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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
GOP presidential preference:
Trump 45%
Rubio 19
Cruz 17
Carson 7
Kasich 5
Bush 1
(CNN/ORC Poll, 2/10-15)

Democratic presidential preference:
Clinton 48%
Sanders 47%
(CNN/ORC Poll, 2/10-15)


The Comeback Kid only 26 points behind? Get Politico on the phone!
From what I recall reading, the Sanders campaign is definitely outspending, but that's on the airwaves. The Clinton campaign was there earlier, but both are supposed to have a noticeable presence now. I think her organisation has been why her burn rate has been high for a long time, while Sanders has only more recently become flushed with cash.

The timing of the caucuses may favour Clinton.
Both candidates carry their demographic strong points from prior states into Nevada, with Clinton holding an edge among women, while Sanders tops the former secretary of state among voters under age 55.

Although the pool of potential caucusgoers in Nevada is more racially diverse than those who participated in Iowa or New Hampshire, the racial divide among likely caucusgoers isn't nearly as stark as among voters in South Carolina, with both white and non-white voters about evenly divided between the two candidates.
Clinton fares better among those who say they are definitely going to participate in the caucus, as well as among those who say they have regularly participated in the past. Newer voters are more likely to back Sanders, as are those a bit less certain they'll show up on Saturday.

Also, I'm not sure how the at-large caucus locations come into play either.
Would we expect Nevada to bias slightly to either Clinton or Sanders due to how the caucus process there works?

For what it's worth, RCP's polling aggregate for the Iowa caucuses had Clinton up 4 points going into caucus day, but she won by .2

It can be argued that Nevada's caucus being on a Saturday at 11am hurts Bernie.

Then again, it can also be argued that Bernie's momentum from NH going into this hurts Clinton.

In other words, it all comes down to voter turnout. Surprise!


For what it's worth, RCP's polling aggregate for the Iowa caucuses had Clinton up 4 points going into caucus day, but she won by .2

It can be argued that Nevada's caucus being on a Saturday at 11am hurts Bernie.

Then again, it can also be argued that Bernie's momentum from NH going into this hurts Clinton.

In other words, it all comes down to voter turnout. Surprise!

For me turnout has now got to the stage where it no longer sounds like a real word.
Wow Nevada is gonna be big for Bernie. A win there would really help him in SC and beyond. I'll say that Clinton pulls it off though.

On the GOP side, Trump is gonna be the nominee. No question at this point

I see Clinton taking SC by about 15 points, but a win in Nevada could lead to a good Super Tuesday. At that point Sanders would have won 2, essentially tied 1, and lost in the fourth. It's probably best case scenario for him--other than if he had won Iowa.

EDIT: That Quinnipiac Poll had some interesting points; "The Democratic gender gap is shrinking as women back Clinton over Sanders 47 - 41 percent while men back Sanders 44 - 40 percent." That's big. Also, Clinton only edges Sanders out among Non-whites 55/30 while Sanders has the edge among whites 50/38 which is surprising. Also, Bernie's favorables are insane compared to Clinton, he has 80%+ favorability and single digit unfavorability among all Democrats/Democratic-leaning voters interviewed, compared to Clinton who has a 70/20 split.

EDIT 2: "Would you say Bernie Sanders cares about the needs and problems of people like you or not?" Among Liberals, 99% Yes, 1% No.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Why the hell not. Nevada was supposed to be Clinton firewall.

You just wagered that they were 1 point apart. Poll comes in showing them one point apart and you have a freakout. So which is it-- disingenuousness or cognitive dissonance? I'm fairly convinced you are making these low effort freak out posts now just to get under my skin.
Do you remember 2008, particularly the beginning of her campaign when she was noticeably avoiding mentioning the fact that she was a woman and got criticized by pundits for it?
"Criticized by pundits" is such an empty phrase. I'd imagine a handful of pundits may have criticized her but not enough to make it a noteworthy issue. I could argue I remember pundits criticizing her for constantly bringing gender up or making asinine accusations about sexism. It's a meaningless point.

Hillary has struggled in both campaigns with identity politics. She seems to be surrounded by people who are stuck in the past and nearly all of her appeals have not worked. Perhaps the most prominent example of this was the Hispanic grandma nonsense. You could argue it was a dumb but harmful case which was blown out of proportion. But to me it's an example of how Clinton's camp thinks about identity, and how bad they are at pandering.

