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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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No way Trump chooses Kasich as VP. Trump has a list of people who are actually loyal to him (which include Rick Scott and Scott Brown) that would work together better with Trump than Kasich would. It's like if Romney chose Santorum instead of Ryan. It would've looked wrong.

Also, I'd guess that a lot of swing voters in Ohio that would vote for Kasich would probably end up thinking, "but I would have to vote for Trump, so nah".

So what's Trump margin in NV and Hillary in SC?
I'll say Trump by 14% in Nevada, Clinton by 24% in South Carolina.
And he is burning money like crazy to stay competitive in one or two states at a time.

He needed the momentum to boost his ability to competed when many states come into play.

The rumor that he is going to skip SC After spending huge amounts of money and focus on Super Tuesday is not going to help.
He's not going to skip SC entirely but just not spend a lot of time on it. His campaign has some stops scheduled there this week and he's apparently spending a lot of money on ads there.

User 406

And Kasich just defunded Planned Parenthood.

I swear to fucking god if this son of a bitch becomes President one day because liberals let their guard down like everybody on this forum who keeps spouting shit like, "Kasich is the only sane one!" I'll kill everyone

Trump now has 61 delegates to Cruz's 11 and Rubio's 10 now.

If any other Republican was putting up these numbers, nobody would even question whether they be the nominee or not.

Delegate count should actually be this:

Trump 67 (+50), Cruz 11, Rubio 10, Kasich 5, Bush 4, Carson 3, Fiorina 1, Huckabee 1, Paul 1.
No way Trump chooses Kasich as VP. Trump has a list of people who are actually loyal to him (which include Rick Scott and Scott Brown) that would work together better with Trump than Kasich would. It's like if Romney chose Santorum instead of Ryan. It would've looked wrong.
Huh. Yes, that is indeed a clever way to get Florida. Get Scott and then even florida democrats will vote for trump just to get rid of the bastard.
Erick Erickson

I'm not buying it one bit.

{early voting began yesterday here in LA. Trump Trump Trump! Every vote counts for him here - GOP's contest is proportional!}

I don't believe this at all. It's not like Kasich is a former [insert political office] who is desperate for the spotlight. He's the currently very popular governor of a major state, he already has a good job.

But if I were to guess on the reasoning behind the rumor...Kasich was a well respected congressman and is a well respected governor. Perhaps him as VP would reassure the establishment about Trump and allow them more access in a potential Trump administration. Trump would likely be out of his element as president initially, as Obama/W/Clinton were, and perhaps having a VP in place with intimate knowledge of DC would allow the establishment to have more influence over Trump than they normally might have.

I agree that Trump is more likely to pick someone like Rick Scott as VP.
Seems the never-voting-for-Hillary-even-if-it-means-a-6-3-conservative-SCOTUS brigade is out in full force in the OT.

Some of them are literally arguing that it's better to let the Republicans run amok because it'll magically lead to a progressive revolution once people see what Republican rule is really like. Never mind that this never works (see George W. Bush, or Scott Walker at a state level), that it's just as likely to move what is seen as the "center" to the right as ideas that were once considered fringe get accepted as mainstream, never mind that the next Democratic administration would have to waste a bunch of time fixing the mess left by the Republicans instead of advancing a new agenda, and never mind that it would cement a conservative Supreme Court for a generation.

It's very telling that if you point any of this out, then make zero attempt to address any of it and instead just recite stock responses about Clinton not being a progressive, not wanting to vote for the lesser of two evils, etc.

