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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
You've bought into the fig leaf by and large---many will (loudly) talk up a good game on it, but the whole thing is just a deflection based on dominion of women especially in terms of sex (rights). They are trying to pass of their smug sanctimonious dominionist streak that has never managed to let go of the tired old notion of women being chattel as righteous indignation to deflect away reasonable critique and dogwhistle it up.

Think it through: If the lot of them were Truly So Damn Opposed to Abortion, they'd be working tirelessly 24/7 to address all the root contributing causes like poor pre-natal care, lack of proper sex education, lack of easily available of contraception, the existence of the poor and homeless, domestic abuse, communal abuse (ie: religious groups forcing their norms on the young), rape, and on and on it goes.

Absolutely---you've never seen any of that stuff happen in concert, despite it being plainly the best ways to attack from all manner of angles in terms of minimizing the impetus for the procedure. Mysteriously though, instead, all these decades, been a heap of violence, arson, bombings, murders, etc...hmm...

I dunno, I mean, I think this is a pretty cynical view. Obviously a lot of the holy rollers on this issue have inconsistent viewpoints, but I think reason the issue remains so divisive-- perhaps really the only remaining 50/50 social wedge issue left-- is because lots of people do genuinely believe it is the murder of a defenseless human being (regardless of what you think).

Frankly, I hate human beings, so it doesn't bother me. But it's not like this is gay marriage where I think basically everybody opposed needed to go fuck off.


Unconfirmed Member
It funds my research :-(

I'm working for them in helping them process reports from the energy companies. I suppose some of those reports could be consolidated under the Environmental Protection Agency, but republicans want to get rid of that too.

Maybe the department of defense can help defend the citizens from corporations ruining their environment?
I dunno, I mean, I think this is a pretty cynical view. Obviously a lot of the holy rollers on this issue have inconsistent viewpoints, but I think reason the issue remains so divisive-- perhaps really the only remaining 50/50 social wedge issue left-- is because lots of people do genuinely believe it is the murder of a defenseless human being (regardless of what you think).

Frankly, I hate human beings, so it doesn't bother me. But it's not like this is gay marriage where I think basically everybody opposed needed to go fuck off.
Yeah this. I would like to add that there is also a nugget of "personal responsibility" thrown in there but of course sugarcoated in republican meme: Irresponsible boys and girls keep having sex and kill their unwanted babies in a baby killing factory. It probably never happens much or at all (much like the welfare queen meme), but it warrants enough emotional response just because it's plausible with the laws in place. I actually do agree that people absolutely need to be responsible and understand what unprotected sex can lead to. I also think that abortion should be readily available, but also treated as a last resort. Teen pregnancies are a problem in our country. Abstinence is a nice theory but fails in practice. We need more sex education, awareness and access to contraceptives and prevention.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Words are so 20th century.

It's the GOP debate, so he might get a cameo.

A cameo? Halfway through the Bern is going to burst on stage flanked by Killer Mike and a converted Shillary Standers to lay some sense into the GOP.


Fiorina looked way older during her Senate run




"guys, who the fuck cares about volcanoes?"

*volcano explodes*

"guys, let's ban refugees because we might get shot!"

*native born citizen kills people*

next time the GOP says something people should take it as a safety warning
Public records reviewed by BuzzFeed News indicate Robert Lewis Dear Jr. has been investigated as many as nine times in North and South Carolina, including two misdemeanors for cruelty to animals (for which he was found not guilty during a bench trial) and for being a peeping tom (which was dismissed at a preliminary hearing).

In 1997, Dear was interviewed by police in Walterboro, South Carolina, after his wife alleged he hit her and pushed her out of window, resulting in a minor injury, according to a police report. “The victim wanted something on record of this incident occurring. The victim does not wish to file any charges at this time,” the report by the Colleton County Sheriff’s Office read.

In May 2002, Dear was investigated in Walterboro for “making unwanted advancements,” while on Memorial Day weekend in 2001 a couple told police they noticed Dear lurking in the bushes by their house

Douglas Moore was working in the yard with his son in Walterboro down a driveway marked with an American flag and a “rebel flag,” according to the police report from November 1, 2002. “A shot was fired from the residence next to his and Douglas’ dog yelped out loud and ran over to him,” the report read. “Douglas checked his dog and found a small wound on the right side of the dog,” which had apparently been shot with a pellet gun. Dear allegedly denied shooting the dog but said Douglas “was lucky that it was only a pellet that hit the dog and not a bigger round,” the report read.

