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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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Sanders raised $6 mil yesterday? Fuck

I'll give his campaign credit for this. They know that everything post SC is definitely going to be a shit storm. They need to get that coin now if they think they're going to stay in for the long haul. Once he has a string of losses, or if he only wins a handful of Super Tuesday states, it'd get damn hard to try and hit up those small donors.

I mean, how many people on the Titanic tipped the waiter on the way down, you know?

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Sanders raised $6 mil yesterday? Fuck

He raised the most in one day of any primary candidate ever. It was also $7.1mil by the day's end - they just reported at $6.4mil because it broke the previous record then.
Sanders raised $6 mil yesterday? Fuck

He got to give a 40 minute stump speech on National TV with a plea for donations in it for his New Hampshire victory speech. It'd be surprising if that didn't lead to an uptick in fundraising. Its also not like he hasn't got a track record of being really good at that to start with.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I think over the course of the next month (through March 15th), these are the contests Sanders has the potential to be competitive in:

- Nevada
- Vermont
- Colorado
- Massachusetts
- Minnesota
- Democrats Abroad
- Nebraska
- Kansas
- Maine

Not Utah? We only ever get very sparse polling there, but he's lead every time. It's nearly as white and liberal (on the Democratic side, obviously not the state as a whole) as Vermont. I'd say it's one of Sanders' safest bets. Also surprised you didn't list Wyoming. Aside from that, this would be a pretty reasonable guesstimation.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Given the way Sanders is acting I wouldn't be surprised if he goes third party.

I don't want him to do it, but I do want to see the hypothetical world where he does do it.


yeah, in my case it's a "would not even remotely be surprised by him winning" thing more than it is actual prognostication

(it's incidentally why I didn't list Colorado, because it's a closed caucus without same-day party registration)

correct. KS, NE, ME & AK are closed caucuses as well but also have same day registration. Hawaii is a closed caucus but don't know if same day registration.

WY is a closed caucus but has a deadline of March 25th. Don't know about the territories.



Kanye 2020
If you guys didn't see, Kanye just revealed the worst album art of all time. OF ALL TIME


Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I hope hypothetical you likes GOD-KING TRUMP.

He doesn't like God-King Trump, but he'd like to watch him from the safe distance of this reality. For science.

Also I made a rare foray into /r/sandersforpresident and people are actually pretty irritated by the bunch of people attacking Lewis; and from my limited experience with /r/sandersforpresident they are on the more nutty side of the Bernie spectrum. It's so frustrating there's no real way to rein the small bunch of nutjobs doing this.


No Scrubs
If you guys didn't see, Kanye just revealed the worst album art of all time. OF ALL TIME


He doesn't like God-King Trump, but he'd like to watch him from the safe distance of this reality. For science.

Between you and me, so would I. But only if that world was a computer program where he could do no real harm. :lol

Also I made a rare foray into /r/sandersforpresident and people are actually pretty irritated by the bunch of people attacking Lewis; and from my limited experience with /r/sandersforpresident they are on the more nutty side of the Bernie spectrum. It's so frustrating there's no real way to rein the small bunch of nutjobs doing this.

This actually makes me feel better about humanity.
I tweeted Trump. Jeb has repeatedly said the president requires a steady hand. I wonder if his donors and special interests are okay with him endorsing Ben Carson? Notice me senpai.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
So what you're saying is you do want it to happen. And you want President Trump.

Is he really worth the risk?

No, I'm saying I don't want it to happen at all. I'd just like a magic crystal ball that lets me see the universe where it did happen out of curiosity. Obviously I want our universe to remain as unTrumped as possible.


No, I'm saying I don't want it to happen at all. I'd just like a magic crystal ball that lets me see the universe where it did happen out of curiosity. Obviously I want our universe to remain as unTrumped as possible.
Hopefully most Sanders loyalists have your level of sensibility on this one as well.
Given the way Sanders is acting I wouldn't be surprised if he goes third party.

He has absolutely nothing to gain from going third party apart from maybe the satisfaction of giving the Democratic Party a middle finger (and given the way he's been approaching things so far that doesn't seem likely*). On the other hand giving Republicans control of both Houses and the Executive (right now) and the Supreme Court (for ~20-30 years) represents a real massive loss to everything he's been running on.

*PoliGAF's love of reading any criticism of the Democratic Party at all as burning hostility aside.