To be fair, I think a lot of this is simply a visceral response to the disappointment of losing a key race and gloating on the part of a subset of Clinton supporters. I think even a decent number of the vocal "no way I'll vote for Clinton" contingent will end up doing just that come November.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
When some Bernie people start going on about Citizens United, I would LOVE to poll them and ask them which politician was the Citizens United group trying to take down. I don't think even half of them know. This shit is personal for Hillary.
I had to correct a Bernie fan a while back that thought Hillary was responsible for Citizens United. They just knew that the case happened because someone wanted to air a movie about Hillary and had been blaming her for Citizens United ever since. It kills me when you have people who have good intentions but are so uninformed.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Some of them are literally arguing that it's better to let the Republicans run amok because it'll magically lead to a progressive revolution once people see what Republican rule is really like. Never mind that this never works (see George W. Bush, or Scott Walker at a state level), that it's just as likely to move what is seen as the "center" to the right as ideas that were once considered fringe get accepted as mainstream, never mind that the next Democratic administration would have to waste a bunch of time fixing the mess left by the Republicans instead of advancing a new agenda, and never mind that it would cement a conservative Supreme Court for a generation.

It's very telling that if you point any of this out, then make zero attempt to address any of it and instead just recite stock responses about Clinton not being a progressive, not wanting to vote for the lesser of two evils, etc.

To be fair, I think a lot of this is simply a visceral response to the disappointment of losing a key race and gloating on the part of a subset of Clinton supporters. I think even a decent number of the vocal "no way I'll vote for Clinton" contingent will end up doing just that come November.

I hope so. But I don't like relying on the stupidity of young people

(says the 24 year old)
To be fair, I think a lot of this is simply a visceral response to the disappointment of losing a key race and gloating on the part of a subset of Clinton supporters. I think even a decent number of the vocal "no way I'll vote for Clinton" contingent will end up doing just that come November.

It happens every election cycle. I remember Clinton supporters saying they weren't going to vote for Obama. For the most part they did.


No way Trump chooses Kasich as VP. Trump has a list of people who are actually loyal to him (which include Rick Scott and Scott Brown) that would work together better with Trump than Kasich would. It's like if Romney chose Santorum instead of Ryan. It would've looked wrong.

Also, I'd guess that a lot of swing voters in Ohio that would vote for Kasich would probably end up thinking, "but I would have to vote for Trump, so nah".

I'll say Trump by 14% in Nevada, Clinton by 24% in South Carolina.

No one can predict what Trump will do. I can see him picking Kasich with something like:

"Kasich doesn't agree with me on everything. That's true. But I'm a successful businessman. Its worth $10 billion. They said I wouldn't run. Why would such a successful businessman run for office? They said I wouldn't file but I did and I'm worth even more than anyone thought. So I'm a successful businessman, and you don't get to be a successful businessman by surrounding yourself with yes men. You need to have people around you who're willing to tell you you're wrong. Now they need to be good people. I mean not Obama, who is the worst President in US history or Hillary Clinton who should be in prison. They can't make deals. I can make deals. We'll build a big wall. A beautiful wall. And we'll get Mexico to pay for it. And we'll get rid of common core. And we'll take care of our vets. And we'll bomb the hell out of ISIS. So Kashich is a good guy at heart. He doesn't agree with me on everything, but I respect his views, and I'll take them into account. And I'll use that to make compromises. Everyone else talks about compromise like it's a dirty word. Me. I'm all about the art of the deal. I wrote it. My second favorite book after the Bible. But I only make compromises where I win. So vote for Trump/Kasich 2016."


FGC Waterboy
Embarrassing article based on nothing, but when I was a page...I guess almost 7 years ago?...my LEAST Favorite task was news clippings. My congressman did not read digital clippings or even printed versions off the website, so his communications director or whatever the fuck used to GO THROUGH hard copies of the local + DC papers and MARK DOWN articles that should be cut out. Then I would have to cut them out with scissors and tape them to a page. Then after that was done (hours and hours of meaningless, absolutely offensive drudgery), you'd have to FAX THEM to wherever he was at that day. Junior staffers get absolute shit. And then because the employees are all public, I knew their salaries and knew there was no future in that.

So I went to become a banker and screw over bernie supporters.


