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PoliGAF 2016 |OT15| Orange is the New Black

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No Scrubs
pigeon in the immediate. But I'm also talking about my experience volunteering with the Hillary Clinton campaign in the GE and watching Clinton supporters literally bully Sanders voters working to help win the general election away.

If you didn't go out and vote you don't get to complain. Full stop.
Can't run a secretary of state from Missouri as President. He needs to hold either a congressional seat, a senate seat (which is out of play now) or the governorship realistically.
I dunno, but you wouldn't rule him out based on "old standards". The game has changed. We need to be strategic not predictable.

You know what I meant. By all logic this should have been a Reagan-esque blowout because there hasn't been as despicable a person being a GE candidate since the era of slave owners.

That's true but that's a factor important to a lot of people in a lot of places, but the swing states had different priorities for this election, regardless of the merit that you or I can adscribe to them.

Yet Clinton is terrible despite winning party and getting the most votes in the general? Talk about hyperbole.
I said she was a bad candidate for winning. You become the president by getting EV, not popular vote. We are trying to win elections, You enter into politics to win elections, that's all that matters cause that's how you can do anything, local, state and federal level, the goal is to win the election, not the popular vote. So who gives a shit about the popular vote when Hillary won it but we still get president trump? Not me.


Fuck yes. I am all for this. Can we draft Harry Reid to run the DNC for the foreseeable future? The man managed to pull off a win in what is still mostly a 50/50 state in 2010 in the Senate and delivered NV for both the Senate and Presidency this year when most other swing states went for Trump.

Seriously, you all need to start pushing for Reid to run the DNC. I have no clue who or what the DNC listens to, but Reid is the man to do it. So make it happen.

You know what? #makeamericagreatagain. Co-opt that fucking slogan for progressive causes, not white nationalism.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
The fact remains that Trump won thanks to an anti trade message plus being an outsider. Two things Bernie excelled at. Any other reading, wether socialism would made at Impact or not, are not supported by the reality of Trump winning thanks to the rust belt and his promise to heal the consequences of neoliberalism.

You going to attempt to explain why Feingold and Teachout both got less votes that Hillary got while Kander got way more votes?

If there is this mythical base wanting progressive socialist-like candidates, then they did nothing to turnout to vote.

Meanwhile Kander almost won in an upset.
I feel disgusted with myself for rooting for Trump in the primaries. I know we would get a lot of the same policies with Rubio or Jeb, but at least we wouldn't have legitimized hatred.
Harry Reid's machine is a wood chipper, and we need something like it nationally.

Reid's machine operates the way it does because of limited geographic range and a specific set of voters to turn out. It works for Nevada, but it doesn't scale.

I'm going to be in my 40s and my wife will be in her 50s when 2020 (the next time we can do anything) comes around. We don't have the heart to fight this and bring it back from the brink. We're just going to move to Seattle (was already planned for what it is worth) and live in its pluralistic and global world view oriented bubble that reflects our values.

I'll still be heartbroken to see that the peace, stability, and progress of the post-Cold War era is being replaced by fear and nationalism.
I think you guys are making a mistake in focusing on Trump as the main source of damage. Dude will probably be harmless. He was a populist who knew what he was saying would get him where he needed to be, he probably doesn't give a shit about any of the race baiting nonsense he spewed on the trail. The real problem here is total GOP control of the legislature. Forget the ACA, goodbye EPA. Goodbye National Parks, goodbye DOE.

Even if they left social policy alone the America I grew up in is fucking dead.
I said she was a bad candidate for winning. You become the president by getting EV, not popular vote. We are trying to win elections, You enter into politics to win elections, that's all that matters cause that's how you can do anything, local, state and federal level, the goal is to win the election, not the popular vote. So who gives a shit about the popular vote when Hillary won it but we still get president trump? Not me.

So basically you are saying that every candidate that loses is bad, and every one that wins is good. I don't think things are quite that simple, and I don't see how calling her a bad candidate for barely missing here helps us move forwards, but if you want to define it that way, fair enough.

By that metric: Bernie Sanders was a bad candidate.

Has me saying that helped us any? I don't think so. I don't think he was a bad candidate. I would have supported him in the general whole heartedly. Maybe I'd be here today, presuming he lost, saying 'if only we'd picked Clinton'. We'll never know.


The fact remains that Trump won thanks to an anti trade message plus being an outsider. Two things Bernie excelled at. Any other reading, wether socialism would made at Impact or not, are not supported by the reality of Trump winning thanks to the rust belt and his promise to heal the consequences of neoliberalism.

You're discounting terrorist coming to kill them, brownies taking their jobs, and hood rats taking their taxes.

Bernie didn't and doesn't have an effective message to offer people that bought into those issues, on top of trade and manufacturing. The Dems don't, because rural voters felt they were abandoned long ago. They're lashing out.

What happened with the Democrats in West Virgina just spread to the whole Rust Belt. The most populist fire breathing Democrat isn't getting anything from West Virginia. They feel betrayed, somewhat rightfully.
i am more inclined to think there isn't anyone inspirational as long as history hadn't already proved it wrong. sanders is an old guy, but he came out of nowhere. trump sort of stumbled in too. obama had a good speech in 2004, but he wasn't considered a frontrunner for 2008 back then. i think the dems actually have a lot to choose from, but they need to really understand voters and how obama did well.

They have a slew of decent candidates (Franken, Brown, maybe Hickenlooper but I think his gun control stuff in Colorado is national poison at this point, Booker?, Harris?) but no one that really stands out as someone who I can see being that guy.

FWIW, the GOP in 2020 and especially 2024 is going to be awfully bare in the cupboard, too. Most of the governors who could run in 2020 will be out of office due to term limits in 2024, and I don't think Cruz is going to be viable by then, so it'll likely have to be someone from within the Trump administration ... or Donald Trump Jr.