On September 27, 2005, Deputy Buchanan took a report from victim Douglas Moore, who told police that Dear called him on September 24 and told him he was going to do bodily harm because he thought Moore pushed his motorcycle over on the ground.


Good to know that wife beaters and people that engage in animal cruelty can so easily get firearms.


Good stuff. So...why do high profile Republicans want to get rid of it? This is the agency Rick Perry oopsed. I'm assuming Ted Cruz and gang are not supervillains. Is nuclear weapon and reactor development a free market issue?

I'm guessing they want to move nuclear weapons to Defense and get rid of everything else. The Department of Energy is responsible for a lot of research into green power. If you don't believe in saving the planet, that's just meddling with the free market.


Bro, we want Kasich to stay in at least until New Hampshire. The more establishment candidates there are at NH, the better Trump's chances.
That's my thinking.

Kasich, Christie, Paul, Rubio, Bush, Fiorina - in until at least New Hampshire
Bush, Rubio - in until Florida

I think that's about the best we can hope for as far as drop-out timing is related to dividing the antiTrump vote.

If we get:
Iowa: Cruz/other
New Hampshire: Trump
South Carolina: Trump
Nevada: Trump

He'd be in miiiiighty fine shape going into Super Tuesday.
Cruz is less electable than Trump and would probably lead to fewer hate crimes than Trump while being in a general election, there's no reason to want Trump to be nominated over Cruz.

Also, why is Jeb! climbing on Predictwise? He hasn't been in the news for like a month and his favorables are still pure trash.


I don't agree that Cruz is less electable. He's a sitting Senator, so he's viewed as a little more serious, and Hispanics don't hate him quite as much as Trump.
I don't agree that Cruz is less electable. He's a sitting Senator, so he's viewed as a little more serious, and Hispanics don't hate him quite as much as Trump.

There is a zero percent chance someone preaching for a VAT to pay for tax cuts for the rich and a person who hates gay people as much as Cruz will be elected in 2016 America. Trump and Rubio would at least cut taxes for the middle class and poor (while cutting their benefits and exploding the debt too), but Cruz is talking about raising taxes on the middle class and poor and the elderly in particular (which is suicidal politically). He'll be dead on impact.

Not to mention that Cruz is super pro-wall and super anti-amnesty also...


Cruz is less electable than Trump and would probably lead to fewer hate crimes than Trump while being in a general election, there's no reason to want Trump to be nominated over Cruz.
I agree. He (Cruz) has the money and reportedly has a good organization.. I'm waiting to see if his numbers bloom in any of the early states. Iowa is ripe, but after that, he needs a path forward.

And I've been warning for a while that things are going to get absolutely ugly if Hillary or any Democrat wins next year. This latest attack is a taste.

(And on the topic of electability, the only reason I give Trump the nod over Cruz is because he seems like a wild card. Comparing the electability of the two seems like it's a really tight contest)


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
You've bought into the fig leaf by and large---many will (loudly) talk up a good game on it, but the whole thing is just a deflection based on dominion of women especially in terms of sex (rights). They are trying to pass of their smug sanctimonious dominionist streak that has never managed to let go of the tired old notion of women being chattel as righteous indignation to deflect away reasonable critique and dogwhistle it up.

Think it through: If the lot of them were Truly So Damn Opposed to Abortion, they'd be working tirelessly 24/7 to address all the root contributing causes like poor pre-natal care, lack of proper sex education, lack of easily available of contraception, the existence of the poor and homeless, domestic abuse, communal abuse (ie: religious groups forcing their norms on the young), rape, and on and on it goes.

Absolutely---you've never seen any of that stuff happen in concert, despite it being plainly the best ways to attack from all manner of angles in terms of minimizing the impetus for the procedure. Mysteriously though, instead, all these decades, been a heap of violence, arson, bombings, murders, etc...hmm...
The only problem with this...is that what about women that are against Abortion...


