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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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I just finished watching the horrible fantasy world of Black Mirror only to be treated to horrible real world where Trump threatened to sue all of his accusers. Can you imagine the president of the United States wasting his time in this?
CNN discussing why he's waiting until AFTER the election to sue the women is the most infuriating thing ever. Everything's so scummy and he's so trash, but he could possibly be in reach of the White House.

Fuck, I'm still just honestly upset I think I'm losing a decade-long friendship because of this election.

eh...any friendship you could lose over THIS election, no matter how long you've had it is absolutely not worth keeping.

Unless Trump becomes president. I have no doubt he'd put a stop to that.

If Trump became president after all of THIS I'd personally take Romney's advice and self deport myself....right back to Africa.
That documentary about Weiner is insane in terms of how much access they had; Abedin clearly did not support the decision and there are multiple points where she is very visibly uncomfortable with it all. After a certain point even the filmmaker himself can't believe what is happening and he straight up asks Weiner "Dude, why are you letting me film all of this?" Weiner has some mental issues.


You guys never have any nuance at all. This goes for everything on the forum and really the Internet in general...because everybody needs to make their mark and get attention, so they never use nuance when making statements and opinions.
Really funny that you want to talk about "nuance", when...

Btw one thing I notice in these replies to me (and in the past) is how you guys do stuff like what Breads just did with his last sentence... turning the Muslim extreme vetting (it's not a ban anymore and hasn't been for months) and upholding the law by deporting illegal immigrants into... "Why do you want keep non whites out of the country?".
...you would support a candidate continuously making the kinds of statements so outrageous that any Gaffer would risk getting straight up banned immediately. Every single speech he makes, you treat him like a five-year-old making his first public appearance and spin every paragraph until it's nothing like what came out of the horses mouth.

The people with the "He says it like it is" candidate, treat him like he never says it like it is

I genuinely do not understand what you're holding on to except anarchy. After so much spin, so much flipflopping, there is nothing else left
So Hillary has now murdered:

Vince Foster
Benjamin Ghazi
Antonin Scalia

Can anyone possibly stop her killing spree?

How can you forget about DNC staffer Seth Rich?

I'm honestly kind of surprised that Trump hasn't jumped on the "Hillary killed Seth Rich" conspiracy yet. His Nazi fans LOVE that conspiracy and are obsessed with it.
This is my new favorite reaction to dumb shit a Trump surrogate/supporter says

I dunno if I want to live in Texas if it votes trump cause I feel dirty just being around people who agree with him. Before I was perfectly fine being around Republican voters cause it was just "less regulation, lower taxes" and issues where I could just agree to disagree with like abortion and gay marriage but after this election it's exposed such a vulgar side to people I don't know if I can even respect people as morally good if they like trump

I can force myself to agree to disagree with people if they think Hillary is a criminal and they need a republican supreme Court so they reluctantly have to due to this binary system, but the people who fully support him are the ones I can't stand. This election is really stretching the whole "set aside political differences, agree to disagree" philosophy for me. Like once I know someones a full on trump supporter, I actually hate them as a person.

I guess you just need to not talk to people about it, ignorance is bliss etc, but it's kind of hard to considering how its on the news 24/7


Outside Money Favors Hillary Clinton at a 2-to-1 Rate Over Donald Trump

Mostly stuff that is well-known, but some interesting little tidbits further down...
In early October, for example, a super PAC controlled by the Service Employees International Union began a $3 million Spanish-language campaign targeted at Latino voters in southern Florida and Nevada.


A group called the Latino Victory Fund, which has run $400,000 in advertising backed by Priorities, advised the group on how to vary voice-over accents depending on where the ad was running: Cuban-inflected Spanish for spots airing around Miami, Mexican-American accents and word usage for Nevada.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
That documentary about Weiner is insane in terms of how much access they had; Abedin clearly did not support the decision and there are multiple points where she is very visibly uncomfortable with it all. After a certain point even the filmmaker himself can't believe what is happening and he straight up asks Weiner "Dude, why are you letting me film all of this?" Weiner has some mental issues.

He's obviously an attention seeker and a narcissist but the most fascinating thing was that at times he recognised he had a problem. I think he sincerely did want to better himself but every choice he makes is the wrong one as he is too weak to resist his urges. His urges in this case being the attention and glamour of running for office, although the other urges are also applicable.
I'm going to bite.

