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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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This is the type of shit a republican candidate has to do simply because we need a higher % turnout of republicans than democrats do of their base. The GOP base is shrinking.

Gutless. Fucking gutless. The GOP had a blueprint for extending their base after 2012. It could be argued Jeb was even pushing it. But, no, Trump pushed the White Nationalist/sexist base's buttons, so they voted for him.

The GOP could've (and could still) disavowed Trump. They could turn around and wave the internal review and say "No! We concede the '16 election, because we do not want Trump to be our standard bearer!" They have not, and will not. They perceive winning an election using racism and implied hate speech as better than electing Hillary.

The GOP base is shrinking because they're gutless pieces of shit. They could've expanded, they chose not to.

Fuck them, and fuck anyone who thinks that appealing to people like David Duke and the sexist trolls is the way forward.

(Snipping out and not replying to everything else, because *ahem* Gurl! :) )


Gutless. Fucking gutless. The GOP had a blueprint for extending their base after 2012. It could be argued Jeb was even pushing it. But, no, Trump pushed the White Nationalist/sexist base's buttons, so they voted for him.

The GOP could've (and could still) disavow Trump. They could turn around and wave the internal review and say "No! We concede the '16 election, because we do not want Trump to be our standard bearer!" They have not, and will not. They perceive winning an election using racism and implied hate speech as better than electing Hillary.

The GOP base is shrinking because they're gutless pieces of shit. They could've expanded, they chose not to.

Fuck them, and fuck anyone who thinks that appealing to people like David Duke and the sexist trolls is the way forward.

(Snipping out and not replying to everything else, because *ahem* Gurl!)
It's not because they're gutless, it's because their base is racist white people.
Save for the global warming part (which I missed but you guys said he said that), it was a great speech laying out specific policies. It wasn't vague, he laid it all out detailed.

A great speech is more than just words on a page. I could give the I have a dream speech but you can be damn sure it wouldn't be lauded as an all time great. Trump reading some words off a teleprompter does not count as a great speech.

Even with all that it wasn't even a great speech by any other measure. A bullet point list of rehashed policies isn't a great speech.
Dr. Jill Stein is a terrible historian.


The GOP controlled the House of Representatives four years before Lincoln's election.

Yup. The rise of the Republicans came after the death of the Whigs. If anybody could be called a spoiler in that election it would be Breckenridge and Bell (except Lincoln would have won in the Electoral College with less than 40% of the vote anyway because his votes were extremely efficiently distributed across states).


Jesus H. Christ, these Wikileaks tweets

A bunch of these alt-right fucks are pushing the conspiracy theory that Assange is dead and the wikileaks twitter has been taken over. I mean he's posting what they all think, but he's supposed to have the sense not to be so brazen.
A great speech is more than just words on a page. I could give the I have a dream speech but you can be damn sure it wouldn't be lauded as an all time great. Trump reading some words off a teleprompter does not count as a great speech.
It's the content that matters not his sleepy delivery.


This is the main stream media at work. Trump gives a great speech that's 99% filled with specifics on policies and the media will focus on that one comment.

You're 100% right though...his own worst enemy. Whoever wrote that part for him screwed up, if it wasn't an improvisation.

You know, there's that saying about building bridges and groping pussies...


Oh wow yall weren't kidding about Heavy.

They say the GOP is shrinking. That in 50-75 years the majority of the population will be hispanic. To win today they have to pander to every significant portion! And by that they mean the alt-right white supremacists.


Why the fuck not pander to hispanics then?!? Oh right. Riiiiight....


Earlier they said they fully support what Trump said in the Gettysburg speech. So I asked them why they are afraid of me as a hispanic. Their answer to me was asking why I feel threatened by Trump's speech - my next reply being met with "you didn't answer my question so I won't answer yours" which is when I blocked them. They agreed with Trump 100% though! Except for their fundamental disagreement global warming... something they would have known if they had bothered watched the speech. Also Trump is a new york hustler that you have to 'read between the lines' to understand because he never means what he says.

I had no idea this is what it was like. Now I understand don't take the bait responses.

Jesus H. Christ, these Wikileaks tweets

Does this include leaking GOP emails?

Edit no 3. Oh this isn't a party line thing. It's a communism thing, right? I'll learn this all soon enough. It's hard to parse coming in green.
It's the content that matters not his sleepy delivery.

Right and many people will tell you that how you start a speech is immensely important. Him starting his speech by saying he would sue people accusing him of sexual assault is how that becomes the narrative because the rest of that speech was him just laying out bullet points of the rest of his paper thin policies.

To be honest I don't even know why I'm bothering.


It's not because they're gutless, it's because their base is racist white people.

Okay, I can accept that. So, their base is racist white people, and rather than confronting their base and saying "Deal with the party changing!", they just roll with it.

