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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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Ask him how the ACA, as an embodiment of big government, can be bad for America if it allows people more freedom to leave their job to pursue free enterprise which is supposed to increase happiness.

Nice! That's better than my planned question of "On a scale of 0 to pretzel, just how salty were you after the SCOTUS Obamcare decisions?".


A lone protestor awaits David Vitter for candidate qualifying..


also, looooooool



Wasnt Harpie the winner last time solely because NDP and Libs split the vote, thus allowing conservatives to get the majority?

There are very few ridings where this actually occurred, though. More to do with the fact that Canada doesn't do coalitions, really.



WASHINGTON, D.C. -- With the Republican-controlled House of Representatives engaged in a tense, government-shuttering budgetary standoff against a Democratic president and Senate, the Republican Party is now viewed favorably by 28% of Americans, down from 38% in September. This is the lowest favorable rating measured for either party since Gallup began asking this question in 1992.


More than six in 10 Americans (62%) now view the GOP unfavorably, a record high. By comparison, nearly half of Americans (49%) view the Democratic Party unfavorably. Roughly one in four Americans see both parties unfavorably.



Self-identified Republicans are more than twice as likely to view their own party unfavorably (27%) as Democrats are to see their own party unfavorably (13%). The GOP's unfavorable rating among Republicans is up eight points from September, compared with a one-point rise in Democratic Party unfavorables among Democrats. These findings may be consistent with the widely circulated narrative that the Republican Party is internally splintered on how best to handle the budgetary negotiations.

Independents, meanwhile, remain unimpressed with both parties: Thirty-two percent view the Democratic Party favorably, while 27% view the Republican Party favorably.


So I'm going to this forum at the University of Utah today hosted by Arthur C. Brooks, President of AEI. My wife is taking a US History course and they get extra credit for attending, so she got me onto the invitee list as well. Any questions y'all would like me to ask him if I get the chance?

Ask him why the aei is so dead bent to blame Fannie and Freddie for the financial collapse and exonerate big businesses and if their founder making a lot of money on inside information from the government take over of the gse's had anything to do with it.



No Scrubs
Ask him why the aei is so dead bent to blame Fannie and Freddie for the financial collapse and exonerate big businesses and if their founder making a lot of money on inside information from the government take over of the gse's had anything to do with it.


That's two questions, and one would guess he'd be able to BS the first with ease, given the kind of audience that the man is likely to attract.

Far better to focus on the second and restructure in a way such as "how does the ideal system you envision/defend deal with actors (like x) that make money from inside info etc etc"?

Construct an explicit attack, and you'll put the man on guard. Better to give him rope.
Also, all of these events are played on Utah local radio and are posted online a couple weeks after the event so we'll get to replay the salt on NeoGAF soon.

The trio of supply-side conservatives — Heritage Foundation economist Stephen Moore, publishing executive Steve Forbes and CNBC contributor Larry Kudlow — met with Bush alongside Johnson, Bush’s national finance chairman, according to two Republicans familiar with Bush’s schedule.

Those Republicans, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the private session and the Bush campaign’s outlook, said the former Florida governor hopes his tax offering will jump-start his candidacy, which has lagged behind GOP front-runner Donald Trump for months, by proposing lower corporate and personal tax rates while also eliminating a number of deductions that favor Wall Street investors.

Tim Miller, a spokesman for the Bush campaign, confirmed the meeting with Moore, Forbes and Kudlow. Economist Arthur Laffer, who gained renown as an economic adviser to the Reagan administration in the 1980s, was invited to the meeting but was unable to attend.

Bush, you suck at this, no one in the GOP cares about this stuff other than donors and you already have all the donors. What are you doing?


Replace the payroll tax with land taxes someone, plz.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Also, all of these events are played on Utah local radio and are posted online a couple weeks after the event so we'll get to replay the salt on NeoGAF soon.

Bush, you suck at this, no one in the GOP cares about this stuff other than donors and you already have all the donors. What are you doing?


Replace the payroll tax with land taxes someone, plz.

Again, he tries to replicate what his brother did.

"It worked so well before!"


Yeah, I went but I didn't ask anything, had to peace out and go to work before the Q&A portion started. Interesting fellow, hard to tell if he's a true believer or if it's an act, but his main point seemed to be "change our rhetoric while promoting the same policies". If this guy represents the GOP braintrust, then they are even more fucked than I thought.

Also it sounds like the Democrats have 41 in support of the Iran deal? No veto? Yay.


A new tone to this:

@sahilkapur: New @HillaryClinton on private email server: “That was a mistake. I'm sorry about that. I take responsibility.”

The thing she should've said first to put it to bed.


New thread! I don't want to be in the lead anymore and its not my fault we are HillaryGAF. :D

I see that new Mourmoth poll showing the continuing implosion from Hillary.

@sahilkapur: New @HillaryClinton on private email server: “That was a mistake. I'm sorry about that. I take responsibility.”