1) Trump has said he still doesn't believe in Global Warming and his policies would destroy any plan to mitigate it.
He's wrong about global warming and part of me hopes it's him trying to get some of those crazy extreme conservative votes by making statements like that. He was a democrat for decades. He's like...not religious...at all. He's not a Ted Cruz type of "devout" nutjob. He's a hustler and he's trying to hustle votes. I really think he's more reasonable than that and would understand the majority of Americans agree GW is legit and the scientific evidence is indisputable. He clearly reads up on the news a lot (or has one of his monkeys compile a bunch of articles every morning and show it to him) so he's not the type of person that wouldn't believe evidence like that once it's shown to him.

His plans of unlocking "$50 trillion" of energy reserves in the U.S. may contribute to global warming but it needs to be done, IMO. We can't rely on the middle east for oil anymore. The sooner we have energy independence, the sooner corrupt middle eastern governments will lose their hold on us. Less wars will be fought, less drama overall. Oil is the key. Hopefully in (however many) years, alternative energy tech will continue to improve and oil will be phased out and the effect on GW can be curtailed. Until then, we need to unlock those reserves and stop reliance on foreign oil.

2) The people he surrounds himself with are climate change deniers
Do you really think someone as smart, articulate, and educated as KellyAnne Conway truly believes global warming is a myth and the other conspiratorial shit Trump said in that tweet a couple years ago? Of course not. That's just one example. I really believe it's just one of those statements to get votes from those extreme nutjob conservatives.

The GOP will need an incredible turnout of republicans to win this election so you have to pander to everyone.

3) A Wall is a waste of time and money, and anyone who thinks a giant concrete wall to keep out people is actually going to stop illegal immigration needs to do some reading on how people come across the border and end up staying illegally.
We don't know that.

4) You candidate is insanely inconsistent, changes his policy multiple times within a year period, flips between policy on the mood of the crowd, openly says things that conflict with his runnings mates words on the matter and generally doesn't think about what he is saying.
So basically what you're saying is he's not an experienced politician. That's very true. I wasn't a Trump supporter until he changed his stance on the full out Muslim ban into "extreme vetting". Banning all Muslims from those countries wouldve been insane as well as logistically impossible. I'm happy he's willing to change some of his clearly ill informed stances.

5) You're constant hand waving of your candidates own words is insulting. You act stupid and pretend that things don't exist, pivot to some random point and try and talk about how your candidate who is embraced by white supremacists, retweets neo-nazi posts and has a great habit insulting everyone who is not a white male, isn't actually meaning what he is saying and that people need some nuance.
David Duke and whoever else would've supported any other republican nominee. Maybe not as loudly as he has DT but that group of nutters will always vote republican. As for the retweets...do you really think he checked out their twitter history before retweeting? The guy tweets at like 3am and he's 70 years old. This stuff won't happen anymore and hasn't since, now that he has smarter people around him like Conway to tell him to be careful when doing things of that nature.

Don't fucking talk to me about nuance. You're backing a racist, borderline fascist who is supported by a white populace movement. Don't try and talk down to people who want open and honest questions about your candidates policy and why you're supporting him when he openly calls an entire race of people rapists, murderers and drug dealers.
"Openly calls an entire race of people rapists, murderers and drug dealers".... you just made my point, like perfectly. I couldn't have wrote a better example myself. When I read that part of your post I didn't want to reply to it all, but you took the time and effort to write it out so I am.

Someone asked me this via PM:
How do you feel about splitting up mixed families made up of undocumented immigrants and US citizens? What about people who are undocumented who were brought here as babies/children through no fault of their own but grew up as American as you or anyone else?

I happened to be one of those kids.
As you may have noticed, some of his policies have become more "reasonable" since first announcing them, like the Muslim ban that doesn't even exist anymore...it's "extreme vetting". First of all, it would be impossible to deport 12 million illegal immigrants even if he says that's what he wants to do. Half of that or a quarter? I think that's reasonable and something I support because I want the law upheld. Someone like you would not be a part of that group...splitting up a mixed family that includes US citizens or the baby example...that's just not gonna happen. The deportation stance will evolve as time goes on. Like I mentioned before, he's got to pander to virtually every statistically significant portion of the republican voting base because the GOP needs a higher turnout than the dems to win this election. That's why we kept getting those polls/stats of Romney vs Trump in terms of percentage of republican voters intending to vote for him. I forget the exact number but it needs to like over 90%. Look at what happened when he softened his deportation stance...people like Anne Coulter almost disavowed him. He needs to cater to every statistically significant portion of his base to win.

