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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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It's not treason nor sedition and this is not an organized group of people.

noun: sedition; plural noun: seditions

conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.
synonyms: rabble-rousing, incitement to rebel, subversion, troublemaking,

Though this is dictionary definition, and not legal, hence my question. :) From an outsider's point of view, it feels like if the people saying all these things were foreigners on American soil, it would be different.

And as for "not an organised group of people"... I would beg to (politely) differ. :)

Which do you think would be more likely to incite riots from Trump's base:

Trump losing fair and square on November 8th
Trump being charged with treason and dragged out of the race before it's over?

Not to disagree with you on either point, I think this is dangerous ground. If it is criminal hate-speech/treason/sedition, letting it run its course without stopping it (regardless of if the election has finished) is the worst thing that could be done, I think. Though, obviously, if it's not criminal, then there's nothing that can be done. :/
She is winning over formerly Republican-won blocks, namely white married women and white college educated.

So, strategy huge succeed.

She doesn't need to appease the dumb hipster millennial. They don't vote anyway.
Can we cool it with this kind of talk? I'm a "dumb hipster millennial" and me and all my friends are voting for Hillary. I know we can all go "it's anecdotal" but damn if this sort of talk isn't the farthest thing from my experience. You don't think newly registered voters showed the fuck up to help Obama out in 08? Even some of the people I know who are voting Trump or third party are actively engaged in politics. While Hillary clearly won by large margins over Bernie, he was able to attract a not insignificant number of votes from this group as well. Talking down to and mocking the next generation of voters isn't going to help this perceived problem we seem to have of that demographic not showing up at the booth in large numbers.


Holy shit on AM Joy.

This former Apprentice contestant saying that she believes these accusations because a fellow contestant told her that after a Home Depot challenge Trump said that he'd show her his "9 inch power tool".


LA Times guy on CNN describing their polling method. It's basically based on "passion".

I think the problem here is, while they got it right in 2012, this is an entirely different kind of election and they are going to come out looking poorly here. I don't think there are many Trump supporters not passionate. I think there are many more Clinton supporters less enthusiastic but I don't think they are less likely to vote because of Trump.

As of today they have Trump ahead.

Asking people to try and quantify their likelihood of voting for a candidate is an odd choice. In the end one person casting a vote still counts as a single vote regardless if they were only 26.4% sure they were going to do it.


So apparently in the US prisoners can't vote, and some states remove their right to vote to vote forever even when they are out? Sounds unconstitutional.


Deplorables have no self awareness. In the end, they're the potentially the biggest danger to everybody else in this country. It was never immigrants, muslims and every other minority group that they demonized and hated so much.
Holy shit on AM Joy.

This former Apprentice contestant saying that she believes these accusations because a fellow contestant told her that after a Home Depot challenge Trump told a women in the boardroom that he'd show her his "9 inch power tool".

"I'm 9 inches...believe me, believe me."

When people go out of their way to talk about size...


The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I'm actually super curious how accurate polling turns out to be this election. I have a hunch that a lot more people are lying to pollsters than usual, but that could be off base
So apparently in the US prisoners can't vote, and some states remove their right to vote to vote forever even when they are out? Sounds unconstitutional.

depends on the state. Some states allow inmates to vote, most don't.

most states allow felons to vote upon release, a minority do not.

it's constitutional.
They won't do shit. At least on a massive scale.

They're not completely going away but a lot of air will go out of the balloon after Trump fucks off and is busy with the three million legal cases against him. They're just all riled up right now and under an angry mob spell.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Wasn't Trump supposed to ramp up the attacks on Bill and bring out new accusers? Did that get derailed by his own accusers?

Also why do you think people would lie to pollsters? Because they can't bring themselves to vote for Trump? I guess I don't very much see the deplorables ashamed of themselves. If anything it seems like Clinton supporters are quieter.
depends on the state. Some states allow inmates to vote, most don't.

most states allow felons to vote upon release, a minority do not.

it's constitutional.

In my state of Floriduh, felons have to apply to a board, which meets infrequently, headed by the Governor to make their case for re-enfranchisement. In a state with heavy GOP control of the Executive branch, this essentially cuts off the ability for ex-cons to get their rights back, unless their rich, or a highly motivated person with a strong support-system willing to go to the mat for the person.


Professional Schmuck
LA Times guy on CNN describing their polling method. It's basically based on "passion".

I think the problem here is, while they got it right in 2012, this is an entirely different kind of election and they are going to come out looking poorly here. I don't think there are many Trump supporters not passionate. I think there are many more Clinton supporters less enthusiastic but I don't think they are less likely to vote, because of Trump.

As of today they have Trump ahead.

Smerconish is the worst. He is on the front lines of bothsidesism. He kept trotting out that three-point-something proximity number from 2012. And he was so enthusiastic about this clown's methodology when he could've simply asked why their poll is getting such obviously different results form the rest of the country.
I'm actually super curious how accurate polling turns out to be this election. I have a hunch that a lot more people are lying to pollsters than usual, but that could be off base

"lying to pollsters" isn't really much of an issue. Trump supporters tend to be pretty vocal about who they support and why. These people also tend to live in areas that are largely homogeneous and not diverse at all, so these views tend to reinforce themselves.

the big issue here is that every election prior to this one, both parties had GOTV efforts turning out unlikely voters. in 08 and 12 obama's was clearly better than McCain's and Romneys, and many people credit that effort to winning FL and OH in 2012.

