Nothing too bad for Rubio in that his support hasn't dropped
He's in a death race for 4th place in that poll. That seems bad.
Nothing too bad for Rubio in that his support hasn't dropped
I got Clinton, O'Malley and Sanders in that order.
Gov Sexy McSexypants
Same, clearly rigged
He's in a death race for 4th place in that poll. That seems bad.
Seriously Clinton. Stop listening to Bluementhal, Terry, Penn and all those fucks. Work with your team. What the fuck, don't repeat the same mistakes as 2008. There former Obama guys want you to win because you can only cement Obama's legacy, fucking trust them.
But from the beginning, there have been deeper issues simmering within the cheerfully-decorated Brooklyn headquarters -- and much of that had to do with a disconnect between the candidate and her campaign. Over the summer while her campaign was bogged down in the email controversy, Clinton was deeply frustrated with her own staff, and vice versa. The candidate blamed her team for not getting her out of the mess quickly, and her team blamed Clinton for being stubbornly unwilling to take the advice of campaign chairman John Podesta and others to apologize, turn over her server, and move on. The entire experience made her a deeply vulnerable frontrunner out of the gate, and underscored a lack of trust between Clinton and her operatives, many of whom were former Obama staffers that she didn't consider part of her inner circle of trust.
Every person has to have two pockets and in each pocket they have to carry a different note, Spira-Savett said, quoting Bunim. And the note in one pocket says the universe was created for me. And in the other pocket the note says I am just dust and ashes.
How do you cultivate the ego, the ego that we all know you must have, a person must have to be the leader of the free world, and also the humility to recognize that we know that you cant be expected to be wise about all the things that the president has to be responsible for?
Be grateful for your limitations, she said. Know that you have to reach out to have more people be with you, to support you, to advise you, listen to your critics, answer the questions.
In the eyes of the nordic countries, Hillary is a super conservative or a right-winger and Bernie is a centre-left-ish, maybe more centre-right-ish.
That's how far right US is.
Every single person Ive talked to in Noway supports Sanders, even the right-wingers.
Hillary is way better than a republican, but Hillary is too right-winged for my tastes.
So in the eyes of nordic countries, Hillary is not a progressive at all. So when people are talking about how progressive Hillary is I really hope it's just in the eyes of America.
I would say Sanders is pretty left while Hillary is center leaning right. I drew a quick diagram of how the US sees it:
I would say Sanders is pretty left while Hillary is center leaning right. I drew a quick diagram of how the US sees it:
I would say Sanders is pretty left while Hillary is center leaning right. I drew a quick diagram of how the US sees it:
I don't know why we're responding to "Trump isn't really a racist" guy.
I don't know why we're responding to "Trump isn't really a racist" guy.
So tell us what you know about the American primary battlefields, the American general election swing states, and the American population and political center.
I don't know shit.
And as fa as Im concerned, the thread is called "PoliGAF" which is is shortened for "PoliticsGAF" which I see in my point of view as a thread you can discuss politics in general nad not just AMerican politics.
Norway is a country you know. Same with Denmark. It is possible to compare politics between countries.
Most countries/regions have their own PoliThread - I've seen UKPoligaf, AusPoligaf, CanadaPoligaf, and Germany Poligaf at various different points. This one probably should be called USPoligaf for consistencies' sake, but it's not a general political thread. Which region do you want to discuss?
I would say Sanders is pretty left while Hillary is center leaning right. I drew a quick diagram of how the US sees it:
2016 New Hampshire Republican Presidential Primary - Trump 28%, Kasich 17% (Gravis Marketing/One America News 2/7)
1) 2016 New Hampshire Republican Presidential Primary
Asked of 705 likely voters - republican
Jeb Bush (R) 14%
Ben Carson (R) 3%
Chris Christie (R) 6%
Ted Cruz (R) 11%
Carly Fiorina (R) 5%
John Kasich (R) 17%
Rand Paul (R) 1%
Marco Rubio (R) 15%
Rick Santorum (R) 1%
Donald Trump (R) 28%
Finally noticed you had Trump to the left of Hillary. :lol :lol :lol
Excellent. EXCELLENT. Rubio in 3rd or lower would be so amazing. I still think he squeaks out 2nd, but it won't matter.
I don't know shit.
And as fa as Im concerned, the thread is called "PoliGAF" which is is shortened for "PoliticsGAF" which I see in my point of view as a thread you can discuss politics in general and not just American politics.
Norway is a country you know. Same with Denmark. It is possible to compare politics between countries.
Most countries/regions have their own PoliThread - I've seen UKPoligaf, AusPoligaf, CanadaPoligaf, and Germany Poligaf at various different points. This one probably should be called USPoligaf for consistencies' sake, but it's not a general political thread. Which region do you want to discuss?
Most countries/regions have their own PoliThread - I've seen UKPoligaf, AusPoligaf, CanadaPoligaf, and Germany Poligaf at various different points. This one probably should be called USPoligaf for consistencies' sake, but it's not a general political thread. Which region do you want to discuss?
If this is US politics thread, then why the hell not call it that?
I want to discuss general politics, not region based.
If this is US politics thread, then why the hell not call it that?
I want to discuss general politics, not region based.
I would say Sanders is pretty left while Hillary is center leaning right. I drew a quick diagram of how the US sees it:
They just meant that the labels we apply to politicians have national context. Hillary is a progressive in the American context.If this is US politics thread, then why the hell not call it that?
I want to discuss general politics, not region based.
Wait Bernie Sanders isn't running for president of Sweden?!
because its well establish that we are referring to US Elections.
There is no thread for that. Create one, perhaps?
I'm curious about how much trouble Cruz got in for telling his staff to spread misinformation about Carson dropping out.
2016 New Hampshire Republican Presidential Primary - Trump 28%, Kasich 17% (Gravis Marketing/One America News 2/7)
1) 2016 New Hampshire Republican Presidential Primary
Asked of 705 likely voters - republican
Jeb Bush (R) 14%
Ben Carson (R) 3%
Chris Christie (R) 6%
Ted Cruz (R) 11%
Carly Fiorina (R) 5%
John Kasich (R) 17%
Rand Paul (R) 1%
Marco Rubio (R) 15%
Rick Santorum (R) 1%
Donald Trump (R) 28%
Nothing of consequence, but Trump and others need to play it as establishment politics and how Cruz isn't anti-establishment.I'm curious about how much trouble Cruz got in for telling his staff to spread misinformation about Carson dropping out.
That's oddly similar to the internal Kasich SuperPAC poll from earlier. I wonder if that was done by Gravis as well.
That's oddly similar to the internal Kasich SuperPAC poll from earlier. I wonder if that was done by Gravis as well.
Should I call it "Politics in General GAF thread" or something?
I'm partial to GeoPoliGaf
iirc there's like... five peeps interested in that, tops. Legit poli junkies are hard to come by.
I don't think anyone would willingly or knowingly hire Gravis to do anything. Although, it's Kasich, so maybe?
I'm partial to GeoPoliGaf
iirc there's like... five peeps interested in that, tops. Legit poli junkies are hard to come by.
I look forward to our detailed discussion of the decline of Turkic pan-nationalism in favour of Islamism as a populist movement in Kyrgyzstan following the association of socialism with the dictatorship.
You coulda just said that you want to discuss how huge an asshat erdogan is, yknow.
You coulda just said that you want to discuss how huge an asshat erdogan is, yknow.