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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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You know, I hate Donald Trump. But, I also really, really, really dislike Jill Stein. Trump actually believes this shit he spews. Stein is just a terrible politician and will say or do whatever she has to to ry and get her 5%. Which, by the way, she's not getting. Her ideas are dangerous, and she's as much of a Putin lover as Trump.

HIllary's team schedule for today:

I much prefer most of the Green Party's platform to the Dems'.


This has been a nice speech filled with non-stop specifics on policies. I agree with everything he's said so far. I love Substance Trump.

Question for anyone... not sure which mod to PM about it so I'll just ask publicly: If I said "Fuck Hillary Clinton"..."Stupid fucking Hillary"..."Stupid fat fuck Hillary"...and other similar insults...like I see in soooooooo many Trump threads, would this be ban worthy? Btw if you want me to get examples I can in like no time at all lol...it's that prevalent.


35 mins in

he's starting to unravel and go off script

from this and his debates' performance, he has a hard 30 minute max ability to control his impulses

See, he'd be fine having the nuclear codes, he only has to maintain composure for 4 minutes.
You agree with everything he says?

Mind if I ask why I, a hispanic, am viewed as such a threat to you?
Did you feel threatened about something in that speech? What made you feel threatened?

Don't give Heavy the attention he wants
Look another..."It's Heavy" shit post. Sorry I have the balls to be an open Trump supporter on Neogaf and have the restraint and civility to discuss it and not get my acc wacked. Get used to it.


Question for anyone... not sure which mod to PM about it so I'll just ask publicly: If I said "Fuck Hillary Clinton"..."Stupid fucking Hillary"..."Stupid fat fuck Hillary"...and other similar insults...like I see in soooooooo many Trump threads, would this be ban worthy? Btw if you want me to get examples I can in like no time at all lol...it's that prevalent.



Question for anyone... not sure which mod to PM about it so I'll just ask publicly: If I said "Fuck Hillary Clinton"..."Stupid fucking Hillary"..."Stupid fat fuck Hillary"...and other similar insults...like I see in soooooooo many Trump threads, would this be ban worthy? Btw if you want me to get examples I can in like no time at all lol...it's that prevalent.

Do you not believe in global warming?
Do you actually believe that Mexico will pay 12 billion for a wall they don't want?
Do you believe that labeling China "currency manipulator" fixes something?
Do you actually believe that Ford has no employees in the US?

I'm gonna keep asking you these questions.


Did you feel threatened about something in that speech? What made you feel threatened?

What did we do. Give me some numbers. Some receipts, to be viewed as such a threat. Why is it so important to keep non whites out of the country.


There is nothing undocumented about me. I wasn't born here but I was raised here and here I continue to be. A few years ago I could not fly back to my home because I now needed a passport when I previously did not and sometime later I had to get new documentation because the ones I've had since birth were suspected to be forgeries so I had to do some crazy phone relays to get paper worked faxed here and there and letters sent to and fro. All because apparently dominicans use the same kind of papers for their own forgeries or something. I want to know where the line is drawn for the fear Trump and his ilk has for me. I want to know what kind of bullshit to expect.
Question for anyone... not sure which mod to PM about it so I'll just ask publicly: If I said "Fuck Hillary Clinton"..."Stupid fucking Hillary"..."Stupid fat fuck Hillary"...and other similar insults...like I see in soooooooo many Trump threads, would this be ban worthy? Btw if you want me to get examples I can in like no time at all lol...it's that prevalent.

Is it at least tangentially related to the thread? Is it in reaction to something she said or did? Then no, why would you?

You will get dogpiled though. Them's the breaks.


Question for anyone... not sure which mod to PM about it so I'll just ask publicly: If I said "Fuck Hillary Clinton"..."Stupid fucking Hillary"..."Stupid fat fuck Hillary"...and other similar insults...like I see in soooooooo many Trump threads, would this be ban worthy? Btw if you want me to get examples I can in like no time at all lol...it's that prevalent.

When Hillary becomes a serial sexual predator, racist, misogynist, bigot, xenophobe authoritarian nutjob this false equivalency will work. Until then, being a Trump supporter is hard work - and should rightly often get you banned.

Trump is not a typical candidate. He should not be treated like one. And his supporters need to bear the responsibility of saddling this country with this Orange Turd's fucked up candidacy. Willing to give this country over to a Putin Puppet because you mad. Fucking infantile bullshit is what it is.


