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PoliGAF 2016 |OT15| Orange is the New Black

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You can stop erasing the POC who supported Sanders any day now.

Yes, obviously POCs supported Bernie (and some POCs supported Trump!), but this is a dumb, Greenwaldian argument. It's not a generalization to say that Bernie's coalition was built on much stronger white support and Hillary's coalition was built on much stronger POC support.
The fact that she will win the popular vote by a good margin shows that the country does not want this direction.

We lost the rust belt because of a lack of enthusiasm (and possible voter ID laws).

Our country is not lost, our party is not lost.

We will learn what we need to learn about what went wrong, but in the end we will come back and throw Trump out and truly take the country back from the right.


Being tied to a shitty candidate who would have been the most unpopular candidate in modern history if she wasn't going up against Trump will do that. I'm not sure if you're aware, but if the top of the ticket loses all of the downballot tickets suffer dramatically as well.

But please tell me more about how running the most disliked candidate in modern history was such a brilliant move and far more preferable than running Sanders who by the end of the primary emerged as the most popular sitting senator.

because he lost. Sorry that's upsetting to you, but that's literally democracy. She won more votes. Period.


Why is this so difficult to understand.

The Progressive Senate Socialist Populist Candidates GOT LESS VOTES THAN HILLARY.

Finegold and Teachout are shit candidates now?
Wow you bernie people are hilarious
Caps all you want, but it was a mistake when the Hillary base demonized the Bernie supporters.


Sure, my bad. Many people of color also chose this year to implicitly support a white nationalist for president instead of Hillary Clinton. I hope they get what they wanted.
Ok, hope that neoliberalism is working out for you I guess?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Caps all you want, but it was a mistake when the Hillary base demonized the Bernie supporters.

What the fuck.

What does that have to do with anything we are talking about right now?
Being tied to a shitty candidate who would have been the most unpopular candidate in modern history if she wasn't going up against Trump will do that. I'm not sure if you're aware, but if the top of the ticket loses all of the downballot tickets suffer dramatically as well.

But please tell me more about how running the most disliked candidate in modern history was such a brilliant move and far more preferable than running Sanders who by the end of the primary emerged as the most popular sitting senator.

Explain Teachout in New York then.


Dems should just say fuck it and embrace the reality TV mentality the country seems to love so much. Try to get John Stewart or Stephen Colbert to run. Experience and knowledge clearly means fuck-all to a large portion of the country.
Caps all you want, but it was a mistake when the Hillary base demonized the Bernie supporters.
One of the most progressive senators in the country lost last night with Feingold.

Kander, a fucking moderate, ran 16 points ahead of Hillary in Missouri. People obviously don't care about policy. When will you Bernie people understand that.


No Scrubs
"Hey guys not everyone is an implicit supporter of extreme bigotry and god knows what else, only over a hundred million in your own country"

Not reassuring

A majority of people in the country told Trump to go fuck himself. Unfortunately they weren't spread out enough.

Dems should just say fuck it and embrace the reality TV mentality the country seems to love so much. Try to get John Stewart or Stephen Colbert to run. Experience and knowledge clearly means fuck-all to a large portion of the country.

Christ I needed that laugh. Just picturing Jon in a debate against Trump put a smile on my face. I'm sure NY would be more than happy to give him a seat in the House if he asked.
I also would like The Intercept and The Professional Left to focus on Donald Trump.

The Intercept is too busy defending Rania Khalek for going to Syria to defend the Assad regime.

Zaid Jilani would be saying "there is no Antisemitism in America" while Trump is reciting the Protocols of the Elder of Zion.

Glenn Greenwald's brain was never really there, but he's sniffed too much glue to be anything ever again.
Here in California, progressive populism was on the ballot in several initiatives, and nearly all of them passed (death penalty repeal didn't, along with a prescription drug pricing law).

I know, it's California, which doesn't mean much of anything for the rest of the country...but take it for whatever it's worth.
that's like all the relevant ones. we have weed? so fucking what.
Sure, my bad. Many people of color also chose this year to implicitly support a white nationalist for president instead of Hillary Clinton. I hope they get what they wanted.

