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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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Man the King of Spain is hot af:


Looks like some middle aged guy you'd see a thousand times walking on the street.


I mean, on the one hand he's an enormous asshat, on the other hand he tamed the Turkish military and the prospect of a coup against the Turkish democracy is lower than ever before. Besides, at least it's not Bahçeli; these things are relative.

I respect his achievements, I just wish they'd been achieved by someone who wasn't challenging Jeremy Hunt for the least likeable human being award.

Looks like some middle aged guy you'd see a thousand times walking on the street.

I just have a thing for heads of state okay? Don't judge :p
This is true. Saying Norway sees Hillary as right wing is in many purposes irrelevant and pointless as this thread is dominated by Americans and 99% about American politics. In this case about how Hillary is a progressive or not, it matters little to what Norway thinks. People are talking about it in the US sense.
It's also wrong.

On race relations politics I'd say Hillary is far to the left of most on the continent. Look at their debate on refugees and Muslims.

On fossil fuels? Hillary opposes drilling on federal landa. Norway's financed by it.

On abortion politics she's far to the left of many on the continent.

Gay rights? Many countries in Europe don't have gay marriage.

There's tons more but this idea that the US is always behind Europe or our politicians are all right wing is absurd and infuriating.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I respect his achievements, I just wish they'd been achieved by someone who wasn't challenging Jeremy Hunt for the least likeable human being award.

Jeremy Hunt can't even beat Michael Gove to that title.

Just want to remind all the Americans in here that British political cartoons >>>> American ones.
I mean, on the one hand he's an enormous asshat, on the other hand he tamed the Turkish military and the prospect of a coup against the Turkish democracy is lower than ever before. Besides, at least it's not Bahçeli; these things are relative.

Please stop. That comment about taming the military seems like exactly the sorta thing that i'll spend 3 hours looking into if i get curious. Still haven't recovered from last year's dive into the founding of the eurozone.
(otoh i am now equipped with enough info to laugh in the face of anyone that tries to imply that greece is the only radically dishonest country in the EU, so at least there's that. Plus bringing up Schroder does have the habit of making germans of a pretentious nature shut the fuck up right fucking quick, so it really wasn't all bad.)

Could be argued that democracy also took a blow under him, fwiw.

Just want to remind all the Americans in here that British political cartoons >>>> American ones.
Cartoon would be improved so much if there was "Labour" written all over the flying saucer.
I mean, on the one hand he's an enormous asshat, on the other hand he tamed the Turkish military and the prospect of a coup against the Turkish democracy is lower than ever before. Besides, at least it's not Bahçeli; these things are relative.
He also diversified the Turkish economy and reformed the courts and bunch of other reforms.

He may be a dick. But he is a democratic dick. And we gotta respect that.
He also diversified the Turkish economy and reformed the courts and bunch of other reforms.

He may be a dick. But he is a democratic dick. And we gotta respect that.

I do believe that most of the flak he gets (on top of the humans rights stuff and maybe sorta making deals with isis) is due to him appearing not to give much of a toss about keeping the state laic.


I'm thirsty for the NH thread. Politico had a counter on the top of their page talking about how some places will vote at midnight. Those poor people of New Hampshire, man
Isn't erdogan bad for turkey? The youth hate him, hes shitting on the kurds as per usual, proxy warring in syria and going away from secularism?
Isn't erdogan bad for turkey? The youth hate him, hes shitting on the kurds as per usual, proxy warring in syria and going away from secularism?

As they've mentioned, it's complex. It's like Brazil, PT evidently is a grotesquely corrupt party that is currently harming the state to some degree, buuuuut before they got their turn in power, no one got prosecuted for corruption and they also pushed for a whole lotta very positive changes in the country.

Plus there's no viable alternative that's less corrupt than them.
I am thirstier than my skin, and I have ezcema, so that's pretty damn thirsty.

I am as thirsty as a Dida Ritz wig.

Daaaaamn. That's thirsty. I just started laughing my ass off in the middle of my work office. Now they think I'm absolutely insane instead of 99% insane.

