Wouldn't vote in the top 5 tied with Jeb. Gawd dayumn.
Trump fell 10 points in Reuters poll. Slightrebounddead cat bounce for Carson.
Maybe making fun of a disabled person was the one step too far.
Still think that if it isn't Trump, everyone unites behind Rubio. Cruz is way too crazy for a general election.
That just happened. I don't think it's reflected in the polls.Maybe making fun of a disabled person was the one step too far.
If Cruz wins, does he put Trump on as a Palin-esque VP?
Trump would not be a vice president because a vice president is a loser, a loser who lost. Trump does not lose, Trump has no history of losing, and Trump doesn't recognise losers like vice presidents.
Trump could spin it as him getting elected to the Senate instead, "Why would I want a loser office that can't get anything done? All the real power is in Congress and with my legendary ability to make deals I'll get more done anyway." He would get a Senate vote as VP, don't forget.
Maybe making fun of a disabled person was the one step too far.
Trump would never got a Senate vote as a Vice President, and you know why that is? Because the Vice President only votes for a tie, and a tie is the thing, the exact thing, that would never happen to Trump - and that's because Trump is a winner.
I'm trying to picture who is in the electorate that is fine with calling Mexicans rapists, calling McCain not a war hero and overtly fascist positions but draws the line with making fun of disabled people.
To be fair, it seems that Ben Carson voters were totally cool with "Obamacare the worst since slavery" but were kind of freaked out by "The pyramids were used to store grain" and "I definitely attacked my mother with a hammer."
I think it's more that Trump's line is returning to normalcy. Not ~40% of the GOP electorate but around 30%.
I think it's more that Trump's line is returning to normalcy. Not ~40% of the GOP electorate but around 30%.
Maybe he'll bounce up to 50% after Christmas if he takes a shit on a black Santa. ¯_(ツThis is my guess, but we still can't rule out the holiday futzing with the numbers.
CJ Pearson told CNN on Friday that concerns about the Republican Party's viewpoints on racial and gender disparity as well as youth issues convinced him he could no longer be a mouthpiece for conservatism.
"I was tired of being a champion of a party that turned a blind eye to racial discrimination. Tired of being a champion of any cause that denies equal rights to every American. Tired of being a champion of a party that doesn't care about the issues important to young people," Pearson wrote in an email.
Sure, we are hypocrites. It does not follow that our values are wrong or that we should not promote them. On the contrary, moral hypocrisies should make us want to convey them even more vigorously, among ourselves and others. I do not see how our hypocritical foreign realpolitik changes that stance. Especially since we are not complete hypocrites. Obviously, life in a Western society is more peaceful and civilized than in other parts of the world which do not accept freedom of expression, speech, or religion. And we have implemented the societies that are most tolerant of diversity, probably, in the history of the human species. (I recommend this book for evidence for this claim. It's a very interessting read)
Why do you keep referring to ideas like freedom of religion, expression, and speech as "our values" as if they weren't also featured in or derived from Eastern civilizations with a different balance of church and state?
Really puts the death of conservative intellectualism in perspective. Jeez, this is just lazy Palin-esque trolling.
Color me utterly unsurprisedKid that pretended that Obama blocked him on Twitter and was used by Cruz's campaign as a tool to pretend they have youth and black support is no longer supporting Republicans:
It's fascinating to watch Planned Parenthood officials pretend to care about human life.
Also, why does every hardcore conservative have dog pictures all over their social media shit...
Probably related to the reason why it's nearly always people with anime avatars that have the most conservative opinions.
This is also in relation to your earlier post, but is this why you think she's less electable? The enthusiasm factor.Quite an interesting article about how Clinton's enthusiasm gap with union employees could lead to a lack of ground troops:
Matt Walsh mocks cops being shot and possibly killed by responding to Planned Parenthood condemning this terror attack like this:
we really haven't had a lot to be happy about since 1996. why don't you pick on an orphan nextNintendo fans. Just sayin'.
Trump fell 10 points in Reuters poll. Slightrebounddead cat bounce for Carson.
He fell 10 points? I thought 30ish was here he was always at? I don't recall him ever getting up to the 40s.
He fell 10 points? I thought 30ish was here he was always at? I don't recall him ever getting up to the 40s.
They had him up in the 40's after Paris, the drop is likely either a correction or the holiday messing with response rates.
Going by the Carson bump, I'm going to guess the latter.
More importantly. Why is Ben Carson a Surgeon and an Author while Trump is just a Businessman. Has Reuters never read the second most important book in Western history? The Art of the Deal?