This is semantics, and nothing more
You've bought into the fig leaf by and large---many will (loudly) talk up a good game on it, but the whole thing is just a deflection based on dominion of women especially in terms of sex (rights). They are trying to pass of their smug sanctimonious dominionist streak that has never managed to let go of the tired old notion of women being chattel as righteous indignation to deflect away reasonable critique and dogwhistle it up.

Think it through: If the lot of them were Truly So Damn Opposed to Abortion, they'd be working tirelessly 24/7 to address all the root contributing causes like poor pre-natal care, lack of proper sex education, lack of easily available of contraception, the existence of the poor and homeless, domestic abuse, communal abuse (ie: religious groups forcing their norms on the young), rape, and on and on it goes.

Absolutely---you've never seen any of that stuff happen in concert, despite it being plainly the best ways to attack from all manner of angles in terms of minimizing the impetus for the procedure. Mysteriously though, instead, all these decades, been a heap of violence, arson, bombings, murders, etc...hmm...

Interlocutor: "Hey, what's the best way to stop murder?"

You: "Sex education or whatever. Definitely not banning murder."

You're wrongly conflating your beliefs about how to prevent abortion with pro-life individuals' beliefs about how to prevent abortion. I can do the same thing about the purported liberal opposition to poverty: if liberals were truly so opposed to poverty, they'd be working 24/7 to address its root causes, like stifling government regulations that make it hard to open a new business, absurd licensing requirements that make it virtually impossible for the poor to turn real-world skills into gainful employment, minimum wage laws that price unskilled workers out of the market, generous government handouts that disincentivize work, a culture that forswears shaming even for laziness, and so on. No, liberals aren't opposed to poverty--they're just in favor of government power over society!

This kind of rhetoric is no doubt part of the reason our politics are so polarized in this country. Rather than interact with the other side to determine what they believe and why they reject your preferred policies (if they do), you'd rather use your own policy preferences to berate everyone who disagrees with you to an audience that you expect will largely agree with you.

Also, your "religious instruction is child abuse" deserves little more than mockery, so consider this sentence that.

User 406

Sea Manky and Mrs. Manky, what?

It's called marriage, and along with our kid, it's what makes us boring.

"I have a great relationship with the blacks, I love them, they love me, they're terrific, I got all these endorsements, some of my best endorsements were blacks, some of them were too lazy to show up, sure, but they're mostly endorsing me, they're the good ones, they don't need to be roughed up."
Ben Carson is currently travelling to Jordan on "fact finding and information gathering mission" touring Syrian refugee camps to better understand their situation first hand.

"I want to hear some of their stories, I want to hear from some of the officials what their perspective is. All of that is extraordinarily useful in terms of formulating an opinion of how to actually solve the problem."

Surely after seeing the actual faces and hearing stories of the refugee crisis he would change his mind about accepting these people in the US.

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson said Saturday, after visiting a camp for Syrian refugees, that the displaced should be absorbed by Middle Eastern countries, with the international community sending aid and "encouragement" to the host nations.

"Syrians have a reputation as very hard working, determined people, which should only enhance the overall economic health of the neighboring Arab countries that accept and integrate them into the general population,"

Oh... guess not. He travelled all that way just to say "not our problem."

Ben Carson is currently travelling to Jordan on "fact finding and information gathering mission" touring Syrian refugee camps to better understand their situation first hand.

Surely after seeing the actual faces and hearing stories of the refugee crisis he would change his mind about accepting these people in the US.

Oh... guess not. He travelled all that way just to say "not our problem."


Well, I mean, ideally, he'd be right. The surrounding countries are much better equipped to absorb them with a minimum of cultural strife, and we should be making efforts to get them to.

However, since they're not, we still need to take them. He's like this close to a reasonable position on the issue.

Worth noting that, from what I understand, most of the surrounding countries turning away displaced Palestinians when the state of Israel was formed is a big part of the reason why that area's such a hellhole.
Interlocutor: "Hey, what's the best way to stop murder?"

You: "Sex education or whatever. Definitely not banning murder."

This coming from the party that says "laws/banning things don't work" regarding regulating murder weapons is the richest shit I've read in this thread from non-Bernie stans in a minute.