Obama didn't have to remind people he was black. He simply was black, and everyone got it. And his outreach to black people was pretty natural and well done. Hillary is struggling right now with young women voters because her appeals are hollow. She can't explain why she'd be a better president for woman than Sanders or Obama yet she wants to insinuate otherwise. And her surrogates' comments about women owing Hillary their support certainly doesn't help. She should be thankful republicans are imploding because she's looking rather weak right now.
You just wagered that they were 1 point apart. Poll comes in showing them one point apart and you have a freakout. So which is it-- disingenuousness or cognitive dissonance? I'm fairly convinced you are making these low effort freak out posts now just to get under my skin.

I am trying to set lower expectations for myself, but seeing a poll back it up is disheartening to see. With a SC vacancy on the line I don't want Sanders to have any kind of momentum going into SC and super Tuesday.


What time does the caucus end on Saturday? This race is going to be so tight. If Hillary loses she really needs to give Plouffe and Axelrod a call. Do itttt

Also Killer Mike is so annoying sometimes.

I really hope the dems don't decide to jump of a cliff together
That's kind of where it appears to be heading

At this point will Sanders folks even vote for Hillary if she wins the nom?
Half want Bern to lose nevada just so i can start reading poligaf again without all the freakouts.

Trump/Sanders would probably be the most racist, sexist and overall bigoted ticket in American history.

Needs to happen so fucking bad. Still doubt that Don would dare to go full anti-semite, tho

I am trying to set lower expectations for myself, but seeing a poll back it up is disheartening to see. With a SC vacancy on the line I don't want Sanders to have any kind of momentum going into SC and super Tuesday.

We keeps telling you she a horrible campaigner and you refuse to truly accept it, is what happens.

Also Killer Mike is so annoying sometimes.

So you saying you want black people to be quiet?

User 406

For me turnout has now got to the stage where it no longer sounds like a real word.

That's because everyone is using "revolution" now to refer to larger numbers of people going into a room and filling in ovals, or diddling dangling chads, or however they express their love. Gotta stay hip with the slang, daddy-O.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Is the NV caucus a ballot or is it that dumb crap like Iowa with the arguing and the banding together of morons with nothing to do?
That's because everyone is using "revolution" now to refer to larger numbers of people going into a room and filling in ovals, or diddling dangling chads, or however they express their love. Gotta stay hip with the slang, daddy-O.

That's where it starts, yes. Once that effort fails? Superdelegates against the wall, and then Bern's positions on gun control will make more sense.
Is the NV caucus a ballot or is it that dumb crap like Iowa with the arguing and the banding together of morons with nothing to do?

The former, from my understanding. Should be more streamlined than Iowa, though, because there isn't going to be any screaming at O'Malley supporters to join a particular side.

Black Republican said:
hopefully better than Iowa, oh lawd

Unless Nevada is as close as Iowa, it shouldn't really matter. Iowa could've been called a lot earlier if the state hadn't come down to a 2/10 of a percent differential.
Besides the fact sanders is an electoral liability I just am frustrated clinton cant attack him for not really being interested in foreign policy.

Frankly that frightens me. I can't even imagine sanders ordering the bin laden mission, troop movements or responding to a crisis in SE Aisa, Eastern Europe or a terrorist attack. But it seems dem primary voters just don't care


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Besides the fact sanders is an electoral liability I just am frustrated clinton can attack him for not really being interested in foreign policy.

Frankly that frightens me. I can't even imagine sanders ordering the bin laden mission, troop movements or responding to a crisis in SE Aisa, Eastern Europe or a terrorist attack. But it seems dem primary voters just don't care

More like independents don't care. ^_^
I can't even imagine sanders ordering the bin laden mission, troop movements or responding to a crisis in SE Aisa, Eastern Europe or a terrorist attack. But it seems dem primary voters just don't care

You do realize that the exact opposite probably also frightens a ton of people, yes? That is, hills readily and cheerily doing allathat;

Aside from the BL mission. That was totes cool. Outside of the whole probable murderate on sight bit.
You do realize that the exact opposite probably also frightens a ton of people, yes? That is, hills readily and cheerily doing allathat;

Aside from the BL mission. That was totes cool. Outside of the whole probable murderate on sight bit.
That people on the left have a problem with assassinating bin laden is mind boggling.

And yes I understand people fear a hawkish policy (never mind Clinton was part of obamas policy and Sanders isn't promising a radical change with that).