Don't have enough polls to slake my thirst, after some poles instead :p

Like I said. I'm good. I got a Berniebro on speed dial. :p


Daaaaamn. That's thirsty. I just started laughing my ass off in the middle of my work office. Now they think I'm absolutely insane instead of 99% insane.

Like I said. I'm good. I got a Berniebro on speed dial. :p

Enjoying the redistribution from top to bottom?

Sorry, I should have something better :p

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
It's also wrong.

On race relations politics I'd say Hillary is far to the left of most on the continent. Look at their debate on refugees and Muslims.

Firstly, I'm not convinced this is true. There is at least a plausible chance that Trump could win the US presidential election. Even if he doesn't, the Republican candidate does. Trump's stance on race relations is worse than that of any party in western Europe that stands a serious chance of executive control (apart from possibly Le Pen, although her chances of winning are far lower than Trump's), and the Republican party as a whole is also worse if not to the same extent as Trump. Europe does have individual parties which are worse than the Republicans on race relations, yes, but that's largely because most European countries are multi-party, and even rightwing parties who are mainstream do not tolerate racists, so racists form their own parties and therefore have greater political visibility. In America, these groups still exist, they're just subsumed within the Republican party and discouraged by Republican elites/ignored (arguably less so now), so you don't see them. They can't leave because the American political system can only foster two parties; but worryingly they might actually take control of the Republican apparatus (via Trump).

On fossil fuels? Hillary opposes drilling on federal landa. Norway's financed by it.

Norway's oil is from the North Sea and the Barents Sea and is from offshore drilling. Clinton supported offshore drilling until 17th December 2015 when she switched and made public statements against it (arguably because both Sanders and O'Malley spoke out against it). You can probably have this one... if you thank Sanders. ;)

On abortion politics she's far to the left of many on the continent.

Not at all. There is only one one Western European country where a majority of the public oppose at-whim abortion under 24 weeks (Italy). In any other country, Clinton's positions are entirely centrist/unremarkable insofar as they represent the status quo.

Gay rights? Many countries in Europe don't have gay marriage.

This one is interesting because again, bar Italy all Western European countries actually have more favourable opinions of gay marriage than America does. I don't think this reflects a left/right difference but rather a procedural difference. In America, the overwhelming majority of states were forced to accept gay marriage via the judiciary. In Europe, the judiciary is weak and things have to pass through the legislature. If gay marriage had to go through state legislatures in America, you'd be waiting a very long time.

There's tons more but this idea that the US is always behind Europe or our politicians are all right wing is absurd and infuriating.

It's not the every American politician is more rightwing than every European politician; that would be ludicrous. It is true that the average American politician is significantly more rightwing than the average European politician.
Please stop. That comment about taming the military seems like exactly the sorta thing that i'll spend 3 hours looking into if i get curious. Still haven't recovered from last year's dive into the founding of the eurozone.
(otoh i am now equipped with enough info to laugh in the face of anyone that tries to imply that greece is the only radically dishonest country in the EU, so at least there's that. Plus bringing up Schroder does have the habit of making germans of a pretentious nature shut the fuck up right fucking quick, so it really wasn't all bad.)

Could be argued that democracy also took a blow under him, fwiw.

Cartoon would be improved so much if there was "Labour" written all over the flying saucer.
To see how Turkey could've went all sorts of wrong, one only needs to look at Pakistan. Both are sister countries. Pakistan was built as a secular nation by Jinnah until the military general Zia-ul-Haq took power over the country, executed the democratically elected Zulfiqar Bhutto, and completely Islamicized the whole country with extreme regression. Turkey was also in a similar trajectory. Both countries constantly suffered from coups and embattled Prime Ministers at the mercy of army generals. Erdogan changed Turkey's trajectory. He Islamicized the country as well, but in a democratic fashion. Pakistan still hasn't and the threat of a coup attempt always looms over Pakistan.