Unrelated but I want to mention this... I really don't think he is a racist, not anymore. I don't believe he's a white supremacist. You have spammed that extreme statement so much that it's basically become one of the ten commandments on this site. I've mentioned this before in a post a month or two ago but for example...the Reddit post people keep linking, every example is from decades ago...like 20-30 years ago such as the renting in his apartments that Hillary mentioned in the debates. He's not that man anymore. The only racist thing he's said that's not ancient (and I'm aware that "the only racist thing he's said" sounds terrible) is about the Mexican judge and to me that was because he was backed into a corner with the overwhelming evidence of Trump U being a scam.


He's wrong about global warming and part of me hopes it's him trying to get some of those crazy extreme conservative votes by making statements like that. He was a democrat for decades. He's like...not religious...at all. He's not a Ted Cruz type of "devout" nutjob. He's a hustler and he's trying to hustle votes. I really think he's more reasonable than that and would understand the majority of Americans agree GW is legit and the scientific evidence is indisputable. He clearly reads up on the news a lot (or has one of his monkeys compile a bunch of articles every morning and show it to him) so he's not the type of person that wouldn't believe evidence like that once it's shown to him.

His plans of unlocking "$50 trillion" of energy reserves in the U.S. may contribute to global warming but it needs to be done, IMO. We can't rely on the middle east for oil anymore. The sooner we have energy independence, the sooner corrupt middle eastern governments will lose their hold on us. Less wars will be fought, less drama overall. Oil is the key. Hopefully in (however many) years, alternative energy tech will continue to improve and oil will be phased out and the effect on GW can be curtailed. Until then, we need to unlock those reserves and stop reliance on foreign oil.

Do you really think someone as smart, articulate, and educated as KellyAnne Conway truly believes global warming is a myth and the other conspiratorial shit Trump said in that tweet a couple years ago? Of course not. That's just one example. I really believe it's just one of those statements to get votes from those extreme nutjob conservatives.

The GOP will need an incredible turnout of republicans to win this election so you have to pander to everyone.

We don't know that.

So basically what you're saying is he's not an experienced politician. That's very true. I wasn't a Trump supporter until he changed his stance on the full out Muslim ban into "extreme vetting". Banning all Muslims from those countries wouldve been insane as well as logistically impossible. I'm happy he's willing to change some of his clearly ill informed stances.

David Duke and whoever else would've supported any other republican nominee. Maybe not as loudly as he has DT but that group of nutters will always vote republican. As for the retweets...do you really think he checked out their twitter history before retweeting? The guy tweets at like 3am and he's 70 years old. This stuff won't happen anymore and hasn't since, now that he has smarter people around him like Conway to tell him to be careful when doing things of that nature.

"Openly calls an entire race of people rapists, murderers and drug dealers".... you just made my point, like perfectly. I couldn't have wrote a better example myself. When I read that part of your post I didn't want to reply to it all, but you took the time and effort to write it out so I am.

Someone asked me this via PM:

As you may have noticed, some of his policies have become more "reasonable" since first announcing them, like the Muslim ban that doesn't even exist anymore...it's "extreme vetting". First of all, it would be impossible to deport 12 million illegal immigrants even if he says that's what he wants to do. Half of that or a quarter? I think that's reasonable and something I support because I want the law upheld. Someone like you would not be a part of that group...splitting up a mixed family that includes US citizens or the baby example...that's just not gonna happen. The deportation stance will evolve as time goes on. Like I mentioned before, he's got to pander to virtually every statistically significant portion of the republican voting base because the GOP needs a higher turnout than the dems to win this election. That's why we kept getting those polls/stats of Romney vs Trump in terms of percentage of republican voters intending to vote for him. I forget the exact number but it needs to like over 90%. Look at what happened when he softened his deportation stance...people like Anne Coulter almost disavowed him. He needs to cater to every statistically significant portion of his base to win.

Unrelated but I want to mention this... I really don't think he is a racist, not anymore. I don't believe he's a white supremacist. You have spammed that extreme statement so much that it's basically become one of the ten commandments on this site. I've mentioned this before in a post a month or two ago but for example...the Reddit post people keep linking, every example is from decades ago...like 20-30 years ago such as the renting in his apartments that Hillary mentioned in the debates. He's not that man anymore. The only racist thing he's said that's not ancient (and I'm aware that "the only racist thing he's said" sounds terrible) is about the Mexican judge and to me that was because he was backed into a corner with the overwhelming evidence of Trump U being a scam.





