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PoliGAF 2016 |OT12| The last days of the Republic

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I think it's much more important that the RNC rally behind Trump and for his campaign to *almost*, but not quite, get back on track before the next oppo should be released. Probably mid or late this week.
I'd be inclined to kick them right now. They don't know how many bullets are out there. The faster you shoot the more scared they will be that there's lots more where that came from.
She might wait till the weekend to get full use out of the media cycle because Rome (GOP Land) is burning so Hillary and the dems need to just playing that fiddle and watch the madness



Just another demonstration of how incompetent and helpless the campaign is. Trump needs to let go of anything to do with women, any time he brings it up it's way too easy to throw it back on him.

Also, Pence's excuse/logic today is so bad. It takes a big man to admit he was wrong? Come the fuck on dude, this is the closest he's ever come to apologizing for something, and all he actually did was apologize if people were offended.

Edit: As far as oppo. I think they're waiting a bit for the GOP to realign themselves behind Trump. Giving them another issue to flail about will make them look like total fools after going back to Trump.


See...that's not true. Three big decisions helped Trump win this nomination - I think people forget that Trump won with under 50% of the GOP primary voters voting for him before everyone else dropped out.

1) If the GOP used the primary nomination rules the Democrats did, Trump probably isn't the nominee (as it goes to a contested convention, where his lack of ground game would have done him in to Cruz).

2) The GOP actually coalesces around a candidate immediately rather than falls prey to game theory by having too many candidates sitting around too long. This is a function of poor RNC leadership and not getting someone who can sort of bully others around (they expected the Bushes to do this, instead of doing it themselves). If it comes down to Trump vs one other GOP candidate - Trump loses. Especially that if you coalesce around a candidate, Christie doesn't take out Rubio, and if you do it fast enough, Trump maybe doesn't take out Bush - but we're going down the counter-factual rabbit hole at that point.

3) The GOP decides to try to take out Trump initially instead of focusing on Cruz. (Once again, falls on GOP leadership, primarily the RNC). People forgot that the GOP leadership went after Cruz for months before realizing that Trump was a legitimate threat.

Any / all of those things would have probably ended Trump's candidacy.

So this is all true, but I also think it's still somewhat wrong.

The GOP running 16 candidates and failing to force them out is a symptom of their institutional collapse. Notice that the Democrats, by contrast, ran one candidate and a joke candidate for her to beat (and Bernie).

The GOP didn't fail to choose a candidate or fail to destroy Trump accidentally. They failed to do those things because they're fundamentally failing to coordinate effectively as a political party, just like they did this weekend.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Just remember that there are also probably more tax dumps coming as well.

We pretty much got confirmation of that from NYT on Twitter, as well as confirmation of the N-word tapes.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Don't tax dumps feel like potentially small potatoes compared to sexual assault?

Since he admitted to not paying taxes, why is he STILL hiding his tax returns?

After last night, I suspect there is more in them.
So this is all true, but I also think it's still somewhat wrong.

The GOP running 16 candidates and failing to force them out is a symptom of their institutional collapse. Notice that the Democrats, by contrast, ran one candidate and a joke candidate for her to beat (and Bernie).

The GOP didn't fail to choose a candidate or fail to destroy Trump accidentally. They failed to do those things because they're fundamentally failing to coordinate effectively as a political party, just like they did this weekend.

YESSSS...he's back!

And that is an argument I've been making. John Boehner fucked up in 2010 when he got rid of his own powers as speaker, basically.


Don't tax dumps feel like potentially small potatoes compared to sexual assault?

A bit, but it's another nail in the coffin, and actual documents give tangible angles of attack. Romney's 14% rate really killed him. Even though Donald wears not paying taxes as a badge of honor, for the most part people still view this as unfair since they still have to pay their taxes. It also allows Hillary to bring up tax policy.

There's also the issue of his alleged charitable donations, ties to foreign countries, etc.
Edit: As far as oppo. I think they're waiting a bit for the GOP to realign themselves behind Trump. Giving them another issue to flail about will make them look like total fools after going back to Trump.

Absolutely. Got to let them get their HOAPs up.

The alt-right deplorable are ok with Trump fondling their women? I think there is a word for this...

...just saying.



Don't tax dumps feel like potentially small potatoes compared to sexual assault?

