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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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If Biden runs it's going to suck watching him get raked across the coals for the CRIME bill. Yea it was a shitty bill I do not support but still...
-are you arguing that most Americans agree that males enter jail heterosexual and then come out of jail homosexual? Because that's what he said and that's what you said that most Americans agree with.

Did you actually read my post? even just that first part?


"Outsider" candidates have right at 60% of the vote. Still not sure how all of these people are going to magically migrate to Bush or Rubio over the next four months.
That's part of why I include Cruz in my final four. If there's a "Washington insider" who could stick around and pick up some of the outsider votes as they drop out, I think it'd be him. (I also wonder if he'll benefit from a shutdown in December..)


Watching the planned parenthood hearing, the GOP are awful human beings, but at least they are having fun.

If you thought this was bad wait till October 22nd when the blood of Benghazi will be at Hillary's feet.

That's part of why I include Cruz in my final four. If there's a "Washington insider" who could stick around and pick up some of the outsider votes as they drop out, I think it'd be him. (I also wonder if he'll benefit from a shutdown in December..)

When do sample state ballots come in the newspaper?
Ben Carson is such a dumb mumble fuck moron. In my opinion this lunatic is worse than any other candidate in the primary, even worse than Sarah Palin's candidacy. The guy has very serious inhibitions about the world and how it operates. He doesn't even have a wrong understanding, like Huckabee's or Palin's, both who said inflammatory things just to stay in the headlines as well. Carson has just completely, incomprehensibly bad understanding. Like prisons being a gayifying institution and ACA is worse than slavery. He really believes this shit. In my opinion he is Michelle Bachmann levels of crazybat.

Hopefully my prediction about him being a flavor of the month comes to fruition and he goes away.
If Biden runs it's going to suck watching him get raked across the coals for the CRIME bill. Yea it was a shitty bill I do not support but still...
Do you think Sanders is gonna go for him on it? Because Hillary's only ever said that it was something they thought worked for the time but never really apologized. And Sanders voted for it because it was attached to another section (on women I believe) that he really wanted to pass. So who gets to attack the other on this?


Ben Carson is such a dumb mumble fuck moron. In my opinion this lunatic is worse than any other candidate in the primary, even worse than Sarah Palin's candidacy. The guy has very serious inhibitions about the world and how it operates. He doesn't even have a wrong understanding, like Huckabee's or Palin's, both who said inflammatory things just to stay in the headlines as well. Carson has just completely, incomprehensibly bad understanding. Like prisons being a gayifying institution and ACA is worse than slavery. He really believes this shit. In my opinion he is Michelle Bachmann levels of crazybat.

Hopefully my prediction about him being a flavor of the month comes to fruition and he goes away.

He says the stuff so politely though i don't know why you are being so mean to him.


Sanders: I won't be as naïve as Obama was with Congress

If Bernie Sanders were president, he wouldn’t be as naïve about compromise as President Barack Obama.
At least that’s what the Vermont senator told David Axelrod on the former Obama adviser’s first episode of his podcast “The Axe Files with David Axelrod.”
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Sanders said that after a “brilliant campaign” Obama made a mistake by expecting that he could easily negotiate with the other party.
“He thought he could walk into Capitol Hill and the Oval Office and sit down with John Boehner and Mitch McConnell and the Republicans and say ‘I can’t get it all. You can’t get it all. Let’s work out something that’s reasonable,’ because he’s a reasonable guy, he’s a pretty rational guy,” Sanders said. “These guys never had any intention of doing [serious] negotiating and compromising … I think it took the president too long to fully appreciate that.”
But Sanders didn't have a firm answer for how he would more successfully broker deals, saying the only way things will actually get done with a divided Congress is if average Americans stay engaged in the political process and demand it.

