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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I am very shook. I thought that was very rough. Trump got hurt bad I think. The imagery is just terrible. But I doubt the media can turn this into something like with Rubio last time.

You're letting the shill crowd influence you. Everything he said appealed to the fed up base.


No Scrubs
I am very shook. I thought that was very rough. Trump got hurt bad I think. The imagery is just terrible. But I doubt the media can turn this into something like with Rubio last time.

They stacked that crowd and trump still went HAM. His numbers will only go up.
You're letting the shill crowd influence you. Everything he said appealed to the fed up base.

Speaking to his already firm supporters while burning bridges with the rest of Republicans isn't exactly what a front runner should be doing. He looked flustered and out of control, and he gave his opponents a bunch of nice soundbites about things unpopular with most Republicans. This is the first debate I've watched and came out thinking Trump was hurt by it. The guy was set to steamroll SC, he would have been smarter to just play it safe.
I don't think it is too hard win an exchange with Trump, it is that Republicans are just bad at it.

If anyone was in a debate with Trump, how would anyone stump him?


No Scrubs
I don't think it is too hard win an exchange with Trump, it is that Republicans are just bad at it.

If anyone was in a debate with Trump, how would anyone stump him?

You just have to be able to stay calm in the face of his bullshit and refute every point he makes. You gotta wear him down. It's sure as shit not easy to do, but it's probably the only way.

User 406

I keep saying the one drop rule exist in politics . That is why we have the 'in name only' acronyms. Trump can say something kinda sensible and suddenly he isn't insane because he says something liberal. There's is no such thing as being half insane it is most likely a brief moment of sanity.... well at least I think so.

It reminds me of Stockholm Syndrome. You get abusive crazy non-stop, then one moment of humanity stands out as more influential simply because it's something good to cling to.

Speaking of which, noted nice guy Republican John Kasich who would totally be reasonable and not hard right wing because he said those nice things that one time is about to sign this anti-Planned Parenthood bill which would make Texas proud.


FGC Waterboy
"He gets out of the Republican primary being moderate except for revealing himself to be a white supremacist"....Yeah, I'm not worried about how "moderate" he'll be viewed. All people of color hate Trump because they know Trump hates them.

Let's see how the exit polls in the primaries the next few weeks show minorities breaking. People will be very, very surprised, I think.

Democrats fall in love. Republicans fall in line.

The degree to which candidate Trump could chameleon away from primary Trump would be interesting. But I think some of the things people are listing here are things that they personally care about or find objectionable rather than what nebulous "middle America" does.


I am absolutely not going to underestimate Trump's ability to chameleon himself, or even say "you know what, I hired some smart people who talked to me about this, and they said I was wrong for XYZ reason, and I listened, and I agreed." and immediately switch positions. Trump's deliberately making his move towards the center now to see if primary voters will handle it. If he still keeps winning, watch him move towards the center more and more.

I also am afraid of a race with HRC because he may know where some of the Clinton's bodies are buried, as it were. Clinton, like Trump, seems to have a low ceiling when it comes to people who like her (one of the big reasons Sanders is even standing a chance against her, IMO). While I'd want Clinton vs any of the other GOP candidates over Sanders, the Trump matchup is the one that specifically worries me.

Reporter "Mr trump you said you liked Ted Cruz"

Trump: "I liked him before I had to get to know him"


Cruz might be the first candidate the RNC would refuse to work with if elected the candidate, lol.
meanwhile on twitter

Hey, I haven't been lurking here as much recently. Did y'all talk about Gov. John Bel-Edwards cutting the TOPS government-paid college scholarship program in Louisiana a few days ago (obviously temporarily)? People went irate and were blaming JBE despite Jindal being the dude who put Louisiana in the shitty debt it's currently in.

Probably really minor in comparison to the general news cycle of the election but yeah.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Speaking to his already firm supporters while burning bridges with the rest of Republicans isn't exactly what a front runner should be doing. He looked flustered and out of control, and he gave his opponents a bunch of nice soundbites about things unpopular with most Republicans. This is the first debate I've watched and came out thinking Trump was hurt by it. The guy was set to steamroll SC, he would have been smarter to just play it safe.

I didn't think he was out of control in the least.


