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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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Yeah well sadly our generation doesn't like to vote a lot.

That's democracy for you. You get the government you deserve, and it seems like by-and-large my generation is far more interested in sharing Facebook images, and then complain that it's the system's fault nothing changes.
I'm not dismissing anything anymore. Bernie is a threat to Hillary, clearly.

Need more polls for NV and SC.
Stop drop and roll. Freebeacon is worse than breitbart. They are rightwing fud machine. My guess is that poll was funded by Karl Rove to make bernie people happy and create chatter in media.

Wait until a reputable newspaper or local nevada pollster makes one.


With that incarceration promise Bernie has sufficiently gone into crazy unattainable-" but he must know better" territory that I can't vote for him in good conscience. At this point he's selling a bill of goods that's as delusional as Tea Party candidates just ideologically opposed on the political spectrum. I can only assume at this point he's only cynically selling his proposals as a means to an end rather than engaging in presenting an earnest plan of action that will result in any real change.

I'm not sure what I'll do during the general election, but if he's the nominee I either skip the Presidential column and only vote local races or see what's happening in third-party land.




It's always unfortunate when the "hardcore" narrator juxtaposes the milquetoast candidate. Almost as bad as some of Jeb's ads.
With that incarceration promise Bernie has sufficiently gone into crazy unattainable-" but he must know better" territory that I can't vote for him in good conscience. At this point he's selling a bill of goods that's as delusional as Tea Party candidates just ideologically opposed on the political spectrum. I can only assume at this point he's only cynically selling his proposals as a means to an end rather than engaging in presenting an earnest plan of action that will result in any real change.

I'm not sure what I'll do during the general election, but if he's the nominee I either skip the Presidential column and only vote local races or see what's happening in third-party land.


And Hilary supporters were attacking Bernie supporters for doing the same thing.

Time is a flat circle.


Ooooooh a discussion about my demographic! What would be the differences between an Obama Millennial and a Bush Millennial?

I mean, Bush, basically.

I missed by a few weeks the 2000 elections, but I remember pretty clearly the eight years of W. and especially the 2004 elections where the Californians around me were absolutely convinced W. was on his way out because "everybody hates him." I remember things getting worse in literally every respect! I remember, specifically, people believing that Clinton was an anomaly and that the GOP would continue to control American politics, as they had done since the 80s, basically forever, and continue to roll back protections, violate civil liberties, etc.

The 2004 election is actually a benchmark for me whenever anybody talks about the silent majority, GOP or Democrat, just waiting for the right leader. If that silent majority wouldn't turn out to get rid of George W. Bush, or to stop Barack Obama, then I don't believe it exists. America's just a starkly divided country and elects centrists because they're more representative of that divide.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I mean, Bush, basically.

I missed by a few weeks the 2000 elections, but I remember pretty clearly the eight years of W. and especially the 2004 elections where the Californians around me were absolutely convinced W. was on his way out because "everybody hates him." I remember things getting worse in literally every respect! I remember, specifically, people believing that Clinton was an anomaly and that the GOP would continue to control American politics, as they had done since the 80s, basically forever, and continue to roll back protections, violate civil liberties, etc.

Hell, I was 9-17 during the Bush years and I picked up on most of this live because I was paying attention


Hes not winning NV. It's a closed system. He lost Iowa's semi-open system. On top of that the demographics are less in his favor than Iowa. In order to win NV he needs a massive shift in his numbers with minorities.

Wild guess, but I think it will end up 51-46 in Hillary favor.

According to many on this PoliGAF Thread Bernie Sanders = Ron Paul. So Sanders should win the caucus with ease

Anyhow both candidates are playing the expectations game, right now. I've seen some journalist covering Nevada being very coy about their chances. But it's a definite possibility Sanders does win Nevada. It's definitely close, I think that's one of the reasons the Clinton campaign has been pretty aggressive for example with the young lady being fought over between both campaigns a week ago. I don't think that worked out for Clinton's campaign due to the email communication Sander's campaign countered with. Right now it's difficult to say which way it goes but I do think Sanders has the advantage because it is a caucus and because I feel Democratic turnout will be higher in Nevada than Republican turnout.