Why is it that Republican think that the only thing that can't be successfully banned is guns? Seriously, why. They think drugs, abortion, gambling, sex work, etc can all be banned, but guns are literally the only thing that the government cannot successfully regulate.
Interlocutor: "Hey, what's the best way to stop murder?"

You: "Sex education or whatever. Definitely not banning murder."

The fact that many people push for only one, and ignore or oppose the other, does show that for these people there is an interest or belief that is taking precedence over their purported belief of stopping murder. If reducing murder was their goal, then banning and sex education would be top priorities. When people don't advocate both, they show that really they care more about enforcing their narrow and burdensome religious on others. Some people might have a different reason for being hypocrites, but I suspect it is the main reason for it.

The link between sex education and the reduction of "murder" is so clear that they can't claim ignorance of it if they care at all about the subject. Comparing that to the complexities of economics is disingenuous. It is entirely possible that a well structured welfare system could leave the poor better off than a laissez faire economic system.

I also find it hypocritical that these conservatives are the same ones that say just adding laws to the books for guns will just push guns into the black market. Well, that's mostly true! Except these same people don't recognize that just adding laws to ban abortion will just push a portion of it onto the black market. Instead of just hurting supply they could alleviate the demand for abortions, but that isn't their focus.

So, really, the poster you replied to is right that a portion of pro-lifers are hypocrites and don't have saving babies lives at heart. Some do hold genuine views however, and I respect those that do.

EDIT: ItWasMeantToBe stealing my arguments! :p
Y2Kev: Had I been more awake at the time, I'd have done well to add in a qualifier: Mainly, my point is centered on the people/legislators Proactively Up in Arms on the issue---folks that are, well, casually in the general groove on "Hey, living kids and new life getting a crack at things are good and cool" are also known as normal folks going about their lives peacefully. As with most, there are those that would take them for a ride and lead them down a more severe path from there---muddling and corrupting those good general notions towards their own ends. I'm not aware of anybody that is "Pro-Abortion" so much as those that understand it is a risky medical thing that happens as opposed to some sort of recreational lark or sinister sadism---only ever really seen the term used as a bludgeon by the "Pro-Life" crowd as a pre-emptive framing measure as most of them fall apart if approached on misc "Anti-Life" issues versus the modern "Choice" framing...like kids already born, death penalty, etc.

Interlocutor: "Hey, what's the best way to stop murder?"

You: "Sex education or whatever. Definitely not banning murder."

You're wrongly conflating your beliefs about how to prevent abortion with pro-life individuals' beliefs about how to prevent abortion. I can do the same thing about the purported liberal opposition to poverty: if liberals were truly so opposed to poverty, they'd be working 24/7 to address its root causes, like stifling government regulations that make it hard to open a new business, absurd licensing requirements that make it virtually impossible for the poor to turn real-world skills into gainful employment, minimum wage laws that price unskilled workers out of the market, generous government handouts that disincentivize work, a culture that forswears shaming even for laziness, and so on. No, liberals aren't opposed to poverty--they're just in favor of government power over society!

This kind of rhetoric is no doubt part of the reason our politics are so polarized in this country. Rather than interact with the other side to determine what they believe and why they reject your preferred policies (if they do), you'd rather use your own policy preferences to berate everyone who disagrees with you to an audience that you expect will largely agree with you.

Also, your "religious instruction is child abuse" deserves little more than mockery, so consider this sentence that.

This on the other hand: Holy shit that's a lot of agenda setting and putting words in my mouth as if I'd launched into a baseless personal attack on you! I know I don't post in here as often as I used to and am generally an outlier, but jeez come on now.

-First point: Wrong and suspect kind of imaginative---don't believe I said a word about banning abortion? As if making it illegal now would auto-magically solve everything when it hasn't for well beyond recorded history in every place that has done so? Such a weak reduction to "education or whatever" to boot.

Abortion is risky business at the current state of modern medicine, but what is absolutely riskier by far is some shady back alley "provider" or D.I.Y. nonsense---the sum of it just "make it super illegal, case closed" is death and tremendous suffering, both absolutely needless and it takes a craven and callous mind to be okay with such a statistical damnation of women in general.

Attacking the myriad and societal root motivators of abortion is the only way to tremendously reduce the practice from being sought or carried out---everything else put forth has absolutely failed because it is engaged in a fantasy land of denial and vested interests otherwise.

