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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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Rand Paul sold his soul and it didn't work. For the last year and a half he has moved away from isolationist views, changed his view on foreign aide specifically with regard to Israel, and made nice with establishment republicans. He isn't his father's son. He clearly doesn't want to be the poorest guy in Washington not named Joe Biden, which is what Ron Paul was for years. He went for the money and lost his base.

But I'll still give him dap for exposing neoconservative fuckery as well as the ignorance of drug laws at that last debate.

Yeah, that's a pretty good post-mortem. I agree.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I am glad the clown car is clearing out this early. I hope it gets whittled down to Trump, Kasich, Fiorina, and Bush. That is the final 4 anyway. Let it be written.


I am glad the clown car is clearing out this early. I hope it gets whittled down to Trump, Kasich, Fiorina, and Bush. That is the final 4 anyway. Let it be written.

Except Rubio consistently polls higher than Jeb now, he has had a decent boost post-Debate 2. He is tied for third place with Fiorina in recent polls.

Rubio is easily going to outlast Kasich for example.


Except Rubio consistently polls higher than Jeb now, he has had a decent boost post-Debate 2. He is tied for third place with Fiorina in recent polls.

Rubio is easily going to outlast Kasich for example.


Yup. thx for reminding me.

Bush 9
Trump 14
Rubio 20
Cruz 3
Jindal 2
Carson 1
Kasich 1

2 more days and its a lock

Original/1st choice

Walker 4
Bush 12
Trump 14
Rubio 16
Cruz 2
Jindal 1
Kasich 1
Carson 1


Trump Reviews Pokemon


“Now, look at this guy. He’s a little yellow guy. Zippy guy. I was golfing with this little zippy yellow guy. I beat him. I beat his rear end, I tell you. But then he zapped me! He zapped me because you know what? He’s a little yellow, funky loser and not worthy of your or my attention. He’s a loser zippy guy. He’s a mouse. Little Mickey Mouse guy. A little Mickey Mouse loser guy."

"This little red guy is hot. He’s hot! Burning hot, burns your lips, burns your tongue. I didn’t want to taste him but he says, Donald, I need $4000. Taste me. Give me a better ball and taste me. I’m sure that’s what he said, he’s a short guy and he’s hard to see. Like a little dragon man. What I say about dragons? They’re extinct. You’re extinct. You stink. Goodbye.”

“This other guy is wet and slippery, you can’t hold onto him. You can’t hold onto him because he’s got a shell. A teflon shell. I ask him, why can’t you use that shell as a boat. It would make a good boat. You see, little turtle guys, they don’t make great decisions like I would if I were in his shoes. He doesn’t even own shoes. He’s got webbed feet. Slimy guy. I says "what would it take to make you come out of your loser shell”. What did he say? Nothing. Turtle scumbag that deserves no rights.“

"This guy, he’s gross, I have to tell you tonight. What a loon. He was a test tube baby, he was born in a science tube and let me tell you about scientists. They make drugs. They lie. Scientists, can lie. I have given money to the scientists to stop all the test tube babies and they don’t,they won’t listen. This big white guy, can he play in the nba? Can he get off the stage and play on the court like a Michael Jordan? If he wasn’t a bozo, making things float with his hands that haven’t seen nothing. He would be a star. He could be something. But he’s a test tube gross baby.”

“ I thought this little friend was my buddy. He was a good friend of mine. He’s got a good voice, but it’s not a good voice. He puts you to sleep! He puts you to sleep because he has no other ideas. You could put him in a hot air balloon, because he looks like one, light a match, say bye bye. People fall asleep, they don’t want to listen to you, you have no new ideas, just sleeping songs. Balloon songs. America has heard your balloon song and it’s a bum song I’m afraid to say it, it’s a bum song and I’m going to change America.”

“There’s this tiny, short, small kind of person. A toad person. I believe he is called that. Green like my vegetable garden. I have one, I have built many vegetable gardens across America’s fine establishments, and this little bozo brat is a green schmo with a flower on his head. It’s a drug. He’s literally got a loser drug on his, of his, he is a drug. He is a thug. A thug in my garden. I would not invite him to my garden because I invited him to play golf and his flower, it smelled. It smelled like a loser. I would not give him gold or money because he’s too green. Green is new. Green is a loser.”