No Scrubs
He's obviously an attention seeker and a narcissist but the most fascinating thing was that at times he recognised he had a problem. I think he sincerely did want to better himself but every choice he makes is the wrong one as he is too weak to resist his urges. His urges in this case being the attention and glamour of running for office, although the other urges are also applicable.

Had he gone and gotten help, fixing his issues, he could have made a comeback. Of course he didn't, so...well, you've seen the movie.
The Whig Party had stopped existing before the 1860 election.


The Republican and Democratic parties were clearly the two main parties before 1860. They had 90% of the House seats.

The 1864 election is mildly interesting in that Lincoln ran as on the "National Union" ticket instead of the GOP to try to unify the nation between Republicans and Democrats. The GOP didn't have a candidate in 1864 technically.

... But he was the president then and clearly not a spoiler candidate!
wow, it really is


Just change some words around and it's the same thing.

Congratulations, on something. I guess. I don't care, trying to argue with someone so separated from reality makes me want to take a hammer to my skull.


Heavy you don't have a leg to stand on claiming the lack of responsible and polite discourse is anyone's fault except Trumps. I can't believe you're still supporting him for any other reason than to keep your over-inflated ego and moral self-righteousness from imploding.


He's wrong about global warming and part of me hopes it's him trying to get some of those crazy extreme conservative votes by making statements like that. He was a democrat for decades. He's like...not religious...at all. He's not a Ted Cruz type of "devout" nutjob. He's a hustler and he's trying to hustle votes. I really think he's more reasonable than that and would understand the majority of Americans agree GW is legit and the scientific evidence is indisputable. He clearly reads up on the news a lot (or has one of his monkeys compile a bunch of articles every morning and show it to him) so he's not the type of person that wouldn't believe evidence like that once it's shown to him.

His plans of unlocking "$50 trillion" of energy reserves in the U.S. may contribute to global warming but it needs to be done, IMO. We can't rely on the middle east for oil anymore. The sooner we have energy independence, the sooner corrupt middle eastern governments will lose their hold on us. Less wars will be fought, less drama overall. Oil is the key. Hopefully in (however many) years, alternative energy tech will continue to improve and oil will be phased out and the effect on GW can be curtailed. Until then, we need to unlock those reserves and stop reliance on foreign oil.

Do you really think someone as smart, articulate, and educated as KellyAnne Conway truly believes global warming is a myth and the other conspiratorial shit Trump said in that tweet a couple years ago? Of course not. That's just one example. I really believe it's just one of those statements to get votes from those extreme nutjob conservatives.

The GOP will need an incredible turnout of republicans to win this election so you have to pander to everyone.

We don't know that.

So basically what you're saying is he's not an experienced politician. That's very true. I wasn't a Trump supporter until he changed his stance on the full out Muslim ban into "extreme vetting". Banning all Muslims from those countries wouldve been insane as well as logistically impossible. I'm happy he's willing to change some of his clearly ill informed stances.

David Duke and whoever else would've supported any other republican nominee. Maybe not as loudly as he has DT but that group of nutters will always vote republican. As for the retweets...do you really think he checked out their twitter history before retweeting? The guy tweets at like 3am and he's 70 years old. This stuff won't happen anymore and hasn't since, now that he has smarter people around him like Conway to tell him to be careful when doing things of that nature.

"Openly calls an entire race of people rapists, murderers and drug dealers".... you just made my point, like perfectly. I couldn't have wrote a better example myself. When I read that part of your post I didn't want to reply to it all, but you took the time and effort to write it out so I am.

Someone asked me this via PM:

As you may have noticed, some of his policies have become more "reasonable" since first announcing them, like the Muslim ban that doesn't even exist anymore...it's "extreme vetting". First of all, it would be impossible to deport 12 million illegal immigrants even if he says that's what he wants to do. Half of that or a quarter? I think that's reasonable and something I support because I want the law upheld. Someone like you would not be a part of that group...splitting up a mixed family that includes US citizens or the baby example...that's just not gonna happen. The deportation stance will evolve as time goes on. Like I mentioned before, he's got to pander to virtually every statistically significant portion of the republican voting base because the GOP needs a higher turnout than the dems to win this election. That's why we kept getting those polls/stats of Romney vs Trump in terms of percentage of republican voters intending to vote for him. I forget the exact number but it needs to like over 90%. Look at what happened when he softened his deportation stance...people like Anne Coulter almost disavowed him. He needs to cater to every statistically significant portion of his base to win.

