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PoliGAF 2016 |OT15| Orange is the New Black

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Good morning to everyone reading in from Europe. I'm so, so sorry. It was wrong of me to laugh about Brexit earlier this year and claim that this would be the year that the US finally surpassed its mother country.
It will be understood.

Not necessarily liked, but understood.
Even I haven't lost SO much hope in this country that I want to think that's the sole driving factor. Yet. But, fine, it's rather hard to ignore. The most qualified person ever (who was coincidentally a woman) versus the most unqualified major party candidate! You can only look the other way so far.

And screw staying nice. I'm going to be furious if Democrats don't grow a pair after this year and actually start to fight back when shat upon. They let a cold war-era dictator get a puppet because they wanted to stop and try to have a rational discussion about some fucking emails. Though I'm equally as annoyed with the media.
It's called minimum wage, health care reform, fairer tax policy, more social safety nets, etc.

You need broader strokes for white folks. When you list those out they just hear moe taxes coming out of their pockets.

You just gotta stick with jobs, jobs, jobs, and bringing back more jobs.


She was a fantastic candidate who won the most primary votes of any candidate this year

She lost the election and it is a fantasy to think that none of it has to do with how voters perceived her.

She lost, therefore, she was not a fantastic candidate. On paper and on ballot are not the same thing.
Trump wins PA - unreal. I was even skeptical when I posted that PA was in danger, I didn't want to believe earlier in the day after that registration breakout. The rurals crushed us and massive underperformance in key counties. What a sad night for the planet.

Trumps smug face in History books forever. This is insanity.


I don't blame Hillary one bit.

She's been strong through 3 decades of this shit.

She carried the hope of a better America on her shoulders in this election, and was rebuked by the worst of America. Everyone has to break at some point.

I hope she's OK.
She should have stepped aside after '08 as a candidate.

Her weaknesses then were her weaknesses now. She's not a good politician.


It must be hard to face someone who wants to throw you in fucking jail, and made sure millions of others felt the exact same way.

I'm not saying it's easy. It's the hardest thing she's ever had to do.

But she needs to do it. We fucking need her to do it. Conceed to the orange buffoon. She NEEDS to.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
You need broader strokes for white folks. When you list those out they just hear moe taxes coming out of their pockets.

You just gotta stick with jobs, jobs, jobs, and bringing back more jobs.

The jobs aren't coming back. You can't ethically run a political campaign on a lie that large


She should have stepped aside after '08 as a candidate.

Her weaknesses then were her weaknesses now. She's not a good politician.
Agreed. Would have made an awesome pres tho.

Dems need to be way smarter than this next time. Starting to think Bernie was a mistake

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
You need broader strokes for white folks. When you list those out they just hear moe taxes coming out of their pockets.

You just gotta stick with jobs, jobs, jobs, and bringing back more jobs.

This. People don't want benefits, per se. Benefits don't leave you with dignity. They want jobs. They want their way of life to be guaranteed. Democrats didn't ever offer that.


One thing's for damn sure, those last second trips to states like MI wasn't to pad the margins along the blue wall. They must have been at least seeing part of this coming.


I never, ever thought -- even when WI first started to slip away -- that PA would follow suit.
Like, seriously, as a Pennsylvanian I am just in a state of disbelief.
I am not sure how fast Dems will be able to bounce back from this election, and it was so god damn important.

They may be able to make up for any loses by working on trying to win states in the south like AZ, GA and TX in the future. I think that is were they can hope to win the presidency again.


Honestly, Trump doesn't terrify me so much. I still strongly believe that he's going to be nothing more than a figurehead and just let Pence and the rest of the cronies fuck around. Which is something recoverable from in the long term.

What terrifies me is the message he used to get here. It shows that a message of populism mixed with racism is a winning ticket in this country and it will likely be one for the foreseeable future.

The scariest thing will likely be the person who comes next and tries to take up Trump's mantle. Because they'll likely be far more discreet and sinister about the plans they have.


Agreed. Would have made an awesome pres tho.

Dems need to be way smarter than this next time. Starting to think Bernie was a mistake
Bernie emerged (despite horrible policy problems and being unelectable) for the same reason Obama emerged in '08 - Clinton had severe issues as a candidate.
we all thought things were not headed this way. there was no way to assume it would. all evidence pointed that clinton would win. this is a new 'southern strategy' and it's far more terrifying than the last.

It's terrifying because gone are the days of hinting at racism.


There's people saying we'll bounce back, no we won't. Obama was our bounce back. He was our anchor against Republicans. And you know what the country decided? "Nah, fuck the anchor."
She lost the election and it is a fantasy to think that none of it has to do with how voters perceived her.

She lost, therefore, she was not a fantastic candidate. On paper and on ballot are not the same thing.

She outperformed Obama in Florida.

She lost anyway.

So what's the answer to that?

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
She should have stepped aside after '08 as a candidate.

Her weaknesses then were her weaknesses now. She's not a good politician.

Excellent politician, Mediocre campaigner.

Bernie was not a better candidate.

