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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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It will never cease to surprise me how utterly stupid and tactless the GOP is.

Their arguments essentially amount to passive-aggressive hypothetical arguments people have when driving and they can't let something go, so they imagine themselves completely shutting down the opponent and feeling smug about themselves. All they do is debate these cartoon liberal dumbass versions of Obama or Clinton or whoever, then when they show up at the table they get destroyed. Luckily there's enough people in the country who feel the same way and just want to see someone stick it to those liberals, regardless of whether what they say is true. Case in point: Romney attacking Obama during the second debate for not referring to Benghazi (wow) as a terrorist act/act of terror. Who cares if he was immediately exposed by Obama and the moderator? People ate that shit up.
To be honest Hillary should be welcoming this news. GOP fucked the rabbit instead of going down the rabbit hole. Now they want to exhume its corpse again. By all means, go ahead. More advertisements and free publicity for Hillary.


And 31% of these people want Trump?

Jesus Fucking Christ the GOP is bonkers.

Think some of them are hoping for President Schwarzenegger (Or Reagan too maybe!) like situation where somehow his celebrity status and 'outside politics' makes him a more electable candidate... in truth I think those are qualities that would normally put someone above he normal GOP track... if it wasn't fucking Donald Trump.
The GOP might end up destroying themselves. I don't know how a Trump/Ben/Ted nomination is going to look like. The moderate and establishment might really, really pressure to go to the center. But before that it might get really messy with no one being unharmed.


The GOP might end up destroying themselves. I don't know how a Trump/Ben/Ted nomination is going to look like. The moderate and establishment might really, really pressure to go to the center. But before that it might get really messy with no one being unharmed.
I fully expect Trump to turn around and cynically run as a moderate, but minorities tend to have long memories.
Trump up in Reuters' tracking poll; viewed as the best Republican to address terrorism:

American voters are evenly split between Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and Democratic rival Hillary Clinton as their top choice to address the issue of terrorism following the Paris attacks, a Reuters/Ipsos poll found.

Asked to choose between the entire field of 2016 presidential hopefuls, 20 percent of 1,106 respondents surveyed between Nov. 16-17 opted for Trump. An equal share picked Clinton.(polling.reuters.com/#!poll/TM743CY15)

Given Clinton's background as a former secretary of state it is perhaps not surprising that she did reasonably well in the poll. However, Trump's good showing upends an emerging narrative that the Paris shootings and suicide bombings would prompt voters to rethink their support for the real estate billionaire, who leads the field of Republican presidential candidates.

Mirroring national primary polls, Clinton and Trump also took the top marks in the Reuters/Ipsos survey when looking at just voters from their own party. Asked to pick the best Democratic candidate, 52 percent of Democrats polled selected Clinton. When Republicans were asked to choose among their potential nominees, 33 percent said Trump.

Of the Republicans polled, 36 percent said they now have more confidence in Trump's ability to be president - the largest show of support in the primary field. Only 10 percent said they were less confident in his abilities following the attacks.

He's already considered far and away the candidate Republicans trust most on the economy and immigration. Now he's considered the strongest on terrorism/national security. Moral/social issues aside that's every leg of the GOP stool. And he's seen as the most electable. What's stopping him?
Trump up in Reuters' poll, and viewed as the best Republican to address terrorism:

He's already considered far and away the candidate Republicans trust most on the economy and immigration. Now he's considered the strongest on terrorism/national security. Moral/social issues aside that's every leg of the GOP stool. And he's seen as the most electable. What's stopping him?

If ISIS leads to President Trump, then the terrorists have won more dramatically than they ever dreamed possible.


I think Clinton or some Democratic SuperPACs need to pull a McCaskill and run ads about how conservative Trump is, and how scary he would be to Democrats in the general.
Lemme put it this way, here's Trump plan for Syria: "In Syria, take a big swatch of land ... build a big beautiful safe zone"

It's gonna be a blowout of legendary proportions. .

The frontrunner of one of the two parties vying to be President actually said this. Good lord.

Sadly, many people will think it's a good idea, too.

He's already considered far and away the candidate Republicans trust most on the economy and immigration. Now he's considered the strongest on terrorism/national security. Moral/social issues aside that's every leg of the GOP stool. And he's seen as the most electable. What's stopping him?

