Bam Bam Baklava
Trump is clearly a miser. He won't spend a dime that doesn't have to be spent.
Trump's gonna underperform tomorrow. The lack of ground game is not good.
Trump has no idea how to run a campaign. You'd think with all the money he has he can fucking open up some offices in NH or somthing
He's below Kasich, which is bad (and Nate says they see tons of activity at Kasich HQ, leading them to think this isn't wrong.)He's right next to Cruz and Rubio though. Without the raw data we don't know if they're closed bunched or Trump's way behind. Good to see Clinton and Sanders 1 / 2 though.
Does Trump actually want to be president?
It pretty obvious that he doesn't really give a shit either way. I mean we all knew he was a joke candidate, so this shouldn't be surprising.
Gonna go ahead and say Cruz first, Rubio second, Trump 3rd, and Jeb first
5% yearly growth? Show me the fucking receipts.
This is very smart, though:
He did come in 2nd in Iowa without spending anything. That counts for something. Also Ted stole Ben Carson's delegates by spreading FUD. Who knows what could have happened if Ben Carson decided not to fly home to Florida to change his clothes.I'm going off the assumption that most of Trump's support are loud but don't bother to vote.
The 'Bernie's economy' thread gives me a headache over how people can give credence to some insanly nonsensical numbers without some detailed proof.
5% yearly growth? Show me the fucking receipts.
It's not helping any and might be actively harming her.If Clinton thinks her digital marketing is the reason she's failing with the under 30s, she's even worse a campaigner than I thought.
I think it should be BEN GHAZZIIIIIII
If Clinton thinks her digital marketing is the reason she's failing with the under 30s, she's even worse a campaigner than I thought.
Inflation is also stagnant. This whole thing is weird/unprecedented.One thing I hope that Democrats aren't shy about in the general is that the post-2008 recovery has been one of the most Top-Down, pro-business, trickle-down recoveries ever.
Obama probably didn't intend for it to be this way, but it is. Democrats should embrace that he saved the economy but did so by saving big corporations. Most businesses are doing great, job growth is OK, but wages are stagnant. The wealth is not trickling down. It never was going to.
Parallel World Leaders Meet In Washington For Interdimensional Summit
WASHINGTONTeleporting via wormhole from points across all of space and time, thousands of parallel world leaders have arrived in Washington, D.C. for this years interdimensional summit, sources reported Wednesday.
Organizers confirmed President Obama has greeted heads of state from more than 2,000 alternative realities, a gathering of leaders that includes 139 different versions of himself, a parallel U.S. president Mitt Romney, a pulsing being of pure electrostatic energy, Earth-7491s King Lyndon B. Johnson IV, and a hooded group of unspeaking figures known only as the Council.
The annual talks are expected to focus once again on brokering trade agreements among the parallel worlds, as well as officially admitting the governments of Neo-Pangea and the Corporate States of America, LLC into the group, and confronting the Roman Empires continued tyranny across much of the infinite set of possible world histories.
Though we hail from vastly different cultures, political systems, and laws of physics, today we gather together to address the most pressing challenges of the multiverse head-on, said Supreme Leader Michael Dukakis, president for life of the Pan-American Peoples Republic, giving the summits opening address. We must work together to fight the spread of hyperspatial neuro-pox, address the plight of refugees fleeing those universes that are rapidly contracting to a single point, and find ways to manage our respective Israeli-Palestinian conflicts.
It's certainly not helping.
I hope Hilary wins... Just so we can move on from all these weirdo Hilary fans.
This sounds so robotic it's scary.Rubio to @jaketapper: "I've shown consistently the ability to answer important and difficult questions I think in a very compelling way."
Hillarys campaign has lost focus in order to damage control the attacks Bernie has set on her integrity.
Just brush it off and go back to the type of commercials and ads she had when she announced. Her first ad was by far her best.