“This dinosaur in a bone hat. Gave him a million, 900 thousand, one million dollars. For his mother. Turns out, he has a dead mom. A deadbeat mom. She’s gone. Kaput. I gave this bone monster a million dollars and told him ‘listen, youre a tiny bone monster and you throw that bone, it’s gonna come back and hit you. I know what a boomerang feels like in my hand I wasn’t born with a silver spoon like you did. Sorry about your dead mother, but you’re finished. you can’t run this country without a mother. Work on that. Work on a better mother and a better bone for your little head. That’s no good”
Poor Trump, even PoliGAF is predicting he'll lose to Rubio. When do we find out the losers punishment?
I think Trumps the frontrunner and the characters like Carson and Fiorina are flavors. Including Rubio. You guys are overestimating this chump. Rubio is "one of them". He's not getting the Trump/Carson supporters, especially not after him being on record for citizenship.
He literally just told (at 2:00 pm) a Fox News anchor that he was not dropping out and in it for the long run. He even paid the SC fee today so I doubt it's true.

Sometimes when I hear that from a candidate that had known(or implied) financial problems with their campaign or support in general, I think they are going to drop out soon.


With the addition of some other issues, I don't think it is unrealistic to think he will drop out.


No Scrubs
I think Trumps the frontrunner and the characters like Carson and Fiorina are flavors. Including Rubio. You guys are overestimating this chump. Rubio is "one of them". He's not getting the Trump/Carson supporters, especially not after him being on record for citizenship.



I think Trumps the frontrunner and the characters like Carson and Fiorina are flavors. Including Rubio. You guys are overestimating this chump. Rubio is "one of them". He's not getting the Trump/Carson supporters, especially not after him being on record for citizenship.
It's more most feel in the end a establishment candidate will win. Like they always do. And Rubio is the most popular of the establishment candidates.

Yes, he is one of "them". And one of them will win like always happens and he just happens to be the most popular "them" in the race.


More like R+7/8 districts. That's how you gerrymander. If it were R+20 districts, most of the districts would be a soft lean D.

Let me welcome you to our humble slice of neogaf. There's nothing to be afraid of and we are all grateful to have another democrat to discuss the issues with. Enjoy your stay
i wanted to say nothing to be afraid of except lengthy brainchild posts but I'm a nice guy right brainchild

Funny, just last week, I finally changed my party affiliation to Independent. Feels good, man.

thanks guys! its funny, cause most if not all of my family is uber right wing republican and racist, i feel like the oddball. when i was younger i always kept my mouth shut during get togethers, i still do....


No Scrubs
It's more most feel in the end a establishment candidate will win. Like they always do. And Rubio is the most popular of the establishment candidates.

Yes, he is one of "them". And one of them will win like always happens and he just happens to be the most popular "them" in the race.

The thing with Rubio is he's paper thin. Not as bad as Walker, but Rubio is all image and no substance. Ironically the only one with any substance in the race right now is Trump, he's putting out policy papers and initiatives every few weeks.
I think Trumps the frontrunner and the characters like Carson and Fiorina are flavors. Including Rubio. You guys are overestimating this chump. Rubio is "one of them". He's not getting the Trump/Carson supporters, especially not after him being on record for citizenship.

I initially thought they'd move to Walker, once the fraud candidates bowed out. Now I think they'll go to Cruz. I definitely agree they won't move to Amnesty Rubio


I initially thought they'd move to Walker, once the fraud candidates bowed out. Now I think they'll go to Cruz. I definitely agree they won't move to Amnesty Rubio

I see him called Amnesty Rubio, Gang of 8 Rubio, Schumer's BitchBoy.. things like that. This is Trump's #1 weapon against him, easily.
Ben Carson is such a dumb mumble fuck moron. In my opinion this lunatic is worse than any other candidate in the primary, even worse than Sarah Palin's candidacy. The guy has very serious inhibitions about the world and how it operates. He doesn't even have a wrong understanding, like Huckabee's or Palin's, both who said inflammatory things just to stay in the headlines as well. Carson has just completely, incomprehensibly bad understanding. Like prisons being a gayifying institution and ACA is worse than slavery. He really believes this shit. In my opinion he is Michelle Bachmann levels of crazybat.

