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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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you have been cursed.

send this to 10 people in 10 minutes.

if you don't, a clown will make sure you never become president.
I like how GOP people were busy talking about how messy 2012 was in Nevada and how they were so totally prepared for things this time. Whatever. Just cancel them and give all the delegates to Trump. Save everyone further effort.

How is CNN not out of anchors to host these events? It feels like they've had a thousand of them. Though I'll admit this is a clever way of saying "we didn't want to spend all that much money covering Nevada further, so we filled up their caucus night with something else election-related to spare us 2 additional hours of stumbling for words on live TV."
Final Fantasy declared unconstitutional by the new ultraconservative Supreme Court.
Well, there is a lot of "bro" stuff going on. You've seen those campfire scenes, right? Scary stuff. Time to import! Surely we can tie a TPP talking point into that if we tried hard enough.
I know some would label me as biased, but Hillary is a MUCH better candidate today than a few months back. She is absolutely destroying this town hall. Bernie on the other hand appears to kinda be stuck in a rut. This is the time for the next phase of Bernie as a candidate and there appears to be no next phase


Hillary's answers on race and police pretty much destroyed Bernie tonight, for me. Foreign policy answers were incredibly detailed and informative.
Smh Nevada. Losing their early state status for sure.

California new 4th state in the nation fuck yeah!

Should just do them in order of delegate counts to be honest. That way you're at the end of the cycle when the big hitters come in, and you've weeded out the job candidates that probably skew peoples stances too heavily.


Elaina Plott ‏@elainaplott 12m12 minutes ago
From Rubio source: "We don't deserve to be on the calendar anymore."

Elaina Plott ‏@elainaplott 12m12 minutes ago
Shied said multiple ballots put *under* the envelope. He approached ballot counter, she said: "I will put them in in a moment."

Elaina Plott ‏@elainaplott 13m13 minutes ago
Per Scott Shied, Bush director: Palo Verde precinct 3382, person looking at ballots before decided whether to put them *in* the envelope.

He won more than twice as many supporters of the ban [on Muslims] in South Carolina than any other candidate.
The P.P.P. poll asked voters if they thought whites were a superior race. Most Republican primary voters in South Carolina — 78 percent — disagreed with this idea (10 percent agreed and 11 percent weren’t sure). But among Mr. Trump’s supporters, only 69 percent disagreed.
Nearly 20 percent of Mr. Trump’s voters disagreed with the freeing of slaves in Southern states after the Civil War. Only 5 percent of Mr. Rubio’s voters share this view.
  • A third of Trump supporters in SC want to ban gays/lesbians from entering the US.
  • A third support Japanese internment during WWII
  • 70% wish the Confederate flag was still up at the statehouse.
  • 38% wish the South had won.
Caucus system sounds absolutely idiotic. I have no clue why it's still allowed.
I agree, I dont see any benefit of it. As for this trump thing well this happens when cheating goes unpunished in Cruzes case so people think that nothing will come of it even when caught.

  • A third of Trump supporters in SC want to ban gays/lesbians from entering the US.
  • A third support Japanese internment during WWII
  • 70% wish the Confederate flag was still up at the statehouse.
  • 38% wish the South had won.

The rest was sadly unsurprising, but this one got me.
Nearly 20 percent of Mr. Trump’s voters disagreed with the freeing of slaves in Southern states after the Civil War. Only 5 percent of Mr. Rubio’s voters share this view.

  • A third of Trump supporters in SC want to ban gays/lesbians from entering the US.
  • A third support Japanese internment during WWII
  • 70% wish the Confederate flag was still up at the statehouse.
  • 38% wish the South had won.

I don't find those numbers shocking to be honest. Kinda within my expectations. I'd be surprised if the racists constituted more than 30% of the population.
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