I'm done. I'm fucking done. People can go one second decrying the modern GOP as a bastion of hate and violence but turn around the next and insist its our job to extend an olive branch. I don't know about you but if a campaign station run by the KKK burned down I would not be terribly pressed to rebuild it, and the modern GOP is a hairs breadth away
This is a failing of left, I feel.
Like...the GOP has done and said heinous shit. Despite that, it's always the Dems giving quarter when it comes to partisanship, it's always the Dems who have had to be Center-left more than the opposition being Center-right.
It's like...there's an air of 'We must treat everyone equally' when it comes to the left side. This includes the racist, backwards, GOP base. The only reason why it seems Democrats have gotten their teeth back, is because Trump is an easy target. But it's only been what, this last month that they've started really calling the GOPs shit out? And even then, their attacks are 'Well you support Trump so this and that...well your party elected Trump, this and that...'. After this year it's going to revert back to what, 'we must treat everyone equally and we're going to help everyone?' while the GOP takes their quarter and keeps attacking?
It annoys me, as well. The place burnt down, oh well, they should stop peddling hate. Who gives a fuck about there poor building. Oh, someone called them Nazis? Good, that's what they basically want to be at this point: 'Deport all the minorities! Fuck black people and their troubles! We shall make America White again!' .
Honestly, if more GOP buildings burnt down, I wouldn't blink. They are an institution of hate; Their main trade has become the festering of this hate; They've never extended an olive branch, only burnt them down themselves.
Now, I'm sure there are Republicans who are fiscal conservatives. The truth is though, the modern GOP is not for you. Find something else that doesn't have decades of hate sewn into it. What you say is 'Government putting their tentacles all over our lives', is what we call 'The government trying to make things fair and equal for everyone no matter their race, creed, or religion.'
And I'm sure there are Republicans on this site. I'm sure you're the fiscal conservative type. I'm sure you don't want the big bad government mingling into your affairs. But the reality is, your party isn't about that. They want to impose more control upon their citizens. They want to control society. What restrooms people can use. Whether you can marry a person or not of the same sex. Whether you can move to America and live here. Whether you can freely practice your religion without being punished in an institution for choosing to not say 'Under god'. Whether you can protest the treatment of minorities without being lambasted by mainly white folk. That is the Republican way. That is the party you support.
Sorry for the rant, but yeah the GOP just fucking sucks.