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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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Deep into his 30th decade
My first vote was for Al Gore, 2000. Though I was a big fan of Clinton from '92 on. The Democratic party has been the 'cool' party since before I can recall.

My first vote went to Nader in 2000. My state was a swing state and went to Bush.

Never ever fucking again will I ever vote for ideology or 3rd party.

I am so so sorry everyone.


My first vote went to Nader in 2000. My state was a swing state and went to Bush.

Never ever fucking again will I ever vote for ideology or 3rd party.

I am so so sorry everyone.
Since we'll apparently never get Bush or Cheney tried for war crimes, I nominate Hilbert to stand trial in their place.

Sorry bro.


My first vote: Kerry.


Honestly, Jeb is tanking but you cannot blame Trump that much. He did it to himself by running a lazy and uninspired campaign thus far.


This is semantics, and nothing more
What the fuck was Carly talking about the alive fetus on the table in a PP video, as people were discussing harvesting its brain? I havent seen any leaked PP videos so far. Is it true?

Here's what CNN said about it:

CNN said:
Fact check: Carly Fiorina says a Planned Parenthood video shows a "fully formed fetus on the table, with its heart beating, its legs kicking."

Carly Fiorina said, "Anyone who has watched this video tape -- I dare Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, to watch these tapes. Watch a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking, while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain."

Fiorina was referring to a video released by the anti-abortion group The Center for Medical Progress last month, in which a former worker for StemExpress, a biomedical research company, said she saw a fully formed fetus's heart beating.

"This is the most gestated fetus and closest thing to a baby I've ever seen," Holly O'Donnell, a former procurement technician for StemExpress, said in the video. "I'm sitting here looking at this fetus and its heart is beating and I don't know what to do."

The clip does show what appears to be a fully formed fetus on an operating table with its legs twitching. But the clip Fiorina references is not part of the CMP sting video but was instead taken by another anti-abortion group and was added to the sting video. The Center for Medical Progress, however, doesn't explain where the fetus video was shot, so it's not clear whether it was taken at a Planned Parenthood clinic. For its part, the women's health organization has flatly denied the accusations.

VERDICT: True, but misleading

There are, in fact, a few mistakes with what Fiorina described. First, the "fully formed fetus" shown kicking his legs was not on a table, but in a stainless steel bowl of some kind. Second, while that clip is shown, only the following statements are heard:

Holly O'Donnell said:
And its nose was very pronounced. It had eyelids. And its mouth was pronounced. And then, since the fetus was so still-intact

And that's it. CNN is right to note that the clip shown is not the fetus O'Donnell procured organs from. But, before the clip, O'Donnell says her supervisor tapped on the chest of the fetus O'Donnell saw, causing his heart to beat. ("I don't know if that constitutes it's technically dead, or it's alive," O'Donnell explained.) After the clip ends, O'Donnell finishes her sentence, continuing as follows:

Holly O'Donnell said:
she said, "OK, well this is a really good fetus and it looks like we can procure a lot from it. We're gonna procure a brain."

So, the moment I hear [that], I'm like, "That means we're going to have to cut the head open. We're going to have to cut the head open."

So, she's like, "OK, so what you do is you go through the face."

And I'm thinking, "No, don't make me do this."

And she takes the scissors and she makes a small incision right here [gesturing at her chin], and goes, I would say, to maybe a little bit through the mouth. And she's like, "OK, can you go through the rest of the way."

And I'm like, [sighs], "Yes." And I didn't want to do this. So she gave me the scissors, and then told me that I have to cut down the middle of the face, and, I can't even like describe what that feels like.

I remember picking it up, and finishing going through the rest of the face, and Jessica picking up the brain and putting it in the container with the media[.]

So, Fiorina got some details wrong, particularly the most inflammatory part of her summary ("we have to keep it alive" and the use of the word "harvest"). On the other hand, her description is close enough that it's clear what part of the videos she's talking about.

And the other candidates can't really do much about this. Hell even if Trump imploded he'd still dominate the coverage.

This poll shows Trump going up in the polls after Debate #2

Trump, Fiorina, Rubio, Christie, and Kasich go up

Carson, Jeb, Paul go down
I'm surprised Rubio's performance has been so well received. I suspect he's going to end up the leading establishment figure soon enough.
Here's what CNN said about it:

There are, in fact, a few mistakes with what Fiorina described. First, the "fully formed fetus" shown kicking his legs was not on a table, but in a stainless steel bowl of some kind. Second, while that clip is shown, only the following statements are heard:

And that's it. CNN is right to note that the clip shown is not the fetus O'Donnell procured organs from. But, before the clip, O'Donnell says her supervisor tapped on the chest of the fetus O'Donnell saw, causing his heart to beat. ("I don't know if that constitutes it's technically dead, or it's alive," O'Donnell explained.) After the clip ends, O'Donnell finishes her sentence, continuing as follows:

So, Fiorina got some details wrong, particularly the most inflammatory part of her summary ("we have to keep it alive" and the use of the word "harvest"). On the other hand, her description is close enough that it's clear what part of the videos she's talking about.
If what Holly said is true, its very troubling. But I mean, isn't that how we treat organ donors anyway? Besides, it all sounds very swift boaty. I'm pretty sure if media does its job and investigates, they will find that she was nothing but a paper pusher and never stepped in the operating rooms.