I just frankly think something like the 3am call add rings true. Someone attacks the US Sanders is gonna ask the joint chief if they have a super PAC
Besides the fact sanders is an electoral liability I just am frustrated clinton cant attack him for not really being interested in foreign policy.

Frankly that frightens me. I can't even imagine sanders ordering the bin laden mission, troop movements or responding to a crisis in SE Aisa, Eastern Europe or a terrorist attack. But it seems dem primary voters just don't care

Dems rarely weigh their votes on foreign policy. Conservatives get into it because of the fearmongering.
So I was wondering, which non-politician's endorsement would matter as much in 2016 as Oprah's did in 2008? Obviously, Oprah's would still carry a lot of weight but I think her influence has diminished somewhat since then, having ended her show and what not.

I feel like Jon Stewart's might carry some weight... idunno. Media seems a lot more fragmented and compartmentalized today.
Looking at NV cross-tabs, Trump wins handily on any issues questions with the exception of social issues, where others get closer. Best represents Republicans is a bit more divided too. He basically wins all demo groups.

Clinton wins by double digits on most issues questions (healthcare, race relations, immigration, FP) and electability. The main big ticket issue she ties with Sanders on handling is the economy, as well as best represents Democrats, and loses slightly on "help the middle class."

Women break for her 54/38, registered Dems break for her 53/41, older (55+) break for her 69/26. Under 55 go for Sanders 56/38.
So when do we start talking about the fact that the Republicans only legit strategy to beat Hillary Clinton is to have Republicans band together with Dems in the Democratic primaries and confuse Democrats into beating themselves by nominating Bernie Sanders? Because that is exactly what is happening.
That people on the left have a problem with assassinating bin laden is mind boggling.

That anyone at all doesn't is mind boggling. These powers will not be limited to liberal presidencies, and i'd much rather that the dems never indulged in such areas, so that they can't be easily countered when they oppose a future republican abusing those same powers.

plus yall werent at war with pakistan.

Someone attacks the US, i hope that the person goes "who?" and clearly looks at the data and devises a proper plan of action instead of just trying to show that 'Merica's still got a big ole stick it aint afraid to swing none.
Looking at NV cross-tabs, Trump wins handily on any issues questions with the exception of social issues, where others get closer. Best represents Republicans is a bit more divided too. He basically wins all demo groups.

Clinton wins by double digits on most issues questions (healthcare, race relations, immigration, FP) and electability. The main big ticket issue she ties with Sanders on handling is the economy, as well as best represents Democrats, and loses slightly on "help the middle class."

Women break for her 54/38, registered Dems break for her 53/41, older (55+) break for her 69/26. Under 55 go for Sanders 56/38.

The age gap in support really amazes me. The fact that Bernie has been winning 18-30 by ~70 point margins while Clinton has been winning 65+ by pretty wide gulfs as well is crazy to me. It's amazing how wide the ideological divide is.

So when do we start talking about the fact that the Republicans only legit strategy to beat Hillary Clinton is to have Republicans band together with Dems in the Democratic primaries and confuse Democrats into beating themselves by nominating Bernie Sanders? Because that is exactly what is happening.

The republicans have spent the last 12 months (arguably longer) burning down their party. The entirety of the rank-and-file republican machine has poured hundreds of millions of dollars into a candidate that, as of today, is polling at 1% in Nevada while getting curb stomped by a guy with 0 loyalty to the party, and their runner-up is even more despised than Trump. Let's not pretend that they could orchestrate something like that. Hell, they just might obstruct Obama's SC nomination all the way up to the GE too, further immolating their election chances. I feel like I need to put out daily reminders that, aside from roughly half of the republican party, Donald Trump is a punchline. It doesn't matter how centrist he shifts, everyone already has an opinion of him and outside of his existing base it's that he's a joke supported by racists.


That was just one of many factors. Clearly we're seeing right now why people have trouble with Clinton, and it's not just Iraq.
The email thing is such a non story. Previous SoS did the same damn thing and Kerry acknowledged there are problems. It has less to do with Hillary and more to do with the state department and how it handles secure communications across at least two fundamentally different administrations.

The GOP successfully tapped into Democratic voter paranoia.
The email thing is such a non story. Previous SoS did the same damn thing and Kerry acknowledged there are problems. It has less to do with Hillary and more to do with the state department and how it handles secure communications across at least two fundamentally different administrations.

The GOP successfully tapped into Democratic voter paranoia.