So... They're still gutless. :D

I genuinely think that this will rend the GOP apart, and that there'll be a straight-up White Nationalist Party soon.
Basically Trump confirmed that he is a banana republic authoritarian fascist who will abuse his power to punish his opponents

But but watch his surrogates come out "what he really meant"


will gain confidence one day
Wikileaks is what happens when you forget that your anti-power crusade is supposed to be against institutions, not specific people.


Wikileaks is what happens when you forget that your anti-power crusade is supposed to be against institutions, not specific people.

Well, when you're a Puppet to Putin, I think you lose the ability to be against a particular type of person and only attack your enemies
Save for the global warming part (which I missed but you guys said he said that), it was a great speech laying out specific policies. It wasn't vague, he laid it all out detailed. I loved the part about limiting terms for congress and lobbying restrictions. That's the type of thing only a candidate that isn't firmly implanted into Washington's butt would say.

What about the FASCIST parts such as:

- wanting to jail political opponents

- wanting to undermine any media that criticizes him

- wanting to sue anyone who spoke out against him

- wanting to claim it's all rigged unless he wins

- wanting to appeal to the most divisive parts of people in order to gain power

- wanting to be friends with other fascists such as Putin and Assad

- wanting to enact "ideological tests" to make sure he doesn't allow people in that heavily disagree with him

Now please respond to my earlier post:

Heavy, stop. You have proven at this point that you don't actually care about anything other than the fact that you don't like Hillary Clinton.

Trump does and says the most reprehensible things, yet you try and handwave them away because instead of actually admitting you were wrong to ever support Trump, you just look for any excuse you can to keep supporting him.

Hillary Clinton, meanwhile has such a detailed plan that they turned it into a 298 page book. She has actual solutions to problems instead of just ridiculous shit to appeal to deplorables.

We all know at this point that you would still support Trump even if he was on video shooting someone in the middle of 5th avenue.

So now that we already have determined you are what many of us would call "one of the deplorables", so I am curious which of the following "deplorable" categories you are part of:

1) Deplorables who listen to talk radio all day and constantly whine about political correctness.

2) Deplorables who care about "Muh constitution" when really they just mean gun rights and freedom to be openly racist and really don't care about, or frankly even know, the rest of the constitution.

3) Deplorables who are obsessed with Hillary Clinton supposedly being a warhawk, yet are willing to overlook the fact that Trump said he wants to use Nukes against ISIS.

4) Alt-Right Deplorables, who are literally neonazi scum.

5) Deplorables who care more about their own tax rate than the lives and wellbeing of others.

6) Deplorables who care more about supporting the GOP no matter what than supporting our country

7) "Burn it all down" Deplorables who just want to destroy the stability of the establishment due to some bullshit notion that everything is too corrupt.

8) Green Deplorables, who claim that Hillary is just a Republican yet for some reason tend to share many policy views with Donald Trump. (Best example is Jill Stein).

Caja 117

What about the FASCIST parts such as:

- wanting to jail political opponents

- wanting to undermine any media that criticizes him

- wanting to sue anyone who spoke out against him

- wanting to claim it's all rigged unless he wins

- wanting to appeal to the most divisive parts of people in order to gain power

- wanting to be friends with other fascists such as Putin and Assad

- wanting to enact "ideological tests" to make sure he doesn't allow people in that heavily disagree with him

You really dont know how to read between the lines! Trump and his supporters are so smart that their message can only be decoded by a select few!
His speech is full of terrible and dangerous ideas

Yup, saying it was good except for the stuff on suing his accusers is the same trap that people fell into after the debates. Keepin' It 1600 has been great at calling this stuff out.

"Clinton won, but what if Trump hadn't called her a nasty woman or said something different about not accepting the election results?"

Then they could point to his ludicrous answer on Mosul, or his ridiculous attack on Ruth Bader-Ginsburg, or a myriad of other things. Very little that comes out of this man's mouth is reasonable.


Meanwhile, 200 posts and 2 hours later...

He is 40% of American voters. He's not a troll. He's my Father, my Step Father, my Uncles, Cousins, Aunts, old high school friends.

I'm not sure just ignoring them will work. Well, not sure what will happen to them once Hillary is president other than further losing their minds, but we'll see. I doubt they go away. Changing demographics will "weed" them out eventually but it's a slow process.
He is 40% of American voters. He's not a troll. He's my Father, my Step Father, my uncles, cousins, Aunts, high school friends.

I'm not sure just ignoring them will work. Well, not sure what will happen to them once Hillary is president other than further losing their minds, but we'll see. I doubt they go away. Changing demographics will "kill" them out eventually but it's a slow process.

No, there are tons of people who actually believe what Heavy is posting, but Heavy is a known troll who does dumb shit across a bunch of different threads.