Hes not winning NV. It's a closed system. He lost Iowa's semi-open system. On top of that the demographics are less in his favor than Iowa. In order to win NV he needs a massive shift in his numbers with minorities.

Wild guess, but I think it will end up 51-46 in Hillary favor.

you can on site register in NV.
Something I've been curious about. Are millennials so progressive because of some all-encompassing shift towards liberalism in youth or because of their racial diversity? Are white millennials more Democratic than white GenXers? Are older minorities less Democratic than their millennial counterparts?

Any studies on this?

Millennials aren't a monolith!
It looks that way because many people are "progressive" and "liberal" on the internet. They might take up issues that lean left , but that doesn't mean they are liberal. Like getting money out of politics is not necessary a liberal idea. It could very well these people aren't ideology liberal, but might support certain policies because it benefits them. Many people have views that are all over the place.



Something I've been curious about. Are millennials so progressive because of some all-encompassing shift towards liberalism in youth or because of their racial diversity? Are white millennials more Democratic than white GenXers? Are older minorities less Democratic than their millennial counterparts?

Any studies on this?

Not a study but billionaire Mark Cuban's ramblings include how he sees young people prefer and demand SocioCapitalism, the idea where corporations give back to communities and especially the environment (like being made locally in the USA with biodegradable materials):
2. SocioCapitalism is and has been Capitalism for Millennials. You haven’t been paying attention. Bernie has.

If you watch Shark Tank you may have noticed a trend. Entrepreneurs don’t just want to make a profit, they want to make a profit and share their success with those less fortunate. I first saw this in the mid 90’s when Rob Glaser founded Progressive Networks and promised 5 pct of their profits to those less fortunate.

We saw this type of philanthropy gain interest with Tom’s Shoes and their One for One program.

Today, charitable give aways, or inclusive hiring as part of a product or service purchase is more than just common place. We see it on Shark Tank in almost every pitch from a 20-something entrepreneur. Several of my recent Shark Tank deals reflect this trend, RRiveter , Combat Flip Flops, Living Christmas Trees to name just a few.

Not only are 20-something entrepreneurs starting companies with a social component , 20 – Something consumers are EXPECTING a social component from companies they do business with.

So how can it be a surprise that Millennials are excited about Bernie Sanders ? Millennials EXPECT capitalism to reflect a socialist element. I don’t think Bernie knew this going in. Either way, any candidate that expects to get millennial votes needs to understand that your father’s capitalism is not what how they understand the world. Soci0-Capitalism is who they are and what this country will be. Whether you like it or not.

To each according to their ability, from each support for those in need. d

So now that the Hilary supporters are willing to throw the race now you should be doubling down to get them.

Or is the been still blinding you to reality?

The Been?

EDIT: You changed it...

But I still think my question stands. Most Dems or smart Progressive Independents will stick around and vote for Hilary if she gets the Nom.

I thought the same could be said for Hildawg supporters.
Not a study but billionaire Mark Cuban's ramblings include how he sees young people prefer and demand SocioCapitalism, the idea where corporations give back to communities and especially the environment (like being made locally in the USA with biodegradable materials):

Ideally this is what corporations should be. They are parts of society and thusly should also help society in addition to lining their pockets.
Not a study but billionaire Mark Cuban's ramblings include how he sees young people prefer and demand SocioCapitalism, the idea where corporations give back to communities and especially the environment (like being made locally in the USA with biodegradable materials):

That seems more like left-libertarianism I see. Sanders is looking to expand and improve our welfare state and looking to tackle corporations and Wall Street to addition to being a bit of a protectionist. I think that is different.
The Been?

EDIT: You changed it...

But I still think my question stands. Most Dems or smart Progressive Independents will stick around and vote for Hilary if she gets the Nom.

I thought the same could be said for Hildawg supporters.

Why exactly do you think Bernie has been thought of as unelectable?


Man as a Chinese-American Bernie really alienated me last night with his anti-China talk. Not a fan of how he disingenuously blamed China for being the sole reason for the decline of US manufacturing jobs when such jobs were on the decline in the US beforehand and such jobs are currently on the decline worldwide, and not a fan of how he indirectly said that Kissinger opening up China was a bad idea. This stood out to me a lot more especially after his token mention of Asian-Americans earlier in the debate. Not a fan of his economic and anti-immigration stances in general honestly.

