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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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"I won't engage in hypotheticals...if it came out Hillary Clinton murdered someone and you believed it would that change your mind?"



Mark Cuban also referred to himself as a professional Trump troll earlier on MSNBC. He's having a great time doing this especially when the Mavericks are going to be awful lol
Didn't realize that guy was such a dumbass. He sounds like a jill stein russian stooge.

Yea he showed his ass earlier this summer when he demonized Hillary and supported Bernie.

He didn't give good reasons why Bernie would be a good candidate; all he did was quote conservative spin points. Also this guy is in the UK and never lived in the US. I think most Americans did not talk about how Europe should have handled Brexit before it happened.

Also I criticize his dumb video with the acknowledgement that Casey video was 100% Hillary-shilling. But at this point there are very little reason why not to vote for Hillary or why not to vote for Trump.


Reporter: "Will you be watching the debate?"
Williams: "Yes."
Reporter: "From where?"
Williams: "From a TV inside the Treasure Island."

So much for inviting the "son".


tapper: trump is obviously able to rally his base...

pence: well the american people not just his base

tapper: no that's not so obvious..


Wow. Tapper asking Pence if Trump realizes that he's losing nationally.

Of course Pence dodges. Has he answered a single question without dodging this entire race?


Turned on CNN and seeing Rudy and Mark Cuban debating. This is surreal.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
New WMUR poll has Clinton +15 in NH. The jerks aren't releasing the downballot results yet but do note:

“If the lack of enthusiasm for Donald Trump translates into a lack of desire to vote at all, that’s going to hurt all of the Republicans."

Realistically, a Clinton win by double digits should give the Dems a state-wide sweep.

Feeling good about my state for once. NH went strong for Hillary after the DNC Convention (unlike Nevada and Iowa) and never flipped since.

I chuckle when I see Trump supporters comment on Facebook that these polls are invalid because they were not personally contacted, no one they know is voting for Hillary, the media is biased and a ton of other bullshit.
Man Matthews is really all in on this "quid pro quo" chicken

Quid Pro Quo and O'Keefe I feel like are going to be the issues the media cares about the next few weeks. Luckily, most people will tune out after tonight unless something major happens. Trump will probably say something insane though once he loses tonight.
CNN is exhibit A of why the 24 hour news cycle was a terrible invention

Although I love it's terribleness. The more politics turns into reality TV the better. Well, actually it's really terrifying, but damn if it isn't entertaining.

Pence: We're up ahead Nationally by 1 point.

Tapper: So we should listen to that poll but not the other 30.

Pence: Only poll that matters is on November 8th.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Thousands of instances of voter registration fraud in just Indiana according to Pence? I'm highly dubious about that. Is that one of those technically true statements where it turns out people just moved and live at a new address now or something?


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
You and me both. Must have been a gas leak in the city during his term as mayor.

He costed on other people's policies and work that was already in motion and then sucked a national tragedy for all it was worth and then some.
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