Hopefully my prediction about him being a flavor of the month comes to fruition and he goes away.

I agree with this. I shudder to think of what our country would be like under his presidency.

He's performing uncomfortably well in the polls right now. I'm not even sure if there's anything he could say (liberal leaning views aside) that could damage his position at this point.
No get on the jindal boat. You're making a mistake


I'm good


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I got a hard time believing most American care or disagree about his comments about muslims.

In my previous post, I asked him about Carson's comments about how straight people go to jail and then come out gay.


Unconfirmed Member
McCarthy asked how he would be different as speaker than Boehner.

Kevin McCarthy said:
I won't be as tan!


John is a very good and decent man. This is a man that came into this office, and if you looked at those that maybe want to fight, how did the House bank get shut down? John Boehner’s the last one standing who shut it down.

He then fought to get us a majority. Went into leadership, left, became a committee chairman. Then came back and fought for another majority. He’s one of the few standing that’s won two majorities. But everybody is different. There is a generational difference about us as well. I’m a little younger.

I know what’s going on across the country, and I’m concerned about what we hear. A lot of people in Washington are concerned about power and institutions. I’m concerned about making a difference in everybody’s life. We want to make sure that we’re closer to the people, that they feel this is their government, they’re in charge, and we serve them. Now that’s not easy and it won’t change overnight, but that’s our mission.

It's funny that one of the few guys complimenting Boehner's job as speaker is probably going to win the seat which only became vacant because everyone hated Boehner.


Sidhe / PikPok
It's more most feel in the end a establishment candidate will win. Like they always do. And Rubio is the most popular of the establishment candidates.

Yes, he is one of "them". And one of them will win like always happens and he just happens to be the most popular "them" in the race.

Seems like there is a really strong anti-establishment sentiment this time around though, demonstrated in Trump, Carson, and Fiorina being 1st, 2nd and 3rd in aggregate polling, and Trump holding his substantial lead for longer than expected.

Looking at the numbers in a highly simplified way (referencing aggregate polling), if the anti-establishment crowd coalesces behind Trump and the establishment crowd coalesces behind Rubio as candidates drop out, then you end up with a roughly 50/50 split of support.

Will be interesting if that happens to see where supporters of Cruz end up going. If they break for Trump, which I think is a strong possibility, they that may create an unassailable lead for Trump.


Why did Trump soften earlier this month do you think? The debate performance or did other candidates get on his wavelength with batshit comments or something.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Why did Trump soften earlier this month do you think? The debate performance or did other candidates get on his wavelength with batshit comments or something.

The Rolling Stones comment about Fiorina was idiotic, and he couldn't double down. Maybe he realized that he's in a strong position and doesn't need to say outlandish things to get coverage anymore that are costing major votes.


Seems like there is a really strong anti-establishment sentiment this time around though, demonstrated in Trump, Carson, and Fiorina being 1st, 2nd and 3rd in aggregate polling, and Trump holding his substantial lead for longer than expected.

Looking at the numbers in a highly simplified way (referencing aggregate polling), if the anti-establishment crowd coalesces behind Trump and the establishment crowd coalesces behind Rubio as candidates drop out, then you end up with a roughly 50/50 split of support.

Will be interesting if that happens to see where supporters of Cruz end up going. If they break for Trump, which I think is a strong possibility, they that may create an unassailable lead for Trump.

One of my big reasons thus far for sticking with Trump: early wins creating the perception of momentum.

It's likely that Iowa and New Hampshire don't provide as much bounce as they did in the pre-Internet era, but they can still give little boosts. If Trump's portion of the base holds firm
(and honestly, after all the shit he's had slung at him, you'd think it'd start to happen already)
and the field stays divided into those early states (also probable - thanks, Citizens!), the perception that he's racking-up wins is going to help. Even a small nudge can help him in a 50-50 situation.

At the same time, I don't see Bush getting out. In a pure Jeb-vs-Trump situation, I'm betting that Trump wins.
In a Jeb-vs-Rubio-vs-Trump situation, I'm still betting that Trump wins, as I don't see Jeb's support entirely collapsing.

The only way I see Rubio winning, honestly, is if Jeb exits early enough. And enough of the establishment has placed early bets on Jeb to the point where they've paid his way up to a certain point in the race.

