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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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Seriously concerned about Violence on the 8th. I don't think vitrol from supporters was this bad even during Palin mainly because McCain still had some sanity left.

Trump is going to spend the next 3 weeks telling everyone that election is rigged, Mexicans are conspiring against him, etc. And that can lead to very bad consequences on the 8th.

I am pretty sure that what man describes there is already illegal territory on many states. As it is an effort to deter/suppress voting.


I hope most of those voter intimidating types end up arrested on election day. Straight up saying "I'm going to intimidate any of those brown skinned folk trying to exercise their right to vote".

think about it this way

these guys are spending time intimating other people that they could've spent working and earning money, with their families, or doing something they love.

so who's losing out?


Hmm the above seems strange, you would think somebody would have seen something. Absolutely wouldn't surprise me though. Like these idiot parents keep their hate to themselves.
The sad reality is that a lot of school systems would almost certainly want to downplay/cover up incidents like these because it'd look poorly on them for allowing it to happen.




Seriously concerned about Violence on the 8th. I don't think vitrol from supporters was this bad even during Palin mainly because McCain still had some sanity left.

Trump is going to spend the next 3 weeks telling everyone that election is rigged, Mexicans are conspiring against him, etc. And that can lead to very bad consequences on the 8th.

Overall I don't think anything is going to happen but it'll be interesting to see what Trump says after he loses. I mean there is a reason I'm taking that next day off work.


Overall I don't think anything is going to happen but it'll be interesting to see what Trump says after he loses. I mean there is a reason I'm taking that next day off work.

Yeah, I live in Tennessee. Got my Hillary sticker in the mail and probably not going to attach it to my car just yet. Just skip a day of classes and watch Trump's meltdown.


There are already poll watchers that are trained and assigned to keep an eye on things. I've also been reading articles that precincts are aware of this stuff and will be taking some extra precautions. Honestly many precincts where there could be potential trouble (ethnically diverse locations) usually have a police unit there anyway.




Seriously concerned about Violence on the 8th. I don't think vitrol from supporters was this bad even during Palin mainly because McCain still had some sanity left.

Trump is going to spend the next 3 weeks telling everyone that election is rigged, Mexicans are conspiring against him, etc. And that can lead to very bad consequences on the 8th.

See this is the part of America that Clinton deems deplorable. But since it's not a poll on the internet, it'll 1. get ignored and/or 2. get defended because "1st amendment".




Seriously concerned about Violence on the 8th. I don't think vitrol from supporters was this bad even during Palin mainly because McCain still had some sanity left.

Trump is going to spend the next 3 weeks telling everyone that election is rigged, Mexicans are conspiring against him, etc. And that can lead to very bad consequences on the 8th.

So if this happens at enough places, where they intimidate and then people decide to leave, how big could this be?

And that Mike Pence voting suppression story mentions 45,000 potential voters being affected. That's massive.


I can't wait to hear about all of the Trump supporters getting arrested on election day. Maybe some of these police officers will wake up and realize how dangerous Trump's movement has been when they have to arrest a good chunk of his cheeto minions.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
So the Apprentice contestant cleared up why the email(s) exist. She wrote 2 emails, one that Trump released, then a second on April 21. She specifically didn't mention why she was contacting Trump in the first email so that his assistants wouldn't know it was to confront him about the incident. The second email (which Trump campaign didn't release, of course) alludes to the incident. She hasn't released the second email yet, I don't think, but did release quotes from it.

I thought there was something odd about that first email. It's that final sentence ...

He will know my intentions are genuine.

... that sounded like it meant the exact opposite of what it said.

If there's a second email, then that suggests Trump knew this was coming back in April and what - just decided to tough it out?


I can't wait to hear about all of the Trump supporters getting arrested on election day. Maybe some of these police officers will wake up and realize how dangerous Trump's movement has been when they have to arrest a good chunk of his cheeto minions.

The Fraternal Union of Police sided with Trump. They might help.

Not really, but Trump is gross enough to ask.


I thought there was something odd about that first email. It's that final sentence ...

... that sounded like it meant the exact opposite of what it said.

