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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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Well, I'll just say I agree that anybody that supports Trump is fine with bigotry, sexism, and racism at best because either they are well off enough it doesn't touch them or they are those things themselves. SO it makes them pretty bad people to say the least, definitely lacking any sort of empathy towards others or thinking from another's perspectives.

Trump is basically: "Don't Whites have it great?! But not as Great as we used to right?! So let's make America great again!" in candidate form.


Not sure which is the greater dissonance here: hating Hillary for being a liar who's just trying to hustle votes while holding out hope that Trump's rhetoric is just lies to hustle votes OR complaining about how the GOP has to pander to bigots to win the presidency while wholeheartedly supporting the most exclusionary presidential candidate since George Wallace.

Umm, considering New Yorkers hate him, too, I think it's you that is missing something.
Trump is too New York City for New York City.
This map is fun.


Texas, California, and Florida made up 11 total EVs in 1860 (303 EVs total). lol.

Other than trading Maryland for Indiana, Lincoln had a pretty classic modern Democratic victory map though.


Umm, considering New Yorkers hate him, too, I think it's you that is missing something.

I actually understand what he means; Trump sounds like the everyday loudmouth on the street or the crazy guy on the subway. However familiarity breeds contempt. Just because New Yorkers know his type doesn't mean that's what they want in a leader.
It's a Saturday, shouldn't everyone be like doing stuff instead of arguing on the internet with people who won't be swayed
Bruh reality shows from Real Housewives to Master chef ain't got nothing on this election season. It's the ultimate reality show with even more convoluted twists and turns. Selma Hayak just made a cameo.


Nobody listened to Adam and then Heavy convinced us all to vote for Trump. Very compelling stuff.

You know, other than heavy, I don't think there is a single open Trump supporter on GAF that I can recall. They all "claim" to be 3rd party now.

SO either we shamed them enough, they actually have had some reconsideration happen, or they are just afraid of a ban.

I'd like to think that at least some have come to see what a monster Trump really is. But maybe I'm just being naive.
He is 40% of American voters. He's not a troll. He's my Father, my Step Father, my Uncles, Cousins, Aunts, old high school friends.

I'm not sure just ignoring them will work. Well, not sure what will happen to them once Hillary is president other than further losing their minds, but we'll see. I doubt they go away. Changing demographics will "weed" them out eventually but it's a slow process.

Ignoring them won't work.

Trying to educate them won't work.

But if you shame and humiliate them enough, they won't change what they think but they start to shut their traps about their dumb bigotry.

I know it works because I used it on my former employer.


Of course I'm not cool with that but as a republican that wants a republican as President and not Hillary, what option do I have? I support most of his policies.

Your option is to not sell your fucking morals (if you have any) out for politics. And don't give me the "Hillary is just as bad" shit, voting for Trump is voting for the normalization of rape culture and demeaning minorities and the disabled. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.


This map is fun.


Texas, California, and Florida made up 11 total EVs in 1860 (303 EVs total). lol.

Other than trading Maryland for Indiana, Lincoln had a pretty classic modern Democratic victory map though.

That doesn't seem to add up to 303 EVs unless my brain just refuses to do math this morning, which probably is true.

Edit: Wow actually it might. I added it up myself and came to over 290. Amazing how it doesn't seem like much all spread out like that ha.


Beware inconsistent demands for rigor! If someone is trying to convince you that one person's pathological boldfaced lying therefore means that they are only pretending to be a bad person, whilst also maintaining that another person giving nuanced, technical answers to complex situations means you cannot ever trust that person... The person making the false equivalency must have some reason mediating that cognitive dissonance.

Also: Heavy mains! Am I right?


I always hate the flimsy reason of not trusting Hillary when you should be a little skeptical of every politician, even Bernie Sanders. Or the fact she's actually fairly more honest and frank than a lot of other politicians. All those speeches she gave showed Hillary far more reasonable than a lot of people would give her credit for.


I hope they find the people who keep hacking Democrats. Not a single Republican getting hacked. And I bet you'd find even more nasty, filthy, actual illegal shit there.

bernie is that one messiah young people latch onto for some reason and I don't understand it.
I do not think we will drone strike Britain for some reason.

I hope they find the people who keep hacking Democrats. Not a single Republican getting hacked. And I bet you'd find even more nasty, filthy, actual illegal shit there.

They did hack a lot of Republicans too.

But they just stole their credit card numbers instead of GOP info, lol.


Hillary is gonna throw Assange in Gitmo at this point.

Fuck Assange and fuck Wikileaks. They've always been egocentric frauds, only difference this year is that the veil of "neutrality" was finally lifted and they've been exposed to have absolutely no backbone at all - gladly signing up to be Putin's stooges and taking money from the Alex Jones crowd.

OMG, your puppy is so cute, Chumley.

I wish it was mine. :(

Soon as I get into a better living situation I'm getting a Corgi that looks just like it.


I always hate the flimsy reason of not trusting Hillary when you should be a little skeptical of every politician, even Bernie Sanders. Or the fact she's actually fairly more honest and frank than a lot of other politicians. All those speeches she gave showed Hillary far more reasonable than a lot of people would give her credit for.

Especially compared to Trumps record on lying. But of course that comes from the mainstream media and can't be trusted.


I hope they find the people who keep hacking Democrats. Not a single Republican getting hacked. And I bet you'd find even more nasty, filthy, actual illegal shit there.

bernie is that one messiah young people latch onto for some reason and I don't understand it.

Because outsiders are inherently good for whatever reason. Resonates with rebellious younglings.


Heavy is a piece of shit and you should all stop responding to him. Anyone that votes for Trump is a piece of shit. The fact that Donald Trump is actively harming our country is irrefutable and makes him the biggest piece of shit of all. It's one thing to pander to a particular demographic, it's something completely else to pander to a group by causing active harm to other groups or the country as a whole. Fuck you Heavy. Fuck you Heavy. Fuck you heavy. There, I just reverse Beetlejuiced your ass. Fuck off.

I don't know if this post is ban worthy, but whatever, ban my ass for it, I don't give a shit. It will have been worth it.




That (((mainstream media))) is at it again, making false equivalences all over the place and citing conspiracy theorists and forgeries by known frauds in an attempt to appear "objective" rather than actually weigh the two candidates against each other, because there is no such thing as facts and the truth is in the middle between fantasy and reality!

They're censoring people with political correctness by stealing someone's personal correspondences and risotto cooking advice, then lambasting them for not being politically correct enough. Oh the humanity!

Are Republicans acting out their own persecution fantasies on others to try and astrally project them into reality?
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