Point 2: ...Um, both the "liberal" and "conservative" wings in the spectrum here in the US have been abject failure on eradicating poverty? Both should be working tirelessly for it/shouldn't have emboldened policies that exacerbate it for the last several decades, but it isn't quite the same sort of scenario on hand as if there were folks Worked Up About It the wrong way blowing up homeless shelters and food banks. Welcome to a highly disappointing America that has continued to fail to live up to the inherent potential for the good of the common public from the most vulnerable on up? You seem to think I'm something/somewhere else maybe?

Our politics are so polarized, due in large part to the already troubling reductionist notion of The 2 Sides being a thing, mainly on account of each side's more powerful and active folks actually being relatively OK with the Status Quo for various, oft compartmentalized reasons or are stuck in paralysis faced with the towering mass of problems that've been heaped up for decades now while they await for winds on a weathervane to serve as an appeal to authority to make it all better. In this particular case, the "Pro-Life" side has pretty much consistently won out big time outside of not yet wiping Roe v Wade---both the general discourse and reactions to their catalytic events pretty much favor them to keep on with the Sisyphean routine, be an ever-useful voting bloc upon some magic words, and never really get any serious consequences heaped upon them beyond each lone-nut-in-a-vacuum sometimes getting caught/arrested and such. Lots of money and influence in the anti-abortion movement alongside all that emotional investment/exploitation makes for some sweet ass sunk cost misadventure.

Final point: Oh. Well, the part where you say I said "religious instruction is child abuse" isn't the same thing at all as when I actually said "religious groups forcing their norms on the young". My, what I thought was a clearly branching point amidst the various other examples, was aimed squarely at those groups that have a penchant for the whole women as chattel thing and lean towards starting with the young flesh on that abusive nonsense. Informed consent is a hard thing to pull off when being tinkered with from the more cult'ish types from a young age and all---and even that aside, girls/women fearing physical reprisal from acting out from their Faith is absolutely a thing, be it any of the Abrahamic faiths in general or otherwise.

I guess I could've included parts in addition to "forcing norms on the young" that more explicitly got into "voiding critical societal mores as it relates to human health and sexuality"?

So yeah, mockery wise isn't amounting to much near as I can see it. Sorry for not elaborating further?


Is Matt Walsh the worst person on the internet?

Not possible for a left wing feminist to get married & stay married for a long time. Feminism & marriage don't mix

If even a sizable minority of pro-lifers were violent, there would be clinic bombings every week. Our peacefulness is established and proven

They are ghouls and they do kill babies. Just because I say it doesn't make me responsible for this man's actions

Yes, this is a perfectly appropriate time to point out that Planned Parenthood is a demonic cartel of bloodthirsty butchers.

Liberals accuse us of celebrating the Planned Parenthood attack, yet all I'm seeing are liberals using it to raise money. Despicable.

Also, this one is the best:

My mom was a hippy weirdo who made sure I was homeschooled so I have no idea if anger management is part of the standard high school curriculum, but it seems like it desperately should be. American men have no idea what to do with their anger with how many times we just assault and shoot people.

Conservative bloggers should just scream: "God is Great!" instead of being one degree away from celebrating the attack. Go ahead and do it already.
2 million people die every year from AIDS in Africa in large part because Christians think that condoms are wrong.

You can't tell me that the anti-sex police are pro-life in the slightest when they are causing so much death in the world.


I see the moderate stance on abortion as similar to the moderate stance on gun control: in a perfect world, we wouldn't have a need for either. But this is not a perfect world, and these measures are necessary to minimize harm. A flat ban wouldn't work, and would just drive people to illegal and unsafe sources with usually tragic results. Of course, regulation is necessary to maximize safety - procedural regulation and doctor certification is analogous to regulations on guns and required strict licensing protocol. Some degree of psychological testing for mental stability should be present in both, and in neither case will "but a person who wants a gun/abortion is mentally unstable by definition" fly (although gun control psychological testing will be more rigorous due to the more lives put in danger).

This isn't an exact analogy because the two situations are different and this require different approaches, but I see this as the general paradigm. I would say gun control should be stricter because it puts far more people in danger, whilst scientifically abortion is a personal choice rooted in an understanding of biology.
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