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PoliGAF 2016 |OT15| Orange is the New Black

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At least we won't hear the Republicans bitch about the debt or threaten to shut down the government since they don't care when in power.


Okay, Hillary is just waiting it out to the end. Podesta just stalling. Good. Hillary needs to be the one who ends this.

Edit: Oh geez, I was wrong. They're calling it a night.

Just wanted to say, I love you your all. Your all amazing. <3

Also, adam, if you're reading this and haven't gone to bed yet: how's your mom holding up? I know you said she really worked hard to phonebank for Hillary and this meant a lot to her. I really hope she's doing alright. And of course the same goes out to you as well.

Like... I'm depressed as fuck about this, but it's not any of our fault. I really hope no one is taking this personally or isn't blaming themselves for not having done more. No one could have seen this coming. You're all amazing and did what you could.

Lots of love. We'll get through this some how. I don't know how, but we will.



Big reason why he won
Podesta telling people to fuck off.

Hoping for those invisible voters to come in and save her.

What a year, what a year. Kingdom has turned into ashe. Dirt in my mouth, fumes in my nose.
They should be making their current service jobs good not bullshitting about days gone by. There's nothing inherently good about manufacturing or mining jobs - in fact they kinda suck! But the benefits that attached were good and that's what people are really asking for.

A significant percentage of those people don't have the qualifications for service jobs. Nor are there actually many service jobs available in their areas. I couldn't find a job anywhere in SC (rural and Charleston) even with a BA in English, moved to DC and got a temp-to-hire gig in two weeks. Northern relocations and nepotism keep those jobs locked away, and Clem with maybe but probably not even GED is just watching his house collapse around him.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I mean, if all these people think Trump and the new republican controlled government are going to help them, but then don't, isn't that a perfect opportunity for the Democrats? Repubs can't blame Obama or the Dems anymore.

It still doesn't matter. I am firmly convinced this is the last election the democratic party will win either the house or the senate, and possible the presidency for over a decade. Because the GOP is now completely free to steamroll through as much voter suppression and gerrymandering as it likes


I think part of what encouraged these rural white voters to turn out is the various flaws Hillary had with trustworthiness, and yes sexism is mixed in there too, and the like.

I don't think Trump running the same campaign against someone like Biden, or even Bernie, resonates anywhere near as much with these rural whites. I doubt turnout would be breaking all records if that was the race instead.
Something to learn from this election: if you can, SUPPORT journalism that is done truthfully that isn't sensationalized hype or playing things "down the middle" for fairness. Journalism when done well is integral moving forward and these next few years are going to be an all out assault on things we take for granted in this country.

Angry Fork

She's a weak candidate but let's be real: she out performed Obama in Florida and did well in multiple other swing states. Her voters came out overall. And she still lost. This is less about her and more about the strength of Trump. And white women being ok with him.

But it's also fair to say Trump's strength is in part a result of Clinton's shittyness rather than Trump being some amazing guy. If you read/watch what Trump voters actually say, a lot of them recognize that he's an asshole who says dumb things. They don't care, it's not about that.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
They should be making their current service jobs good not bullshitting about days gone by. There's nothing inherently good about manufacturing or mining jobs - in fact they kinda suck! But the benefits that attached were good and that's what people are really asking for.

It's more than just the benefits, and this is what Democrats need to understand. It was about the dignity. When you worked in manufacturing, you had the satisfaction of knowing you made something someone wanted. There was the communal spirit of the factory floor and the pride of good workmanship. Nobody has that in services. Even if they paid okay, you'd still hate your job, when you're an entirely replaceable cog in a machine that gets treated like shit by shoppers on a daily basis.

I don't want to get all communist, but...
Yep. This is far scarier than dems not showing up to vote.

Basically. We made all our markers here in NC-Wake by 20, Charlotte by 30, Durham by 60, etc. The numbers were there and the votes we wanted were there.

And we still got beaten badly. How do you ever make up that ground?


I mean, if all these people think Trump and the new republican controlled government are going to help them, but then don't, isn't that a perfect opportunity for the Democrats? Repubs can't blame Obama or the Dems anymore.

Sure. Worked wonders with Bush.

Reality doesn't matter when you have Propaganda and the public's ear.

Nelo Ice

I can't even bring myself to say his name. I've turned off the TV. As a person of color I am terrified. Not just for our country, but for the world. Everything is about to come crashing down and it's going to be irreversible. Every inch of progress we've made is about to be wiped away.

America has spoken and and if you're not a straight white male, your life means nothing.
Unprecedented amount of OT threads being locked right now

God, as a white male who has some financial backing from his middle class parents... I can't even imagine what it must feel like to be a minority in America right now.
This is a thing that most GAFfers need to think about, and I'm glad you've mentioned it. In that position, very little is actually going to change in 4 (or 8) years, and it's important for everyone to understand that. White privilege is going to reach all new heights! Yeah, longer-term economic prospects are different, but stuff like overall security and social safety net will have decades to fix themselves for a white male. To literally anyone that's NOT a white male? I will not even pretend to claim I understand.

Inconsiderate American voters. And I'm allegedly the one with the clinical definition of a lack of empathy! This country isn't worthy of Hillary Clinton.
Ron Johnson beat Russ Feingold by more than Trump beat Hillary in Wisconsin.

I don't know.
That WAS one poll that was shifting in the final few days. Needs to be studied further.


Voters who are scared enough of brown people to vote for Trump are also scared of SOCIALISTS.
They aren't that scared, they're mad.

Mad at brown people and foreigners.

Bernie at least had the chance to get them mad at the rich and Wall Street. Pointing the rage that decided this election at something productive rather than the minorities and foreign countries who are to blame.


I think part of what encouraged these rural white voters to turn out is the various flaws Hillary had with trustworthiness, and yes sexism is mixed in there too, and the like.

I don't think Trump running the same campaign against someone like Biden, or even Bernie, resonates anywhere near as much with these rural whites. I doubt turnout would be breaking all records if that was the race instead.

Even that is true it doesn't paint a better picture of America when you can win by smearing your opponent over nothing substantial and then making the numerous actual scandals disappear into the ether. Again, fuck the media. Hope they're happy with their ratings.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Seriously, fuck Cory Lewendoski. Dude's just salty he wasn't still on the campaign for the win.
Something to learn from this election: if you can, SUPPORT journalism that is done truthfully that isn't sensationalized hype or playing things "down the middle" for fairness. Journalism when done well is integral moving forward and these next few years are going to be an all out assault on things we take for granted in this country.

Maybe I'm wrong, but watching this makes me think that nobody reads it. Lots of well-done journalism WAS done during this cycle. Nobody read it.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
That solution will never work, because (for many reasons) these voters have an inherent distrust in government run ideas and programs advocated by Democrats. The best example is Obamacare - a program so conservative that it was originally cooked up by Republican think tanks (though obviously with some left-leaning goals attached, such as Medicaid expansion and new taxes). Yet there was a massive right wing backlash to that.

You don't understand. They don't want handouts. Obamacare is a handout, or feels like one. They don't want to have someone else pay for their healthcare, they want to be able to pay for their healthcare themselves and have the dignity of knowing that they didn't have to rely on the government. As long as you keep talking about Obamacare and benefits and welfare, you're still not getting it. You need to talk about jobs. You need to talk about pride and dignity and a way of lief.
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