Question for anyone... not sure which mod to PM about it so I'll just ask publicly: If I said "Fuck Hillary Clinton"..."Stupid fucking Hillary"...etc...like I see in soooooooo many Trump threads, would this be ban worthy? Btw if you want me to get examples I can in like no time at all lol...it's that prevalent.
Does Hillary have an egregious list like this:


That's not to say there isn't anything to criticize her on because there is, but there is no comparison. Trump is a fascist, misogynist, bigot.

He doesn't deserve respect.
You guys read about all those journalists who are being threatened and spammed with death threats to friends and family, insulting racist/sexist responses, being doxed because they go against Clinton and back Trump?

No, no you didn't.

You are the company you keep.
I've seen that same insult or very close to it about Trump many times...making fun of his weight and with F bombs, same vitriol. My question was if I said those statements about Hillary, would I get banned? If there's a specific mod who handles these Qs, let me know and I'll send a PM.

Do you not believe in global warming?
Do you actually believe that Mexico will pay 12 billion for a wall they don't want?
Do you believe that labeling China "currency manipulator" fixes something?
Do you actually believe that Ford has no employees in the US?

I'm gonna keep asking you these questions.
Of course I believe in global warming. Trump may have said something remarkably stupid about it a couple years ago but he's not gonna ignore all the evidence once his advisors tell him. I believe the trade deficit issue he brings up will effectively have Mexico paying for it. Yes, China needs to be called out. We're getting bent over....just calling them out and making an official stance like that is a great and much needed start. Of course Ford has employees here but what he says about jobs and factories moving to other countries is true.

What did we do. Give me some numbers. Some receipts, to be viewed as such a threat. Why is it so important to keep non whites out of the country.
Didn't answer my question, so I won't answer yours.

Btw one thing I notice in these replies to me (and in the past) is how you guys do stuff like what Breads just did with his last sentence... turning the Muslim extreme vetting (it's not a ban anymore and hasn't been for months) and upholding the law by deporting illegal immigrants into... "Why do you want keep non whites out of the country?".

You guys never have any nuance at all. This goes for everything on the forum and really the Internet in general...because everybody needs to make their mark and get attention, so they never use nuance when making statements and opinions. It's always one extreme or the other, never in the middle. This isn't Neogaf's fault...it's some sort of psychological effect of the internet and how people want their opinions to be loud and heard amongst the crowd...so therefore "horrible" "best ever" "worst movie I've ever seen" and so forth. This behavior extends to everything we debate. I really dislike it.


Did you feel threatened about something in that speech? What made you feel threatened?

Look another..."It's Heavy" shit post. Sorry I have the balls to be an open Trump supporter on Neogaf and have the restraint and civility to discuss it and not get my acc wacked. Get used to it.
How do you feel about Mexican immigrants in particular?

Do you believe in global warming?
To be fair, I love "substance" Trump, too, because it makes me feel good that after listening to him at the height of his ability to talk "substance," I truly know that I'm more qualified to be POTUS than he is.

It's a real self-esteem booster!


Of course I believe in global warming. Trump may have said something remarkably stupid about it a couple years ago but he's not gonna ignore all the evidence once his advisors tell him. I believe the trade deficit issue he brings up will effectively have Mexico paying for it. Yes, China needs to be called out. We're getting bent over....just calling them out and making an official stance like that is a great and much needed start. Of course Ford has employees here but what he says about jobs and factories moving to other countries is true.

He said he will shut down all expenses against global warming today! In a speech written with his advisors.

He also said specifically that Mexico will pay for the wall, not that the US will pay with money earned from Mexico.

As for Ford, it was an example he gave on a company that would have tariff increases.

So, you don't agree with everything he said today, just what you want to hear.
I think one of the worst defenses of Trump is saying he'll have good advisers. Look at his dumpster fire of a campaign. There's not six brain cells between them. I wouldn't trust him to staff a charity shop, let alone actually listen to anyone other than himself.
I know him suing a bunch of women he groped years ago will be the headline out of this, but I think this is a bigger deal:

John Harwood
Trump says he's look to break up Comcast/NBC, alleging excessive concentration of power and attempt to "poison the mind of the voters"

He's talking about punishing a media company, because he dislikes how he's been covered by them. I don't understand how supporters could construe this as anything other than fascist rhetoric.
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