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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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I know him suing a bunch of women he groped years ago will be the headline out of this, but I think this is a bigger deal:

He's talking about punishing a media company, because he dislikes how he's been covered by them. I don't understand how supporters could construe this as anything other than fascist rhetoric.

Your mind has already been poisoned, otherwise you would see how much sense this makes.


I think one of the worst defenses of Trump is saying he'll have good advisers. Look at his dumpster fire of a campaign. There's not six brain cells between them. I wouldn't trust him to staff a charity shop, let alone actually listen to anyone other than himself.

Even Roger Ailes wouldn't put up with Trump's shit
Don't look now, but Obama's approval rating on Gallup is sitting at 57%.

So yeah Donald, keep telling us about how Hillary will be a third term of Obama.

E: Beaten! Oh well.


Anyway, this fucking racist piece of shit using Gettysburg to scream about how he's going to sue women he's sexually assaulted makes me want to vomit.

That's a good move. It plays well to his base.

Meanwhile even when he does lose I will not feel relief. That progress dial got set a few notches back and it's going to take years for it to recover. I wonder what the rest of the GOP will do once they realize their hijackers are here to stay and are not on their side.


Good job Trump.
lol now the news cycle is on his sexual assault accusers again.

Also I went to the site and saw a video of a Clinton supporter, Trump supporter and undecided talking. The Trump supporter was like "I'm doing well financially, I'm voting Trump to help the little guy!" Hmmm......


He spent two minutes today saying he's cutting all funds tied to global warming.
But he secretly believes that it is an issue, you see he is actually pretending to be an idiot in order to appeal to other idiots but secretly he is a genius. Oh wait, he does think of himself as a genius in public....

The mental gymnastic that some of his supporters who are closet racist go through is mind boggling. There is absolutely no justification to want someone like orange turd as president unless you are a racist, xenophobic, sexist asshole.
Holy shit, could you imagine such a petty, thin skinned little sociopath actually being the President of the country for a full Presidential term. The thought is so terrifying.


That big ass speech and CNN's frontpage is "They lied says Trump"

It's been said before, but he did it for his base. He ranted for them 99% of the time and now gets to say that the media is being unfair.

Which they are! The speech needed to be front and center for the horrible ideas he has. Instead we get the (equally horrible) story about sexual assault, which lets people peddle the "substance" nonsense.

This is Bannon's campaign now. And nobody truly wants Breitbart's America.


Listening to the NPR weekly roundup, and their recap of that charity dinner was something else. When Trump started flaming out, Jesus.... that was hilarious.


I know him suing a bunch of women he groped years ago will be the headline out of this, but I think this is a bigger deal:

He's talking about punishing a media company, because he dislikes how he's been covered by them. I don't understand how supporters could construe this as anything other than fascist rhetoric.

Break up the banks? No, break up the dishonest corporations!
He said he will shut down all expenses against global warming today! In a speech written with his advisors.

He also said specifically that Mexico will pay for the wall, not that the US will pay with money earned from Mexico.

As for Ford, it was an example he gave on a company that would have tariff increases.

So, you don't agree with everything he said today, just what you want to hear.

He spent two minutes today saying he's cutting all funds tied to global warming.
I turned on my TV at 12:19pm so I'm assuming he said that before I turned it on. If that's what he said, he's wrong and him and his advisors are stupid for saying it. I don't agree with the man on everything.

Btw...one of the mods once told me (Chichikov) that instead of replying to every post (which would be impossible) to pick one or two that make a real effort and ask good questions and reply to them in detail instead of everybody.

So...if anyone has questions, put them in one post and I'll reply. I'm not an attention whore/troll...if I was I'd post more than once every week or two on this site. If nobody cares about me or my opinions, then so be it. I understand.


Spoiler alert, here's what Heavy is going for:


aka concern trolling
I've seen that same insult or very close to it about Trump many times...making fun of his weight and with F bombs, same vitriol. My question was if I said those statements about Hillary, would I get banned? If there's a specific mod who handles these Qs, let me know and I'll send a PM.

Of course I believe in global warming. Trump may have said something remarkably stupid about it a couple years ago but he's not gonna ignore all the evidence once his advisors tell him. I believe the trade deficit issue he brings up will effectively have Mexico paying for it. Yes, China needs to be called out. We're getting bent over....just calling them out and making an official stance like that is a great and much needed start. Of course Ford has employees here but what he says about jobs and factories moving to other countries is true.

Didn't answer my question, so I won't answer yours.

Btw one thing I notice in these replies to me (and in the past) is how you guys do stuff like what Breads just did with his last sentence... turning the Muslim extreme vetting (it's not a ban anymore and hasn't been for months) and upholding the law by deporting illegal immigrants into... "Why do you want keep non whites out of the country?".

