Ignatz Mouse
Hispanics dislike Jeb!, Rubio, and Cruz and fucking hate Trump.
Those are pretty good results for the Dems I think.
I'm surprised at the Jeb! unfavorables.
Hispanics dislike Jeb!, Rubio, and Cruz and fucking hate Trump.
Those are pretty good results for the Dems I think.
o help make this easier to visualize and understand, weve created the widget below that will allow you to walk through the GOP selection process yourself. The process is fairly simple.
Beginning with Iowa in February and working through South Dakota in June, and the awarding of RNC delegates, you simply input the share of the vote that you think each candidate will receive. You can use the next state button to advance through the elections, and the previous state button if you feel that youve made a mistake. Theres a reset button at the bottom of the page if you want to start over.
Weve pre-loaded the RealClearPolitics polling averages for the early states, but youre free to alter these as you see fit. You can also use the current RCP national average or, in the later states, the inputs from the previous state as your starting point. As you go through, the program will calculate the statewide delegates that will be allocated using each states rules (plus a few assumptions) you cannot alter these (except through changing the candidates share of the votes).
I'm surprised at the Jeb! unfavorables.
If Trump was the nominee, would Hillary be able to break 80% with Hispanics? Because it certainly seems that way.Hispanics dislike Jeb!, Rubio, and Cruz and fucking hate Trump.
Those are pretty good results for the Dems I think.
If Trump was the nominee, would Hillary be able to break 80% with Hispanics? Because it certainly seems that way.
That would mean between African-Americans and Hispanics (the two largest minority groups) she would gain 85% of the vote. I don't even know what the GOP would have to win the white vote by to have a chance.
If Trump was the nominee, would Hillary be able to break 80% with Hispanics? Because it certainly seems that way.
That would mean between African-Americans and Hispanics (the two largest minority groups) she would gain 85% of the vote. I don't even know what the GOP would have to win the white vote by to have a chance.
Assuming Hillary won about 80% of all non-white voters, the GOP would need about 65% of the white vote just to make it close.
If Trump was the nominee, would Hillary be able to break 80% with Hispanics? Because it certainly seems that way.
That would mean between African-Americans and Hispanics (the two largest minority groups) she would gain 85% of the vote. I don't even know what the GOP would have to win the white vote by to have a chance.
Love Obama's "oh, dad" persona he has going on sometimes.Bill Simmons GQ interview with Obama
I enjoyed it
Its really aggravating not having you on Grantland, he said, almost like I betrayed him. I go to the site and theres no Simmons. Come on, man, its not the same.
How can you not love this guy, he read Grantland lol
Oh, Michelles the leader of the power rankings?
Oh, absolutely. There are clear rankings. Michelle. Malia and Sasha, theyre constantly wrestling for second place. I rank ahead of the dogs.
Using the term "anchor babies" does that to ya. Dude's fucked.I'm surprised at the Jeb! unfavorables.
Just need Trump to hang in there for a few more months and we are set. Come on Donald I know you can do it.Hispanics dislike Jeb!, Rubio, and Cruz and fucking hate Trump.
Those are pretty good results for the Dems I think.
Using the term "anchor babies" does that to ya. Dude's fucked.
Using the term "anchor babies" does that to ya. Dude's fucked.
Also, new morning consult poll conducted after the paris attacks?
Emperor King 38
Ben Carson 19
Marco Rubio 7
Ted Cruz 7
Jeb 6
Using the term "anchor babies" does that to ya. Dude's fucked.
Also, new morning consult poll conducted after the paris attacks?
Emperor King 38
Ben Carson 19
Marco Rubio 7
Ted Cruz 7
Jeb 6
Using the term "anchor babies" does that to ya. Dude's fucked.
Also, new morning consult poll conducted after the paris attacks?
Emperor King 38
Ben Carson 19
Marco Rubio 7
Ted Cruz 7
Jeb 6
I'm trying not to get too hype about this and failing. Yessssssssss.
Carson needs to drop out and endorse Trump.
At this point I'm about 95% sure Trump's going to win this thing.
Man I kind of can't wait for Thanksgiving because I want to see who my dad supports. He had a huge rant against Trump thinking he was a democrat plant and making republicans look bad. Without Walker in the race anymore I have no idea who he supports. I really want to know, but I don't really want the conversation around knowing. Going to be real interesting if/when Trump gets the nomination.
Him having to choose between Trump and Clinton is going to make me so fucking happy.
Trump/Tequila 2016
Using the term "anchor babies" does that to ya. Dude's fucked.
Also, new morning consult poll conducted after the paris attacks?