I think this is the question we have to ask ourselves. What would it have to look like for Trump to lose the election?

The only...and I mean only, plausible responses I've seen is a brokered convention where the establishment has enough combined to out-delegate him if they all go to one person OR he ends up head to head with somebody.

I don't think there's anything he's going to do to make him less popular. The notion that the base will "come to their senses" is completely wrong because their personal media is pushing him and they live in a bubble where they really think Trump is fit to be President.

Whatever dynamics have to change, it won't be because of something he or his supporters do. It'll be outside his control. And that becomes less and less likely by the day.
The true test comes when, or should I say if, we get a 2 or 3 man race. Right now we're doing a lot of hypothetical math but I think the reality of having a true establishment candidate that the entire powers that be rally behind will be a different beast.
The true test comes when, or should I say if, we get a 2 or 3 man race. Right now we're doing a lot of hypothetical math but I think the reality of having a true establishment candidate that the entire powers that be rally behind will be a different beast.

Which is my point. It's not a 2 or 3 man race and there's no indication it will be any time soon.

And by the time that might happen, it might be too late.

This is why I want Jeb! staying in til Super Tuesday. And Cruz. And Carson. If those 3 don't go anywhere, and Rubio would most likely still be around, it'll be hard to justify a Trump loss.

Also, I am not sold on a brokered convention. if Trump has 40% of the delegates and the "establishment" takes 5 candidates to create 1 non-Trump, the base is going to be livid and will depress numbers so that's probably not really feasible.


aka andydumi
The frontrunner of one of the two parties vying to be President actually said this. Good lord.

Sadly, many people will think it's a good idea, too.

I think his underlying message, help build up the region and help keep it safe is not wholly wrong. Just the way he phrases it as if he's building a "resort for the good guys" is crazy.


Also, I am not sold on a brokered convention. if Trump has 40% of the delegates and the "establishment" takes 5 candidates to create 1 non-Trump, the base is going to be livid and will depress numbers so that's probably not really feasible.

Hell if that happens I fully expect a third party run.


No Scrubs
Which is my point. It's not a 2 or 3 man race and there's no indication it will be any time soon.

And by the time that might happen, it might be too late.

This is why I want Jeb! staying in til Super Tuesday. And Cruz. And Carson. If those 3 don't go anywhere, and Rubio would most likely still be around, it'll be hard to justify a Trump loss.

Also, I am not sold on a brokered convention. if Trump has 40% of the delegates and the "establishment" takes 5 candidates to create 1 non-Trump, the base is going to be livid and will depress numbers so that's probably not really feasible.

If they force Trump out at the convention they have to know it will result in a third-party run. The only way to avoid it is for Trump to actually lose this thing, but that's not looking likely at all.
People vastly overestimate the willingness of parties to fracture and destroy their own coalitions and bases to screw over candidates at a convention.


Trump's voters already feel disenfranchised by the establishment. If they pull some convention bullshit there will be balls out civil war in the GOP. Hillary will win in a landslide the likes of which Democrats haven't seen in generations, and Trump will have indirectly Made America Great Again.


God, now my state has joined the procession of embarrassments calling to stop accepting Syrian refugees. Fucking Hogan.


Professional Schmuck
Hillary's Wall Street donations comments are troublesome for three reasons, neither of which have anything to do with Sanders:

-- One, she dismissed them completely as if Wall Street wasn't at the heart of the economic collapse from which we have only barely recovered.

-- Two, her positions IRT Wall Street certainly leave some worried about it happening again.

-- Three, her dismissal under the cloak of 9/11 felt so much like Cheney / Bush / Giuliani that I'm certain it makes her supporters and her left flank queasy AS FUCK.

I don't think the comments stick, no -- esp. when Giuliani's retort days later (on Hardball) on the same question is "well I'm Republican, of course they support me!" immunizes her from that attack. But I do think she needs a better answer.


I continue to be amazed at how little traction Rubio is getting. He is less than one percent ahead of Jeb.

I'm definitely jumping the gun, but I can't help but think a bunch of Gaffers are gonna be upset when in a few months, he's not a big force in the race anymore. The fact that a plurality of people who put their name down in the contest ended up picking him would look pretty funny if it were to happen. I'd expect a lot of "how did so many people seriously pick him!?" And "he was the front runner at the time!"
What's to investigate? They think she is better for unions, plain and simple. Not everyone sees Bernie the way you do.

