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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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I just mean why worry about Toomey for example. Republicans would trade him for the WH without thinking twice. They can win without getting PA or FL if they carry OH or vice versa if the map/candidate is right for them.
If they're losing Toomey it means they're losing the Senate majority.

And it's not related but there is no way they win the presidency without Florida. Same with the Senate.


Unconfirmed Member
And how does this help a Republican get into the White House, exactly?

Democrats will now have a HUGE (not spelling it yuge, sorry internet) reason to turn out to vote. Like this is absolutely a "first 100 days" kind of thing. Republicans do too, but there are more of us.
Bernie and Trump agree on how it's pronounced so there is bipartisan support against you. Also there is only one way to spell hyuge. H-U-G-E. hyuge
Depends, what is he saying? Dude seems to have moments of lucidity every now and again.

He's attacking Shrub the Lesser for Iraq. For lying about WMD.

He attacked Jeb! greatly. Said if Barbara is so wonderful and strong she should be running. Called out the entire audience they were Establishment shrills.


No Scrubs
Angry rant about how bad the Iraq war was and how GWB lied about WMDs.

I'm not sure what the hell Trump is doing. Why bother with Jeb?

Oh, that sounds reasonable.

Trump beats up on Jeb to keep at his fighting weight.

He's attacking Shrub the Lesser for Iraq. For lying about WMD.

He attacked Jeb! greatly. Said if Barbara is so wonderful and strong she should be running. Called out the entire audience they were Establishment shrills.

I love him so much sometimes.


I use to joke that Trump was probably a red herring by Democrats.

Tonight...it just may just MAY be fucking possible.

He just ethered Bush family
Back to polling numbers - if Kasich comes in second in South Carolina I actually think that gives him the best chance of being the nominee after. That state should be horrendously hostile to him, so hitting second there would be amazing for him. If he makes that and the other establishment candidates start folding, there's enough 'not Trump' votes out there to start giving him wins in the vote rich, winner takes all states like Ohio and Pennsylvania.

Especially if Cruz plays to type and hangs in until the bitter end, dividing the anti-establishment vote.

I just don't buy that Kasich is going to score above Cruz in a state like South Carolina. I'd actually be for Kasich because the GOP has at least a chance to win any election, and I'd rather the person who might do that be the person I think will harm the country the least.


No Scrubs
I'm worried Trump is going to damage himself in SC with this.

We always say this, but he only ever becomes stronger and stronger.



We always say this, but he only ever becomes stronger and stronger.

He struck a populist chord in his response about Iraq. More than anything it reflects how deeply the middle and even some on the right of this country's political spectrum understands how ridiculously stupid and wasteful that war was. I don't think it hurts him at all.
He struck a populist chord in his response about Iraq. More than anything it reflects how deeply the middle of this country's political spectrum understands how ridiculously stupid and wasteful that war was. I don't think it hurts him at all.

GBW and the Iraq War are still popular among the Republican voters, especially in the South. The soundbite blaming GWB for 9/11 is not going to play well either.


Trump was right, and I don't think it's a big a deal as some people are making it out to be. The types of people who are upset by what he said weren't going to vote for him anyway.


So, i'm sitting here in in Barnes and Noble and the people next to me are already talking about how "How can people support Sanders? He's a fucking Communist."

SMH. Dude is gonna get buried in the general.
So, i'm sitting here in in Barnes and Noble and the people next to me are already talking about how "How can people support Sanders? He's a fucking Communist."

SMH. Dude is gonna get buried in the general.

Hillary would get buried in the general. She can't even fend off a 74 year old Democratic Socialist.

User 406

I just don't buy that Kasich is going to score above Cruz in a state like South Carolina. I'd actually be for Kasich because the GOP has at least a chance to win any election, and I'd rather the person who might do that be the person I think will harm the country the least.

I swear to god, when I get a free hour or two I need to put together an exhaustive FAQ on Kasich and the shit he has done. He would be just as bad or worse than the rest of the GOP field. The fact that people repeatedly fall for the lie that he's a moderate makes him terrifying as a potential general election candidate.


While y'all are watching the GOP debate, Clinton just dropped the "gender identity" card in the CO Dem Dinner. #myabuela
While y'all are watching the GOP debate, Clinton just dropped the "gender identity" card in the CO Dem Dinner. #myabuela

I'm only focusing on it with one eye. My other eye kinda is floating around in a pool of vodka and regret.

Also, for the two people who care, my Berniebro just called me and asked me what time he was picking me up tomorrow. I had no idea why, and he's like "It is Valentines Day, isn't it?" <3


Trump tha God.

Cruz is struggling. Marco Polo is yelling too much. Jeb sounds like Jeb. Kasich is too nice for this crowd. Carson is so forgettable.


trump saying nice things about planned parenthood

blaming bush for 9/11

i hope trump can squeak to victory to SC, i really do, but yeesh


It's like Trump is going for the middle. Independent run incoming?

Also, Rubio/Haley 2016?

I don't know. I think Rubio comes out on top here with Kasich in 2nd
"Say something politically incorrect."

"The national debt is large so we shouldn't have free college."

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