"I thank God it was GWB and not Al Gore in office on 9/11" has to be one of the most batshit lines ever uttered in a presidential debate. Can Republicans name a single good action GWB took in reaction to 9/11?
"I thank God it was GWB and not Al Gore in office during Hurricane Katrina" has to be one of the most batshit lines ever uttered in a presidential debate. Can Republicans name a single good action GWB took in reaction to Hurricane Katrina ?
"I thank God it was GWB and not Al Gore in office on the Great Recession" has to be one of the most batshit lines ever uttered in a presidential debate. Can Republicans name a single good action GWB took in reaction to the Great Recession?
"I thank God it was GWB and not Al Gore in office on the Iraq and Afghanistan War" has to be one of the most batshit lines ever uttered in a presidential debate. Can Republicans name a single good action GWB took in reaction to the Iraq and Afghanistan War?