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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
no, this observation has been made many times on GAF alone, you probably know what threads are the usual suspects

People often insinuate anime avatars are creepy, but being rightwing is a new one on me.
Wow. I didn't think you could be serious but you went ahead and doubled down. Well then...

Arizona Senator John McCain (R) defended his support for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), by arguing that cheap goods and services are more important than protecting American workers or businesses. During the interview, McCain took a hard line free trade over fair trade stance. He defended past trade deals like NAFTA saying only “hardcore union spokespersons” are still against that deal.


In this week’s Republican video address, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)41% touted the importance of passing the so-called Trans-Pacific Partnership and attack his Democratic colleagues for not supporting the legislation, which has the backing of Republicans and President Barack Obama.


I welcome news that the United States and 11 other nations have concluded negotiations over the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the largest regional trade agreement in history. The TPP offers a historic opportunity to reduce trade barriers, open new markets, promote made-in-America exports, and keep American companies competitive in one of the most economically vibrant and fastest-growing regions in the world.

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.): "By ending more than 18,000 import tariffs and removing additional trade barriers, the TPP will strengthen the American workforce [???] and make our economy more competitive and prosperous."


You'll have to forgive my good hearted nature, for incorrectly assuming that John McCain, the Vietnam POW, with the torture and forced labor camps, would not find any trade deal unconscionable, that didn't unequivocally outlaw the import of goods produced under such conditions. I must say, the other day, when I discovered that he voted in 2012 against ending Big Oil & Gas tax breaks, I did start to question my opinion of him.

You do realize though, that by highlighting McCain's staunch support of the TPP trade agreement (significant parts of quotes bolded), that you have, quite effectively, made the case against Obama for me. My advice to Obama, assuming he actually cares about his legacy, given that he has made some good progress with the ACA and the Iran nuclear treaty, is to either dress the gaping sores in the TPP agreement, such as the horribly flawed International Tribunals (unless you're a corporation), or, better yet, allow it to quietly die in the dark recesses of the US government.

You guys are apparently free to sling all the mud at me you like, which is fine, as I am quite happy to continue knocking down the establishment BS, such as pushing the idea that Hillary's large cache of union endorsements is a great win, when in fact, it isn't worth a damn, because it largely comes from the union management and not its members.


Obama and Hillary. They will find a way.

Well if Obummer and the Benghazi Butcher weren't propping PP up with all that federal abortion money, there wouldn't have been any place for the shooter to go. Check and mate libruls.

Ugh, now I feel dirty


I was going through the #PlannedParenthood hashtag and... ANIME AVATARS.




Who will conservatives point the finger at for the PP shooting in Colorado?
This conservative points the the finger at a likely nutcase, hillbilly dumb fuck who doesn't understand the concept of "life" and doesn't respect women's rights to do as they please with their bodies.
Nintendo fans. Just sayin'.
As a Sega fanboy who pretty much moved over to Nintendo I take offense to that.

I believe they did a survey of this once and found no real difference in political opinion among PS, Xbox or Nintendo gamers

More importantly. Why is Ben Carson a Surgeon and an Author while Trump is just a Businessman. Has Reuters never read the second most important book in Western history? The Art of the Deal?
What's the first? Mein Kampf?
ivysaur thats probably a parody account. A wyatt mann is the nom de guerre of a notorious white supremacist cartoonist
"serious political commentary" should have told u that anyway
Going through the celebrations on Twitter:

Planned Parenthood reaffirms it's brave commitment to slaughtering unborn children no matter what.


Yes, this is a perfectly appropriate time to point out that Planned Parenthood is a demonic cartel of bloodthirsty butchers.



GOP contenders are talking about drug abuse, but racial and partisan rifts persist

Several GOP presidential contenders have advocated treating the nation’s growing heroin epidemic as a health crisis, not a criminal one. But most stop short of advocating the same approach to other drug laws, notably those involving marijuana and crack cocaine, which disproportionately affect African Americans.

Such views highlight the resonance and reach of the opiate epidemic — but also a persistent racial and geographic divide in American politics. The heroin epidemic has overwhelmingly hit whites. It has also skyrocketed to the top of voters’ lists of political priorities in the same bands of America — rural states, the suburbs and notably the early voting state of New Hampshire — that track directly with where Republicans must perform well to win back the White House next year.