Seems the never-voting-for-Hillary-even-if-it-means-a-6-3-conservative-SCOTUS brigade is out in full force in the OT.

No one can predict what Trump will do. I can see him picking Kasich with something like:

"Kasich doesn't agree with me on everything. That's true. But I'm a successful businessman. Its worth $10 billion. They said I wouldn't run. Why would such a successful businessman run for office? They said I wouldn't file but I did and I'm worth even more than anyone thought. So I'm a successful businessman, and you don't get to be a successful businessman by surrounding yourself with yes men. You need to have people around you who're willing to tell you you're wrong. Now they need to be good people. I mean not Obama, who is the worst President in US history or Hillary Clinton who should be in prison. They can't make deals. I can make deals. We'll build a big wall. A beautiful wall. And we'll get Mexico to pay for it. And we'll get rid of common core. And we'll take care of our vets. And we'll bomb the hell out of ISIS. So Kashich is a good guy at heart. He doesn't agree with me on everything, but I respect his views, and I'll take them into account. And I'll use that to make compromises. Everyone else talks about compromise like it's a dirty word. Me. I'm all about the art of the deal. I wrote it. My second favorite book after the Bible. But I only make compromises where I win. So vote for Trump/Kasich 2016."

People are unbelievably good at making up Trump statements. It's awesome.
It happens every election cycle. I remember Clinton supporters saying they weren't going to vote for Obama. For the most part they did.

Yup. In March of 2008, Gallup found Clinton supporters going 59-28 in a hypothetical Obama-McCain matchup (not sure how the rest break down between undecided, staying home, etc.). These numbers are worse than what polling is finding about Sanders supporters if Clinton is the nominee. Obviously, nothing like this happened.

Now obviously I'm not suggesting that Clinton can just sit back and assume Sanders supporters will vote for her, but history suggests that she can successfully court most of them, especially when Sanders himself urges them to.

EDIT: Link to the poll.


FGC Waterboy
Yup. In March of 2008, Gallup found Clinton supporters going 59-28 in a hypothetical Obama-McCain matchup (not sure how the rest break down between undecided, staying home, etc.). These numbers are worse than what polling is finding about Sanders supporters if Clinton is the nominee. Obviously, nothing like this happened.

Now obviously I'm not suggesting that Clinton can just sit back and assume Sanders supporters will vote for her, but history suggests that she can successfully court most of them, especially when Sanders himself urges them to.

EDIT: Link to the poll.

Yeah. Hilariously, more republicans voted for Obama (11% or so) then Democrats voted for McCain (8%) based on some internal numbers.


Seems Trump officially has all 50 SC delegates now. Makes Rubio's "victory" speech even funnier.

Has there ever been another time where some GOP nominee has completely swept up all of the SC delegates? Sam Wang was talking about how Trump had a really good shot at taking all 50 if he maintained a 14-17% lead, but the fact he got all 50 with 11% seems impressive.


Already bracing myself for the shit we're going to hear after South Carolina. I am excited for the win, but the backlash is going to be unbelievably ugly.


FGC Waterboy
Not gonna lie, OT has a bad look for everyone. Some pretty hate-filled posts on all sides.

People will blame who they want to blame, same shit different year.
Racist Bernie fans probably make up 1-3% of his supporters. He's just really popular on the internet and the internet is really racist.

Not gonna lie, OT has a bad look for everyone. Some pretty hate-filled posts on all sides.

People will blame who they want to blame, same shit different year.

*White supremacists uses a variety of racial slurs*
*Poster makes fun of white supremacist*
Both sides


This blaming the black vote thing isn't going to be isolated incidents. Just wait till next Saturday.

Blaming the minority vote for Bernie losing -> Voting for the racist candidate instead of Hillary (though justifying it in different ways)

Its probably just a very strong vocal minority on the internet, but I feel this is going to be more common than people think it will. :/
Not gonna lie, OT has a bad look for everyone. Some pretty hate-filled posts on all sides.

