This is the type of shit a republican candidate has to do simply because we need a higher % turnout of republicans than democrats do of their base. The GOP base is shrinking.
Gutless. Fucking gutless. The GOP had a blueprint for extending their base after 2012. It could be argued Jeb was even pushing it. But, no, Trump pushed the White Nationalist/sexist base's buttons, so they voted for him.
The GOP could've (and could still) disavowed Trump. They could turn around and wave the internal review and say "No! We concede the '16 election, because we do not want Trump to be our standard bearer!" They have not, and will not. They perceive winning an election using racism and implied hate speech as better than electing Hillary.
The GOP base is shrinking because they're gutless pieces of shit. They could've expanded, they chose not to.
Fuck them, and fuck anyone who thinks that appealing to people like David Duke and the sexist trolls is the way forward.
(Snipping out and not replying to everything else, because *ahem* Gurl!