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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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"I thank God it was GWB and not Al Gore in office on 9/11" has to be one of the most batshit lines ever uttered in a presidential debate. Can Republicans name a single good action GWB took in reaction to 9/11?

"I thank God it was GWB and not Al Gore in office during Hurricane Katrina" has to be one of the most batshit lines ever uttered in a presidential debate. Can Republicans name a single good action GWB took in reaction to Hurricane Katrina ?

"I thank God it was GWB and not Al Gore in office on the Great Recession" has to be one of the most batshit lines ever uttered in a presidential debate. Can Republicans name a single good action GWB took in reaction to the Great Recession?

"I thank God it was GWB and not Al Gore in office on the Iraq and Afghanistan War" has to be one of the most batshit lines ever uttered in a presidential debate. Can Republicans name a single good action GWB took in reaction to the Iraq and Afghanistan War?

SE Cupp is in such a deranged denial tonight, it's turning me on so much.

What is this dude on CNN still using talking points from September? "Voters are going to get serious and not support Trump since he's not conservative." I can't believe so many people don't understand Trump's appeal.


Speaking of which, does anyone remember the SNL skit that had the running gag of Texas governor candidates all arguing about how gruesome they'd make the death penalty in Texas?

I'm drawing a blank on that one..

Although I do remember the 1992 debate sketch where Ross Perot describes a unique method of execution:

Jane Pauley: Thank you, gentlemen. Now, Bernard Shaw has a question for Governor Clinton.

Bernard Shaw: Yes, Governor Clinton. If Kitty Dukakis were raped and murdered, would you favor the death penalty for her assailant?

Jane Pauley: Mr. Shaw, really. You don't have to answer that, Governor Clinton.

Bill Clinton: No, no, I'm happy to answer that. Obviously, none of us want to see Kitty Dukakis raped and murdered, but if she had to be murdered I would hope it would be in Arkansas - because no state is tougher on crime. Last year we passed Florida to become #2 in executions by lethal injection, and first in crushed by heavy stones.

Jane Pauley: Mr. Perot? Rebuttal.

Ross Perot: I was hoping we'd get into the issues, but if this is the way the game is played - fine. So, if somebody were to lay a finger on Kitty Dukakis, I wouldn't kill him right away. That'd be too easy. I'd wait for a hot Texas day, see? Tie him to a stake, get an ant trail going. You know, Texas red ants, inch long! Just love to bite into human flesh, catch what I'm saying here? See, they're eating him alive, nice and slow like. And I'd sit with him in the shade under an umbrella, maybe with a lemonade, sit back and say to the fella, "How do you like them apples?" And he'll be screaming, "When am I gonna die?" and I'd say, "I don't know exactly, and frankly, I resent your question." Catch my drift?


Not really, no. They're just trying to flank him from the right since South Carolina is up next.
I absolutely understand but his answer in PPH stood out. Most moderate answer I've heard from any of the GOP candidates along with his tippy toieng on universal healthcare from the last debate.


SE Cupp is in such a deranged denial tonight, it's turning me on so much.

What is this dude on CNN still using talking points from September? "Voters are going to get serious and not support Trump since he's not conservative." I can't believe so many people don't understand Trump's appeal.

i wish they'd get better panels for these things, i didn't even get Chris Matthew's general zaniness, MSNBC had Ari Melber hosting.


Did Trump move more towards the center? Also, Cruz is a coward for not directly answering that question about Dreamers (DACA). I know Kasich is an illusion but damn, at least he's...Presidential.
Trump is socially liberal. The mask keeps cracking because he just cant keep up the conservative act on that axis.
I think Huntsman - Kasich comparison is premature because Huntsman had just about as much of a chance as Gilmore this election. He was a sideshow. Kasich however has a lot riding on him. In fact he might have the entire party riding on him.
Trump obviously doesn't care much about abortion or same sex marriage, but this is a guy that is obsessed with guns, hates women, and hates all people of color. He's super socially conservative.
Trump loves the blacks and they love him. Great relationship, great people. And the Jews. He hires lots of Jews, because they're clever. He loves women, he would be the best president for women.
Trump loves the blacks and they love him. And the Jews. He hires lots of Jews, because they're clever. He loves women, he would be the best president for women.

I only don't want the blacks counting my money because, and this is really sad-they're going to be so mad that we said this, so politically incorrect-they're criminals, people! I love the blacks, but they're criminals! So the Jews count my money. And you know, you have to watch out for Jews around money. But they're great negotiators, not as great as me of course-I mean, I wrote The Art of the Deal-but great negotiators. But they can really count money. Hey tits, get me another cigar!


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
The centrist media people talking up Scalia's "brilliant in how he used a philosophy, where the word of a bunch of slaveowners is the only truth that matters, to attack gay people and expand police powers" intellect while not mentioning how he barely followed his own philosophy.