And as far as Cruz goes, it screams at me that he and Trump have a deal. The fact that they've gone to strident lengths to avoid attacking each other for this long, with so many ripe opportunities teed-up for them.. it has me convinced that they have a running mate arrangement and/or an endorsement arrangement. With this in mind, if Cruz recognizes that he's not getting out of that low-middle tier, I think he's sensible enough to drop out endorse Trump, and wait to be named his running mate.

So unless something crazy-radical happens in the next two days, I think I'm sticking with Trump. I think this is one of those years where the establishment finally can't get a candidate of its choice, and we might be able to look back and point to the early sunk investment into Jeb as where they kinda screwed themselves over.

Edit: Peter Falk mode here: just one more thing:

Jeb's folks arranged many of the primaries' and caucuses' delegate allocation rules to help him in this kind of year, thinking he'd be the frontrunner in a divided field. Many states are now winner-take-all. Trump's gotta be loving this.
Why did Trump soften earlier this month do you think? The debate performance or did other candidates get on his wavelength with batshit comments or something.

Trump's approval numbers track almost 1:1 with his media exposure. He declined when other GOP candidates (fiorina, rubio) grabbed a sizeable amount of post debate coverage (and post debate narrative, like "fiorina wins!")

edit: here's a washington post article saying the same, with helpful charts to illustrate the point. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/monkey-cage/wp/2015/09/29/why-is-donald-trump-declining-in-the-polls-the-media-strike-again/

none of them are anywhere NEAR as good as trump is at sustaining the media coverage outside of debates, which is why we're seeing trump start creeping back up again. The man never lets a day go by without SOMETHING new hitting the airwaves about himself.


No Scrubs
And as far as Cruz goes, it screams at me that he and Trump have a deal. The fact that they've gone to strident lengths to avoid attacking each other for this long, with so many ripe opportunities teed-up for them.. it has me convinced that they have a running mate arrangement and/or an endorsement arrangement. With this in mind, if Cruz recognizes that he's not getting out of that low-middle tier, I think he's sensible enough to drop out endorse Trump, and wait to be named his running mate.

This is what I've assumed was going on ever since we first learned of the Trump/Cruz meeting. Cruz probably read the electorate quicker than the others and figured his best bet was to hitch his car to Trump's.
This is what I've assumed was going on ever since we first learned of the Trump/Cruz meeting. Cruz probably read the electorate quicker than the others and figured his best bet was to hitch his car to Trump's.

Cruz is a shitty individual, but you can't claim he doesn't understand how the political game is played.


none of them are anywhere NEAR as good as trump is at sustaining the media coverage outside of debates, which is why we're seeing trump start creeping back up again. The man never lets a day go by without SOMETHING new hitting the airwaves about himself.
Yeah, in the 60 minutes interview, he declined to detail his tax plan despite revealing it a few days later. That makes sense if he's going for unending coverage.


No Scrubs
Cruz is a shitty individual, but you can't claim he doesn't understand how the political game is played.

Exactly. He's a total idiot on many many many things, but he knows how to play the game.

Yeah, in the 60 minutes interview, he declined to detail his tax plan despite revealing it a few days later. That makes sense if he's going for unending coverage.

Trump is great at using the media to his advantage. There's an old story of a reporter who wrote a scathing story on Trump who got a thank you call from him after it was published.
Yeah, in the 60 minutes interview, he declined to detail his tax plan despite revealing it a few days later. That makes sense if he's going for unending coverage.

and it's not just TV, the donald is incessant with leveraging social media, radio, you name it. The dude is tireless.

What is everyone else doing post debate? One of two things- "nothing" or "reacting to what trump said."

This is why trump is going to continue to do well. He definitely has a ceiling though- if it gets down to 1 or 2 serious opponents instead of a dozen that's it for him- but no one appears to want to bow out until they're literally drowning in debt with 1% approval numbers.


No Scrubs
and it's not just TV, the donald is incessant with leveraging social media, radio, you name it. The dude is tireless.

What is everyone else doing post debate? One of two things- "nothing" or "reacting to what trump said."

This is why trump is going to continue to do well. He definitely has a ceiling though- if it gets down to 1 or 2 serious opponents instead of a dozen that's it for him- but no one appears to want to bow out until they're literally drowning in debt with 1% approval numbers.

