Macho Madness
More bad news for Walker:
That Bernie quote makes him sound crazy. He can't explain why he would be able to get any of his policies passed because he won't be able too. Are we really supposed to believe out of nowhere congress will support even more liberal policies than they did during this administration because some guy who doesn't even have the charisma of someone like Obama said so?
More bad news for Walker:
Thanks, Aaron. Always knew you were a cool guy!Just so you know as a huge Disney aficionado I support your avatar choice
Can't believe I thought Walker was the most dangerous candidate 2 months ago. Glad I'm wrong on this one, you can suck on it Kochs!More bad news for Walker:
We do know!
Democrats need to win the national House vote by approximately 7% to win the House. That's how many votes you need for a political revolution.
Again, there's already an existing method for convincing politicians to enact your policies by demonstrating your popular support. That method is called an election. It's not like the GOP will enact Democratic policies in exchange for Democrats not trying to get them out of office. We're always trying to get them out of office! That's literally all we do! So either we remove them from office, or they know that we don't have the power to remove them from office. In which case, why would they change their behavior?
Yeah seriously. You know what would happen Berns? Boehner would laugh in your face, obstruct all of your proposals and then the Democrats would have their asses handed to them in the midterm election because dissatisfied liberals - who don't understand how Congress works and wonder why you didn't just wave your magic wand and give us free healthcare and education - decided to sit out.
Look I'm voting for him but if he genuinely believes that - as a sitting member of Congress - then that is incredibly naive.
When it comes to moving the GOP out of the way of progress, losing is the only thing that will compel them. They need to lose repeatedly, until they are broken and so scared of losing that they force themselves to adjust/adapt/evolve/triangulate/etc. We can plant 5 million young voters outside on the Mall for weeks, and the GOP is not going to budge.
That Bernie quote makes him sound crazy. He can't explain why he would be able to get any of his policies passed because he won't be able too. Are we really supposed to believe out of nowhere congress will support even more liberal policies than they did during this administration because some guy who doesn't even have the charisma of someone like Obama said so?
That Bernie quote makes him sound crazy. He can't explain why he would be able to get any of his policies passed because he won't be able too. Are we really supposed to believe out of nowhere congress will support even more liberal policies than they did during this administration because some guy who doesn't even have the charisma of someone like Obama said so?
He will have a mandate. Boehner would be resisting the will of the people and the issues he campaigned on.
Just a thought on his mindset. I may be wrong.
You're right, and every day during this process brings me at least one moment where I pause and am amazed at where their party is.the current primary runners being stark evidence to the contrary.
You're right, and every day during this process brings me at least one moment where I pause and am amazed at where their party is.
losing could do the opposite and just compel them to double down like they did to Obama. That debate was just the beginning of the Hillary fanfare that would certainly continue into a Hillary Clinton Administration.
Technically, if they kept that behaviour for the next cycle, it would be a quadruple down.
How much further could the GOP go in their rhetoric/"policies"? I am being totally serious here.
Problem aint that. Were i to venture a guess, i'd say that the mixed signals are hurting them, in much the same way that they hurt democrats.
That is, republicans win midterms by running far right, then try the same approach on presidential elections and get rekt.
either way, the success in one period seems to define the agenda for the next, and the cycle continues.
then you factor those voting habits that yall have of wanting to screw the guy on top by voting to oppose him in midterms and everything becomes whatever.
point his that the feedback loop most likely could sustain their current approach for a long time.
Arguing on semantics does not bolster your argument. In fact, you haven't offered anything to answer the questions I asked. Hot air is not 'talking a lot without meaning'. It's an idiom used to indicate the lack of substance in something. So what is the substance of Bernie's plan? Hot air.
A 'concrete plan' is not "of a particular or exact sort". It's a plan that has detail, is realistic, and is specific. Did Bernie answer anything about what needs to be done to get the volume of voters you need to effect so-called political revolution? No. Did he offer details on how to do it? No. There's nothing specific. It's vague. Even under your own definitions, what he proposes is not specific, it has no details on how it's sustainable for the future (no enthusiasm lasts so long in so many), how effective it would be (it's not), how it will actually be a political revolution (it's not). There is nothing particular or exact about, "We'll just get a bunch of young voters to vote".
Did I say his plan was implausible and naive? I said nothing of that sort. I asked you a bunch of reasonable questions that would be the basis for a grassroots movement to change American government and cultural view. Where are Bernie's answers? What is the concrete plan? You can literally just try to answer me in this format:
Concrete plan to enact policies over four/eight/twelve years:
- The numbers we have now, and the numbers we can expand to
- How resources (manpower) will be distributed across the nation to gain and maintain majority in House/Senate
- How to maintain long-term engagement in politics amongst young voters
- How much funding will be needed for such an effort
- How will you get those voters to enthusiastically vote for candidates that they may have to hold their nose for
- And so on
You couldn't give me even vague details on any of those, you just walked around feeling insulted.
