I need some polls from NV and SC to hold me over till next Saturday. My thread is going to house four primaries in 3 different days.
I know it's been said so many times before but Sanders really is going to get beat up badly on Super Tuesday and March 15th.
Let's dispel once and for all with the fiction that Marco Rubio knows what he is doing.It looks like that's the official Rubio narrative: It's the media's fault!
Rubio Slams Media For Pointing Out He Repeated Himself 4 Times In Debate
I know it's been said so many times before but Sanders really is going to get beat up badly on Super Tuesday and March 15th.
The Polls are all wrong! Karl Rove was right! I will dispel this fiction that bernie doesnt know what hes doing!
internally a bit sad but she better put on some amazing debate performances like I know she can and figure out a better answer to the paid speech question
He knows exactly what he's marooningWhat a maroonWhat a maroon
Was leaked an internal poll from a campaign (SORRY CAN'T SAY WHICH ONE) showing New Hampshire:
Trump 32
Gilmore 17
Kasich 12
Rubio 11
Bush 9
John Podhoretz ‏@jpodhoretz 4h4 hours ago
I too have just received an internal poll:
Trump 31
Kasich 18
Christie 17
Bush 10
Carson 3
They had Trump winning Iowa by 10One thing I can say for sure is that Clinton won't get getting the 91% in Nevada that Microsoft is predicting she'll getunless they rig it for her.
Trump 27
Rubio 20
Cruz 12
Jeb 4
Hillary 43
Bernie 26
Let's dispel this gaffe that this was a notionLet's dispel this myth that it was a gaffe.
From your lips.....
The paid speech thing is only an issue in the primary. No one on the GOP side is going to hit her with that. I mean. maybe Trump, but seriously....it's Trump.
What you aren't factoring in is a blastoise's defense and special defense stats are higher than your standard pokemon. This gives it a fighting chance against the zard, which will be forced to spam earthquake.It's like a level 42 Blastoise going against a level 71 charizard. Sure he's getting his hits in and they are super effective, but her level is just overall too high to win the battle
What you aren't factoring in is a blastoise's defense and special defense stats are higher than your standard pokemon. This gives it a fighting chance against the zard, which will be forced to spam earthquake.
This works on another level because charizard is so favored by the establishment that it was given TWO mega evolutions.
Also of note - Dems have a 6 point generic Congressional ballot edge in the PPP poll. 2 more and the House is theirs!PPP has national numbers out for GE matchups which mean shit, of course.
Hillary leads Jeb! by 7
Bernie leads Jeb! by 6
Hillary leads Carson by 3
Bernie is tied with Carson
Hillary leads Cruz by 2
Bernie leads Cruz by 2
Hillary and Bernie trail Rubio by 2
Hillary leads Trump by 7
Bernie leads Trump by 4
In a 3 way race with Trump/Sanders/Bloomberg, Trump beats Bernie by 3. In a 3 way race with Trump/Hillary/Bloomberg, Hillary beats Trump by 3.
Edit: Here are the numbers from the NC poll in case anyone wants to look at the crosstabs, slim as they are.
I hope you are right (you seem to know what you are talking about, and the answer is really just for my own trust of her). Tbh im excited for the dem vs republican debates no matter who is the nominee for both sides.
What you aren't factoring in is a blastoise's defense and special defense stats are higher than your standard pokemon. This gives it a fighting chance against the zard, which will be forced to spam earthquake.
This works on another level because charizard is so favored by the establishment that it was given TWO mega evolutions.
Actually, I'm the first to tell you I don't know anything. However, the GOP really can't hit her with that. Every former President, Secretary of State (and most First Ladies) do speaking gigs afterwards. Former Senators do as well. It's really not a big thing. Bernie's successfully made it into something (and more power to him, it is a primary after all) but it's really just what people do when they leave elected office.
I know it's been said so many times before but Sanders really is going to get beat up badly on Super Tuesday and March 15th.
Seriously Clinton. Stop listening to Bluementhal, Terry, Penn and all those fucks. Work with your team. What the fuck, don't repeat the same mistakes as 2008. There former Obama guys want you to win because you can only cement Obama's legacy, fucking trust them.