“I don’t have any illusion that I’m going to walk in, and I certainly hope it is not the case but if there is a Republican House, and a Republican Senate that I’m going to walk in there and say ‘Hey guys, listen. I’d like you to work with me on raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour,’” he said. “It ain’t gonna happen, I have no illusion about that. The only way that I believe that change takes place … is that tens of millions of people are going to have to stand up and be involved in the political process the day after the election.”
Sanders disputed Axelrod’s analogy of Sander’s strong liberal views to conservative Republicans like Texas Sen. Ted Cruz who say the GOP has been too compromising with the other side and should stand on their principles.
“It sounds a little like the same argument which is it is better to be pure than to be pragmatic,“ Axelrod said.
“No, you didn’t hear me say that, that’s not what I said,” Sanders said.
“What I said is that, if you are good at politics, and you have 70-80 percent of the people behind you in issues like raising the minimum wage or rebuilding our infrastructure or family and medical leave. You should win those fights and it’s not good enough to sit down with Boehner and say ‘no I can’t support’ – ‘oh okay guess we’re not going to do it.’”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/09/bernie-sanders-naive-obama-214222#ixzz3n9WVbX4y
Lol Bernie isn't going anywhere most of Americans who hear socialists revert to Stalin in the back of their head. Also even the ones who understand it don't really like socialists, although that's where the country is heading. A very odd confliction.


Lol Bernie isn't going anywhere most of Americans who hear socialists revert to Stalin in the back of their head. Also even the ones who understand it don't really like socialists, although that's where the country is heading. A very odd confliction.

Are you saying we're headed towards socialism? That's a new one.


Are you saying we're headed towards socialism? That's a new one.

I mean, we're definitely going generally towards socialism. There are a lot of stops on the route between where we are and Scandinavia though. Like, you know, parental leave, or not letting people starve all the time.

Notably, however, the idea that "we're going towards socialism even though everybody hates it" is pretty obviously dumb. If we're going towards socialism, pretty straightforwardly it means that most people want us to. That's, like, how democracy works. They might not like the WORD socialism, but what they want is socialism.


I mean, we're definitely going generally towards socialism. There are a lot of stops on the route between where we are and Scandinavia though. Like, you know, parental leave, or not letting people starve all the time.

Notably, however, the idea that "we're going towards socialism even though everybody hates it" is pretty obviously dumb. If we're going towards socialism, pretty straightforwardly it means that most people want us to. That's, like, how democracy works. They might not like the WORD socialism, but what they want is socialism.

I don't know if the amount of welfare programs is a very good gauge of whether or not we're moving towards socialism. Union membership would probably be more useful, but that's pretty much going down in all developed countries that I know of.

I was also just curious to what his opinions are considering the Cornel West avatar and his endorsement of Bernie Sanders not that long ago.
Sanders: I won't be as naïve as Obama was with Congress

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/09/bernie-sanders-naive-obama-214222#ixzz3n9WVbX4y

I seriously doubt that the supposed tens of millions of people will change anything. If Sanders have a Republican Senate and House at that point than those tens of millions of people doesn't exist, won't for long, or wasn't very effective if the Senate and House are Republican. I guess he still thinks that "plan" can work.

Pressuring them won't work because why would they listen when to them in the first place. If he has to rely on those people; that is saying to me at least, that he is really implying that he won't have much power or influence over the political parties. Obama kinda did, especially with McConnell and Boehnar that helped control the Republican Party.


Kinda scared to come in here but yolo,today I went to the Louisiana DMV to update from my Texas DL, and I also register to vote here to, I went from undeclared to democract and I feel pretty good, so uh... Hi!


I was bored, so I made a messy board to track the candidates in the race.

Let's watch them fall
I still smile every time I think about Walker already being out..


Kinda scared to come in here but yolo,today I went to the Louisiana DMV to update from my Texas DL, and I also register to vote here to, I went from undeclared to democract and I feel pretty good, so uh... Hi!
Sweet! Another Louisiana PoliGAFfer!
Sanders isn't wrong about Obama being naive. His behavior towards republicans was stunningly stupid and displayed a man who didn't know he was being played. No wonder no one on the hill respects him.

But this idea that Sanders could prevent that with "the people" is laughable. The people don't give a fuck. Republicans in the house have safe districts, what danger would an army of liberal college kids pose to them? Come on...