Using the 14th amendment in BushvGore, lol.


"Execute the Central Park Five"

"They're rapists"

Come on now, he's running on a platform of a ban on brown people coming into the United States. He's obviously a white supremacist.

1. The ad didn't even mention the Central Park Five. That quote is completely false.

2. The context is his claim that Mexico was aiding convicts to illegally immigrate to the US. Not that all Mexicans are rapists. Scaremongering? Sure. Total bullshit? Almost definitely. Calling him a white supremacist is a bit far though.

3. There's no ban on "brown people". There's a temporary ban on Muslims which is pretty disgusting, sure. But saying Muslims = brown people is pretty racist in itself.

Trump is for legal immigration where there are skills shortages though, similar to the way most countries run their immigration systems.

Anyway, I don't think hyperbole helps anyone. Calling Trump a white supremacist is not only false, but not constructive or conducive to rational debate.


No Scrubs
The centrist media people talking up Scalia's "brilliant in how he used a philosophy, where the word of a bunch of slaveowners is the only truth that matters, to attack gay people and expand police powers" intellect while not mentioning how he barely followed his own philosophy.

Using the 14th amendment in BushvGore, lol.

No one is going to shittalk the guy the day he died. They had to find something decent to say about him.
1. The ad didn't even mention the Central Park Five. That quote is completely false.

2. The context is his claim that Mexico was aiding convicts to illegally immigrate to the US. Not that all Mexicans are rapists. Scaremongering? Sure. Total bullshit? Almost definitely. Calling him a white supremacist is a bit far though.

3. There's no ban on "brown people". There's a temporary ban on Muslims which is pretty disgusting, sure. But saying Muslims = brown people is pretty racist in itself.

Trump is for legal immigration where there are skills shortages though, similar to the way most countries run their immigration systems.

Anyway, I don't think hyperbole helps anyone. Calling Trump a white supremacist is not only false, but not constructive or conducive to rational debate.

Yeah, yeah, for fucking sure, Trump wasn't referring to the Central Park Five when he took out that ad a few days after the crime. Yeah, definitely:


How can our great society tolerate the continued brutalization of its citizens by crazed misfits? Criminals must be told that their CIVIL LIBERTIES END WHEN AN ATTACK ON OUR SAFETY BEGINS!

Also, interesting thing from the ad that shows how Trump has always had this authoritarian nature to him.
I still can't get over how crazy today was.

Conservative commentators are still going with "WE DID FIND WMDS IN IRAQ" based on the fact that Saddam had a bunch of old, non-functional chemical weapons. The W administration has left deep mental scars. They can't admit that the war and the post 9/11 reaction was all for nothing so they claim it kept us safe when it obviously didn't.
War on Vaping! Film at 11.

Also, kind of curious now if the nominees Obama does put forward will end up getting push-back from Republicans for being too liberal and from his own party for being not liberal enough.


No Scrubs
War on Vaping! Film at 11.

Also, kind of curious now if the nominees Obama does put forward will end up getting push-back from Republicans for being too liberal and from his own party for being not liberal enough.

I don't think the dems will be much of a problem. They know, or should know, that Obama's not going to appoint some nutcase conservative and is going to get the most liberal* guy up there that he can.

*By "most liberal" I mean on certain issues. The GOP obviously won't let him appoint an RBG clone, but he should be able to sneak someone by that would strike down citizens united given the chance and who wouldn't block a further expansion of healthcare or screw up abortion.

Whoever he picks likely won't be perfect, but he/she should have the right stances on the right issues. If the dems can't trust Obama on this by now then I don't know what to say.
1. The ad didn't even mention the Central Park Five. That quote is completely false.

2. The context is his claim that Mexico was aiding convicts to illegally immigrate to the US. Not that all Mexicans are rapists. Scaremongering? Sure. Total bullshit? Almost definitely. Calling him a white supremacist is a bit far though.

3. There's no ban on "brown people". There's a temporary ban on Muslims which is pretty disgusting, sure. But saying Muslims = brown people is pretty racist in itself.

Trump is for legal immigration where there are skills shortages though, similar to the way most countries run their immigration systems.

Anyway, I don't think hyperbole helps anyone. Calling Trump a white supremacist is not only false, but not constructive or conducive to rational debate.

You'd have a point if he didn't consistently shit on Mexico for things that aren't even about illegal immigration. He's always bitching about "look at all the lost jobs going to MEXICO!! GRR I'M ANGRY AREN'T YOU ANGRY!"

The man has a hard-on for shitting on Mexico. Trying to split hairs and saying his xenophobic statements were technically only about illegal immigrants doesn't do anything to refute that.
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