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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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Indiana, Monmouth

President - Trump +4
Senate - Bayh +6
Governor - Gregg +12

Numbers aren't out yet, someone just tweeted out the leads.


FGC Waterboy
The stuff out of the NYTimes confirmed the main point we were all wondering about his taxes-that he hasn't paid any federal taxes for years and does both all the terrible things real estate developers do and rich people do to avoid paying taxes.

What he doesn't want to come out is how little he gives to charity, but this would presumably hurt him worst with evangelical communities, but they have proven as a whole to be willing ignore the immediate, obvious wickedness as a means to an end.

Evangelicals will have ignore anything and everything as long as the opposition is a Democrat. For example, they didn't particularly care about golden boy idol Ted Cruz not tithing.


Just like the argument used against Bernie or Bust / Stein / Johnson folks to vote for Clinton, SCOTUS is an overriding concern for a lot of people holding their nose and voting for Trump.
So my mother and I got into it yesterday - she doesn't like Trump but the she doesn't like Clinton either. However she's being told that Hillary is going to allow abortions for those who carrying up to term - 8 to 9 months and now due to this the election has come down to a single issue matter for her (and is trying to make that one for the rest of us - hence our argument). Is there anything on Clinton's actual stance to rebut this?

Casey v. Planned Parenthood already rolled back blanket-protections for 3rd trimester abortions, and gave States "interests" more weight in court decisions. SCOTUS rolled back from a very strict "Strict Scrutiny" test, to a less restrictive "Undue Burden" threshold.

Basically, forced-birth zealots like to lie to people, and tug at heart-strings with horror stories of butchered "babies."


P.S. First post, be gentle


Just a heads up, I've been constructing a huge list of every horrible policy, scandal, and offensive statement Trump has stated or proposed. The list will be properly sourced. I will post a draft when I feel it's ready then possibly a polished version in OT.
Clinton presumably supports late term abortions in cases of severe birth defects (often nonviable or severely low chances of survival). The reasons given in such cases are mental distress of the mother, and anti abortion groups spin that into a free pass for late term abortions.

Would there be anything in print that shows this that I can present to to her?

Something like 95 percent of abortions happen in the first trimester. The idea of women having abortions the day before their due to deliver is a fiction invented by pro-life advocates. That shit doesn't happen, at least in any meaningful capacity (I don't know the stats off hand so the number of abortions performed 8-9 months in may not be literally zero).

I figured as much. Combined with hearing several pastors talk that as Hillary "will implement" this and that our taxes will be used to fund this it's been driving her up the wall.


Indiana, Monmouth

President - Trump +4
Senate - Bayh +6
Governor - Gregg +12

Numbers aren't out yet, someone just tweeted out the leads.

Say whaaat!?!? Trump is leading by the same amount in Indiana and Texas? (of course, two different polls, but come on)


Donald still hasn't released the evidence that completely refutes all of these allegations? I for one can't wait to see a doctor's note confirming he's impotent.
Indiana, Monmouth

President - Trump +4
Senate - Bayh +6
Governor - Gregg +12

Numbers aren't out yet, someone just tweeted out the leads.


Debate 1) Initiate Opposition Dumps, establish modus operandi

Debate 2) Play it safe, make sure Trump survives through the second debate to prevent GOP from completely abandoning him

Intermediate: Anyone who decided to stay with Trump after initial plan will now be tied with Trump when the real bombs start to drop

Debate 3) Finish Trump with a massive volley of obvious bait that he will be forced to eat. Trigger him in massive quantities to make the likelihood of a major meltdown extremely likely

Final Leg: Watch Trump implode, dump opposition the moment a story starts to go cold


Just a heads up, I've been constructing a huge list of every horrible policy, scandal, and offensive statement Trump has stated or proposed. The list will be properly sourced. I will post a draft when I feel it's ready then possibly a polished version in OT.

Are you going to mention each of Trump's tax plans?

Fahrenthold: Stand by for news about @realDonaldTrump from my colleague @ktumulty...

oh shit

It's happening.
I think most of us just want to bury any chance of Trump winning. I wasn't terrified of a McCain presidency, I wasn't terrified of a Romney presidency. Heck even Bush looks extremely competent compared to Trump. It's terrifying what Trump could actually do with that mantle. He's Nixon to the nth degree, think he will legit attempt to steer America towards a dictatorship. I'm Nigerian by birth I know what a dictatorship looks like, that reality is scary and with him plus a Republican congress I do not doubt that some rights we currently have will be eroded.