Unrelated but I want to mention this... I really don't think he is a racist, not anymore. I don't believe he's a white supremacist. You have spammed that extreme statement so much that it's basically become one of the ten commandments on this site. I've mentioned this before in a post a month or two ago but for example...the Reddit post people keep linking, every example is from decades ago...like 20-30 years ago such as the renting in his apartments that Hillary mentioned in the debates. He's not that man anymore. The only racist thing he's said that's not ancient (and I'm aware that "the only racist thing he's said" sounds terrible) is about the Mexican judge and to me that was because he was backed into a corner with the overwhelming evidence of Trump U being a scam.



I didn't want to actually respond to all that but these two things really caught my eye...

The GOP will need an incredible turnout of republicans to win this election so you have to pander to everyone.

So you believe that pandering to the alt right conspiracy crazies is a viable strategy for a presidential nominee? Increasing your voter support shouldn't require pander to anti science people, the President should firmly be rational enough to know what the truth is and isn't. Should he pander to the anti-vaxxers as well since he needs more votes?

The only racist thing he's said that's not ancient (and I'm aware that "the only racist thing he's said" sounds terrible) is about the Mexican judge and to me that was because he was backed into a corner with the overwhelming evidence of Trump U being a scam.

Ok, I'll let you believe this wasn't racially motivated at all. But you're supporting a guy who, when backed into a corner, lashes out like a child? If Trump supporters think Putin etc. are getting ballsy by trying to push buttons because Obama is "weak" I think you'll be real surprised at what a Trump response to Russian/Iranian/NK provocation is. Hint: we already know he would retaliate disproportionally to incidents such as Russian jets testing response time when they invade someones airspace, and the Iranians testing what we will do when they bring some small boats near out destroyers.
Watching NBC 1980 election night coverage, lol. It's surreal. They tell people to go buy a color TV because they can't figure out how to make red/blue display differently enough in grayscale. 😂

What amazes me is how they start right off the bat projecting a Reagan victory. In later years you can usually read between the lines to figure out who is winning quite early, but they were no longer willing to say it outright.
I shouldn't bag on Jill Stein too much for this "Lincoln was a third-party candidate!" thing since it's accepted as true (despite being clearly false with the GOP controlling congress in 1858) by all third-parties.

I have no idea how the myth that Lincoln was a third-party candidate got started though. Do people really think the Whig Party survived up until 1860?


A lot to unpack in that Heavy post, but just to respond to one thing. He thinks deporting 12 million people would be a bad idea but would be down with half or a quarter of that? As if deporting 6 million people is a reasonable or feasible idea either.
That entire Heavy post is basically saying don't listen to anything the man says and vote for his hypothetical version of him.
You have to read between the lines with Trump...we've never had a candidate more sarcastic and more "New York City" than this guy. People aren't used to it.

I was watching CNN yesterday and they showed clips of the rally he had that day where he said (paraphrasing)..."I will support who wins the election...if I win" and the crowd went WILD. Pandemonium. He was laughing and excited afterward.

The Clinton News Network treated this like some super serious breaking news and had anchors acting like it was the most shocking thing ever.

Then they had a guy come on via satellite and mention that Trump did start the very next sentence with "But seriously..." which of course CNN didn't play because it wouldn't fit the narrative. Trump is a showman...he loves that kind of reaction from the crowd. What I just described has lead to many threads here over the past year, btw. He's a New Yorker.


He's wrong about global warming and part of me hopes it's him trying to get some of those crazy extreme conservative votes by making statements like that. He was a democrat for decades. He's like...not religious...at all. He's not a Ted Cruz type of "devout" nutjob. He's a hustler and he's trying to hustle votes. I really think he's more reasonable than that and would understand the majority of Americans agree GW is legit and the scientific evidence is indisputable. He clearly reads up on the news a lot (or has one of his monkeys compile a bunch of articles every morning and show it to him) so he's not the type of person that wouldn't believe evidence like that once it's shown to him.

His plans of unlocking "$50 trillion" of energy reserves in the U.S. may contribute to global warming but it needs to be done, IMO. We can't rely on the middle east for oil anymore. The sooner we have energy independence, the sooner corrupt middle eastern governments will lose their hold on us. Less wars will be fought, less drama overall. Oil is the key. Hopefully in (however many) years, alternative energy tech will continue to improve and oil will be phased out and the effect on GW can be curtailed. Until then, we need to unlock those reserves and stop reliance on foreign oil.