Oh course, but it's still going to dominate the news and it's still same style of drip, drip, drip that killed Hillary's favorable ratings. We just need to keep a constant focus on Trump of how shitty he is from business, to ethics, to treatment of women, to racist tendencies.


538 is looking to include McMullin in the Utah forecast, hype. There is a bit of a groundswell happening for him right now in Utah, could lead to a Hillary or 3rd party win.


I'd be inclined to kick them right now. They don't know how many bullets are out there. The faster you shoot the more scared they will be that there's lots more where that came from.

I get the temptation. Especially for us because we want to know what else is out there, but this is how you play it. Stories tend to fizzle out on their own. You don't help them fizzle out for whatever reason.

The tape story is still getting play. Like I said earlier. The View was talking about it and I'm sure it'll be the topic of the late night shows as well. What's been going on with the GOP has been getting play as well. The infighting we are seeing on a public scale just isn't good for them at all. Trump is being hurt by all of this.

This story will fizzle out and I feel we'll be getting something later this week honestly. Only a few more weeks until election.
Also from the Fahrenthold interview with Tapper, I suspect he already has new material on Truml and was just corroborating it before its out. To me it sounded like there are a few victims of Trump that wapo found, because Tapper asked him that question and he alluded to it in response.


FGC Waterboy
no argument about this election gets past the bolded fantasy, which is my point. there is nobody to the right of Hillary that could unite those camps. NOBODY. There is nobody! Trump is going to be historically catastrophic, but there just isn't a conservative alive that unites these people at this point.

Challenge: name the factions of the GOP and one candidate that unites them without a significant portion staying home.

-- Breitbart / White Nationalists
-- FoxNews / Old People / Suburban Moms / NASCAR Dads
-- Fucking Libertarians / Racists that want to smoke weed
-- Evangelicals / The 'softer bigotry' of bible thumpers and anti-science nutjobs
-- Gun Nuts / separatists

Yes they all bleed into eachother, some more than others, but nothing unites them on a national scale under one cohesive policy approach ... or candidate who could espouse such a platform. That's why the house can be as red as it is but there's nobody that could appeal to all of them.

So please everyone get out of here with this nonsense that this was a winnable election. Closer maybe. But if you want to say it's winnable you have to prove that Candidate X could unite Obvious Factions That Hates Them. I just don't see it.

Clinton will unite the GOP.

Trump united the Democrats. Having someone everyone hated so much has done far more uniting of the Democrats then anything Clinton or the Democratic party has done in this election. Hell, Trump is so hated he made Obama popular. (Also, Clinton being as unpopular as she is also made Obama more popular, funny enough)

Last I saw, over 50% of the people voting for Trump were voting against Clinton instead of voting for Trump. That number is basically unheard of (Obama had numbers like that in the 20s and low 30s in 2012 IIRC).

How furious (and united) do you think the GOP is going to get after four years of Clinton, who they've spent (by 2020) about 30 years demonizing, on top of the typical malaise of a fourth term of a Dem president as well as the typical popularity drop of anyone as they become president (and run for re-election)? Heck, she almost united the GOP in this election behind Donald freaking Trump. If that's not Trump on the other side, how much of the Obama coalition shows up for 2020 Clinton versus, say, a populist GOP type, a Kasich type governor who isn't a sociopathic nutjob.

As for getting through the primary

A) The RNC could actually get decent leadership, and RNC leadership could do what DNC leadership did, which is clear the decks of most of the people who would run by offering them either other positions (Congressional leadership positions), support in future elections (for governor types), or positions in said cabinet. There's a reason Clinton only had one actual competitor, and it wasn't for lack of people with ambition.

B) Switch away from WTA, and re-order the GOP primaries to put the type of states you want your candidate to be to come first, so that they can gather momentum initially.

In any two party system, both parties are tenuous alliances at best. Because the Democrats have kept winning the presidency, our alliances have held. The GOP's alliance is failing because they haven't been winning the presidency.

So this is all true, but I also think it's still somewhat wrong.

The GOP running 16 candidates and failing to force them out is a symptom of their institutional collapse. Notice that the Democrats, by contrast, ran one candidate and a joke candidate for her to beat (and Bernie).