I remember talking to someone who worked in a hospital after someone died and an organ recovery group came in to do their job. They take everything they can, and it isn't pretty.


This is semantics, and nothing more
If what Holly said is true, its very troubling. But I mean, isn't that how we treat organ donors anyway? Besides, it all sounds very swift boaty. I'm pretty sure if media does its job and investigates, they will find that she was nothing but a paper pusher and never stepped in the operating rooms.

Aye, there's the rub.
Here's what CNN said about it:

There are, in fact, a few mistakes with what Fiorina described. First, the "fully formed fetus" shown kicking his legs was not on a table, but in a stainless steel bowl of some kind. Second, while that clip is shown, only the following statements are heard:

And that's it. CNN is right to note that the clip shown is not the fetus O'Donnell procured organs from. But, before the clip, O'Donnell says her supervisor tapped on the chest of the fetus O'Donnell saw, causing his heart to beat. ("I don't know if that constitutes it's technically dead, or it's alive," O'Donnell explained.) After the clip ends, O'Donnell finishes her sentence, continuing as follows:

So, Fiorina got some details wrong, particularly the most inflammatory part of her summary ("we have to keep it alive" and the use of the word "harvest"). On the other hand, her description is close enough that it's clear what part of the videos she's talking about.

CNN's "true but misleading" is bullshit and they got called out for it in the media. CNN should be embarrassed. Almost every other fact checker has called it false.

Plus, Sarah Kliff, who watched every video unedited has said it's a fucking lie (well, "wrong" is the term used). http://www.vox.com/2015/9/16/9342165/carly-fiorina-planned-parenthood

Yahoo: False https://www.yahoo.com/health/fact-checking-carly-fiorinas-debate-statements-on-183132587.html

PolitiFact: mostly false http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-m...bate-carly-fiorina-urges-others-watch-planne/

FactCheck: Does not exist http://www.factcheck.org/2015/09/factchecking-the-cnn-republican-debate/

LA Times: False http://www.latimes.com/business/hil...for-fiorina-to-apologize-20150918-column.html

CNN is the fucking worst when it comes to opinions. Everything is a fucking "dead heat." True but misleading my ass.

Fiorina lied through her teeth and has since doubled down. It's pathetic.
Umm what exactly is wrong with that quote. How else would you get to a fetal brain without cutting through the face?

Maybe I'm biased after working in a cadaver lab for a while but what exactly is there to investigate

Edit: Oh she said the fetus was alive? Sounds like bullshit
CNN is worse than Fox. At least it's clear Fox is rooting for a specific team. CNN attempts to normalize a lot of shit that simply is not ok.


This is semantics, and nothing more
CNN's "true but misleading" is bullshit and they got called out for it in the media. CNN should be embarrassed. Almost every other fact checker has called it false.

Plus, Sarah Kliff, who watched every video unedited has said it's a fucking lie (well, "wrong" is the term used). http://www.vox.com/2015/9/16/9342165/carly-fiorina-planned-parenthood

Yahoo: False https://www.yahoo.com/health/fact-checking-carly-fiorinas-debate-statements-on-183132587.html

PolitiFact: mostly false http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-m...bate-carly-fiorina-urges-others-watch-planne/

FactCheck: Does not exist http://www.factcheck.org/2015/09/factchecking-the-cnn-republican-debate/

LA Times: False http://www.latimes.com/business/hil...for-fiorina-to-apologize-20150918-column.html

CNN is the fucking worst when it comes to opinions. Everything is a fucking "dead heat." True but misleading my ass.

Fiorina lied through her teeth and has since doubled down. It's pathetic.

Dude, I told you exactly what was in the video Fiorina was clearly referencing.


I remember talking to someone who worked in a hospital after someone died and an organ recovery group came in to do their job. They take everything they can, and it isn't pretty.
Every once in a while I'll perform a scan where the intent is to evaluate the conditions of the donor patient's internal organs. Usually the patient is in end-stage, so it's definitely a bittersweet occasion.


And Trump's going to be damn difficult to pass-up in polling so long as the media breathlessly reports on him every time he tweets something funny or farts on camera. It looks like only he can destroy himself, and this latest incident might be his biggest test yet.
CNN is worse than Fox. At least it's clear Fox is rooting for a specific team. CNN attempts to normalize a lot of shit that simply is not ok.

