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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
But they did. How is this Switch stuff good idea. I dont understand why gaming side is fawning over it. Why cant Ninfaildo just create a normal console like sony/MS?

The GameCube was a normal console and they got third place. A normal console would appeal only to a rapidly shrinking market. Nintendo diehards.

The Switch unifies their console and handheld development pipelines into one device. This means that software droughts no longer define their products, and they can grow their marketshare through compelling software.


The GameCube was a normal console and they got third place. A normal console would appeal only to a rapidly shrinking market. Nintendo diehards.

The Switch unifies their console and handheld development pipelines into one device. This means that software droughts no longer define their products, and they can grow their marketshare through compelling software.

This. Dumb name; smart move.
I will get a switch if it is 199-250. Anything beyond that is crazy

250 seems great. The problem is I only can use portables at home so it's a huge deal for me. The big deal is hopefully the expanded library and Nintendo getting back to basics.

Also Trump is going to go way too damn far tonight and it will be awkward. Hilary is an awkward scripted joke teller. She should probably have a few drinks before lol.
The GameCube was a normal console and they got third place. A normal console would appeal only to a rapidly shrinking market. Nintendo diehards.

The Switch unifies their console and handheld development pipelines into one device. This means that software droughts no longer define their products, and they can grow their marketshare through compelling software.
GameCube handicapped itself by using miniDVDs. I imagine that was a stronger factor in not porting certain big name titles to the console (GTA, MGS etc) than anything to do with market potential.


Kills Photobucket
So I've been wrapped up in Switch news.

Any big election news today? Republicans in melt down over Trump's refusal to accept election results?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
The post debate polls are kind of interesting. I thought Hills did a way better job in this debate than the second one, but people seem to think she did worse (even though she still won comfortably).


So I've been wrapped up in Switch news.

Any big election news today? Republicans in melt down over Trump's refusal to accept election results?

Not really. Just more "wah wah" from Trump, a new accuser, and Paul Ryan is still being a spineless coward who deserves his political fate.

The thing that psyched me most about Switch? Re-confirmation of March 2017. Woo!


CNN saying Clinton revealed classified material by saying it takes 4 minutes to launch a nuke after ordered?

Some people are pushing that, but it's just bogus. The whole process is common public knowledge.

Bloomberg did it first:

About five minutes may elapse from the president’s decision until intercontinental ballistic missiles blast out of their silos, and about fifteen minutes until submarine missiles shoot out of their tubes.
Trump says he will win Maryland even as a poll comes out showing him losing Maryland counties no Republican has lost since 1964.

"If you talk to the Trump campaign, they think that Trump is going to win Maryland," League said.


Any big election news today? Republicans in melt down over Trump's refusal to accept election results?

Most condemned it while refusing to unendorse Trump.
Anyone else having problems connecting to GAF on their desktops? I'm worried my work blocked me or something because mobile GAF works just fine.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs



I wonder if this will be another 2012 where all they are showing Trump is the LA Times poll and he really thinks he's winning.


Poet Centuriate
Is anyone gonna do a thread for the extra third party weirdos debate?

University of Colorado-Boulder

Larry King (RT America)

Confirmed Candidates:
Darrell Castle (Constitution)
Rocky De La Fuente (Reform)
Gloria La Riva (Socialism and Liberation)

Unconfirmed Candidates:
Gary Johnson (Libertarian) (Wanted to do a video statement instead of debate, F&E Foundation said no way)
Jill Stein (Green) (Won't show up unless Johnson does)
Evan McMullin (non-partisan) (Won't show up unless Johnson does)
It could get worse!


Still, with a little under three weeks to go, we can’t yet say whether things will get worse for Trump, since we simply have no modern precedent for a major party abandoning their nominee. However, there is one telling downballot precedent that offers many parallels: Missouri’s extraordinary 2012 Senate election.

In that race, Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill was unpopular with voters and faced a hostile electorate in a red state. It’s easy to forget now, but she narrowly trailed Republican Rep. Todd Akin at the time he won the GOP primary (with McCaskill’s now-legendary assistance). But soon after earning his party’s nomination, Akin’s campaign totally fell to pieces. On Aug. 19, he infamously defended a ban on abortions that allowed for no exceptions by preposterously claiming pregnancy could not result from rape. In lines that will live forever, Akin declared, “If it’s legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut the whole thing down.”

Amazingly, Akin’s shocking ignorance now manages to pale in comparison to all the countless offensive things Trump has said. Akin’s statement was more than outrageous enough, though, and it led his own party’s leaders to call on him to drop out of the race—not out of any moral conviction, mind you, but because they quickly concluded he’d destroyed his own candidacy. But the same kind of bull-headed stubbornness that McCaskill knew would benefit her if Akin became the GOP nominee also ensured that he wouldn’t step aside at the establishment’s behest, and his outside financial support dried up.

As a result, many pundits immediately presumed Akin had rendered himself dead man walking, but—and this is the crucial point—the polls simply didn’t show it. Two weeks after “legitimate rape,” Akin only trailed McCaskill by 1 percent, according to the Pollster average. Even a full month later, he was behind just 3.3 percent, and on Election Day—two and a half months after his meltdown—polls “only” showed her 8.7 points ahead. You can see it all unfold in the chart below from Huffington Post:


Yet McCaskill ultimately prevailed in a 15.7 point landslide, which few polls came close to predicting. Akin’s example could matter greatly for Trump, since polls taken even two weeks after his implosion similarly have not shown a sharp swing towards Clinton yet. But as Akin shows, they soon could.

In one recent example, Democrats reaped the devastating consequences of putting forth a non-credible candidate in Nevada’s 2014 gubernatorial race, which was the top contest in the state that year. That led to abysmal turnout among Democrats, which in turn led to shockingly heavy downballot losses for Team Blue. Now just imagine something like that on a national scale.

It’s not just Trump’s temperament that’s wreaking serious havoc for Republicans—his lack of a traditional campaign could as well, particularly since he relies more on voters with lower education levels than past Republican presidential nominees have. That demographic, though, is less likely to vote than more-educated voters. At the same time, Trump has leaned heavily on free media coverage to power his candidacy, while Clinton and Democrats have pumped hundreds of millions of dollars into TV ads and a get-out-the-vote operation. It’s unclear what precise impact this disparity could have, but one political scientist estimates it could cost Trumps 6 net points in swing states.

One other way Trump could depress Republican turnout is with his now-central claim that the election is “rigged.” There isn’t a shred of evidence to back up him up, of course, and this line of argument dangerously undermines our democracy itself because Trump holds sway with millions of partisans as the face of his party. However, one political science experiment found that such claims could backfire by lowering turnout among voters on the side making such accusations because their partisans figure there’s no point in voting if the outcome is fixed. Trump, in other words, is telling his own supporters that they shouldn’t bother casting ballots.


The Autumn Wind
This girl right behind Obama is damn gorgeous. I think I need to make the half hour drive and see if I can start a conversation.

EDIT - This is an unfortunate top-of-page post.


BOMBA. OK, it will probably get no coverage, but this is just insane.

Trump neglected, however, to mention his own connection to the videos, released by James O’Keefe and his Project Veritas tax-exempt group. According to a list of charitable donations made by Trump‘s controversial foundation (provided to the Washington Post in April by Trump’s campaign), on May 13, 2015, it gave $10,000 to Project Veritas.

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