If there's a second email, then that suggests Trump knew this was coming back in April and what - just decided to tough it out?

I think Trump was beginning to think he was made of Teflon and his rabid base permeated beyond where he was at in April.


God, those armed Trump supporters standing outside the Democratic campaign office in Virginia. "We're not a threat to anybody, the only threat is ignorance, and ignorance will breed fear." Said the walking definition of irony.


Do these idiots realize how they are acting like terrorists?
So if this happens at enough places, where they intimidate and then people decide to leave, how big could this be?

And that Mike Pence voting suppression story mentions 45,000 potential voters being affected. That's massive.

Not big because it's illegal to even do what he's saying "legally", and also because 99.9% of minorities being "intimidated" at the polls will tell the person to go fuck themselves just before they go into vote anyway. Would you leave if someone was being an asshole just to keep you from voting?

You can't just "hang out and monitor" at a polling place.

Voter ID laws are where voter suppression happens.


She can't go as hard on Obama on this as she may want to. Obama has the luxury of having a high approval rating. She doesn't. I can promise you the minute she goes after the GOP like Obama did that would result in a negative cycle for her and the GOP at large would attack her thus taking the spotlight off Trump.

They're already attacking her. It's just annoying that the media narrative seems to be that the Republican party is actually this bastion of sanity and reason that has been victimized by Trump, who's holding them all hostage against their will, and is not really what the party stands for. I'd like to see some push-back on that because as of right now, it seems there's very little effort from anybody to hold the GOP accountable for Trump. Instead, Hillary is stepping back and, if not feeding directly into that narrative, at least letting the GOP leaders have the space to try and work themselves out of the Trump noose. I'd rather see them hang by it.

Hillary's goal has pretty clearly been to work with Republican leadership after getting into office. She doesn't want another 8 years of stalemate. Insulting them doesn't do her any good.

Like it or not, she's going to have to pull some tertiary support from GOP in marginal/purple districts to get anything in her agenda done. Even the expected SCOTUS noms will require major charm offensives in the Senate, because I have very little trust in Schumer nuking the Filibuster in the Congress' next term.

Surrogates are the vicious attack dogs. This may seem anachronistic and naive, but these institutions really do work on stroking eachothers' (ahem) egos.

IMO, there are relatively small groups of not-entirely bat-guano GOP crazies who just want tax-cuts and roads named after themselves, which can be cajoled into working with Dems, at least for certain goals. But, the seemingly passive tone is not what any partisan wants in a campaign, especially after 8 years of the near-total intransigence Obama was afforded.

If we had a normally functioning political system this would make sense, but in the current context I am entirely unconvinced that any of these Republicans will work with her, regardless of how conciliatory she is. To think otherwise strikes me as naive after the last 8 years. I thought it was pretty conventional wisdom that the only way anything is getting passed is with majorities in congress. And to that end, attacking GOP senators for being tied to Trump seems like a much better strategy to me. It may cost Hillary some white women voters, but at this point they're not going back to Trump and Hillary is winning big enough that it shouldn't matter. I don't care what her margin of victory in the EC is if it doesn't do anything to help carry the Senate.

If dumb millennials are too dumb to realise they need to vote over yet another electoral cycle they deserve their shit future where they're dumb older millenials and whatever stupid name we come up with for the current batch of idiot young people are complaining aboit their feelings being hurt.

Selfish shitty boomers don't get all huffy when I call them selfish and shitty.
This shtick got old a long fucking time ago and makes you come off as an insufferable asshole all the time.


Yeah, I live in Tennessee. Got my Hillary sticker in the mail and probably not going to attach it to my car just yet. Just skip a day of classes and watch Trump's meltdown.

I'm not even going to bother with stickers or signs anymore. The first election I put up a sign was for Bill Clinton in '92 and they were always getting stolen or torn up. In '12 my Obama signs were stolen or torn up and my car with a sticker got keyed. I don't even want to deal with the hassle.


They're already attacking her. It's just annoying that the media narrative seems to be that the Republican party is actually this bastion of sanity and reason that has been victimized by Trump, who's holding them all hostage against their will, and is not really what the party stands for. I'd like to see some push-back on that because as of right now, it seems there's very little effort from anybody to hold the GOP accountable for Trump.