Not Utah? We only ever get very sparse polling there, but he's lead every time. It's nearly as white and liberal (on the Democratic side, obviously not the state as a whole) as Vermont. I'd say it's one of Sanders' safest bets. Also surprised you didn't list Wyoming. Aside from that, this would be a pretty reasonable guesstimation.
My list was for the contests from now to the 15th, and UT/ID/WY are afterwards. I think Sanders can do good in those three states, especially Utah because Mormons seem to have said no to the Clintons. But they've also said no to Trump too it seems, so a Clinton vs. Trump matchup would be interesting in Utah.
Trump still carries it by 15%.
If you guys didn't see, Kanye just revealed the worst album art of all time. OF ALL TIME
That's it? Isn't Kanye known for being ostentatious? I don't anything about his music really.

But that cover looks like the prime example of not giving a single, solitary, minute, fuck.

Was there a point to having it look like that?


That's it? Isn't Kanye known for being ostentatious? I don't anything about his music really.

But that cover looks like the prime example of not giving a single, solitary, minute, fuck.

Was there a point to having it look like that?
He didn't even name the album until yesterday. Comes out in a few minutes.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Hopefully most Sanders loyalists have your level of sensibility on this one as well.

I mean, polling says 73% of them do. Probably more than that if/when Sanders endorses Clinton. But I think Clinton has an effort to make here too; her campaign is currently doing everything it can to persuade ex-Berners not to vote for her.
That's it? Isn't Kanye known for being ostentatious? I don't anything about his music really.

But that cover looks like the prime example of not giving a single, solitary, minute, fuck.

Was there a point to having it look like that?

It's Kanye.

The only point is his inflated sense of importance.


I mean, polling says 73% of them do. Probably more than that if/when Sanders endorses Clinton. But I think Clinton has an effort to make here too; her campaign is currently doing everything it can to persuade ex-Berners not to vote for her.

I guess the only way to persuade them is for her to drop out right now.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Real talk: Kanye has about three good tracks, all from early in his career, and has been floating on self-importance and competent media management since then.

He's like the Trump of pop culture at this point.
Chicago politician. Fenomenously realistic perception of what he had to do to take down hills. Somehow still naive.

There's a point where calling him naive for that is kinda insulting to the man's intelligence.

But he himself has admitted it. He was naive to think a black man democrat could bring Republicans and such into a place where they can work together. I think his argument was genuine but it was bullshit. He didn't realize it was bullshit then, and a lot of people (including me to an extent) didn't think it was. Obama was most certainly naive in his thinking about how Republicans would react to his Presidency. Everyone was.

It would only be insulting to his intelligence if he hadn't acknowledged it, but he has.

We need a political revolution =/= I am a political revolution. He's trying to encourage people to get out there and take control of the political system not promising that he's going to do it for them. If you look at his campaign messaging it's about that (and it ties into his focus on income inequality since the vast disparity in wealth allows those its concentrated in to effectively control the political system). He's not personally talking about making great deals with X like Trump is.

And it's still bullshit. Bernie isn't explaining to his supporters how fucking difficult it will be at all. All he's saying is if you all join him that it will get done. That's it. He doesn't explain how hard it will be to get a filibuster proof majority, flip the House. Do you know how much work will go into that? How many Americans he will have to convince of his vision?

He acts as if all we have to do is go and vote and it'll be great! Do you know how long and hard the civil rights movements of numerous groups lasted? How hard it was? What they went through? Whether it's women, LGBT, African Americans, other minorities, etc it's been fucking hard. How hard have labor unions fought in this country and keep losing? How hard have people fought against the Drug War? Criminal Justice Reform?

Bernie hand waves all of this. The expectation of the media Bernie voter is that he will fix it all. Every time he is presented with this question, that's what he does. Hand waves, says people just have to come out and vote. This isn't reality!
I mean, polling says 73% of them do. Probably more than that if/when Sanders endorses Clinton. But I think Clinton has an effort to make here too; her campaign is currently doing everything it can to persuade ex-Berners not to vote for her.

Yes, how dare they not accept all of Saint Bernard's criticism as infallible truths!

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member

You can't handle the truth!

His second best track was largely only as good as it was because he used Daft Punk as the background! He peaked at Gold Digger and that was in 2005!
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