I think Biden would have won, simply on the basis that he sounds right to enough people. Not sure that is Hillary's fault.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I hope she doesn't concede. I hope she is a Cunt about it. He said he wouldn't concede.Let's jyst be like republicans and Fuck this country.


I'm probably going to have to bow out of political followings for a while. Not to process, but more for my sanity sake. Try to involve myself more in different things.
This. People don't want benefits, per se. Benefits don't leave you with dignity. They want jobs. They want their way of life to be guaranteed. Democrats didn't ever offer that.

But how is that even possible?

Coal mining jobs were killed by natural gas, manufacturing jobs were killed by robots. It is impossible for these jobs to come back.


The Iran deal is done too, outright war with them is a possibility now.

I can't sleep cause I'm just non stop thinking of all the horrible things that are about to start happening in just a few months.
This. People don't want benefits, per se. Benefits don't leave you with dignity. They want jobs. They want their way of life to be guaranteed. Democrats didn't ever offer that.

They want to be lied to, and also to be able to blame minorities, immigrants, and every other garbage thing you can think of. Stop defending these people.


But how is that even possible?

Coal mining jobs were killed by natural gas, manufacturing jobs were killed by robots. It is impossible for these jobs to come back.
Stop caring about what's realistic. Lie like a rug. Assume those people are too uninformed to know the difference. Win.
She outperformed Obama in Florida.

She lost anyway.

So what's the answer to that?

Finding a candidate that does that without facilitating an even more forceful reaction on the opposite side would be ideal.

I dunno of Mr. Pinko Commie could do that, but Unca Joe? ehh, not a complete stretch.


Honestly, Trump doesn't terrify me so much. I still strongly believe that he's going to be nothing more than a figurehead and just let Pence and the rest of the cronies fuck around. Which is something recoverable from in the long term.

What terrifies me is the message he used to get here. It shows that a message of populism mixed with racism is a winning ticket in this country and it will likely be one for the foreseeable future.

The scariest thing will likely be the person who comes next and tries to take up Trump's mantle. Because they'll likely be far more discreet and sinister about the plans they have.

The whole climate change is pretty scary too. We had an opportunity to make progress but instead we are probably going to move backwards at a critical time.


I'm probably going to have to bow out of political followings for a while. Not to process, but more for my sanity sake. Try to involve myself more in different things.
Of course, Republicans lost every branch in 08 and came back pissed off. Democrats bow out.


The Iran deal is done too, outright war with them is a possibility now.

I can't sleep cause I'm just non stop thinking of all the horrible things that are about to start happening in just a few months.

Relations with Cuba, Paris Climate Agreement, US-China climate pact, Iran Nuclear deal...


She should have stepped aside after '08 as a candidate.

Her weaknesses then were her weaknesses now. She's not a good politician.

Her weaknesses are the same, just magnified by 8 more years of shit.

Republicans saw this coming a mile away and have been trashing her non stop. She's been in the news so much I think enough people are legitimately sick of her that it spurred some massive turnout.

I'm choosing to look at this election not as a hate wins election, and more of a "Clinton loses" result. None of it is her fault, but I think I agree she should have maybe not ran with her unfavorables. Still, hindsight is 20/20.

I have faith this isn't what our nation is.
But how is that even possible?

Coal mining jobs were killed by natural gas, manufacturing jobs were killed by robots. It is impossible for these jobs to come back.

Government provided occupational re-training is a thing. A thing that would be great Dem outreach to these rural areas.

While most of these unknown white voters surely are riding the racism train, there are also at least a few who just have never heard someone take up the bat for them like Trump has, or at least claimed to.


This. People don't want benefits, per se. Benefits don't leave you with dignity. They want jobs. They want their way of life to be guaranteed. Democrats didn't ever offer that.

They offer that. The problem is doing that costs money and the people you are talking about think that Democrats spending money = spending money on minorities and they don't like that.
The jobs aren't coming back. You can't ethically run a political campaign on a lie that large

This isn't AT ALL concerning, no! http://www.politico.com/blogs/on-me...al&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer

The Huffington Post ending editor's note that called Donald Trump 'racist'

The Huffington Post’s editor's note calling Donald Trump as a “racist” and “xenophobe” is no more, a source in the newsroom tells POLITICO.

For months, every story on the Huffington Post about Trump came with the following note at the bottom of the article.

"Editor’s note: Donald Trump regularly incites political violence and is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist and birther who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims — 1.6 billion members of an entire religion — from entering the U.S."

A note sent to staff members from Huffpost’s Washington Bureau Chief Ryan Grim on Tuesday evening said the decision to remove the note was for a “clean slate”.
Begin the actual censorship!


It's terrifying because gone are the days of hinting at racism.


There's people saying we'll bounce back, no we won't. Obama was our bounce back. He was our anchor against Republicans. And you know what the country decided? "Nah, fuck the anchor."

that's my takeaway. 2006-2008 was really the only time in the last 16 years where democrats really had popularity at large. a reaction to trump might be to 'vote the bums out' but that will only last a couple years. at most, again.

it's basically this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXU2vZTTeMU#t=30s
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