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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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Some of those have to be people trolling. One guy is getting cucked by a black Clinton supporter. lol

Yeah, a lot of pretty obvious trolling
jesus I sure fucking hope it is
but damn, people, don't destroy your mental or financial well being over politics. Yeah, politics and policy are super for real important and all, but you gotta take care of yourself first. Not being able to eat or travel for a week or arguing until you're angry and depressed isn't going to tip the balance that will swing the election.

I remember when I actually liked the The Young Turks. Can't tell if they went completely off the deep end or if I just didn't notice because they were agreeing with me.

I never liked TYT. Cenk always came across to me as one of those blowhard right-wing radio hosts, only saying stuff I agreed with. Then I found out he used to be an outspoken right winger, and I was all like yeah that makes sense. :p Never really cared for Olbermann or Ed Schultz for the same reason.


I don't quite understand some of the reactions in the thread about discovering your friend is a standard Republican. Like...do people disown their conservative friends every election?
I don't quite understand some of the reactions in the thread about discovering your friend is a standard Republican. Like...do people disown their conservative friends every election?

My entire family is nothing but Republicans.

We do not discuss politics.

I grew up in Idaho. That state is redder than Bernie Sanders in a GOP ad in the general election.


Trump's secret to success revealed:

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I don't quite understand some of the reactions in the thread about discovering your friend is a standard Republican. Like...do people disown their conservative friends every election?

I'd be one lonely Idahoan if I had to disown every person that I didn't agree with.

My entire family is nothing but Republicans.

We do not discuss politics.

I grew up in Idaho. That state is redder than Bernie Sanders in a GOP ad in the general election.

Yup! Most of my close friends are liberal, not that I'd ditch them otherwise, but yeah the whole family is deep deep red.


Please more of this. Its ridiculous beyond belief that Sanders has become the beacon of hope for these people. I just don't get what they see in him, but hey he was part of "civil rights" so I guess.
If some straight white guy marched with the LGBT community after Stonewall and did nothing since, I wouldn't give two shits.


Just think about the amazing possibility of Trump and Boris leading our respective nations. The hairmanity of it all.

I agree with Cameron on this. Gross

I hate to say this, but on the single issue of gay rights Cameron has actually been very decent. Passed gay marriage, tackling homophobia in schools, supported gay rights stuff overseas - fairly pretty impresisve stuff for a right wing party. in many respects I think he's what a lot of moderate republicans would want in a leader - socially liberal, economically conservative.

Of course on a multitude of other things (ie.. almost everything else) he's awful, but he;'s dragged his party kicking and screaming into the 21st century on gay rights. Which just feels weird to say.

EDIT: I know that's not by any means your only issue, just wanted to highlight it re Cameron & LGBT agenda.
Gringrich in savage mode

Newt Gingrich to Fox News: You ‘Invented’ Donald Trump

Well, that's because of you guys," he asserted in the clip first spotted by Media Matters. "Donald Trump gets up in the morning, tweets to the entire planet at no cost, picks up the phone, calls you, has a great conversation for about eight minutes, which would have cost him a ton in commercial money, and meanwhile his opponents are all out there trying to raise the money to run an ad."

Clearly vexed by Gingrich's suggestion, Kilmeade fired back that "people make decisions"—i.e., Trump got all that free airtime because "from day one he made himself available to big and small [outlets]." Meanwhile, the Fox host said, past and present candidates like Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, and Hillary Clinton haven't readily made media appearances.
But Newt was not backing down. "Look, you could say that Trump is the candidate Fox & Friends invented," he fired back. "He was on your show I think more than any other show."

Me and got a few of my family members got a few letters from Ted Cruz that were checks for $45 but made out to himself, that just asked us to sign it and send it back to him.

At first I saw the check and thought Ted Cruz was sending me money and I was like "why the hell would Cruz give me $45?.." But then I realized what it was.

The man is completely shameless but atleast he gets around and is creative I'll give him that
John Oliver did a good bit on "churches" that do similar things. It's pretty sleazy
I hate to say this, but on the single issue of gay rights Cameron has actually been very decent. Passed gay marriage, tackling homophobia in schools, supported gay rights stuff overseas - fairly pretty impresisve stuff for a right wing party. in many respects I think he's what a lot of moderate republicans would want in a leader - socially liberal, economically conservative.