Though I don't think any candidate really cares about Asian-Americans, Hillary is probably the one who comes the closest since she's the only one I can think of who even has an AAPI outreach thing going on.


The message from Thursday night’s Democratic debate is that everybody in America should get on a leaky rowboat and find somewhere, anywhere, else in the world to live — because life in the United States is a nightmare from which millionaires and billionaires and the Koch brothers and the Republicans will not allow us to awake.

The two candidates for the Democratic nomination spent most of two hours arguing over who was the better diagnostician of the moral diseases, ideological calamities, spiritual infirmities, racial injustices and downright evils that are being visited upon the suffering 320 million who have found themselves through no fault of their own trapped between two oceans in a dystopian oligarchic hell they call America.

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders were essentially auditioning last night for the role of Snake Plissken. Do you remember Snake Plissken? He was the eyepatch-wearing hero of “Escape from New York,” the 1981 science-fiction picture in which Manhattan has become a prison and Snake Plissken is the only guy who can find the way out.

Only the America from which they want to liberate us is Barack Obama’s America. Oh, they don’t say as much. Hillary blames the Koch brothers. Bernie blames millionaires and billionaires and the campaign finance system. They both blame the Republicans.

But let’s face it: It’s Obama’s world. They and we are all just living in it.

And what a world. “There is,” Sanders said, “massive despair all over this country.” Wages low. Millions in prison.

The highest rate of childhood poverty in the world. The old have inadequate health care, don’t have enough money for food, are chopping up their pills to make them last longer.

Hillary said immigrants are living in fear. There’s systemic racism. Police brutality.

And don’t forget the horrors of being white, with “an increase in alcoholism, addiction, earlier deaths. People with a high school education or less are not even living as long as their parents lived . . . Coal miners and their families who helped turn on the lights and power our factories for generations are now wondering, has our country forgotten us?”

She concluded the debate by saying Sanders’s focus on punishing Wall Street was limited.

That’s because “if we were to stop that tomorrow, we would still have the indifference, the negligence that we saw in Flint. We would still have racism holding people back. We would still have sexism preventing women from getting equal pay. We would still have LGBT people who get married on Saturday and get fired on Monday. And we would still have governors like Scott Walker and others trying to rip out the heart of the middle class by making it impossible to organize and stand up for better wages and working conditions.”

Every now and then, one or the other would grudgingly say America had “potential,” but only to point out that it was potential to which it was not living up. Sanders even went into a long peroration about how horrible it was Hillary once said something nice about Henry Kissinger, who is 92 years old and last served as a US government official 40 years ago.

I thought “The Walking Dead” was a frightening vision of America. That zombie show is a walk in the park compared to Thursday night’s debate.
In the 1980s, Democrats found themselves forced to battle the impression that they were anti-American. So desperate were they to dispel this idea that at their convention in 1984, Democrats waved a thousand flags and chanted “USA” and sang the national anthem until their voices went hoarse.

And that was after four years of a Republican president.

In 2016, after seven years of a Democratic presidency, look where they are now.




That GOP push poll is really entertaining as hell. The best they can manage is a tie? And that first-time voter number is amazing. 😂

And Hillary is meeting with Sharpton on Tuesday apparently.


“They're still in a strong position in the delegate race, but they really need to show some muscle in Nevada,” said a Democrat there. “If they do and follow it up with a quick win in South Carolina, then Bernie will start to flatline.”

But the Nevada Democrat also added – in comments that underscore how some members of the Democratic establishment feel about the Sanders campaign – that Sanders’ huge online fundraising operation will sustain him to go the distance.

“The bigger problem is that Bernie is sitting on too much money to force him to quit,” the Democrat said. “Nor will his staff advise him to drop out if he suffers a string of March losses. His campaign is run by narcissists who are infatuated with their perception of their own genius, and they've got enough cash to hang around for quite a while.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/...-to-nomination-for-trump-219142#ixzz3zyRF9jC1
They want an outsider. Trump talking about a wall is like Bernie talking about free healthcare. Neither will happen, but it gets their base riled up.

I mean, if "we're going to stop Muslim immigration to the Untied States" fires someone up as much as free health care... I don't think I'm a fan of that person.
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