People will blame who they want to blame, same shit different year.

Yeah, there's too much gloating and talking down from the Clinton camp that is of course helping feed some of the more apocalyptic posts from the Sanders camp. I would hope and think it's fueled by heat of the moment passion and cooler heads will ultimately prevail. For now, though, it's hard to maintain a civil conversation.


FGC Waterboy
Racist Bernie fans probably make up 1-3% of his supporters. He's just really popular on the internet and the internet is really racist.

*White supremacists uses a variety of racial slurs*
*Poster makes fun of white supremacist*
Both sides

Those posts were gone by the time I checked out the thread. The entire "virgin neckbeards" bullshit grates on me. I don't like it when people generalize an entire group of people and then proceed to post hate-filled crap about it.

Hit them for their shitty beliefs, not personal attack bullshit. I see enough generalizing of black people or asians or whatnot; it's a pretty bad look to complain about it and then promptly do it yourself.

I just can't wait for this election to be over.

Not even 2012 was this draining

Everyone's just....much angrier. The righteous indignation bullshit from everyone is much louder.


I strongly suggest everyone read the comments of an Onion article making fun of Hillary Clinton if you want a laugh at the Intercept's reader base:



Also, are we allowed to Diablos? Cool.

I'm legitimately worried about the depressed Democratic turnout and the increases Republican turn out this cycle. I worry that the enthusiasm will carry to November.



Those posts were gone by the time I checked out the thread. The entire "virgin neckbeards" bullshit grates on me. I don't like it when people generalize an entire group of people and then proceed to post hate-filled crap about it.

Hit them for their shitty beliefs, not personal attack bullshit. I see enough generalizing of black people or asians or whatnot; it's a pretty bad look to complain about it and then promptly do it yourself.
If you're expecting me to have sympathy for neo-nazis, you're gonna be pretty goddamn disappointed. I only called the guy a cuck since he loved to use that word to insult others with it.


Republican turnout for this primary season is really something else. It'd interesting if a media outlet w/the resources is willing to do a deep-dive into the numbers at some point.

Not my favorite publication but: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/r...ords-in-s.c./article/2583786?custom_click=rss

Election officials said the number of Republicans who submitted absentee ballots more than doubled the number received during the presidential primary in 2008, and overall it was reported that more than 730,000 voters participated in the first-in-the-South primary this election cycle.

Also NH: http://www.npr.org/2016/02/10/46635...out-breaks-records-but-not-on-democratic-side

The final tally for GOP ballots cast was 284,120 votes. That beats out the 2012 Republican primary tally of 248,475.

And Iowa... http://www.desmoinesregister.com/st...obust-record-setting-and-surprising/79626128/

Republicans counted more than 180,000 caucusgoers, topping their 2012 attendance record of 121,503 by an estimated 60,000 people.

If this trend holds whoever the Dem nominee is will have to really knock the turnout game out of the park.

Also, are we allowed to Diablos? Cool.

I'm legitimately worried about the depressed Democratic turnout and the increases Republican turn out this cycle. I worry that the enthusiasm will carry to November.


I think it's very difficult to interpolate anything out of it. Anyone that is right now is just looking to Diablos imo


FGC Waterboy
If you're expecting me to have sympathy for neo-nazis, you're gonna be pretty goddamn disappointed. I only called the guy a cuck since he loved to use that word to insult others with it.


Ok, never mind then. I think the posts got deleted and I was super confused. My apologies Bronx!


The Intercept continues to be garbage.

Not agreeing with the election commentary doesn't mean the entire outlet is bad. They do very solid reporting on TPP and Surveillance that you can be assured won't be reporting honestly by corporate media outlets.

Also, are we allowed to Diablos? Cool.

I'm legitimately worried about the depressed Democratic turnout and the increases Republican turn out this cycle. I worry that the enthusiasm will carry to November.


The actual polling and data doesn't support the idea that this primary is particularly divided.
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