Emperor King 38
Ben Carson 19
Marco Rubio 7
Ted Cruz 7
Jeb 6
Particularly hilarious after hearing Chuck Todd et al. proclaim that Rubio will benefit the most from the terrorist attacks, due to his reputation as the "foreign policy wonk" in the field. This is the guy who got his ass handed to him by Kerry for saying that the Obama administration was going easy on ISIS so as not to upset Iran.13% for Jeb + Rubio?!
That's damn delicious. All that good Rubio media coverage, and he gets a massive 1% edge over Jeb!.
Using the term "anchor babies" does that to ya. Dude's fucked.
Also, new morning consult poll conducted after the paris attacks?
Emperor King 38
Ben Carson 19
Marco Rubio 7
Ted Cruz 7
Jeb 6
Still the best non-Herman-Caine related thing to come out of the 2012 election.
Don't forget this one:
So......we're really getting Hillary Clinton vs Donald fucking Trump as our 2016 Presidential Election.
How big a blowout is that going to be?
So......we're really getting Hillary Clinton vs Donald fucking Trump as our 2016 Presidential Election.
How big a blowout is that going to be?
“In Syria, take a big swatch of land, which believe me, you get for the right price, OK? You take a big swatch and you don’t destroy all of Europe,” the real estate mogul said. “What I’d like is build a safe zone, it’s here, build a big beautiful safe zone and you have whatever it is so people can live, and they’ll be happier.”
That way, Trump explained, they won’t have to learn new languages or adapt to a new climate.
“They’re gonna learn all these different languages. It’s ridiculous,” he continued. “The weather — a friend of mine lives in Minnesota. And he calls me, he says, ‘Can you imagine? It’s 130 degrees in Syria, and now they want to send some up to Minnesota, where it’s 30 degrees.’ Well, these people are gonna be very, very unhappy.”
Isn't it past the deadline to get on the ballot in several states? Romney jumping in now doesn't seem like a particularly credible threat.
Lemme put it this way, here's Trump plan for Syria: "In Syria, take a big swatch of land ... build a big beautiful safe zone".
So......we're really getting Hillary Clinton vs Donald fucking Trump as our 2016 Presidential Election.
How big a blowout is that going to be?
Trump still leading makes me very happy
but there's still plenty of time for him to mess up and casually drop the n bomb during an Iowa speech. And yes, I think that would end.
Republican Rep. Lynn Westmoreland, a member of the House Select Committee On Benghazi, said former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton laid “a trap” for the committee by making her Oct. 22 appearance go “as long as possible.”
“As you know, some of you may have watched the marathon Hillary Clinton fiasco, and I say that because Trey Gowdy, the chairman of the committee, wanted to interview her in private, and she said, ‘No, I want to do this in public'. Now to me, that was us stepping in a trap because we should have known that she was going to go on and just stall, debate, filibuster, on these answers to make it go as long as possible, so we would look cruel".
http://www.buzzfeed.com/meganapper/...-long-so-gop-w?utm_term=.fjvR6AlZK#.pnKXVKyGA“Next week we’ll be going to Germany and to Italy to do some more research, on the Benghazi,” he said. “So this thing is not over, and I promise you one thing: We are going to tell you what really happened, and all the consequences that went with it".
Trump is way too used to being on camera for that to ever happen.
still plenty of time for him to say it in private conversation, which through an anonymous tip find it's way to the New York Times.
or maybe they find dead models under Trump's hotels.
Trump's dumb, but he's not an idiot.
It will never cease to surprise me how utterly stupid and tactless the GOP is.
"You're goddamn right we're gonna drag this out for another year!"
Donald Trump 24% .................................................
Ben Carson 17% .....................................................
Carly Fiorina 14% ...................................................
Ted Cruz 10% .........................................................
Marco Rubio 7% ...................................................
[B]Mitt Romney 7% ....................................................[/B]
Jeb Bush 6% .........................................................
Mike Huckabee 6% ...............................................
Scott Walker 4%
Carson 22% - Trump 19% - Cruz 14% - Fiorina 11% - Huckabee 9% - Walker 7% - Rubio 6% - Jeb 6% - Romney 4%More concerned with having the candidate
who is the most conservative on the issues
Trump 31% - Carson 14% - Fiorina 14% - Romney 11% - Rubio 8% - Cruz 6% - Jeb 6% - Huckabee 4% - Walker 3%More concerned with having the candidate who has the
best chance of beating a Democrat in the general election
More concerned with having the candidate who has the
best chance of beating a Democrat in the general election