Unconfirmed Member
I was going through the #PlannedParenthood hashtag and... ANIME AVATARS.



At least this one isn't befouling a good anime.

I've actually subjected myself to the first episodes of Monster Musume and I feel pretty good about letting that one fall to the racists.


Unconfirmed Member
I like to think of myself as a sex positive feminist, so Kill la Kill never bothered me too much, even if the male gaze factor of that sexualization is troublesome.

However, I definitely see how something like Monster Musume as a problem. A simultaneously helpless and savage group of monster girls suffer blatantly hateful discrimination from the "real" racists, and its the job of the "normal" guy to both defend them from the "real" racists while keeping them under control and teaching them how fit into "normal" society. I can definitely see how modern day racists and sexists could attach themselves to an anime like that.
" It has also skyrocketed to the top of voters’ lists of political priorities in the same bands of America"

Citation needed. I'd be surprised if it cracked the Top 10 of the general public's concerns.


I knew Pat Robertson ran for president, but I never thought about how weird that is. The host of the 700 Club ran for president. That isn't much worse than some of the poeple running 30 years later, but damn. Among his campaign promises were a pornography ban and the elimination of the Department of Energy. Everybody wants to get rid of that agency, but I don't even know what it does.

Its responsibilities include the nation's nuclear weapons program, nuclear reactor production for the United States Navy, energy conservation, energy-related research, radioactive waste disposal, and domestic energy production

Wait, wtf? :U


I knew Pat Robertson ran for president, but I never thought about how weird that is. The host of the 700 Club ran for president. That isn't much worse than some of the poeple running 30 years later, but damn. Among his campaign promises were a pornography ban and the elimination of the Department of Energy. Everybody wants to get rid of that agency, but I don't even know what it does.

Wait, wtf? :U

There's a reason Ernest Moniz (Energy Secretary) was part of the Iran negotiations.


I knew Pat Robertson ran for president, but I never thought about how weird that is. The host of the 700 Club ran for president. That isn't much worse than some of the poeple running 30 years later, but damn. Among his campaign promises were a pornography ban and the elimination of the Department of Energy. Everybody wants to get rid of that agency, but I don't even know what it does.

Wait, wtf? :U

American government departments are infamously terribly named and organized. The Department of the Interior, which runs security in every other country, runs national parks and manages natural resources and American land. Unless they're in the ocean or have to do with weather in which case they're managed by the Department of Commerce. Unless there's a weather EMERGENCY, in which case Health and Human Services is responsible for preparedness and response, but Homeland Security is actually responsible for responding. The State Department runs foreign affairs, which in every other country are run by a foreign office or foreign ministry. Housing and Urban Development runs equal employment opportunity (not the Department of Labor) and small business promotion (not the Department of Commerce). And, of course, the Department of Energy is responsible for nuclear weapon development, because it started out as the Atomic Energy Commission and was founded specifically to take it away from the US Army. Plus the Human Genome Project.


American government departments are infamously terribly named and organized. The Department of the Interior, which runs security in every other country, runs national parks and manages natural resources and American land. Unless they're in the ocean or have to do with weather in which case they're managed by the Department of Commerce. Unless there's a weather EMERGENCY, in which case Health and Human Services is responsible for preparedness and response, but Homeland Security is actually responsible for responding. The State Department runs foreign affairs, which in every other country are run by a foreign office or foreign ministry. Housing and Urban Development runs equal employment opportunity (not the Department of Labor) and small business promotion (not the Department of Commerce). And, of course, the Department of Energy is responsible for nuclear weapon development, because it started out as the Atomic Energy Commission and was founded specifically to take it away from the US Army. Plus the Human Genome Project.
Good stuff. So...why do high profile Republicans want to get rid of it? This is the agency Rick Perry oopsed. I'm assuming Ted Cruz and gang are not supervillains. Is nuclear weapon and reactor development a free market issue?

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
As a Sega fanboy who pretty much moved over to Nintendo I take offense to that.