I don't think it's a bad idea for her to work on messaging, though. She needs someone to take that on and drive the ship, so to speak.
Seriously Clinton. Stop listening to Bluementhal, Terry, Penn and all those fucks. Work with your team. What the fuck, don't repeat the same mistakes as 2008. There former Obama guys want you to win because you can only cement Obama's legacy, fucking trust them.
this is exactly why I don't want Jeb to quit early. He needs to stick around to divide up the neocon vote with RubioFL
Trump 27
Rubio 20
Cruz 12
Jeb 4
Hillary 43
Bernie 26
Wasn't doable in 2008 when Dems had a better position.How come neither Bernie or Hillary talk about adding a public option to obamacare? I know Bernie wants to replace obamacare whole hog but that's just not gonna happen and would be politically toxic for so many reasons. Hillary talks about building on obamacare, but the only specific proposal I've heard from her is changing the law so medicare can negotiate for lower prescription drug prices. Adding a public option would pretty much put the entire country on track for eventual single payer and might be doable politically.
Seriously Clinton. Stop listening to Bluementhal, Terry, Penn and all those fucks. Work with your team. What the fuck, don't repeat the same mistakes as 2008. There former Obama guys want you to win because you can only cement Obama's legacy, fucking trust them.
Seriously Clinton. Stop listening to Bluementhal, Terry, Penn and all those fucks. Work with your team. What the fuck, don't repeat the same mistakes as 2008. There former Obama guys want you to win because you can only cement Obama's legacy, fucking trust them.
Wasn't doable in 2008 when Dems had a better position.
Nah, there's obviously an issue there (she's got weird holes in her campaign strategy) and she has always had management issues. She needs to just get some of the ex-Obama guys/girls on board and let them do their thing.well this is certainly a surprise.
Are you sure?
In recent days, Hillary Clinton has tasked her campaign manager Robbie Mook an expert at field organizing who commands the nearly unanimous loyalty of his staff to expand his role from primary-and-caucus-state ground game logistics to messaging, with an additional emphasis on beefing up the campaigns underperforming digital operation, which is seen as a key to challenging Sanders primacy with Democrats under 30.
Public option and expanding Medicare to ages 55 and up need to be the next steps in expanding ACA. As well as continuing to work with states on expanding Medicaid or coming up with some sort of federal alternative.True, but the ACA didn't exist yet. Now it does, it works reasonably well and it needs to be amended over time. I don't think there are enough votes in congress for a public option right now, but I think there will be far sooner than there will be for single-payer. And if we take the idea that republicans will simply block every democratic initiative, then expanding the federal government's ability to negotiate prescription drug prices isn't going to happen either and yet it's part of the policy conversation.
Trump's gonna underperform tomorrow. The lack of ground game is not good.Patrick Murray ‏@PollsterPatrick 3m3 minutes ago
In @MonmouthPoll, # voter contacts rank:
1 Clinton
2 Sanders
3 Bush
4 Kasich
5 Cruz
6 Rubio
7 Trump
8 Christie
9 Fiorina
Trump's gonna underperform tomorrow. The lack of ground game is not good.
Pulling Mook out of organizing and into messaging would be a dumb idea though.
Trump's gonna underperform tomorrow. The lack of ground game is not good.
Trump's gonna underperform tomorrow. The lack of ground game is not good.
The 'Bernie's economy' thread gives me a headache over how people can give credence to some insanly nonsensical numbers without some detailed proof.
5% yearly growth? Show me the fucking receipts.
Queen Phoenix :eaglesoarGoing into NH in 2008 I was depressed as all hell. The polls were looking terrible for my Queen. Obama was riding high on his Iowa "win": sobs hysterically WHY GOD WHY sobs : Then, like a majestic phoenix rising from the ashes, my Queen took her rightful place looking down on all of us. NH was the place where her wings took dream once again.
Queen Phoenix :eaglesoar
That will be her new secret service name when she is president.