Gutless. Fucking gutless. The GOP had a blueprint for extending their base after 2012. It could be argued Jeb was even pushing it. But, no, Trump pushed the White Nationalist/sexist base's buttons, so they voted for him.

The bold sentence invalidates the rest. Republicans may have had an on-paper plan to broaden their appeal and be more inclusive after 2012. But after decades of bartering in race-baiting, sexism and distrust in government, what we're seeing now was doomed to happen because the Republican party was too chicken shit to truly purge their party of those divisive elements.

And you can't build a tent on top of mud.


I wonder how Wikileaks will react on Election Night. They're already unhinged.

They entered this season legitimately thinking that they had killer material on Clinton, and it's done jack shit for them.


I wonder how Wikileaks will react on Election Night. They're already unhinged.

They entered this season legitimately thinking that they had killer material on Clinton, and it's done jack shit for them.



I wonder how Wikileaks will react on Election Night. They're already unhinged.

They entered this season legitimately thinking that they had killer material on Clinton, and it's done jack shit for them.

They'll blow their Podesta load, or will try to hack whoever they can to get her impeached.
Part of the issue with a GOP shift is that the GOP's standard bearers are also racist, sexist, and homophobic. The small government true believers mostly left to become libertarians who aren't analytical enough to understand why women, brown and black people, and LGBTQ people would be suspicious of libertarianism.
Eric Trump does not know that "Latinas Contra Trump" means "Latinas Against Trump" and took a picture with a woman wearing that shirt.




I wonder how Wikileaks will react on Election Night. They're already unhinged.

They entered this season legitimately thinking that they had killer material on Clinton, and it's done jack shit for them.

In their desperation they will turn to Russia even more so than now, and maybe even a line will be crossed and it will come out and leave them in ruins. That's might hope anyway at this point. I used to love what they were about, now they are a Russian tool trying to steal our election and give it to a fascist. They need to fall.


The Autumn Wind
Basically Trump confirmed that he is a banana republic authoritarian fascist who will abuse his power to punish his opponents

But but watch his surrogates come out "what he really meant"
For a guy that "tells it like it is," he sure does need his surrogates to translate a whole lot.


Heavy is a piece of shit and you should all stop responding to him. Anyone that votes for Trump is a piece of shit. The fact that Donald Trump is actively harming our country is irrefutable and makes him the biggest piece of shit of all. It's one thing to pander to a particular demographic, it's something completely else to pander to a group by causing active harm to other groups or the country as a whole. Fuck you Heavy. Fuck you Heavy. Fuck you heavy. There, I just reverse Beetlejuiced your ass. Fuck off.

I don't know if this post is ban worthy, but whatever, ban my ass for it, I don't give a shit. It will have been worth it.
Of course I'm not cool with that but as a republican that wants a republican as President and not Hillary, what option do I have? I support most of his policies.

Btw... (yet another) example of the pandering thing I mentioned was having Mike Pence as his VP. I bet you anything Trump wanted someone else, but Pence was a perfect choice to get some of that "devout" conservative vote. There's no way Trump supports the crazy shit Pence was on with that transforming LGBTQ people into straight.

This is the type of shit a republican candidate has to do simply because we need a higher % turnout of republicans than democrats do of their base. The GOP base is shrinking.

FYI the bolded is why your party is dying. Might wanna look into that.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
You have to read between the lines with Trump...we've never had a candidate more sarcastic and more "New York City" than this guy. People aren't used to it.
Umm, considering New Yorkers hate him, too, I think it's you that is missing something.


You have to read between the lines with Trump...we've never had a candidate more sarcastic and more "New York City" than this guy. People aren't used to it.

I was watching CNN yesterday and they showed clips of the rally he had that day where he said (paraphrasing)..."I will support who wins the election...if I win" and the crowd went WILD. Pandemonium. He was laughing and excited afterward.

The Clinton News Network treated this like some super serious breaking news and had anchors acting like it was the most shocking thing ever.

Then they had a guy come on via satellite and mention that Trump did start the very next sentence with "But seriously..." which of course CNN didn't play because it wouldn't fit the narrative. Trump is a showman...he loves that kind of reaction from the crowd. What I just described has lead to many threads here over the past year, btw. He's a New Yorker.

I think it's dangerous to say that anything outrageous that comes from Trump is sarcastic or joking. If he gets in and "jokes" that he's launching nukes and has that sour puss expression on his face, someone might take him at his word. That's an extreme example, of course, but it shows how there's joking, and then there's excusing what he says as a joke.

There was one rally where he even said, "I'm sarcastic, but not that sarcastic." The threat is not knowing what he's for, since he's shifted so many times and is supposedly joking about so much, that you can't take him at face value.
If you had information suggesting that Trump Jr. killed someone, would you leak it now or wait until he was nominated by the GOP as their next presidential candidate?
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