I actually agree with PD here. Fox News lies, is a POS, etc but it doesn't really hide what its intentions are (unless you're in the bubble then you might think it's legit).

They mislead their viewers but if you're not one of them, you know that.

CNN has this aura of authority and objectivity. They pretend to be impartial but they're not. They're simply trying to push stories for ratings and try to give everyone an "equal shot" or whatever.
Dude, I told you exactly what was in the video Fiorina was clearly referencing.

And according to Sarah Kliff, it does not exist anywhere. She even asked the campaign to clarify because it makes no sense.

But my beef in that post clearly wasn't with you, it was with the determination of "true but misleading." It was not true in any way, shape, or form.
CNN's "true but misleading" is bullshit and they got called out for it in the media. CNN should be embarrassed. Almost every other fact checker has called it false.

Plus, Sarah Kliff, who watched every video unedited has said it's a fucking lie (well, "wrong" is the term used). http://www.vox.com/2015/9/16/9342165/carly-fiorina-planned-parenthood

Yahoo: False https://www.yahoo.com/health/fact-checking-carly-fiorinas-debate-statements-on-183132587.html

PolitiFact: mostly false http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-m...bate-carly-fiorina-urges-others-watch-planne/

FactCheck: Does not exist http://www.factcheck.org/2015/09/factchecking-the-cnn-republican-debate/

LA Times: False http://www.latimes.com/business/hil...for-fiorina-to-apologize-20150918-column.html

CNN is the fucking worst when it comes to opinions. Everything is a fucking "dead heat." True but misleading my ass.

Fiorina lied through her teeth and has since doubled down. It's pathetic.
It looks like media is doing it's job. CNN is scum. All they're doing is trying to manufacture fireworks in hopes of getting ratings.

Metamucil, I rate your effort true, but misleading.


The thing about the Fiorina quote is that none of it is PP - not the stock footage of the fetus or the woman being interviewed, and the video is even a secondary video that was not part of the PP sting investigation. But by giving enough details of what she saw she can still say she may have gotten it a little wrong but DID YOU SEE THAT VIDEO!

It's really the most frustrating part of the whole PP situation - Republicans have turned this into a anti-abortion crusade and have totally lost the narrative that PP has done nothing wrong after several investigations and their funding supports a wide range of important women's health services. I mentioned this in another post, but 2 key speakers were women who survived abortions in the 1970s. Their situations had no bearing on the PP issue, yet Republicans were allowed to trot them out.

On the bright side at least as of recently the public overwhelmingly does not support a govt. shutdown over PP.


This is semantics, and nothing more
And according to Sarah Kliff, it does not exist anywhere. She even asked the campaign to clarify because it makes no sense.

But my beef in that post clearly wasn't with you, it was with the determination of "true but misleading." It was not true in any way, shape, or form.

Right, the "We have to keep it alive" bit isn't in the videos, and the word "harvest" isn't used (at least in the part she was describing). But she's clearly referring to the Planned-Parenthood-contractor-tapped-an-intact-fetus's-heart-and-it-started-beating-then-she-cut-through-his-face-to-remove-his-brain bit, which was partially shown over footage of a born-alive 19-week old infant kicking its legs and moving its arms in a stainless steel bowl.



Thank you dramatis
Lol it was in my Google Calendar which I have literally not checked for months and then accidentally opened today, and I noticed your bday was marked down

Live another year with less panic and maybe you won't go bald or gray as quickly.
My first presidential vote was Obama

First vote in a general election was 2010. Voted for Mark Dayton for governor and pretty much straight ticket Dem for all the party affiliated races. I also voted in the gubernatorial primary where I voted for Margaret Anderson Kelliher for governor who was more moderate and I considered her to have a better shot than someone as liberal as Dayton. Fortunately he won anyway, the second time pretty easily.


Lol it was in my Google Calendar which I have literally not checked for months and then accidentally opened today, and I noticed your bday was marked down

Live another year with less panic and maybe you won't go bald or gray as quickly.
You marked down my birthday. TOTAL stalker!

My hair started thinning in my late 20's. It's kind of salt and pepper now. I don't mind it to be honest.

If I ever renew my XIV sub I'll meet you on the server again. I don't really have time though. Well, I do... but it's a matter of commitment!


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
This poll shows Trump going up in the polls after Debate #2

Trump, Fiorina, Rubio, Christie, and Kasich go up

Carson, Jeb, Paul go down
Trump continues to lead the Republican primary field. Thirty-six percent of registered voters who watched the debate said they would choose Trump, compared with 12 percent for Carson and 10 percent for Fiorina. Rubio placed fourth, at 9 percent, followed by 7 percent for Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and 6 percent for Bush and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R).

So, at least initially after the debate:

Trump -- 36%
Carson -- 12%
Fiorina -- 10%
Rubio -- 9%

That's right, 58% of GOP voters want someone with zero political experience as POTUS. If that debate didn't sink Trump, I can't think of anything that will.