Ivysaur the media will never allow the campaign to put it to bed but whatever allows the media to quickly move on from this the better.


Ivysaur the media will never allow the campaign to put it to bed but whatever allows the media to quickly move on from this the better.

Yes they will, when there is nothing there, the same way that we all collectively forgot about Benghazi except for the right and when the next big thing happens.


The head of Dictator Clinton still ruling 1000 yeas from now. Chuck Norris wasn't far off.

The likelihood that we'd have perfected head-transplant-onto-robot bodies by 2995 is pretty close to nil given the growing opposition to book lurnin'. It's far more likely Clinton is just a reptilian overlord. They're known to have incredibly long lifespans. Tolkien is rumored to have known a few and that's who he modeled his elves after.
A new tone to this:

The thing she should've said first to put it to bed.

You mean joking and making trivial an issue that crashed her favorables was a bad idea? Stunning! Clown shoes campaign.

Has anyone delved deep into that poll with Biden ahead of Sanders? Can't help but wonder if the media is trying to create a narrative by getting some push polls out.
took her long enough, goddamn.

This might end up being worse than better. Saying you're sorry/apologizing just admits you did something wrong and makes you look guilty.

It's why Trump never apologizes. Whether he meant those Megyn Kelly comments or not, he didn't apologize for it which would have meant admitting that's what he meant.


Hillary Clinton ‏@HillaryClinton
.@TheEllenShow but seriously, where are we on gefilte fish?


This might end up being worse than better. Saying you're sorry/apologizing just admits you did something wrong and makes you look guilty.

It's why Trump never apologizes. Whether he meant those Megyn Kelly comments or not, he didn't apologize for it which would have meant admitting that's what he meant.

Everyone already thinks she did something wrong. Say sorry, it was a bad idea, be humble, let's move on.
Did Clinton saying he regretted blowing a load on Lewinski finally kill most of the coverage over it? Should play out the same way here.

And yes, lying, etc etc


No Scrubs
You mean joking and making trivial an issue that crashed her favorables was a bad idea? Stunning! Clown shoes campaign.

Has anyone delved deep into that poll with Biden ahead of Sanders? Can't help but wonder if the media is trying to create a narrative by getting some push polls out.

The poll is like total 49% female, with 56% of Dem respondents being female, age wise it's about as balanced as you can get it, all of the ages--especially those of Dem respondents--sitting in the mid-to-low 30's. Heavily white, 66% total with 54% of Dems, and 12% total black, with 25% of Dems responding as such, only 2% of Hispanics polled weren't Dems, 15% total.

The questions seem fine, his favorables are about even with Hillary, with his unfavorables being the lowest in the field. Asked straight out who they support, with the choices being rotated, Biden scores 22% with another 7% being very likely to support him when asked, in a later question, what they would do if he does get into the race. From there 34% say somewhat likely. If we take the very likely as certain if he jumps in, Biden is sitting at 29% after he announces. That puts him within striking range of Hillary.

They also asked about a potential Biden promise to serve one term if elected and most respondents said that has no bearing on a decision, same with him promising to pick Warren as a running mate. Though picking Warren would be more likely to move the needle, 23% say this would affect their decision and push them toward Biden. From there, about half of Hillary and Bernie supporters, actually 56% of them, would consider switching allegiances (somewhat likely) to Biden should he run.

It doesn't really seem like a push poll, unless they rotated every name but Biden's. It seems fairly legit.

EDIT: They note that Sanders seems to have leveled off after his rise, which is about what everyone expected to happen.

EDIT2: The sample could be bigger, only just over 1000 polled with a margin of + or - 5.3, but I always want a bigger sample.
Congratulations Mary Landrieu you've earned your place on the shit list

Landrieu said she also will contribute some leftover campaign money to Republicans.

"I'm not opposed to helping one or two of my Republican friends that have helped Louisiana — if they ask,"’ Landrieu said. "They haven't asked yet."’

She specifically named Rob Portman of Ohio, who is up for re-election next year, and Susan Collins of Maine, who is up in 2020.


From a WaPo story about a talent agency recruiting minority actors to star in an anti-Trump web video:

“Essentially this video is similar to reading tweets,” the e-mail explains, “like ‘I am a criminal,’ ‘I am an anchor baby,’ etc. We only have 25 spots.”


They really don't understand the mindset of Trump supporters, do they?


@PhilipRucker: Dr. Ben Carson, running second in some GOP presidential polls, plans to tour Ferguson on Friday.

Time to begin the healing!
So Clinton's team send out a story through the NY Times about her shift in tone and newfound sense of humor, and then proceed to send out a "funny" tweet she obviously did not write. If you're going to shift gears, why not just do it instead of announcing it to the world first? I saw David Axelrod criticize her team for this and I agree. Amateur hour.

She really reminds me of Romney.
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