That depends on where Carson and Fiorina's support goes. If he can capture a large enough chunk he'll go through.


and it's not just TV, the donald is incessant with leveraging social media, radio, you name it. The dude is tireless.

What is everyone else doing post debate? One of two things- "nothing" or "reacting to what trump said."

This is why trump is going to continue to do well. He definitely has a ceiling though- if it gets down to 1 or 2 serious opponents instead of a dozen that's it for him- but no one appears to want to bow out until they're literally drowning in debt with 1% approval numbers.
You sure? Who do Carly and Carson's votes go to when they drop out? Trump seems like a closer fit than anybody else.
You sure? Who do Carly and Carson's votes go to when they drop out? Trump seems like a closer fit than anybody else.

Carly isn't lasting much longer. She's the political equivalent of a fighter with a glass jaw. Appears to do well when allowed to go on offense, but as a frontrunner? she'll get killed. Her record as an executive is all she has to run on, and she's literally "worst of all time" category here. Add to that the knives coming out about flat out lying about the PP video on stage and doubling down on it. There is no way she survives the kind of punishment trump has been taking. The next debate will not be kind to her since she'll be on defense from just about everyone looking for a bump in the polls. Her support goes straight to trump when she's out, since he's the most viable "outsider" candidate with business experience. Yeah he's an asshole with high negatives but I doubt it matters.

Carson's votes aren't going anywhere. They're staying with Carson- (though I think he'll decline somewhat back down to the 10-15% range). THAT bunch is made of evangelical ideologues that cares more about principles than actually winning. They're the same people that kept voting for huckabee in 2008 long after it was clear there was no path to the nomination. There isn't any other candidate that's really capable of going after that audience and Carson has authenticity with that crowd that no one else has. Since Carson isn't really here to become president anyway he can keep right on cruising until the nomination, then live on speaking fees and book deals for the rest of his life.

edit: by 1 or 2 serious opponents I think it'll be cruz or rubio. no one else is really positioned to get that far.
double edit: if the GOP manages to successfully draft Romney to save this shitshow it would be spectacular though.


Carly isn't lasting much longer. She's the political equivalent of a fighter with a glass jaw. Appears to do well when allowed to go on offense, but as a frontrunner? she'll get killed. Her record as an executive is all she has to run on, and she's literally "worst of all time" category here. Add to that the knives coming out about flat out lying about the PP video on stage and doubling down on it. There is no way she survives the kind of punishment trump has been taking. The next debate will not be kind to her since she'll be on defense from just about everyone looking for a bump in the polls. Her support goes straight to trump when she's out, since he's the most viable "outsider" candidate with business experience. Yeah he's an asshole with high negatives but I doubt it matters.

Carson's votes aren't going anywhere. They're staying with Carson- (though I think he'll decline somewhat back down to the 10-15% range). THAT bunch is made of evangelical ideologues that cares more about principles than actually winning. They're the same people that kept voting for huckabee in 2008 long after it was clear there was no path to the nomination. There isn't any other candidate that's really capable of going after that audience and Carson has authenticity with that crowd that no one else has. Since Carson isn't really here to become president anyway he can keep right on cruising until the nomination, then live on speaking fees and book deals for the rest of his life.
lol, he has a book on the Constitution conveniently coming out next week.
lol, he has a book on the Constitution conviently coming out next week.

This shit isn't an accident, this was Gingrich's entire game plan in 2012. String along the rubes long enough to make money on the book he was shilling. I'm dead serious, look this one up, it's amazing.

Huckabee wasn't much better, leveraging his run into book deals, speaking fees, fox news spots, etc. Unfortunately for Huckabee he's burned up every last bit of authenticity he has and no one is fooled as to why he's here this time.

Carson I think actually believes the crap he says though, which is the difference between him and his two predecessors here.
One of my big reasons thus far for sticking with Trump: early wins creating the perception of momentum.

It's likely that Iowa and New Hampshire don't provide as much bounce as they did in the pre-Internet era, but they can still give little boosts. If Trump's portion of the base holds firm
(and honestly, after all the shit he's had slung at him, you'd think it'd start to happen already)
and the field stays divided into those early states (also probable - thanks, Citizens!), the perception that he's racking-up wins is going to help. Even a small nudge can help him in a 50-50 situation.