Of course I'm not saying Turkey and Erdogan are pinnacle of freedom and democracy. Press is still suppressed and Erdogan is probably the most autocratic democratically elected leader out there. But that's largely because of the immense, overwhelming support AKP enjoys everywhere in Turkey.
2016 New Hampshire Republican Presidential Primary - Trump 28%, Kasich 17% (Gravis Marketing/One America News 2/7)

1) 2016 New Hampshire Republican Presidential Primary
Asked of 705 likely voters - republican
Jeb Bush (R) 14%
Ben Carson (R) 3%
Chris Christie (R) 6%
Ted Cruz (R) 11%
Carly Fiorina (R) 5%
John Kasich (R) 17%
Rand Paul (R) 1%
Marco Rubio (R) 15%
Rick Santorum (R) 1%
Donald Trump (R) 28%


Christie should have money to survive a NH disaster but still...a disaster would be devastating for him. He needs to do well, and that Rubio spat raised her profile more than anything thus far in the election. He has to capitalize...

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Isn't erdogan bad for turkey? The youth hate him, hes shitting on the kurds as per usual, proxy warring in syria and going away from secularism?

I think it's more that arguably Erdogan is less bad than most of the other viable options. The last Turkish military coup was only in 1997; the fact that Erdogan managed to unite a populist coalition so successfully that the Turkish military felt unable to challenge his legitimacy while he slowly brought them under bureaucratic/administrative control is an impressive feat. Erdogan has also not been as bad for the Turkish Kurds as the military was; he is Islamist as opposed to Kemalist (although modern Kemalist parties like the revived CHP focus on the leftist aspect rather than the nationalist aspect) which is better for the Turkish Kurds not worse because Kemalism was a secular nationalist ideology that actively promoted the Turkification of peoples within the Turkish borders as part of the state-building programme, while the Islamist parties promoted the common Islamic community of peoples within the Turkish borders as a means to state-building. Many Kurds are relatively conservative and opposed to the secular socialism of groups like the PKK, and Erdogan tolerates that section of the Kurdish community (where "tolerates" means "pretends they don't exist", which is about as good as you'll get).

I mean, yes, a CHP-HDP coalition would be better for Turkey and I'd rather the AKP lost, and Erdogan is beginning to slide into not exactly dictatorship but certainly a rather odious web of corruption and nepotism, but the situation is quite heavily nuanced. Turkey has undergone a lot of a history in only a little time, if you see what I mean.

EDIT: I don't think Turkey and Pakistan are comparable, though, unlike Rusty. Turkey had 20 million people in it at the end of WW2 and was 70% Turkish. Pakistan had 74 million people and no real clear ethnic majority, split between Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashtun, Hazara and so on. State building was always going to be much more difficult in Pakistan. A better analogue for Turkey is Egypt (although Turkey still comes out the winner).


Right. The whole 8 years of Obama's tenure have been the Fed trying to get companies to spend money via low interest rates. The problem is most of the recovered wealth has stayed at the top.

It might not be an optimal GE message, but really Democrats should say that we've been trying trickle down the last 8 years and that it's the Middle class' time now.

The lack of lending done despite the ridiculous levels of QE (5 Trillion+) ought get brought up more. The scary part is we just hit target unemployment (with no significant wage gains), but all signs point to a global economic slowdown/recession in the next two years.
You could use some water. You need to be hosed down.

I got a drink last night. I'm fine. Honestly.
I want to marry the guy in the cubicle across from me so bad. He's adorable. I'll never see him again after this week. :(

I'm glad that the bid to turn PoliGAF into GayGAF is going well.

See, this was what we planned all along. We got all the liberals to agree to letting us get married, and now we're subtly taking over everywhere and everything. Did you know we've got gay wedding planners now!? I mean, the audacity.

Anyway, I wish whoever is sending out these Hillary fund raising emails would capitalize the title of the emails like a normal person would. The Carvill ones are hilarious, but the ones from Bill are just kinda sad and weirdly formatted.


<3 SOUR! Another thirsty one up in here. Your boy was choking on something way worse than water the other night.
<3 <3 <3
Christy cut him up real bad and he's still bleeding.
Marco must've had what I was drinking that night in his water bottle. I got major douche chills when I saw it. That robot impression was the weirdest/most awkward thing I've seen in a while. He made C-3PO look as loose as a meth head's teeth.
Edrogan has reversed so many secular advancements and is sending Turkey back to the 19th Century

+ he is scumbag who helps ISIS just because he doesn't want the Kurds to gain strength

he is pobably the shittiest NATO ally ever, and that open border with Syria
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