Sanders sounds like Cruz explaining why a govt shutdown can work. Nonsense.
Kinda scared to come in here but yolo,today I went to the Louisiana DMV to update from my Texas DL, and I also register to vote here to, I went from undeclared to democract and I feel pretty good, so uh... Hi!
Let me welcome you to our humble slice of neogaf. There's nothing to be afraid of and we are all grateful to have another democrat to discuss the issues with. Enjoy your stay
i wanted to say nothing to be afraid of except lengthy brainchild posts but I'm a nice guy right brainchild


Wow. Watch for the backlash..


U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Tuesday that he and departing House Speaker John Boehner will soon launch negotiations with the White House to try to reach a two-year budget deal that covers the 2016 and 2017 fiscal years.

"We'd like to settle the top line (spending level) for both years so that next year we can have a regular appropriations process," McConnell told reporters in the Capitol. "The president and Speaker Boehner and I spoke about getting started in the discussions last week and I would expect them to start very soon."


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Kinda scared to come in here but yolo,today I went to the Louisiana DMV to update from my Texas DL, and I also register to vote here to, I went from undeclared to democract and I feel pretty good, so uh... Hi!

Funny, just last week, I finally changed my party affiliation to Independent. Feels good, man.


No Scrubs
Sanders isn't wrong about Obama being naive. His behavior towards republicans was stunningly stupid and displayed a man who didn't know he was being played. No wonder no one on the hill respects him.

But this idea that Sanders could prevent that with "the people" is laughable. The people don't give a fuck. Republicans in the house have safe districts, what danger would an army of liberal college kids pose to them? Come on...

Sanders sounds like Cruz explaining why a govt shutdown can work. Nonsense.

Honestly, Sanders sounds even more naive than Obama was. I've said it before, but his stance here is basically bullshit pandering.
Ben Carson is such a dumb mumble fuck moron. In my opinion this lunatic is worse than any other candidate in the primary, even worse than Sarah Palin's candidacy. The guy has very serious inhibitions about the world and how it operates. He doesn't even have a wrong understanding, like Huckabee's or Palin's, both who said inflammatory things just to stay in the headlines as well. Carson has just completely, incomprehensibly bad understanding. Like prisons being a gayifying institution and ACA is worse than slavery. He really believes this shit. In my opinion he is Michelle Bachmann levels of crazybat.

Hopefully my prediction about him being a flavor of the month comes to fruition and he goes away.

He's Fire and Brimstone Cruz on Valium and a 'dipshit that listens to Rightwing AM talk radio all day' hot sauce on his rhetoric.
Are you saying we're headed towards socialism? That's a new one.

No but a lot of americans do. Also it's not a new one have you been keeping up with the media and public surveys the last few years?

Like I said the american people are still hardwired against the word "socialist" it will tajke maybe another generation to be rid of most of it.
I was bored, so I made a messy board to track the candidates in the race.

Let's watch them fall

Who is going to fail? If anything writting these guys off is dangerous and will give them a chance to win.

Also lol I forgot Jim Gilmore was in the race, he didn't end up in one debate didn't he?
Rand Paul sold his soul and it didn't work. For the last year and a half he has moved away from isolationist views, changed his view on foreign aide specifically with regard to Israel, and made nice with establishment republicans. He isn't his father's son. He clearly doesn't want to be the poorest guy in Washington not named Joe Biden, which is what Ron Paul was for years. He went for the money and lost his base.

But I'll still give him dap for exposing neoconservative fuckery as well as the ignorance of drug laws at that last debate.


Rand Paul is who he is, but I appreciated there we're issues/topics I could agree with him on, which is a lot more than I can say for nearly every other republican candidate.
He literally just told (at 2:00 pm) a Fox News anchor that he was not dropping out and in it for the long run. He even paid the SC fee today so I doubt it's true.
Running campaigns needs money though. All those hotels, plane tickets and staff expenses and paychecks can't manifest out of thin air.

Which makes me wonder how Pataki, Lindsey and Kasich are surviving.


I'm waiting to see if he says something about Trump in his exiting remarks. If he's concerned, it'd tell us that the establishment still thinks that Trump is a very real contender.
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