I wasn't even talking about that. Just general things that stretch back to 2008 and further back. It certainly wasn't just her Iraq vote that she lost to Obama.
So I was wondering, which non-politician's endorsement would matter as much in 2016 as Oprah's did in 2008? Obviously, Oprah's would still carry a lot of weight but I think her influence has diminished somewhat since then, having ended her show and what not.

I feel like Jon Stewart's might carry some weight... idunno. Media seems a lot more fragmented and compartmentalized today.
Probably Ellen, based on her Q scores. 85 awareness, 30 likability. Her daily show reaches a lot of people. Whoopi Goldberg is actually up there too. 86, 24.

Stewart is 55, 16.


I wasn't even talking about that. Just general things that stretch back to 2008 and further back. It certainly wasn't just her Iraq vote that she lost to Obama.
Yes but the email thing is just gravy. It's a smear campaign and it just makes people who already had reservations about her feel even more turned off. Talk about letting the GOP get away with it...


So when do we start talking about the fact that the Republicans only legit strategy to beat Hillary Clinton is to have Republicans band together with Dems in the Democratic primaries and confuse Democrats into beating themselves by nominating Bernie Sanders? Because that is exactly what is happening.

GOP isn't in a state to organize anything so sophisticated at the moment, and even if it were frankly the Democrats would deserve it if they allowed that to cost them the election.
The republicans have spent the last 12 months (arguably longer) burning down their party. The entirety of the rank-and-file republican machine has poured hundreds of millions of dollars into a candidate that, as of today, is polling at 1% in Nevada while getting curb stomped by a guy with 0 loyalty to the party, and their runner-up is even more despised than Trump. Let's not pretend that they could orchestrate something like that. Hell, they just might obstruct Obama's SC nomination all the way up to the GE too, further immolating their election chances. I feel like I need to put out daily reminders that, aside from roughly half of the republican party, Donald Trump is a punchline. It doesn't matter how centrist he shifts, everyone already has an opinion of him and outside of his existing base it's that he's a joke supported by racists.
Do you remember how Romney won the first debate against Obama in 2012? If Trump and Bernie are the ones squaring off, it will be a Trump win for all the debates. Bernie cannot handle that man, and yes, Clinton can.

I hope for the sake of our future I am wrong.
GOP isn't in a state to organize anything so sophisticated at the moment, and even if it were frankly the Democrats would deserve it if they allowed that to cost them the election.
The country cant afford this mistake, the American people do not deserve it even if the democrats do.
Yes but the email thing is just gravy. It's a smear campaign and it just makes people who already had reservations about her feel even more turned off. Talk about letting the GOP get away with it...
But they wouldn't be able to get away with it if she didn't come across as sketchy as hell.

Hillary is a liability and she'll lose to any of the Republicans in the lead right now.

She could beat Jeb(!) because....Jeb(!).
Do you remember how Romney won the first debate against Obama in 2012? If Trump and Bernie are the ones squaring off, it will be a Trump win for all the debates. Bernie cannot handle that man, and yes, Clinton can.

I hope for the sake of our future I am wrong.

Romney was uncharismatic to the point of being awkward, but he was never Donald Trump. Most voters were just gathering opinions of Romney as the general election kicked into gear. People have considered Trump an obnoxious blowhard, and now a racist obnoxious blowhard, for 20 years.

Personally, I'd like to see how Trump even handles a 1v1 debate against Cruz or Rubio before we talk about how he'd do against Bernie or Hillary.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
The email thing is such a non story. Previous SoS did the same damn thing and Kerry acknowledged there are problems. It has less to do with Hillary and more to do with the state department and how it handles secure communications across at least two fundamentally different administrations.

The GOP successfully tapped into Democratic voter paranoia.

I don't think that matters. Bernie is appealing to a group of people that don't traditionally identify as democrats and value authenticity and honesty. Hillary has issues with everyone basically outside of the democratic base. I'm a huge Clinton fan and have been since 08, but I'm ok with Bernie if he proves he can turn people out.

It's kind of ironic. If Clinton won in 08 and Obama was up now, can you imagine how easy he'd sail to victory? He'd unite his coalition with Hilary's coalition and crush trump like 70/30. Hindsight but I felt like hillarys time was 08.
I wasn't even talking about that. Just general things that stretch back to 2008 and further back. It certainly wasn't just her Iraq vote that she lost to Obama.

Way, way further back. Hillary's problems stem from the Right's raging hateboner that started during the Clinton administration, which led to such a propagation of FUD that people have bought into it. That's where most of the stuff like her honesty numbers comes from.
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