Do you really think someone as smart, articulate, and educated as KellyAnne Conway truly believes global warming is a myth and the other conspiratorial shit Trump said in that tweet a couple years ago? Of course not. That's just one example. I really believe it's just one of those statements to get votes from those extreme nutjob conservatives.

The GOP will need an incredible turnout of republicans to win this election so you have to pander to everyone.

We don't know that.

So basically what you're saying is he's not an experienced politician. That's very true. I wasn't a Trump supporter until he changed his stance on the full out Muslim ban into "extreme vetting". Banning all Muslims from those countries wouldve been insane as well as logistically impossible. I'm happy he's willing to change some of his clearly ill informed stances.

David Duke and whoever else would've supported any other republican nominee. Maybe not as loudly as he has DT but that group of nutters will always vote republican. As for the retweets...do you really think he checked out their twitter history before retweeting? The guy tweets at like 3am and he's 70 years old. This stuff won't happen anymore and hasn't since, now that he has smarter people around him like Conway to tell him to be careful when doing things of that nature.

"Openly calls an entire race of people rapists, murderers and drug dealers".... you just made my point, like perfectly. I couldn't have wrote a better example myself. When I read that part of your post I didn't want to reply to it all, but you took the time and effort to write it out so I am.

Someone asked me this via PM:

As you may have noticed, some of his policies have become more "reasonable" since first announcing them, like the Muslim ban that doesn't even exist anymore...it's "extreme vetting". First of all, it would be impossible to deport 12 million illegal immigrants even if he says that's what he wants to do. Half of that or a quarter? I think that's reasonable and something I support because I want the law upheld. Someone like you would not be a part of that group...splitting up a mixed family that includes US citizens or the baby example...that's just not gonna happen. The deportation stance will evolve as time goes on. Like I mentioned before, he's got to pander to virtually every statistically significant portion of the republican voting base because the GOP needs a higher turnout than the dems to win this election. That's why we kept getting those polls/stats of Romney vs Trump in terms of percentage of republican voters intending to vote for him. I forget the exact number but it needs to like over 90%. Look at what happened when he softened his deportation stance...people like Anne Coulter almost disavowed him. He needs to cater to every statistically significant portion of his base to win.

Unrelated but I want to mention this... I really don't think he is a racist, not anymore. I don't believe he's a white supremacist. You have spammed that extreme statement so much that it's basically become one of the ten commandments on this site. I've mentioned this before in a post a month or two ago but for example...the Reddit post people keep linking, every example is from decades ago...like 20-30 years ago such as the renting in his apartments that Hillary mentioned in the debates. He's not that man anymore. The only racist thing he's said that's not ancient (and I'm aware that "the only racist thing he's said" sounds terrible) is about the Mexican judge and to me that was because he was backed into a corner with the overwhelming evidence of Trump U being a scam.

But honestly, this is a lot of excuses you've made to convince yourself into not voting Hillary.
Heavy, stop. You have proven at this point that you don't actually care about anything other than the fact that you don't like Hillary Clinton.

Trump does and says the most reprehensible things, yet you try and handwave them away because instead of actually admitting you were wrong to ever support Trump, you just look for any excuse you can to keep supporting him.

Hillary Clinton, meanwhile has such a detailed plan that they turned it into a 298 page book. She has actual solutions to problems instead of just ridiculous shit to appeal to deplorables.

We all know at this point that you would still support Trump even if he was on video shooting someone in the middle of 5th avenue.

So now that we already have determined you are what many of us would call "one of the deplorables", so I am curious which of the following "deplorable" categories you are part of:

1) Deplorables who listen to talk radio all day and constantly whine about political correctness.

2) Deplorables who care about "Muh constitution" when really they just mean gun rights and freedom to be openly racist and really don't care about, or frankly even know, the rest of the constitution.

3) Deplorables who are obsessed with Hillary Clinton supposedly being a warhawk, yet are willing to overlook the fact that Trump said he wants to use Nukes against ISIS.

4) Alt-Right Deplorables, who are literally neonazi scum.

5) Deplorables who care more about their own tax rate than the lives and wellbeing of others.

6) Deplorables who care more about supporting the GOP no matter what than supporting our country

7) "Burn it all down" Deplorables who just want to destroy the stability of the establishment due to some bullshit notion that everything is too corrupt.

8) Green Deplorables, who claim that Hillary is just a Republican yet for some reason tend to share many policy views with Donald Trump. (Best example is Jill Stein).
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