Fairfax has a metric crap ton of polling places.Voted in Fairfax County, Virginia.
+1 for Clinton/Kaine
+1 for Connolly (D) in District 11
Voted NO on Right to Work
Voted YES on Question 2
Voted YES on Meals Tax
Voted YES on Transportation Bonds
Voted YES on Parks and Park Facilities Bonds
Voted YES on Human Services and Community Development Bonds
Literally no line at 3:15. Couldn't believe it.
Arent the heavily democratic counties in fl the last to be called?
Which state is this again?So, those Hillsborough numbers are insanely good for us. We had the early vote lead there. There are huge numbers of NPA. And, also, Republicans vote early in the day. Democrats a lot later in the day. Trump needed a pretty big margin in Hillsborough by 5 or so, I'd guess, to have a good chance.
Anyway why would we need votecastr when we have cartoon_soldier to provide confusing and contextless county-level data.
So, those Hillsborough numbers are insanely good for us. We had the early vote lead there. There are huge numbers of NPA. And, also, Republicans vote early in the day. Democrats a lot later in the day. Trump needed a pretty big margin in Hillsborough by 5 or so, I'd guess, to have a good chance.
Which state is this again?
(((Harry Enten))) ‏@ForecasterEnten 30s31 seconds ago
Early exit poll facts: you shouldn't trust em. And you're still going to look at em anyway.
Wrong. MSNBC says a polling place is nearly empty in Ohio.
Can't tell if serious.Wrong. MSNBC says a polling place is nearly empty in Ohio.
Fire up the hype
Tom Bonier
Uh, wow. Obama won Orange County, FL by 18%. They are reporting 45k MORE ballots cast than all of '12, with over 3 hours of voting left.
One black lady in front of me said she wrote in Michelle Obama and she sounded really proud of her vote
I also confirmed there was an empty polling location earlier in the thread.
Parody accountwelp
Parody account
Parody account dawg
how does that fake Rudy account keep fooling you guys every time it's posted?
First exit poll results in 56 minutes
CNN exit polling in an hour.
CNN exit polling in an hour.
If it's bad for us: "Exit polls are garbage"CNN exit polling in an hour.
CNN exit polling in an hour.
he edited his post but I wanna see the original... real shame right there lolwelp
noFuck can she actually lose MI?
First exit poll results in 56 minutes
Only if Diablos says she is sure to win it.Fuck can she actually lose MI?
If it's bad for us: "Exit polls are garbage"
If it's good for us: "YAAAAAAASSSSSS QUEEN"
Fuck can she actually lose MI?
Trump refusing to concede could do some real lasting damage to the GOP. It's going to be amazing to watch, and quite probable based on everything we know.