You heard it hear folks. If you voted for Bernie in the primary, you are just as bad as voting for Trump in the GE.

People like you who harassed and scared away Bernie supporters volunteering for Hillary because it's worth sabotaging the GOTV efforts because those Bernie supporters are so evil. Even the ones who got on board.


The Intercept has multiple articles on Trump up right now, with one called THE NIGHTMARE PRESIDENT.

If there's any positive to this, it's probably that the different left factions will be forced to focus on the enemy rather than snipe at each other incessantly for the next 4 years.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
One of the most progressive senators in the country lost last night with Feingold.

Kander, a fucking moderate, ran 16 points ahead of Hillary in Missouri. People obviously don't care about policy. When will you Bernie people understand that.

and GOT LESS VOTES than Hillary. Meaning none of those mythical Sanders voters bothered to turn out to vote for 2 Progressive senate candidates.


Minorities and women would have voted for him regardless due to the Democrat label. At the very least his rage against the 1% would have given white males something to cling onto.

The DNC should have realized something was up when Bernie was beating Hillary in the swing states.
I don't think you understand.

Minorities and women wouldn't have just lined up behind Sanders. You needed higher minority turnout for the general, and Sanders would have less than Hillary, because he couldn't energize minorities in the primaries.
You heard it hear folks. If you voted for Bernie in the primary, you are just as bad as voting for Trump in the GE.

People like you who harassed and scared away Bernie supporters volunteering for Hillary because it's worth sabotaging the GOTV efforts because those Bernie supporters are so evil. Even the ones who got on board.

Who are you even fucking talking to?


Assuming the final Senate composition is 52-48, democrats would need 3 states to flip. So Arizona, Nevada, and one out of the following:


While holding every other seat.

Republicans will almost certainly have 4 years of complete congress control.
Fuck. I'm still just trying to digest his win. We are in so much trouble. If I knew Hillary was going to lose i really wished it would have been to Jeb or Marco.

Trump is going to rape this country.

The Democratic Party has been shut out for 10 years from doing anything meaningful I think. I'm so upset.
Everyone going through the stages of grief in their own way right now. This is an emotional blow that will take a generation to resolve, I don't think anyone can process that quickly.

Grief is the right word. I haven't felt this kind of stomach churning anxiety and sadness apart from major breakups and the actual deaths of loved ones. I can't decide which is going to bring me more relief: taking a break from politics or analyzing why Hillary lost.


We'd be smart to ask him to head the DNC. I mean, who else could do it at this point?

Fuck yes. I am all for this. Can we draft Harry Reid to run the DNC for the foreseeable future? The man managed to pull off a win in what is still mostly a 50/50 state in 2010 in the Senate and delivered NV for both the Senate and Presidency this year when most other swing states went for Trump.
Fuck yes. I am all for this. Can we draft Harry Reid to run the DNC for the foreseeable future? The man managed to pull off a win in what is still mostly a 50/50 state in 2010 in the Senate and delivered NV for both the Senate and Presidency this year when most other swing states went for Trump.

I like this idea. How do we go about doing this poliGAF?


and GOT LESS VOTES than Hillary. Meaning none of those mythical Sanders voters bothered to turn out to vote for 2 Progressive senate candidates.

But we saw that coming after Hillary won the Primary. The Bernie or Bust progressives who never voted before, never would vote again.

Selfish children - if we can't have our candidate, we'll just stay home. Fucking ignorant of the damage that Trump could do.
The fact remains that Trump won thanks to an anti trade message plus being an outsider. Two things Bernie excelled at. Any other reading, wether socialism would made at Impact or not, are not supported by the reality of Trump winning thanks to the rust belt and his promise to heal the consequences of neoliberalism.


She's a far better politician than he is. Same policies, same ideology, different delivery mechanisms.

I love my senator, but she's DOA as a national candidate. She plays well with the base, but she's going to get the same scrutiny that Clinton got, and is ill equipped to brush it off without a liberal block like in MA to back her up.
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