I believe they did a survey of this once and found no real difference in political opinion among PS, Xbox or Nintendo gamers

What they did find that weirded me a little was that gamers were typically much more Conservative and likely to vote Republican than the average for their demographic. That's not been my experience at all, which I guess is why you shouldn't re;y on anecdotal evidence.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Via the NR:

American conservatism is in a dark place.

I don't know. Abortion is the one issue where I can understand the kind of rage that fuels the American right. I don't agree, I think it's horrific to take away a woman's bodily autonomy on account of something which isn't sufficiently developed to be deserving of rights... but that's a very easy position for me to hold, precisely because my (fairly arbitrary) definition of deserving rights is sentience, which typically develops around 24 weeks into development. Rights and who bears them, and the definition of what counts as a living person, are basically just a priori assumptions we settle upon; it's not even necessarily a religious sentiment that would lead one to consider conceptions worthy of rights. If I genuinely considered all conceptions to be the beginning of a new human life, then it logically follows that abortion is killing people, and I'd be pretty deeply upset and angry at the idea of the government not only letting it happen, but participating in it. I don't really know how you square that circle; how do you persuade people of the rightness of allowing the deaths of what they consider people?


I knew Pat Robertson ran for president, but I never thought about how weird that is. The host of the 700 Club ran for president. That isn't much worse than some of the poeple running 30 years later, but damn. Among his campaign promises were a pornography ban and the elimination of the Department of Energy. Everybody wants to get rid of that agency, but I don't even know what it does.
It funds my research :-(
I don't know. Abortion is the one issue where I can understand the kind of rage that fuels the American right. I don't agree, I think it's horrific to take away a woman's bodily autonomy on account of something which isn't sufficiently developed to be deserving of rights... but that's a very easy position for me to hold, precisely because my (fairly arbitrary) definition of deserving rights is sentience, which typically develops around 24 weeks into development. Rights and who bears them, and the definition of what counts as a living person, are basically just a priori assumptions we settle upon; it's not even necessarily a religious sentiment that would lead one to consider conceptions worthy of rights. If I genuinely considered all conceptions to be the beginning of a new human life, then it logically follows that abortion is killing people, and I'd be pretty deeply upset and angry at the idea of the government not only letting it happen, but participating in it. I don't really know how you square that circle; how do you persuade people of the rightness of allowing the deaths of what they consider people?

You've bought into the fig leaf by and large---many will (loudly) talk up a good game on it, but the whole thing is just a deflection based on dominion of women especially in terms of sex (rights). They are trying to pass of their smug sanctimonious dominionist streak that has never managed to let go of the tired old notion of women being chattel as righteous indignation to deflect away reasonable critique and dogwhistle it up.

Think it through: If the lot of them were Truly So Damn Opposed to Abortion, they'd be working tirelessly 24/7 to address all the root contributing causes like poor pre-natal care, lack of proper sex education, lack of easily available of contraception, the existence of the poor and homeless, domestic abuse, communal abuse (ie: religious groups forcing their norms on the young), rape, and on and on it goes.

Absolutely---you've never seen any of that stuff happen in concert, despite it being plainly the best ways to attack from all manner of angles in terms of minimizing the impetus for the procedure. Mysteriously though, instead, all these decades, been a heap of violence, arson, bombings, murders, etc...hmm...

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I don't think that's true. Or rather, I think it's true of quite a lot of the politicians, because they know what wins votes because they know fear usually motivates more than hope and it is easier to get people to fear abortion than hope for e.g. pre-natal social care, but I don't think it is true of the majority of the Republican voter base.

East Lake

Good stuff. So...why do high profile Republicans want to get rid of it? This is the agency Rick Perry oopsed. I'm assuming Ted Cruz and gang are not supervillains. Is nuclear weapon and reactor development a free market issue?
DoE actively funds and researches clean energy.

Cruz is a psychopath but I imagine he'd gut the clean energy initiatives and call the stuff he likes by another name.
Good stuff. So...why do high profile Republicans want to get rid of it? This is the agency Rick Perry oopsed. I'm assuming Ted Cruz and gang are not supervillains. Is nuclear weapon and reactor development a free market issue?

Probably because they don't know anything about them , posturing, or they think government is too big, etc
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