January 26, 2013, email exchange with Clinton aide Monica Hanley regarding Clinton’s schedule in which Abedin says Clinton is “often confused:”

Abedin: Have you been going over her calls with her? So she knows singh is at 8? [India Prime Minister Manmohan Singh]
Hanley: She was in bed for a nap by the time I heard that she had an 8am call. Will go over with her
Abedin: Very imp to do that. She’s often confused.
Between this and her complete failure at the debate, this could prove to kill her in the early states against Bernie.

Between this and her complete failure at the debate, this could prove to kill her in the early states against Bernie.

This is good news. See, she's never lied about her emails. She forgot all about them. Email? Pffft. She's too confused to get out of bed in the morning. Bill's totally pulling her strings. He wants his 3rd term. Poor thing. Running for President in her dotage. Bless. She also forgot where she and Bill have had all of their enemies buried. Can't be tried for perjury if you're too senile to remember where you put your socks. Obama won't even have to pardon her because she's too senile to stand trial for High Crime and Treason.

This is good news for
John McCain
Hillary Clinton.
Daniel B·;185721023 said:
Excellent; another African American leader (former Ohio state senator) feeling Bernie's message :).

P.S. I was speaking to my very friendly and talkative Walmart automated checkout supervisor, and I asked if she's feeling my guy (see my novel use of a bumper sticker, below - legs are my transport), and she said "But, isn't he a socialist?"; obviously been watching too much Fox News...

Much to the possible chagrin of the Superstore Manager, who happened to be ringing up a sandwich, I of course enlightened her on a few issues (mentioned that Social Security and the Post Office are "social" programs), and she asked what I thought of Thatcher and Trump... But, she (not in my generation) seemed genuinely receptive (would welcome some bumph on Bernie etc), and as she could talk the ears of donkey, she could potentially be an influential ally (sorry Adam, she ain't a Hillary fan ;) ). I just hope I didn't or won't get her fired ("just don't mention unions, the living wage, corporate welfare, ..."), with the "big boss" being in earshot of my spiel.


Never change, Daniel.


Oh boy. A friend of mine, who is 70, just stated he hopes Nikki doesn't let refugees in. To which I said she was. His response "She's one of them"

Granted, he hates her and in this case is equating a Sihk with a Muslim. And calling her a "rag head". Even Democrats can be xenophobic and racist.
Paul Ryan (no, not that one), former Harvard rugby player and investment banker has come out for Bernie:

Ryan says he was horrified by the quick-buck mentality that preceded the 2007-08 financial crisis. “Who would’ve put your name on this shit?” he asks rhetorically of the faulty financial products that precipitated the crisis, then explains, “The idea was people did not give a fuck, because there was no shame. You could move on.”

Now, he’s pinning his hopes for reform on the blunt Brooklynite Sanders. “If he’s president, then he’ll probably enforce the labor laws,” says Ryan with anticipation. “Amazon should probably shit its pants."

Bankers for Bernie - Politico


Oh boy. A friend of mine, who is 70, just stated he hopes Nikki doesn't let refugees in. To which I said she was. His response "She's one of them"

Granted, he hates her and in this case is equating a Sihk with a Muslim. And calling her a "rag head". Even Democrats can be xenophobic and racist.

Democrat =/= Progressive. I'm not too surprised honestly. A lot of those old racist Dems pre civil rights stayed with the party still. They just learned to adapt, but not necessarily evolve.


Democrat =/= Progressive. I'm not too surprised honestly. A lot of those old racist Dems pre civil rights stayed with the party still. They just learned to adapt, but not necessarily evolve.

I've known him for 6 years, but he has definitely becoming more racist and xenophobic since i've know him. He's gay and staunchy Democratic, though.


I've known him for 6 years, but he has definitely becoming more racist and xenophobic since i've know him. He's gay and staunchy Democratic, though.

Old habits die hard I guess. Or he repressed them for years as best he could but usually when we begin to fear, those old tendencies and prejudices start to prop up more.
Sen. Ted Cruz has struck back at President Obama’s implication that his rejection of Syrian refugees is “shameful,” telling CNN he will be introducing legislation banning Muslim Syrian refugees from entering the United States.

“What Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are proposing is that we bring to this country tens of thousands of Syrian Muslim refugees,” Cruz told CNN's Dana Bash in Charleston, S.C., on Monda

Seriously isn't a bag of dicks big enough in this world for this man to eat. I loathe Ted Cruz so much. He's a vile human.


Guliani is on Hardball saying we should have had 30-40k troops in Iraq and that way ISIS would have never emerged. No push back, so i assume this alternate reality is true.

User 406



Democrat =/= Progressive. I'm not too surprised honestly. A lot of those old racist Dems pre civil rights stayed with the party still. They just learned to adapt, but not necessarily evolve.

Well, they are progressive in an economic sense, just not in a social one. It pretty much came down to whether the populist union stuff or the racism was personally more important to them. In places like West Virginia where unions were completely ride or die, you didn't see as much defection, even though there was plenty of racism to go around. And at the very least, voting for stronger social support in spite of personal racism is at least a more sane ordering of priorities.

But yeah, the Democratic party is far from free of racism.
AMHERST, Mass. – Donald Trump and Ben Carson have a dominating lead over the rest of the field of Republican presidential candidates, and should either of them drop out of the primary race the other stands to benefit the most, according to a new UMass Poll released today by the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

Overall, Trump leads the Republican field with 31 percent of likely Republican voters listing him as their first choice, based on a nationwide online survey of 318 likely Republican primary voters conducted by YouGov America under the direction of the UMass Poll from Nov. 5-13. Carson comes in second at 22 percent, followed by Senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio at 13 percent and 9 percent, respectively. No other candidate was able to garner 5 percent support.

The poll also asked the second choice preference among respondents, and 36 percent of Trump supporters named Carson as their secondary choice, while Trump is the second choice preference among 30 percent of those backing Carson, indicating that if one of those two candidates were to leave the race the other would benefit significantly.


America is in a good spot right now.
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