At the same time, I don't see Bush getting out. In a pure Jeb-vs-Trump situation, I'm betting that Trump wins.
In a Jeb-vs-Rubio-vs-Trump situation, I'm still betting that Trump wins, as I don't see Jeb's support entirely collapsing.

The only way I see Rubio winning, honestly, is if Jeb exits early enough. And enough of the establishment has placed early bets on Jeb to the point where they've paid his way up to a certain point in the race.

And as far as Cruz goes, it screams at me that he and Trump have a deal. The fact that they've gone to strident lengths to avoid attacking each other for this long, with so many ripe opportunities teed-up for them.. it has me convinced that they have a running mate arrangement and/or an endorsement arrangement. With this in mind, if Cruz recognizes that he's not getting out of that low-middle tier, I think he's sensible enough to drop out endorse Trump, and wait to be named his running mate.

So unless something crazy-radical happens in the next two days, I think I'm sticking with Trump. I think this is one of those years where the establishment finally can't get a candidate of its choice, and we might be able to look back and point to the early sunk investment into Jeb as where they kinda screwed themselves over.

Edit: Peter Falk mode here: just one more thing:

Jeb's folks arranged many of the primaries' and caucuses' delegate allocation rules to help him in this kind of year, thinking he'd be the frontrunner in a divided field. Many states are now winner-take-all. Trump's gotta be loving this.
Yep. You nailed many of the reasons why I'm also sticking with the Fair Haired Boy. Jeb has been the biggest misfire since...god knows when? I mean, it's still relatively early. Anything could change. The electorate suddenly sobers up and says it's time for children to go to bed. But with 50%+ anti-establishment vote combined with Jeb's common-core and immigration background, no right pundit will put his money on Jeb. I don't think Jeb was ready. I think he will be a potent force in 2020, however. In 2012, there was certainly anti-establishment underlining, which is why the electorate romanced every other candidate before settling for the "safe" bet. This time, they don't even want to entertain that notion. I'm seeing more of "lets blow it up" than a "lets win" sentiment.

Marco is interesting. He is basically a younger, charismatic and more extreme Jeb. I just think 2016 screwed him over with the anti-establishment fervor.
This shit isn't an accident, this was Gingrich's entire game plan in 2012. String along the rubes long enough to make money on the book he was shilling. I'm dead serious, look this one up, it's amazing.

Huckabee wasn't much better, leveraging his run into book deals, speaking fees, fox news spots, etc. Unfortunately for Huckabee he's burned up every last bit of authenticity he has and no one is fooled as to why he's here this time.

Carson I think actually believes the crap he says though, which is the difference between him and his two predecessors here.
Yup. Gingrich was peddling a documentary though, not a book. 'Ol Huckster however, gods, guns and grits. I also honestly do think this was Trump's book tour for 'art of the deal' gone way, WAYY outta hand. He simply played smart and rode the wave.


Did it really work out for them? I remember Gingrich racking up a lot of debt. Cain had his reputation tarnished by sexual assault allegations.


It was always hard for me to buy the idea that Trump was trying to elevate his brand or sell something considering the damage he did to his business relationships during his run.


No Scrubs
RNC Chair: Iowa and New Hampshire Aren’t “Sacred Cows” After 2016


Then how does Obama launch from IA if IA is not first?

How does Bernie(any insurgent candidate for that matter) get momentum from a calendar that somehow starts with Nevada or California or Virginia or Ohio etc?

Well, on the Democratic side, unless you can make serious inroads with minority voters winning in Iowa or New Hampshire has no meaning. Obama was hardly an insurgent, he was getting calls from everyone to run. Comparing him and Bernie is foolish.

Nevada would probably be the most reasonable replacement for Iowa. Demographically it's closer to the country as a whole than Iowa or Hew Hampshire have ever been and the ad time costs aren't too bad.

It was always hard for me to buy the idea that Trump was trying to elevate his brand or sell something considering the damage he did to his business relationships during his run.

It's not really something Trump would do, the guy is a total egomaniac. If he wanted to improve his brand there are ways that aren't nearly as expensive or difficult. He's always been in it to win it.
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