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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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Oh, come on, that's not fair.

Jeb! is no one's nemesis. Who'd bother?

I am sure there is a grade schooler running unopposed for class president/Snack assistant somewhere. He should poll very well among the Lego demos, but fail against the Spongebob demo.
Treading lightly and I will admit I have not read the whole thread.....i know GAF leans left pretty heavily but is there room for a respectful right wing poster in here? If sso......Hello!!

Of course it's fine. We argue plenty amongst ourselves (especially in primary season) so what's another?


Some Republicans have used their agreement with Ben Carson's various proclamations to argue their policies and positions are not, ipso facto, racist. The left is not immune to this same argument when it involves women and sexism.

Historically, merely having a uterus has disqualified one from holding higher office, or voting at all. And the root word for hysteria comes from the uterus. So there is just a little historical baggage there relating to possession of particular organs that certain campaign surrogates should perhaps be sensitive to. And perhaps campaign leadership should publicly note this, if they care.

As for supporters spouting sexist remarks there's not much you can do about that, at least not until Twitter hires some women and minorities and starts to care at all about abuse.


Jeb bush is a mess.
I read an article from a few years ago that said Martin O'Malley was a young Democrat who would have great chances in 2016. I think there's a lot of reasons he never rose but the contrast was interesting to note.


PPP Super Tuesday polling:


If he can't win here, where can he win outside of Iowa? The field will never narrow to just him and Trump either since the establishment will probably force Rubio or Jeb to stay in the race.

Yeah, I think that's kind of it if it's close in Nevada and a blowout in SC.
The speaker, or a third party, doesn't get to decide which part of his speech the audience responds to. The fact that Killer Mike decided to reduce the candidate he doesn't like to a body part in an aside, and not as the central part of his argument, isn't my problem. You're taking the fact that his argument poorly structured and using that as a tool to negate any criticism of it. I am under no moral ethical obligation to only respond to part of his argument that you feel has merit.

As an aside, for a supposed liberal you sure are willing to play the old, if a woman says it, its not sexism card. Of course, since this isn't a tangent, and not my central argument, any response from you is a non-sequitur, I guess.

You can respond to and criticize whatever parts you like, but if you attempt to correlate two distinct statements that are unrelated, then regardless if the statements are paired together or not, it would be a non-sequitur, literally meaning 'it doesn't follow', or 'the conclusion does not follow the premise'.

In your case specifically, you were talking about why he singled out her anatomy out of all of the things he could have listed under his criteria for qualification. But in actuality, his mentioning of her uterus was never listed under this criteria, so the conclusion doesn't follow the premise. They were completely different statements with completely different contexts.

Anyway, now you've created a strawman, as you're purporting that I'm arguing that women can't be sexist (which is ridiculous, of course they can be, and some of them are), when in actuality my point was that a portion of a demographic that Hillary herself is a part of disagrees with the notion that her gender is one of her qualifications for president.

Anyway, this has turned into a meaningless semantical debate of which I have no desire to continue wasting my time.


And yet the party will continue to do the exact same thing it has done for years.

They can't break the cycle. Tea Party made sure of it.

Republican base gets worked up during the primaries over promises of cracking down on immigration, Muslims, minorities, taxes, ending abortion, banning gay marriage and defeating terrorism, and a bunch of other far right talking points...

then when their representatives get elected they get a dose of reality and find out they can't just enact or pass whatever they want and usually elected officials move closer to the center than far right campaigns they ran.

So the base gets fed up and labels them establishment and then searches for even crazier far right choices. They did this to themselves by giving into this racist group of people.


Some Republicans have used their agreement with Ben Carson's various proclamations to argue their policies and positions are not, ipso facto, racist. The left is not immune to this same argument when it involves women and sexism.

Historically, merely having a uterus has disqualified one from holding higher office, or voting at all. And the root word for hysteria comes from the uterus. So there is just a little historical baggage there relating to possession of particular organs that certain campaign surrogates should perhaps be sensitive to. And perhaps campaign leadership should publicly note this, if they care.

As for supporters spouting sexist remarks there's not much you can do about that, at least not until Twitter hires some women and minorities and starts to care at all about abuse.

Killer Mike posting Jane Elliot's response (no idea where the original quote is from):


Well, she's right about it sounding differently coming from a man. But then she says it should be a fact of life that gender/race has no affect on your qualification for leadership....

The problem is that the reality doesn't mesh with wants and dreams. Both gender and skin color have been determining the leadership of this government since it's very inception and continues to do so.

Racism didn't magically end when Obama became president, and sexism hasn't disappeared because Hillary is running for the same spot. It's problematic, and to ignore that reality or pretend that "well it shouldn't be that way" is kind of naive.
Whoa brainchild is posting in poligaf and he is engaged in a long winded argument with someone, this has never happened before ;)

Brainchild is my hero


Dave Wasserman ‏@Redistrict 6m6 minutes ago
Diff b/t R & D math: if Clinton leads big on 3/1, it's OVER (all proportional). If Trump leads big 3/1, Rubio could still win thanks to WTA.

Dave Wasserman ‏@Redistrict 2m2 minutes ago
Overlooked on Dem side: if Hillary Clinton wins by more than ~100 delegates on 3/1, the race will effectively be over just 2 weeks from now

Trump Haiku
Need to build a wall.
Deport all the Muslins now.
We're going to win.

Bernie Haiku
Millionaires and Billionaires
Wall Street is bad, huh?
Billionaires and Millionaires.

Hillary Haiku

E-mails are so bad
I get paid to speak a lot.
Why am I not Queen?

Ben Carson Haiku
Zzz Zzzz Zzzzz Zzzz Zz
Thank you for talking to me
I may need more Xanax
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