As much as I loathe "Left, Right, and Center" and consider it the worst political show on NPR, the host Josh Barro, both on the last episode and on his appearance on "On Point" Friday, went in on the GOP and their complacency in the Trump phenomenon and said he was leaving and abandoning the party completely despite being a "moderate".


This suppression talk is like something out of the Reconstruction era. Needed federal troops to prevent it from happening then. I doubt these assholes are as organized as the White Man's League was, but it is still a concern.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Fucking Ellen. She is is disgustingly partisan. Not even letting people make the decision between Crooked Shitlary and Donald Trump, particularly after the release of more emails.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Hillary's goal has pretty clearly been to work with Republican leadership after getting into office. She doesn't want another 8 years of stalemate. Insulting them doesn't do her any good.

This is the thing. Hillary will need to work with them after the election, so she's storing up some goodwill by not skewering them with Trump stuff.

Besides, the survival of the Republican party in any sane-ish electable form is going to be very dependent on deposing Trump from whatever post-electoral platform he chooses to enthrone himself on. And Hillary has something that the Republicans need - namely her Trump oppo file. There are trade-offs to be had there.

And if, as is rumoured, there is something in that file so bad that it will rebound on whoever pulls the trigger, then it's better for Hillary that she hands the gun to the Republicans. For a legislative price.


As much as I loathe "Left, Right, and Center" and consider it the worst political show on NPR, the host Josh Barro, both on the last episode and on his appearance on "On Point" Friday, went in on the GOP and their complacency in the Trump phenomenon and said he was leaving and abandoning the party completely despite being a "moderate".

That's good, at least.

I heard a story on NPR yesterday about Paul Ryan and the challenges/balancing act he's facing with how much to distance himself from Trump, and the whole conversation had the tone of "Poor Ryan, that nice, swell guy! I'm sure he hates Trump and I really feel sorry for all the difficulty he's going through right now!"

I did hear a historian on NPR later in the day though who recently published a book on the history of the Republican party, and she was great. Went into great detail of the party's history, and how elements of Trump could be traced back to movement conservatism all the way back in the 1930s that culminated with Gingrich in the 90s.


They don't need to be organized. All it took was one racist, crazy asshole with a gun and no soul to shoot up and kill several people at a Planned Parenthood in Colorado. To hell with this idea that these threats are meaningless because Trump supporters "aren't organized."

A few racists with guns are all it takes to create havoc at a polling place.

I live in a predominantly black and older neighborhood in Philly. I'm very nervous that my community might be targeted by Trump supporters. Everybody should be.


This Trumper on CNN just pushed the crazy dude on the plane defense. My God they really having nothing and are scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Trump's campaign and himself is pretty much an wounded animal right now. It looks like everyone including his surrogates and himself either knows he is going to lose, thinks he is, or demoralized. Right now they are not employing a winning strategy or any coherent strategy, but firing shots a everything and everyone; it loots like they are trying to survive. I wonder if the surrogates even have detailed orders to defend Trump or there isn't any type of leadership or strategy going on and they are just doing whatever now.


So why are Trumpolini's surrogates MIA all of a sudden? Are they scheming up something yuge, or did they all jump off a building?


I thought there was something odd about that first email. It's that final sentence ...

... that sounded like it meant the exact opposite of what it said.

If there's a second email, then that suggests Trump knew this was coming back in April and what - just decided to tough it out?

Allred should have released both emails at the press conference - would have head off any response from Trump.

All republicans need to tamp down this rigged stuff right now and in force. They did this and they need to fix it.


So why are Trumpolini's surrogates MIA all of a sudden? Are they scheming up something yuge, or did they all jump off a building?

Maybe the idea is in order to try and push the "Media is biased/corrupt/being meanie-heads" story they're taking any surrogates off the supposed evil news shows.


Maybe the idea is in order to try and push the "Media is biased/corrupt/being meanie-heads" story they're taking any surrogates off the supposed evil news shows.

After that one Trump lady suggested she was kissed without consent, I'm guessing they are gathering them all together and making sure they all know the talking points and stick to them.
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