You guys never have any nuance at all. This goes for everything on the forum and really the Internet in general...because everybody needs to make their mark and get attention, so they never use nuance when making statements and opinions. It's always one extreme or the other, never in the middle. This isn't Neogaf's fault...it's some sort of psychological effect of the internet and how people want their opinions to be loud and heard amongst the crowd...so therefore "horrible" "best ever" "worst movie I've ever seen" and so forth. This behavior extends to everything we debate. I really dislike it.

I'm going to bite.

1) Trump has said he still doesn't believe in Global Warming and his policies would destroy any plan to mitigate it.

2) The people he surrounds himself with are climate change deniers

3) A Wall is a waste of time and money, and anyone who thinks a giant concrete wall to keep out people is actually going to stop illegal immigration needs to do some reading on how people come across the border and end up staying illegally.

4) You candidate is insanely inconsistent, changes his policy multiple times within a year period, flips between policy on the mood of the crowd, openly says things that conflict with his runnings mates words on the matter and generally doesn't think about what he is saying.

5) You're constant hand waving of your candidates own words is insulting. You act stupid and pretend that things don't exist, pivot to some random point and try and talk about how your candidate who is embraced by white supremacists, retweets neo-nazi posts and has a great habit insulting everyone who is not a white male, isn't actually meaning what he is saying and that people need some nuance.

Don't fucking talk to me about nuance. You're backing a racist, borderline fascist who is supported by a white populace movement. Don't try and talk down to people who want open and honest questions about your candidates policy and why you're supporting him when he openly calls an entire race of people rapists, murderers and drug dealers.


"The man is a know nothing and his advisors are conspiracy theorists!"
"Oh. Well I don't agree with him on everything."


The Pettysburg Address is a damn good joke.
Btw this is the only politics related thread I feel comfortable posting in. I've made a few posts in specific threads but it's not comfortable. They move too fast and you get bombarded too much. The attitude in here is at least a little more lax and easy going.

Edit- give me like 10-15 mins TheLostBigBoss, thanks


Holy shit, could you imagine such a petty, thin skinned little sociopath actually being the President of the country for a full Presidential term. The thought is so terrifying.

Not only that. I know some people try to shove aside the idea that he could lead to irreversible damage to the nation simply because the republican party will act as a check keeping him from going full authoritarian.

The republican party has bent over backwards and legitimized this pathetic turd of a person. They are not going to stand in his way to full fascism.


What annoys me is that he can just keep announcing these BIG SPEECHES and the media keeps covering it like it's a mini state of the union address.

They spent all last night pumping it up and then pulled another fake-out. At some point the media needs to know he's going to Lucy the football on them yet again.
Btw one thing I notice in these replies to me (and in the past) is how you guys do stuff like what Breads just did with his last sentence... turning the Muslim extreme vetting (it's not a ban anymore and hasn't been for months) and upholding the law by deporting illegal immigrants into... "Why do you want keep non whites out of the country?".

You guys never have any nuance at all. This goes for everything on the forum and really the Internet in general...because everybody needs to make their mark and get attention, so they never use nuance when making statements and opinions. It's always one extreme or the other, never in the middle. This isn't Neogaf's fault...it's some sort of psychological effect of the internet and how people want their opinions to be loud and heard amongst the crowd...so therefore "horrible" "best ever" "worst movie I've ever seen" and so forth. This behavior extends to everything we debate. I really dislike it.

How can you trust the words of a candidate who changes official policy stances every few months in the middle of a campaign? "We're banning them all... OK, we're just banning a few countries... OK, actually it's just extreme vetting." "We're building a wall and they're paying for it... the wall just got higher... there's no wall." Like... where's the consistency there?

And speaking of not having any nuance... have you noticed that your candidate tends to boast about having "the best" everything? The best temperament, the best advisers, the best deals. That's Trump's entire MO, and you've bought into it hook, line and sinker... but when people on the Internet do it, oh, these jackasses don't understand nuance. Right. What subtlety is there to "we're deporting 10 million people day 1"? What subtlety is there to "I'm suing everyone who said something I don't like"? Your candidate embodies every stereotype you just said about Internet commenters. Why would you vote for someone whose behavior is so objectionable to you?


He pivoted 360 degrees.

All you need to know about the speech is that he threatened to sue the women accusing him of sexual assault after the election.
Just wait for his final closing argument next week. For real this time /s

There will be some justice in the world if this fucker ends up in jail in a few years for his sexual misconducts and scams.
CNN discussing why he's waiting until AFTER the election to sue the women is the most infuriating thing ever. Everything's so scummy and he's so trash, but he could possibly be in reach of the White House.

Fuck, I'm still just honestly upset I think I'm losing a decade-long friendship because of this election.
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