The GOP didn't fail to choose a candidate or fail to destroy Trump accidentally. They failed to do those things because they're fundamentally failing to coordinate effectively as a political party, just like they did this weekend.

I cannot emphasize enough how badly Preibus and the RNC leadership have failed the GOP. The entire lunacy of the GOP primary was because they didn't have capable leadership, hell, they had their Speaker of the House resign because he got sick of dealing with the bullshit inside their own GOP controlled House. But watching how fast Obama got the Dem house in order in 2008 to 2016 (by basically abandoning the DNC, hah), it seems at least possible that the right group of people can rapidly fix things. Honestly, if the Bushes had concentrated on fixing the RNC in the last 8 years - I suspect the 2016 primary is wildly different.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
538 is looking to include McMullin in the Utah forecast, hype. There is a bit of a groundswell happening for him right now in Utah, could lead to a Hillary or 3rd party win.

Do we thank McDonald?


Chuck Johnson is one of the horrible people taking advantage of Kathy Shelton's trauma:


Hillary did everything as you should in the Kathy Shelton trial. Trying to use her trauma to attack the 6th amendment is one of the worst things of this year.

Yep. Absolutely disgusting ignorance and/or disregard of the constitution. This needs to be brought up much more... Some of the narrative really needs to be about how Trump wants to do objectively unconstitutional things.


Also from the Fahrenthold interview with Tapper, I suspect he already has new material on Truml and was just corroborating it before its out. To me it sounded like there are a few victims of Trump that wapo found, because Tapper asked him that question and he alluded to it in response.

I know there have been accusations already, but a big, well sourced WaPo article would be damning especially after his denial of ever doing any of the actions described in the tape.
I've noticed that Mike Pence likes to say "literally" a lot:

“You saw it last night on that debate stage,” Pence said. “He literally embodies the spirit of America."
Stop-and-frisk literally saved lives in New York City when it was implemented, and it’s been implemented in cities around the country
Americans can elect someone who literally personifies the field establishment in Washington D.C., or...

And in the VP debate alone:

At a time when literally, in the wake of Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of state...

...we see entire portions of the world, particularly the wider Middle East, literally spinning out of control.

...ISIS was able to be literally conjured up out of the desert...

...to move forward the toughest sanctions, it -- literally in the history of the United States, against Iran.

...the Chinese building new islands in the South China Sea, that has literally the world, including North Korea, flouting American power.


will gain confidence one day
I think the biggest determinant for the immediate future of the GOP will be whether or not they retain control of Congress. If they do, then when 2018 comes around the Party can tell the base that they need the Party to stop Hillary. That would delay the Reckoning at least until 2020.

But if they lose the House? Anything's possible.


Also from the Fahrenthold interview with Tapper, I suspect he already has new material on Truml and was just corroborating it before its out. To me it sounded like there are a few victims of Trump that wapo found, because Tapper asked him that question and he alluded to it in response.

He didn't answer anything about possible tapes. Not even a "maybe". So I sort of think he has something he's working on.


Clinton will unite the GOP.

Trump united the Democrats. Having someone everyone hated so much has done far more uniting of the Democrats then anything Clinton or the Democratic party has done in this election. Hell, Trump is so hated he made Obama popular. (Also, Clinton being as unpopular as she is also made Obama more popular, funny enough)

Last I saw, over 50% of the people voting for Trump were voting against Clinton instead of voting for Trump. That number is basically unheard of (Obama had numbers like that in the 20s and low 30s in 2012 IIRC).

How furious (and united) do you think the GOP is going to get after four years of Clinton, who they've spent (by 2020) about 30 years demonizing, on top of the typical malaise of a fourth term of a Dem president as well as the typical popularity drop of anyone as they become president (and run for re-election)? Heck, she almost united the GOP in this election behind Donald freaking Trump. If that's not Trump on the other side, how much of the Obama coalition shows up for 2020 Clinton versus, say, a populist GOP type, a Kasich type governor who isn't a sociopathic nutjob.

MSNBC like half an ago mentioned that voting for your candidate is more beneficial than voting against the opponent.

2004: Most people voting Kerry were voting against Bush.
2008: Majority of people for both McCain and Obama were voting for their candidate, but Obama had a much higher number voting for him.
2012: Most people voting Romney were voting against Obama.