For me, what I desire is much more than him losing, which I know see as pretty much a guarantee. I want more and more of these stories to come out so that:

1- He is proven 100% to be the vile person that he is to every decent, rational person

2- His brand becomes so toxic that it is utterly destroyed, as well as his businesses

3- The deplorable people who continue to support him in spite of everything prove how despicable and how deplorable they are, and the longer they stand behind him with easy story, the worse off they look

Basically I desire the completely destruction of the Trump name and legacy, and that he becomes a pariahah along with his faithful band of cheerleaders, all of whom are never to be taken seriously ever again. Calling them "deplorable" should come off as a compliment by the end of this.
That whole crowd never once cared about the American people, it was always about this anarchistic desire to destroy the pillars of the US Government with no plan to replace it with anything else. A desire likely rooted in some long held grudge.

I've been beating this damn drum since the NSA leaks, Greenwald doesn't care about Snowden or you or me or anyone else but his revenge.

It's funny because he brings up FOIA as an example of why powerful officials shouldn't expect privacy but you wouldn't have been able to do a FOIA request for Podesta's personal gmail account and he knows that. He's just muddying the waters and deflecting. Dude does not care about anyone's privacy as long as it furthers his goals.

He's 100% a shit.

I'm sure you'd be every bit as outraged if WikiLeaks had published similarly uncurated, similarly illegally obtained emails from the Trump campaign.


It seems like that is a separate one from the claim having a press conference later? So that's two new ones today.


First tragedy, then farce.
Something like 95 percent of abortions happen in the first trimester. The idea of women having abortions the day before they're due to deliver is a fiction invented by pro-life advocates. That shit doesn't happen, at least in any meaningful capacity (I don't know the stats off hand so the number of abortions performed 8-9 months in may not be literally zero).

Also, for the love of god. Because Pence got this wrong during the VP debate.




First tragedy, then farce.
I'm also guessing that, due to the way this is being released to the news, this case would most likely be 1- much more recent 2- and have more substantial evidence than just the testimony of the accuser.

Gloria Allred aint nothin to fuck with.


I'm sure you'd be every bit as outraged if WikiLeaks had published similarly uncurated, similarly illegally obtained emails from the Trump campaign.

Besides the fact that this is irrelevant to Greenwald's motivations:

You're goddamn right I would, and if you don't believe me you can dig through my post history (I doubt you will). The thing is I can be outraged at the invasion of privacy as well as what's contained in whatever the e-mails would reveal. I can hold both of those positions at the same time without being hypocritical.

So if you ask me "should Trump's personal e-mail be hacked" I'd answer "fuck no" because if Privacy isn't sacrosanct for the most powerful then you can be damn well sure it's not sacrosanct for us plebeians.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
GIF: A format for creating images on a computer.
JIF: A fucking peanut butter.

Get it right.

Clearly, when this political realignment is over, America will be split along the most pressing issue of our times. The GIF party versus the JIF party.

And then you'll have hipsters creating the ZHAIF party as the third party that thinks it's above it all, and only garner 1% of the vote.
Just a heads up, I've been constructing a huge list of every horrible policy, scandal, and offensive statement Trump has stated or proposed. The list will be properly sourced. I will post a draft when I feel it's ready then possibly a polished version in OT.


Just saw Ana Navarro on The Daily Show. Says she's gonna write in her mother. All that shit she's talking about Trump and she can't even vote for Hillary Clinton. What a fucking joke. I'm probably gonna hate her after the election is over.

Yea. She may be passionate about arguing with idiot Trump surrogates, but when it comes time to act and vote she's full of shit. Really irritating
Evangelicals will have ignore anything and everything as long as the opposition is a Democrat. For example, they didn't particularly care about golden boy idol Ted Cruz not tithing.


As long as trump promises to put in a judge who will keep babies safe, he'll have the evangelical vote. Trump could probably murder someone on live TV and they'll say it's just one life for the potential to save so many.


Just a heads up, I've been constructing a huge list of every horrible policy, scandal, and offensive statement Trump has stated or proposed. The list will be properly sourced. I will post a draft when I feel it's ready then possibly a polished version in OT.

Let me just get perched real quick...

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