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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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I'm just getting killed by quotes from Trump supporters today. First this from the Michigan poll article:

“I just can’t picture Donald Trump as a president ... but I would vote for him just because he’s saying so many things that I feel and wouldn’t say to other people,” said Karol Hudson, 76, of Westland, who participated in the poll.

So basically, "he says the racist stuff I wish I could say in public without people knowing how horrible a person I am."

Then there was a guy at a Trump rally in South Carolina interviewed on Here and Now. He said he was supporting Trump because

1. He hoped he would give them some money to get their bowling alley and movie theater going again. Not improve the economy, just give them money.

2. He expected him to raise the minimum wage to $10.

I can't. I just can't.


I think the issue in Missouri and Columbia were taken as such, and those were free speech issues. I think the bigger reasoning is that the mainstream is only going to report what gets it clicks and views, and those are the issues that gets it clicks and views - creating a self-reinforcing cycle. Hell, even TNC admitted that the Bernie article was absolutely clickbait.

The calcifying of sides in the media has been happening since the early 2000s - but now we're just seeing it happen everywhere because most of those large media conglomerates have started picking up the sites that used to be independent. Theoretically independent and impartial news sites now openly lean one way or the other, and court consumers that are ideologically aligned to them, while publishing articles that those ideologically different from them will use to mock and get angry about, but still give them clicks and views.

If you haven't ever gotten a chance to read it; read "Trust Me, I'm Lying". Pretty interesting peek into how much of this works (on a more general level than just identity politics).
Polarization on the right in the internet age has started primarily from the older generations. On the left it appears to be starting from the young. It's a battle of lifelong tumblr users vs dialup Drudge readers where no one comes out ahead.
2. He expected him to raise the minimum wage to $10.
Trump breaking from GOP orthodoxy on economics stuff is an underrated part of his appeal.


My supervisor is off site because of reasons that don't make any sense, but he's from Canada. During our Friday meeting, he spent about 10 minutes telling me why I should vote for Bernie. Bless. He got pretty into it...for a Canadian. He kept dropping a bunch of "You want the best, eh?" "You need healthcare for everyone, eh?" Bless.
If I had a moment where we could talk, Canadian to Canadian, I could knock some sense in him.


If Republicans try to screw over Hillary by going to vote for Bernie in the caucus, that's going to suck so bad.

If something like this happens it will at least be very clear because they keep records of people who switch their party affiliation on election day.
If Republicans try to screw over Hillary by going to vote for Bernie in the caucus, that's going to suck so bad.
I don't think it will happen enough to matter. But if there's evidence of it happening, the party is going to demand closed primaries and caucuses (with no same day registration).


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Ohhh i'm going to get those dumbocrats so good it's 11AM on a saturday and i don't care enough to vote in my own primary but im going to go spend a few hours pretending to like bernie instead of doing literally anything else oh yes oh yes this is such a good plan maybe bernie will get 1 more delegate than hillary CHAOS disarray


Ohhh i'm going to get those dumbocrats so good it's 11AM on a saturday and i don't care enough to vote in my own primary but im going to go spend a few hours pretending to like bernie instead of doing literally anything else oh yes oh yes this is such a good plan maybe bernie will get 1 more delegate than hillary CHAOS disarray
To vote for Bernie over a GOP candidate, the line of thinking has to be "our candidates are so bad that he's our only hope."

I actually think that's accurate, but I don't think most primary voters are thinking that way.
Ohhh i'm going to get those dumbocrats so good it's 11AM on a saturday and i don't care enough to vote in my own primary but im going to go spend a few hours pretending to like bernie instead of doing literally anything else oh yes oh yes this is such a good plan maybe bernie will get 1 more delegate than hillary CHAOS disarray

Never underestimate crazy.
I don't think it will happen enough to matter. But if there's evidence of it happening, the party is going to demand closed primaries and caucuses (with no same day registration).

Which would be stupid. It would prevent candidates from taking voters from the other party, or prevent candidates with broad appeal like debatably Sanders has.
Operation Chaos always seems like one of those things people on both sides say they should do but no one actually does it.

Like I thought about caucusing for Santorum in 2012 and Trump this year but both times I don't think I could wash away the sin of supporting either of them, even if it's totally to set up a favorable election match-up.


"Big turnout" being a keyword for "maybe if we pray hard enough a miracle will happen"

The dream is over. Nevada blew it. Donald Trump will be the next President of the United States.

wtf at that #wematter hashtag?!?!

Getting awfully close to "All Lives Matter" for my tastes, particularly after saying Clinton is just trying to court black voters.


"Big turnout" being a keyword for "maybe if we pray hard enough a miracle will happen"

The dream is over. Nevada blew it. Donald Trump will be the next President of the United States.

I think it is a valid point. They almost won IA despite being down in the polls leading up to it because turnout was high. Most Democratic operatives agree that high turnout greatly helps Bernie. The dreams not over yet Melkr.


FGC Waterboy
So are moderate republicans a dying breed? Only one i can think of is Kasich but his poll numbers are low enough that its safe to assume he isn't gonna get the nom. When comparing Trump, Cruz, and even Rubio; guys like McCain look like moderates.

Its kind of becoming true on the left as well with Sanders being super far left, its kind of worrying how both parties are increasingly splitting further and further apart.

In 2006 a lot of the Blue Dogs got targeted and taken out (as a result of the loss in 2004 of moderate Kerry) - but the Clinton dynasty / brand was strong enough to survive. The moderate Republicans all got targeted in 2010 by the Tea Party and taken out.
wtf at that #wematter hashtag?!?!

Getting awfully close to "All Lives Matter" for my tastes, particularly after saying Clinton is just trying to court black voters.

Ralston uses the hashtag to show how the Nevada Caucus is extremely important for the Democratic Party (as demographically representative) and as a response to some idiot Clinton aide who said Nevada was basically Iowa ("80% white") so not that relevant.


I think it is a valid point. They almost won IA despite being down in the polls leading up to it because turnout was high. Most Democratic operatives agree that high turnout greatly helps Bernie. The dreams not over yet Melkr.

idk, I am already preparing my meltdown.


contribute something
"Big turnout" being a keyword for "maybe if we pray hard enough a miracle will happen"

The dream is over. Nevada blew it. Donald Trump will be the next President of the United States.

Eh, we'll see. An essential tie in Nevada would be the same as an essential tie in Iowa.

I don't believe Bernie will win the nomination, but he's got a decent shot. As he continues to build support among young black and Hispanic voters, his odds improve.
You can change your party ID twice in a week?
Republican registration for their caucus closed like 2 weeks ago. They're not going to check again. So technically a Republican could walk into tomorrow's caucus, register as a Democrat, yet still vote for the Republican caucus because they'll already be on the roll.


I wouldn't worry about what one poll says. Gotta look at the whole picture. Could even be an outlier.
There's this poll too.


Shit is all over the place I have no idea what's going on anymore and that makes me worried about my investment.


I wouldn't worry about what one poll says. Gotta look at the whole picture. Could even be an outlier.
The evidence seems to be from a couple of polls and the Nikki Haley endorsement that Rubio is indeed experiencing a surge of indeterminate size.

Trump may well regret focusing all of his fire on Cruz this past week instead of Rubio.
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