Not that I'd vote for Trump, but seriously -- and I cannot believe I am saying this -- I kind of understand the appeal. The xenophobia and sexism not so much, but more generally speaking, he is far less tone deaf than his traditional GOP frenemies. The GOP Presidential election platform as we have come to know it circa 2008 is just horrible.

Again, Trump is a monster they created and he's just kicking their faces in, so looking at all of this from the outside is kind of fulfilling in a sense.

Al Jazeera America is so refreshing, even though they should be the status quo as a new organization in this country. That's how far the news media has fallen in this country.
I can't stand talking heads anymore. I just read the news now (usually), unless something crazy/big is happening.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I'll still wait for more reliable polling than Morning Consult.
Not that I'd vote for Trump, but seriously -- and I cannot believe I am saying this -- I kind of understand the appeal. The xenophobia and sexism not so much, but more generally speaking, he is far less tone deaf than his traditional GOP frenemies. The GOP Presidential election platform as we have come to know it circa 2008 is just horrible.

Again, Trump is a monster they created, so looking at all of this from the outside is kind of fulfilling in a sense.

I can't stand talking heads anymore. I just read the news now (usually), unless something crazy/big is happening.
AlJ has really good journos. They have done eye opening pieces on gun laws, poverty and host of other issues plaguing America.
That's right, 58% of GOP voters want someone with zero political experience as POTUS. If that debate didn't sink Trump, I can't think of anything that will.
You say that like he performed terribly or something. He was the center of attention most of the night and other than the one hit Florina gave him, he did fine. He actually won most of his exchanges, especially with Bush. None of Trump's supporters are doing so because they expect detailed foreign policy statements from him. He'll have much worse moments than that debate.
Right, the "We have to keep it alive" bit isn't in the videos, and the word "harvest" isn't used (at least in the part she was describing). But she's clearly referring to the Planned-Parenthood-contractor-tapped-an-intact-fetus's-heart-and-it-started-beating-then-she-cut-through-his-face-to-remove-his-brain bit, which was partially shown over footage of a born-alive 19-week old infant kicking its legs and moving its arms in a stainless steel bowl.

But the things Fiorina describes — the legs kicking, the intact "fully formed fetus," the heart beating, the remarks about having to "harvest its brain" — are pure fiction.

The third Human Capital video has stock footage of a fetus kicking on a table — though that footage isn't from inside a Planned Parenthood.

There is no video of the images that O'Donnell describes seeing, nor is there any mention of instructions to "keep it alive so we can harvest its brain," so it's still not the footage Fiorina describes having watched.

Again, she lied. It's completely wrong to say "true but misleading." There is almost nothing true. Even if she's referencing the video you say, it's not from PP. She was wrong.


I love how Republicans harped on Obama so bad about having no experience, acting as though the only thing he did with his life as of 2008 was being a community organizer.

And now they flock to Trump who propelled his campaign with xenophobia and some masturbatory story about how great he is for rejecting millions of dollars for another go at The Apprentice.
Here's what CNN said about it:

There are, in fact, a few mistakes with what Fiorina described. First, the "fully formed fetus" shown kicking his legs was not on a table, but in a stainless steel bowl of some kind. Second, while that clip is shown, only the following statements are heard:

And that's it. CNN is right to note that the clip shown is not the fetus O'Donnell procured organs from. But, before the clip, O'Donnell says her supervisor tapped on the chest of the fetus O'Donnell saw, causing his heart to beat. ("I don't know if that constitutes it's technically dead, or it's alive," O'Donnell explained.) After the clip ends, O'Donnell finishes her sentence, continuing as follows:

So, Fiorina got some details wrong, particularly the most inflammatory part of her summary ("we have to keep it alive" and the use of the word "harvest"). On the other hand, her description is close enough that it's clear what part of the videos she's talking about.
Your such a shill for these groups.

Its not planned parenthood!


Professional Schmuck
My first vote went to Nader in 2000. My state was a swing state and went to Bush.

Never ever fucking again will I ever vote for ideology or 3rd party.

I am so so sorry everyone.

I love how Republicans harped on Obama so bad about having no experience, acting as though the only thing he did with his life as of 2008 was being a community organizer.

And now they flock to Trump who propelled his campaign with xenophobia and some masturbatory story about how great he is for rejecting millions of dollars for another go at The Apprentice.

yes but that's 100% consistent with conservatives

1. just kinda gargling bullshit and spewing anything out when it comes to the other side

2. not actually caring about policy


Very true, but their ability to dismiss a politician for false reasons while supporting another one who actually would fall under what they say about Obama (i.e. no experience; Palin, Trump, et. al.) is just mind blowing and infuriating.

People still think he wasn't born in America and is Muslim. For fuck's sake.
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