Of course on a multitude of other things (ie.. almost everything else) he's awful, but he;'s dragged his party kicking and screaming into the 21st century on gay rights. Which just feels weird to say.

EDIT: I know that's not by any means your only issue, just wanted to highlight it re Cameron & LGBT agenda.
I agree, on LGBT issues he's been good. In the US he'd be a conservative Democrat.


No Scrubs



I'll just say that I think Hilary does better job putting out a more targeted message that touches points that people want to hear about.I would say they came out about even , if Bernie didn't pivot back to big money.

Personally I am getting annoyed at Bernie saying to check his record, but that might have to do with his supporters thinking that they need to educate people on him if they don't support him. Really its his job to get my vote instead he is telling me I need to do some research.
The wonders of free advertisement.

Say something controversial on Twitter and get free air time on Fox News, the most wanted spots for any GOP primary candidate..

The canadiates wish they got a fraction of the free coverage Trump gets.

To be fair, you have say something insane that most people actually agree with and care about to go up in the polls.

Ben Carson ranting about the pyramids and how he really came after his mother with a hammer was something that made the news, but didn't really help him.
I've heard this before and been burned on it. He was supposed to have a Death Star in Iowa and look how that turned out, now he wants me to believe he's got a Starkiller Base? Yea, ok.

Well the data is objective being it comes from legal filings.

It is subjective if the people he hired are worth a damn versus the other teams. Cruz might still be better there, but Kaisch and Rubio currently are well behind both Cruz and Trump.


Unconfirmed Member
For their sake I hope some of these are trolls. There's having a candidate you care about and then there's self-destructive behaviour.

Having once been in a bad place myself, I can definitely understand why someone might be like that. Instead of doing something to fix your condition, you latch onto some external thing to bring meaning to your life, and it can really suck if that external thing goes away.

It probably doesn't help that Bernie's message is that if you're not rich, the system is stacked against you, which is true, but if you're suffering from depression it's easy to turn that into meaning everything is hopeless, which is not true at all.

In the end, Hillary didn't have to talk about Bernie having a black child so Bernie ended up being less of an actual threat to Hillary than McCain was to Dubya (the other candidate with as much establishment support as Hillary in recent times).

I don't think Hillary has really gone that negative at all on Bernie in this campaign and she's only had to move left on racial issues so she really went through this pretty well (W had to move massively to the right on taxes to win in 2000).


Having once been in a bad place myself, I can definitely understand why someone might be like that. Instead of doing something to fix your condition, you latch onto some external thing to bring meaning to your life, and it can really suck if that external thing goes away.

It probably doesn't help that Bernie's message is that if you're not rich, the system is stacked against you, which is true, but if you're suffering from depression it's easy to turn that into meaning everything is hopeless, which is not true at all.

Yeah, I know the feeling myself. That's why I really hope that these people aren't seriously as attached to Sanders' campaign as these posts suggest.
damn thats bad, what he do?

To be fair, PPP always shows much lower approval ratings than other polling agencies for some reason.

I remember when I actually liked the The Young Turks. Can't tell if they went completely off the deep end or if I just didn't notice because they were agreeing with me.

It's a bit of both - there's far better liberal media out there and they've gone off the deep end. Also, in a way, even if you disagreed with them, at least before '08, TYT and other sites like them were attacking the same crazies as you, so you put up with their eccentricities.

Sort of like Bill Maher - you put up with the wackiness on Islam and GMO's because he was one of the few people on national TV calling out GOP bullshit to their faces.


To be fair, you have say something insane that most people actually agree with and care about to go up in the polls.

Ben Carson ranting about the pyramids and how he really came after his mother with a hammer was something that made the news, but didn't really help him.

That's people digging up stuff on Carson and running it as a Headline without him on the program.

When Trump does something, they bring him on so he can speak for himself and Trump gets to play the showman some more.


Spring break is probably going to be a problem for Bernie, isn't it? Like they may be registered at their college, but if they go home or go do whatever college kids do on spring break, that should worry his campaign.
Depends on the length of spring break in whatever state the voters are in. I'll be back in NY for spring break when Super Tuesday happens, but the primary for North Carolina isn't until a week after that.
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