is there a good website for tracking results?
I'm almost tempted to say that Trump's response to the election is to claim that he actually won it. Not even by the "it was rigged" angle, but by the "look at this [fake] map, I won more states! Why didn't I win??" angle
Did something happen in PA?
is there a good website for tracking results?
Is it bad that I would be ok with votes being flipped to Hillary?
It's probably bad. Just, that man terrifies me.
I voted for Trump.Did something happen in PA?
Pence will deny that Trump ever announced running for president.He'll say he never ran for president.
I'm just saying that their front page had that poll with yesterdays date (11/7), and then it was pulled and the one from 11/3 is now in its place.
(Got this from Bill Mitchell's twitter, but there were numerous screen grabs from different people with the numbers I posted, so photoshop is unlikely).
Did something happen in PA?
User error just like those "rigged" machines in Texas and everywhere else in every electionApparently there are some issues with the voting machines:
"See all that red? How could I lose? Something's going on, folks. People are saying..."
is there a good website for tracking results?
Any of you guys see Votecastr? Live election turnout polling or something. Showing Clinton pretty much leading substantially in all swing states.
Almost all major networks, but the NYTimes is particularly good. Also HuffingtonPost.
Undoubtedly all major news sites will have something.
NYT is supposed to have a tracker.
Any of you guys see Votecastr? Live election turnout polling or something. Showing Clinton pretty much leading substantially in all swing states.
Estimated that 36% of Latino's turning out in FL are new voters.
Coming out for the first time to bury Trump into the ground.
Wait to start locking down the Gen Zers!
Also, in case anyone was still doubting, yes ground game is huuuge:
Why is anyone worried about people claiming a voting machine is rigged? This happens every election and yo knew it was going to happen in this one especially when you have a candidate saying that shit.
You see it with them trying to sue Nevada, you see it with Trump supporters trying to block access to polls and now this. This is why I feel good about our chances. Instead of trying to rally their own to vote they are trying to suppress ours. They know higher turnout benefits us.
Undoubtedly all major news sites will have something.
NYT is supposed to have a tracker.
+4 For Hillary in MA.
Ballot Questions
I'm super nervous about ballot 420 passing. I believe in my fellow MA residents to legalize marijuana, but you can never be sure.
Any of you guys see Votecastr? Live election turnout polling or something. Showing Clinton pretty much leading substantially in all swing states.
+4 For Hillary in MA.
Ballot Questions
I'm super nervous about ballot 420 passing. I believe in my fellow MA residents to legalize marijuana, but you can never be sure.
+4 For Hillary in MA.
Ballot Questions
I'm super nervous about ballot 420 passing. I believe in my fellow MA residents to legalize marijuana, but you can never be sure.
Stop. Quoting. Votecastr.Any of you guys see Votecastr? Live election turnout polling or something. Showing Clinton pretty much leading substantially in all swing states.
I live in rural PA. Most people look at the machine like a caveman holding a smartphone. I bet most are user error. I'll be voting in the next 30 minutes. We'll see what happens.
Votecastr is based on partial exit polling data and should not used to extrapolate final results. kthxbye
+4 For Hillary in MA.
Ballot Questions
I'm super nervous about ballot 420 passing. I believe in my fellow MA residents to legalize marijuana, but you can never be sure.
It's a done deal as far as I'm hearing. I'm more worried about Prop 2.
I did a double take when I saw his profile pic and thought this was a grayed Patrick Warburton.This is really something. There aren't going to be tears tonight guys. Just pure salt crystals falling out of peoples eyeballs.
It's going to happen. If Rubio was only up 2-3 points, HUGE turnout is going to crush him
Thank you for voting no on 2.
Whoa, Clinton is beating Obama's 2012? That's pretty hecka hype.