2016 is in the completely unique situation where one party has a robust GOTV effort and ground game turning out voters and new registrations, and the other is completely nonexistent.

We've already seen absolutely monstrous democratic registration advantages in florida (550K D registrations vs 66K R registrations) and early vote turnout in places like Northen Virginia and NC.

There's no poll I'm aware of that's taken this effect into account or even knows how to.

In my state of Floriduh, felons have to apply to a board, which meets infrequently, headed by the Governor to make their case for re-enfranchisement. In a state with heavy GOP control of the Executive branch, this essentially cuts off the ability for ex-cons to get their rights back, unless their rich, or a highly motivated person with a strong support-system willing to go to the mat for the person.

I'm aware. FL, IA, and VA are the only three states that cut off felon voting rights like that.
Also why do you think people would lie to pollsters? Because they can't bring themselves to vote for Trump? I guess I don't very much see the deplorables ashamed of themselves. If anything it seems like Clinton supporters are quieter.

I think we may be at an inflection point with polling where the ubiquity of cell-phone only voters are leaving a significantly smaller polling-pool. The online and hybrid methods haven't had enough time to bake, and aren't getting through the screen voters are putting around themselves. It's going to be fascinating to watch pollsters accuracy amd trends when we have a chance to look back in December



- http://www.bostonglobe.com/news/pol...CY6e0QOcfH8VdeK9UdsM/story.html?event=event25
Though this is dictionary definition, and not legal, hence my question. :) From an outsider's point of view, it feels like if the people saying all these things were foreigners on American soil, it would be different.

And as for "not an organised group of people"... I would beg to (politely) differ. :)
IANAL, but:

There's no case for treason, as it (normally) applies to assisting a foreign entity. Unless there's evidence with the Russians (or others), there's no case. Remember that the threshold for a case is higher since we're talking about a Presidential candidate (same threshold for Clinton and her emails) and any case would've to be as solid as a case can be.

Sedition again, I don't see the case. Orange Menace is accusing the media, elites, establishment and the Clinton campaign of colluding to defeat him, not the US Government and its elected officials.He's not advocating for a revolution.

Just as his rhetoric is dangerous, wanting to legally punish it is equally dangerous.


So the Apprentice contestant cleared up why the email(s) exist. She wrote 2 emails, one that Trump released, then a second on April 21. She specifically didn't mention why she was contacting Trump in the first email so that his assistants wouldn't know it was to confront him about the incident. The second email (which Trump campaign didn't release, of course) alludes to the incident. She hasn't released the second email yet, I don't think, but did release quotes from it.


Y'know if the "failing New York Times" is such a publication of ill repute and not to be trusted, why do I see citations from that paper in Trump's actual commercials? lol
As a victim of sexual abuse for years, who worked with my abuser and said all sorts of nice things about them all while retaining a seething inner hatred of said person, it really bothers me that people would be so quick to throw out a sexual assault allegation on the basis of "She said something nice about her abuser AFTER the abuse happened! Illuminati confirmed!!!"

edit - and I understand why you brought it up though.

My only encounter with sexual abuse was singular and brief. He was a teenager and I was nine. I didn't feel abused, I just felt weird, so not saying anything about it was the only natural course of action. It was at a week-long day camp in the summer and I knew I would get to go home every afternoon and that it would be over soon anyway. I just bided my time and tried to keep him happy because he seemed less threatening when he was pleased with me. He only touched me one time, and it was over so quickly, so I just diminished the event as much as possible. I hated him and he made me so uncomfortable, but to everyone else, I'm sure it looked like we "got a long very well."

So in my own microcosmic way, I can understand what you and Summer both dealt with.

I wanted to say this because one of the biggest issues surrounding sexual assault is the public perception of how a victim ought to behave. Everything about your experience is called into question if you don't handle it a certain way. I want to be clear that I know how bull shit that is.

Whatever happened to Summer is entirely separate from however she handled it. I do wonder how we navigate the public perception issue in such a highly politicized case, though. I don't know the answer.
Smerconish is the worst. He is on the front lines of bothsidesism. He kept trotting out that three-point-something proximity number from 2012. And he was so enthusiastic about this clown's methodology when he could've simply asked why their poll is getting such obviously different results form the rest of the country.

cant stand the dude. another one of hte "i live in the philly suburbs" bozos who thinks that by living there grants him some keen insights into elections.
If dumb millennials are too dumb to realise they need to vote over yet another electoral cycle they deserve their shit future where they're dumb older millenials and whatever stupid name we come up with for the current batch of idiot young people are complaining aboit their feelings being hurt.

Selfish shitty boomers don't get all huffy when I call them selfish and shitty.
Orange Menace


I was just watching the Hillary interview on Ellen and I cannot believe some co-workers (we are from outside the USA but we are following this election cycle because the results can affect our country) are still trying to spew the nonsense that both candidates are equally terrible.