Speaking to his already firm supporters while burning bridges with the rest of Republicans isn't exactly what a front runner should be doing. He looked flustered and out of control, and he gave his opponents a bunch of nice soundbites about things unpopular with most Republicans. This is the first debate I've watched and came out thinking Trump was hurt by it. The guy was set to steamroll SC, he would have been smarter to just play it safe.

The establishment republicans, the so called moderate conservatives (neocons) will never vote for Trump. To appeal to them he would have to become another candidate all together and risk Cruz taking his share. Not only that but he opens himself up for establishment puppets to bury him.

He's going to live or die by the fringe base, not moderate conservatives, establishment republicans. Lets dispel this fiction that Trump should move to the middle to win this primary. If this primary serves as any proof, it's the moderates moving hard right. The failure to totally embrace the fringe base hurts them - not to mention their resume's don't match. Cruz's got that going for him, unlike Jeb or Rubio.
I can't really read the Rubio/Cruz spat. This is the second time it has blown up in a debate, and last time neither seemed to be hurt; ultimately Cruz won Iowa and Rubio came in a strong third. Cruz seems like he'd have an advantage in South Carolina given his record and style, however Rubio isn't doing poorly so far in polling.

Cruz's ground game should get him into second place IMO. If Rubio comes in third again I fully expect another "comeback" narrative attempt by the media. They want him to do well.

Bush? Meh. I'd be stunned if he doesn't come in second to last.


I didn't think he was out of control in the least.
Yeah perhaps not that but... unhinged. More than usual. He relentlessly attacked Cruz and Jeb. He looked really ignorant and allowed Marco Rubio to dust himself off a bit.

I really think he is starting to plant some populist seeds to try and allow for a potential third party run. The back and forth between Trump and some of the "crowd" that was really the RNC was legit. You could tell right away.

Saying nice things about Planned Parenthood in ANY way, even if you still decry abortion, during a Republican debate is just unheard of. Also, the way he trashed Bush and his handling of everything post-9/11 was right out of the DNC playbook circa 2004, 2006, and really 2008.

Rubio and Kasich won. Trump is a wildcard to me after this debate. The others were forgettable.

Jeb is really, really boring. He is just so blah about everything. It's like he's always on Xanax.


This debate wont hurt him. None of them have so why would they start now?
To simplify: He trashed Dubya, his handling of 9/11, and how Iraq fucked so many things up. He defended Planned Parenthood. He was extremely brash, more than I've ever seen him at times.


To simplify: He trashed Dubya, his handling of 9/11, and how Iraq fucked so many things up. He defended Planned Parenthood. He was extremely brash, more than I've ever seen him at times.

Yeah I always end up wondering if anything will stick to Teflon Don after every debate but I've pretty much given up on guessing.


To simplify: He trashed Dubya, his handling of 9/11, and how Iraq fucked so many things up. He defended Planned Parenthood. He was extremely brash, more than I've ever seen him at times.

I didn't think Dubya was popular in his own party. Is that not the case anymore?


Did Trump move more towards the center? Also, Cruz is a coward for not directly answering that question about Dreamers (DACA). I know Kasich is an illusion but damn, at least he's...Presidential.
"I thank God it was GWB and not Al Gore in office on 9/11" has to be one of the most batshit lines ever uttered in a presidential debate. Can Republicans name a single good action GWB took in reaction to 9/11?


Did Trump move more towards the center? Also, Cruz is a coward for not directly answering that question about Dreamers (DACA). I know Kasich is an illusion but damn, at least he's...Presidential.

Not really, no. They're just trying to flank him from the right since South Carolina is up next.


Tom whats wrong with TOPS? thought we're safe for this school year but next year possible cuts?
I have nooooo clue. People are going nuts over him telling the truth of our situation. Watching the Jindal hangover is going to be scary. I could see JBE trying to act like an adult and then getting booted out of office come re-election time; the voters here seem like they want someone to tell them financial fairy tales..
Not really, no. They're just trying to flank him from the right since South Carolina is up next.

Speaking of which, does anyone remember the SNL skit that had the running gag of Texas governor candidates all arguing about how gruesome they'd make the death penalty in Texas?
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