Bill needs to stop going on the attack. How about he gloats about his record and how he helped the economy, created like what, 250k jobs a month and balanced the budget, etc. even with a republican congress at times. Say why Hillary is better suited to recreate that kind of success that he had.
A lot of kids have a lot of nostalgia for the nineties too. Play that shit up or something Ffs. Just be positive. People actually like them and are being overly defensive. They are letting Bernie get to them and not responding well. Stay focused
Inflation is also stagnant. This whole thing is weird/unprecedented.
The 'Bernie's economy' thread gives me a headache over how people can give credence to some insanly nonsensical numbers without some detailed proof.
5% yearly growth? Show me the fucking receipts.
So many of them to lose, too.I get that, but participating in a debate, no matter how good a candidate is, always leaves one open to risk of a bad moment.
I'm probably being a bit too cautious, but probably because I still think she has this in the bag once Tuesday is over.
In other words, he has the opposite of the problem he did in Iowa - in SC, you'd expect his support to be finely distributed compared to Clinton's, and the system rewards spread over depth.
Exactly, I hate how people are pushing this narrative. He legitimized his poll numbers when he got over 40,000 votes in a Iowa caucus system where he didn't even know what a ground game was.If i'm not mistaken, Trump actually got more votes than any republican ever in Iowa, except for Cruz. IMO it's hard to argue that turnout was an issue for him there.
Bernie's running not for delegates, but against the narrative of Clinton being the nominee. If he can't change the narrative by Super Tuesday, he's toast.
Clinton's team thinks she's losing the 30 and under vote to Bernie because her memes aren't dank enough? All Bernie's team does online is post quotes about his policy proposals overlayed on pictures of him. There's no social media wizardy at work there. If Hillary wants to win this demographic she has to reconsider her policies, not the way she advertises them online.
Sure, but delegates are part of the narrative. If Clinton gets only 5 more delegates from her second best state, that changes the narrative.
Sure, but delegates are part of the narrative. If Clinton gets only 5 more delegates from her second best state, that changes the narrative.
Yes, yes, we know, Norway this, Norway that.In the eyes of the nordic countries, Hillary is a super conservative or a right-winger and Bernie is a centre-left-ish, maybe more centre-right-ish.
That's how far right US is.
Every single person Ive talked to in Noway supports Sanders, even the right-wingers.
Hillary is way better than a republican, but Hillary is too right-winged for my tastes.
So in the eyes of nordic countries, Hillary is not a progressive at all. So when people are talking about how progressive Hillary is I really hope it's just in the eyes of America.
Right but it's probably a better tactic to win over some of the under 30s than they are currently deploying. I think Bill explaining the past problems and how he dealt with it will sit better with people who are too young to remember itA lot of the demo going for Bernie have next to no memory of the 90's. They were kids when Bush was in office and teens when Obama was in-charge.
Sure, but delegates are part of the narrative. If Clinton gets only 5 more delegates from her second best state, that changes the narrative.
I got Clinton, O'Malley and Sanders in that order.Fun little mindless quiz:
Fun little mindless quiz:
Glenn Greenwald is dismissing sexist attacks against Hillary in 2016 by saying that... feminists also said Hillary faced sexist attacks in 2008...?
The feminists he's attacking are not amused.
This is very smart, though:
Trump is clearly a miser. He won't spend a dime that doesn't have to be spent.
2016 New Hampshire Republican Presidential Primary - Trump 28%, Kasich 17% (Gravis Marketing/One America News 2/7)
1) 2016 New Hampshire Republican Presidential Primary
Asked of 705 likely voters - republican
Jeb Bush (R) 14%
Ben Carson (R) 3%
Chris Christie (R) 6%
Ted Cruz (R) 11%
Carly Fiorina (R) 5%
John Kasich (R) 17%
Rand Paul (R) 1%
Marco Rubio (R) 15%
Rick Santorum (R) 1%
Donald Trump (R) 28%
Same, clearly riggedI got Clinton, O'Malley and Sanders in that order.
Gov Sexy McSexypants