It's even more damning for Trump since Hillary actually goes and speaks manage to speak about issues while every Trump appearance has been dedicated to smear his accusers and Hillary herself.

Praying that the American people vote that clown and their vile following back to the holes they came from.


The Autumn Wind
Wow only like half a page overnight. Clinton is going to lose unless she drops an OPPO BOMB that she might not have RIGHT NOW
I dunno, it's kinda nice not having to read through 10+ pages because I decided to live my life or sleep for a few hours.


IANAL, but:

There's no case for treason, as it (normally) applies to assisting a foreign entity. Unless there's evidence with the Russians (or others), there's no case. Remember that the threshold for a case is higher since we're talking about a Presidential candidate (same threshold for Clinton and her emails) and any case would've to be as solid as a case can be.

Sedition again, I don't see the case. Orange Menace is accusing the media, elites, establishment and the Clinton campaign of colluding to defeat him, not the US Government and its elected officials.He's not advocating for a revolution.

Just as his rhetoric is dangerous, wanting to legally punish it is equally dangerous.

That's fair... I feel this ought to be punished, because I can see how dangerous this talk can be (I'm a British citizen currently living abroad, so I'm looking at Brexit and its after-effects). But at the same time, I can understand the problems with this point of view.


If dumb millennials are too dumb to realise they need to vote over yet another electoral cycle they deserve their shit future where they're dumb older millenials and whatever stupid name we come up with for the current batch of idiot young people are complaining aboit their feelings being hurt.

Selfish shitty boomers don't get all huffy when I call them selfish and shitty.

Can you please not?

edit - speaking as one of these dumb millenials, this talk is toxic and loses the democratic party future voters due to unnecessary attrition.


Some good news is that his crowds have been shrinking so we will be able to get a pretty accurate count of deplorables. ;)
Not what?

The dumb haha funny lol nicknames for turd are giving me toner ads.

As for dumb millennials, it's tiring hearing the hand wringing about how it's been a mistake pivoting for the general. Even though it's paying dividends in suburbanite demographics. It's like all the complaining about her lack of press conference and time spent fundraising... oh look voter registration numbers.
That's fair... I feel this ought to be punished, because I can see how dangerous this talk can be (I'm a British citizen currently living abroad, so I'm looking at Brexit and its after-effects). But at the same time, I can understand the problems with this point of view.

Yeah, in essence there's no solid case for either treason and/or sedition and even the prospect of launching an investigation could make things worse.


God, those armed Trump supporters standing outside the Democratic campaign office in Virginia. "We're not a threat to anybody, the only threat is ignorance, and ignorance will breed fear." Said the walking definition of irony.



This is so heartbreaking. I'm at a loss for words.

Muslim boy, 7, beaten onboard school bus in North Carolina because of Donald Trump’s hateful rhetoric: father

edit - the worst part of this story is that the school officials and bus driver are all covering for the kid who did the beating

"At this time, the information from the investigation does not support an altercation," Chadwick said. "No students who were interviewed witnessed an altercation. The bus driver did not witness an altercation. The child did not report the bus driver any injury."

Hmm the above seems strange, you would think somebody would have seen something. Absolutely wouldn't surprise me though. Like these idiot parents keep their hate to themselves.


It certainly was frustrating seeing the lack of perspective some of my fellow millennial friends and acquaintances have when they complain about both candidates. Meanwhile I tried not to worry too much about being ripped apart from them and my family because of a dumb fascist orange. At least we're winning.😃


Seriously concerned about Violence on the 8th. I don't think vitrol from supporters was this bad even during Palin mainly because McCain still had some sanity left.

Trump is going to spend the next 3 weeks telling everyone that election is rigged, Mexicans are conspiring against him, etc. And that can lead to very bad consequences on the 8th.


Seriously concerned about Violence on the 8th. I don't think vitrol from supporters was this bad even during Palin mainly because McCain still had some sanity left.

Trump is going to spend the next 3 weeks telling everyone that election is rigged, Mexicans are conspiring against him, etc. And that can lead to very bad consequences on the 8th.
My guess is that he's trying to cause chaos at the poll locations so there's a controversy and the results are affected.
Not what?

The dumb haha funny lol nicknames for turd are giving me toner ads.

As for dumb millennials, it's tiring hearing the hand wringing about how it's been a mistake pivoting for the general. Even though it's paying dividends in suburbanite demographics. It's like all the complaining about her lack of press conference and time spent fundraising... oh look voter registration numbers.

Yeah, if we needed any more reason to see that betting on millennials is a bad strategy, look at how Hillary won the primary!

Losers bet on the young. And I loathe coddling voters. If you don't have the time to look into the issues, then your right to be pandered to goes away.
God, those armed Trump supporters standing outside the Democratic campaign office in Virginia. "We're not a threat to anybody, the only threat is ignorance, and ignorance will breed fear." Said the walking definition of irony.


I wonder if Fox News will cover them like they covered those New Black Panthers outside the polling place in '08. Hmm.


I hope most of those voter intimidating types end up arrested on election day. Straight up saying "I'm going to intimidate any of those brown skinned folk trying to exercise their right to vote".
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