I haven't made any preconceptions about Bernie Sanders, and nothing in my post indicates any such preconceptions. None of those questions are based in "predispositions and assumptions", they're based on informed rationality of what actually makes a grassroots movement. I am asking you, how will this political revolution be done? Answer the question with specifics. Saying "YOU KNOW how exactly" is trying to shift the burden of knowledge on the person who wants to know but doesn't. Where's Bernie's concrete plan?
You replied to a poster earlier, "You're spouting conjecture at this point." Are you not doing the same?
But the massive support he'd need to win the election in the first place isn't that massive.
In terms of winning the primary, Bernie needs a lot of support among Democrats, yes. But to win the general he needs exactly the same support Hillary would need, and exactly the same support Obama needed in 2012.
That support wasn't enough to get control of Congress in 2012. So first, why would it be enough in 2016, and secondly, why would Bernie do BETTER in a general election than Hillary would? Because that's the argument -- if Bernie is better equipped than Hillary to threaten politicians with his support network, he must, definitionally, have more supporters.
I feel like this mandate stuff is the Democratic equivalent of Republican dynamic scoring. Politicians aren't responsive to threats about elections, they're responsive to elections. If we win the White House in 2016 and don't win Congress, why exactly would any Congressperson be worried about losing their seat when we just tried to take their seat and failed?
There are no assumptions. They are augments with evidence that state why his plan doesn't work in this thread and augments that asked how would he do it. If you can't explain your plan on how exactly will you go about it then it is right to criticize it. Sander's plan is basically briganding Boenhar to do what he wants. How exactly that won't go wrong and addition to how he is going to get that much support, including maintaining that support.
Saying he is going to do what he said is similar to saying "I will change this great nation" with slight more detail or more like " I will send ground troops in Syria and Iraq" .
We all know they do. The issue is turnout in midterms, president elections, and get and remain engaged in politics among other things. I don't think young people as a whole are reliable constituents.
So I'm watching a decent interview by Blitzer with Hillary on CNN, she's doing very well. No way she'll fold in the debates, I'm very confident she'll be fine in the end. Can't help but like her despite her perceived image.
I think one thing people need to realize is that local politicians have far more control over what happens in your day-to-day life. But everyone would rather just talk about the presidency.It's really pretty simple. Vote your heart in the primaries. Vote the major party closest to you in the general. Vote for ALL the offices and issues on the ballot. Do your research on the ones you aren't familiar with ahead of time. And vote in every. single. election. Just show up for chrissake.
That's the bare minimum for competent US participatory democracy, and if Bernie could get the kids to start doing it consistently, that would be fabulous. But Obama got them excited as all hell too, and they still didn't show up for midterms. Bernie will do no better, much as we'd like him to.
It's just a structural flaw in Democratic demographics. We have shit turnout in midterms.
I'm really encouraged that she remains this competitive (in the general) after this summer's tone & topic selection of coverage.Been saying this for a while: Hillary is no Bill and no Obama, but she's no Kerry or Gore either. She is, as Obama once said, likeable enough.
Keeping her out of the spotlight for now, while her favorables sink, might actually be a sound strategy. Once she reappears at the debates, the consensus will be that hey, maybe she's not the she-beast the media has made her out to be.
and Russ Feingold beating Ron Johnson 49-37
If FL Dems fuck this up I'm blaming you ErasureAcer
On that calendar chart about Hillary's bad news, what were the good news days about even? I don't recall her having a good news day after she announced.
Harkins endorsementOn that calendar chart about Hillary's bad news, what were the good news days about even? I don't recall her having a good news day after she announced.
Smh at the asshole who said Obama was a Muslim while trying to ask Trump a question. This whole thing is already a clusterfuck.
There's a small part of me that wishes abrasive asshole liberals could still be counted on to win elections (the media's expected level of discourse for liberals seems to be much higher than it is for conservatives i.e. Donald Trump is leading are you serious?) butI don't think they will, but agreed. And fuck Grayson!
That statement release at the end is precious.Walker won the debate!!! CNN HAD AN AGENDA!!!
That statement release at the end is precious.
I'm surprised they could type that with a straight face.
Man, I can't remember a single thing he said. What was the joke?See, but Walker didn't put him in his place. It was a terrible "joke."
Walker won the debate!!! CNN HAD AN AGENDA!!!
They should really stop using the phrase "wreak havoc." I don't think anyone wants to vote for someone who will "wreak havoc" on anything at all.
On isis? Probably more than half the electorate.
They should really stop using the phrase "wreak havoc." I don't think anyone wants to vote for someone who will "wreak havoc" on anything at all.
I would totally vote for Godzilla.
Just sayin'
"when are we going to get rid of 'em?"Smh at the asshole who said Obama was a Muslim while trying to ask Trump a question. This whole thing is already a clusterfuck. Trump's response was predictably lame.
Never took you for a trump supporter.
Trump will maintain his lead over the next few weeks and today's dumb thinkpieces declaring last night the beginning of the end will look even dumber in retrospect.