I think Trump has thrown a lot of disarray at the GOP more than uniting the Democrats. Dems are much more united than the GOP intrinsically, Trump just gives Dems even more ammo and helps for enthusiasm. I think the GOP demonizing Clinton isn't going to have any more effect than the last 8 years with Obama. You are indeed right that if it wasn't Trump, it could be very close.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I love how we didn't hear the RNC confirm they're sticking with Trump until after they finally declared they have no legal options to get rid of him on the ticket.
Cybit - I think you underestimate the inner party strife should they lose the House, too.

I don't think the Trumpian voters will all hold their nose in 2018 and 2020. There's going to be some real fighting. There's a real chance for a break.


Oh shit, I completely forgot about that. When is the deadline again?

Wow, me too. The letter was on the 3rd, so 15 days in the 18th which is next Tuesday. I have no idea how exactly they count days for these things though. Every day, business days?


If the GOP falls, who will take its place as things stand right now?

An alt-right dominated party.

That should send shivers down the Democrats' backs.
Unless things are a shitshow under Clinton (certainly possible), I still don't see republicans having the candidate to break through the primaries and beat her. I think 2024 will likely have a republican president though as 5 terms is pretty ridiculous and we are likely to see some kind of economic downturn. However, we are ignoring the fact that the GOP could just implode and it would take a long time to recover enough to put together a real presidential contender.


If the GOP falls, who will take its place as things stand right now?

An alt-right dominated party.

That should send shivers down the Democrats' backs.

Of anticipation, maybe. An alt-right party would get less than 30% of the vote. This is basically why I think the GOP is doomed -- they ARE the alt-right party now.


FGC Waterboy
MSNBC like half an ago mentioned that voting for your candidate is more beneficial than voting against the opponent.

2004: Most people voting Kerry were voting against Bush.
2008: Majority of people for both McCain and Obama were voting for their candidate, but Obama had a much higher number voting for him.
2012: Most people voting Romney were voting against Obama.

I think Trump has thrown a lot of disarray at the GOP more than uniting the Democrats. Dems are much more united than the GOP intrinsically, Trump just gives Dems even more ammo and helps for enthusiasm. I think the GOP demonizing Clinton isn't going to have any more effect than the last 8 years with Obama. You are indeed right that if it wasn't Trump, it could be very close.

You win by having people vote for you definitely - it's one of Clinton's advantages in this race. But I think people are thinking Trump isn't an outlier when by all indications he is. I think a normal(ish) candidate, who, by the way, this same party constituency had chosen for decades in a row, will swing most republicans back onto "voting for them", but also have the turnout benefit of "I hate the opponent". It's not like the GOP voting bloc is significantly different between 2012 and 2016, or 2008 and 2016. It seems like heavy amounts of wishful thinking to assume that they are unable to go back to the same voting patterns they have historically, and Trump not even being able to get 50% of the primary voters indicate that strong leadership and a non 17 person primary race can quickly fix much of the situation.

Now, if the Tea Party launches another mutiny against the moderate GOP in the House after a House loss, well, all fucking hell breaks loose then. :D


Cybit - I think you underestimate the inner party strife should they lose the House, too.

I don't think the Trumpian voters will all hold their nose in 2018 and 2020. There's going to be some real fighting. There's a real chance for a break.

Lol, you read my mind. If the House falls, the soul searching (and giant GOP civil war) that should have happened in 2012 will happen between 2016 and 2018.
That whole defending a rapist thing is completely... stupid. It's how the US criminal justice system works. Even the guilty deserve proper legal representation and advocacy. I've seen people on twitter argue that she basically raped the child herself... people are idiots.


Unless things are a shitshow under Clinton (certainly possible), I still don't see republicans having the candidate to break through the primaries and beat her. I think 2024 will likely have a republican president though as 5 terms is pretty ridiculous and we are likely to see some kind of economic downturn. However, we are ignoring the fact that the GOP could just implode and it would take a long time to recover enough to put together a real presidential contender.

The last time a single party was in power for 20 years was FDR-Truman.
Wow, me too. The letter was on the 3rd, so 15 days in the 18th which is next Tuesday. I have no idea how exactly they count days for these things though. Every day, business days?
Trump lawyers will likely ask for an extension and they may get it. But the AG sounded furious in the letter, so who knows. These clowns had 20 years to fix their crap.
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