Sorry to disappoint, if you hoped to discourage me from researching why Hillary has won so many union endorsements, and as I suspected, the endorsements come from the union management and not its members!

After the 520k strong United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America (UBC) union endorsed Hillary, back in September, here's what one of its member had to say, in his petition to get the management to reverse its decision:

Please sign the petition below to demand that Carpenters' General President Douglas J. McCarron and the rest of the General Executive Board withdraw their top-down endorsement for Hillary Clinton and set up a democratic and transparent process to poll the membership and provide meaningful input about any UBC endorsement for President of the United States.

And, what about 570k strong International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), who endorsed Hillary back in August, long before the debates etc, which resulted in outrage from some of its members:

"Awful choice! I'm with Bernie," wrote one person claiming to be a member on the union's Facebook page. "What a sham! Not in the least bit democratic ... -- only 1700 out of 500,000 members is not a majority. ... At monthly meetings, members talk about the real voice of labor (Bernie Sanders) who BTW is beating her in the CNN [poll] after every meeting. You guys need to wake up and listen to your members," wrote another

Like Bernie, I'm for unions, but not when the management takes their members for granted, doesn't act democratically, and possibly acts against the best interests of its members!


No Scrubs
I continue to be amazed at how little traction Rubio is getting. He is less than one percent ahead of Jeb.

He's not running to win, when he got in it was to raise his profile for next time and an actual run. Rubio's campaign never expected to be the establishment hope so they never planned this far ahead and it shows.
Daniel B·;185840549 said:
Sorry to disappoint, if you hoped to discourage me from researching why Hillary has won so many union endorsements, and as I suspected, the endorsements come from the union management and not its members!

After the 520k strong United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America (UBC) union endorsed Hillary, back in September, here's what one of its member had to say, in his petition to get the management to reverse its decision:

And, what about 570k strong International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), who endorsed Hillary back in August, long before the debates etc, which resulted in outrage from some of its members:

Like Bernie, I'm for unions, but not when the management takes their members for granted, doesn't act democratically, and possibly acts against the best interests of its members!

So, any evidence that the union membership would vary significantly from general polling? I'm all for democratic process, but I'm not convinced the result would differ.


He's not running to win, when he got in it was to raise his profile for next time and an actual run. Rubio's campaign never expected to be the establishment hope so they never planned this far ahead and it shows.
Why not? He loses his senate seat. I think he was running for VP.


No Scrubs
Why not? He loses his senate seat. I think he was running for VP.

VP is also a possibility, his campaign just never seemed like they were serious about winning to me. It was either for VP, like you point out, or to raise his profile for down the line.
Where have all of the reasonable Republicans gone?

A lot of them don't support trump, perhaps the more moderate republicans aren't that much into the primaries now. The only real candidates that are establishment-like and has a chance of winning are Rubio and Jeb. Those two have many bad issues with their own campaigns and with themselves. So they aren't anyone good that's running.
So, any evidence that the union membership would vary significantly from general polling? I'm all for democratic process, but I'm not convinced the result would differ.

What, apart from the petition and the outrage?

The good news is that although the union management, and superdelegates, may well endorse Hillary, the millions upon millions of union members are still free to vote for Bernie in the primaries :).
Daniel B·;185843630 said:
What, apart from the petition and the outrage?

The good news is that although the union management, and superdelegates, may well endorse Hillary, the millions upon millions of union members are still free to vote for Bernie in the primaries :).

but they'll vote hillary at a higher percentage, so it won't matter.
As part of a broad national security plan to defeat ISIS, Republican Presidential candidate John Kasich proposed creating a new government agency to push Judeo-Christian values around the world.

The new agency, which he hasn't yet named, would promote a Jewish- and Christian-based belief system to four regions of the world: China, Iran, Russia and the Middle East.

"We need to beam messages around the world" about the freedoms Americans enjoy, Kasich said in an interview with NBC News Tuesday.

He defended creating a new government agency at a time when fellow Republican presidential candidates discuss eliminating government agencies to making the government smaller.

The GOP becoming more and more like ISIS II by the day.

PS: This Ben Carson stuff makes no much sense. I'm not joking when I say idiot savant.
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