Dems should just say fuck it and embrace the reality TV mentality the country seems to love so much. Try to get John Stewart or Stephen Colbert to run. Experience and knowledge clearly means fuck-all to a large portion of the country.

Obvious answer is Mark Cuban, the anti-Trump.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
I think you guys are making a mistake in focusing on Trump as the main source of damage. Dude will probably be harmless. He was a populist who knew what he was saying would get him where he needed to be, he probably doesn't give a shit about any of the race baiting nonsense he spewed on the trail. The real problem here is total GOP control of the legislature. Forget the ACA, goodbye EPA. Goodbye National Parks, goodbye DOE.

Even if they left social policy alone the America I grew up in is fucking dead.

Dude have you seen the people he's surrounding himself? I would agree with you if he had a bunch of northeastern liberal peeps in his cabinet. He has Steve Bannon and newt Gingrich, enough sad.
If you didn't go out and vote you don't get to complain. Full stop.

I'm not talking about voters. They probably did vote for Clinton though I don't really know. I'm talking about volunteers who were working for the GE campaign to GOTV, and the volunteers that voted in the primary were constantly shat on, insulted, and bullied by staffers and volunteers that voted Clinton until they said "Enough" and stopped volunteering.


She has to go.

I mean I agree but I don't know how electing a DNC chair works

I guess Brazile is only interim chair since DWS stepped down. I don't know if/when they have an election for permanent chair. I have to assume Brazile would get the boot because of her feeding Hillary debate questions.


Wouldn't PoliGAF be a good support group and voice of reason during this period?

I'm probably missing something.

Have you read this thread?

For people who actually had a stake in this election it's not a fun place at all, because the people here think they're helping!

I only came back here because now that I'm radicalized yelling about racism helps me with catharsis.


Sound advice regardless of who won:

John RogersVerified account
Hey, no joke, and I'm paraphrasing smarter people. If you plan on opposing Trump:

Get Tor.
Get Signal.
Get a VPN
2FA on your emails.

Russia is on fire economically and ruled by insane people, China is drifting towards dictatorship, the U.S. just elected Donald Trump, and Pakistan and India are always on the verge of humanity ending war.

But other than that, the survival of our race is going pretty pretty good.
I think you guys are making a mistake in focusing on Trump as the main source of damage. Dude will probably be harmless. He was a populist who knew what he was saying would get him where he needed to be, he probably doesn't give a shit about any of the race baiting nonsense he spewed on the trail. The real problem here is total GOP control of the legislature. Forget the ACA, goodbye EPA. Goodbye National Parks, goodbye DOE.

Even if they left social policy alone the America I grew up in is fucking dead.

Trump right now is... whatever you hope or fear basically. We've got nothing concrete to look at to decide what his positions are going to be like, other than shit we know he can't do like build a wall and round up 10 million undocumented workers.

I suspect you're right, but he'll still sign off on killing the ACA. He'll still put forwards a strong conservative judge. He's still going to kill lots of Obama's executive orders.

He's certainly no worse than Cruz would be in terms of agenda.

We have a guy that we have no idea about because his positions have continually changed all over the map. I'm sure he'll care about his approval ratings, and work accordingly... but how much of a fight is he going to put up against the GOP?

I can only hope the GOP embrace his presumed populist stance, and that polls on key issues continue moving in the right direction to force their hands on items like gay marriage.

But I have no good indication that that's going to happen.


The Intercept has multiple articles on Trump up right now, with one called THE NIGHTMARE PRESIDENT.

If there's any positive to this, it's probably that the different left factions will be forced to focus on the enemy rather than snipe at each other incessantly for the next 4 years.

Have YOU read this thread?

Kander actually excited liberals/young people in this state though. He wasn't just an anti-Blunt/anti-GOP candidate. College students here fucking loved him.


I mean I agree but I don't know how electing a DNC chair works

I guess Brazile is only interim chair since DWS stepped down. I don't know if/when they have an election for permanent chair. I have to assume Brazile would get the boot because of her feeding Hillary debate questions.


Not sure if they changed the rules since. If Bernie pushes for someone they can probably get elected (hopefully someone good). Hopefully that person can work with the Sanders, Obama, and Clinton wings of the party well.


Never ever ever wanna be criticized for bedwetting again.

Fuck this I'm lit.

Let's fucking do this. 2018 and 2020 baby.



Have YOU read this thread?


It's the day after the election man. Give it a week and we'll have stopped being at each other's throats.

If the US and USSR could work together against Hitler, PoliGAF posters can stop sniping each other.


Never ever ever wanna be criticized for bedwetting again.

Fuck this I'm lit.

Let's fucking do this. 2018 and 2020 baby.


We've already lost everything, it's go big or go home now. Hope the DNC is drafting a plan right fucking now to get it all back.
I'm not talking about voters. They probably did vote for Clinton though I don't really know. I'm talking about volunteers who were working for the GE campaign to GOTV, and the volunteers that voted in the primary were constantly shat on, insulted, and bullied by staffers and volunteers that voted Clinton until they said "Enough" and stopped volunteering.

And as an open Clinton supporter I too was shat on and insulted during the primaries by Bernie bros. I went from seeing Bernie as a good second choice, to really disliking him because of how many of his supporters treated me.

So next time lets not shit on each other at all.



If Jeb/Rubio/Kasich took office after a normal campaign I doubt they get rid of the ACA, really try to overturn Roe, etc.

That's why, for as annoying as they are, the GOP establishment aren't that bad to deal with. They mostly pander on a plethora of issues while only caring about their tax cut fantasies.

The Tea Party is effectively in control of the White House and anything is on the table.


Does poligaf agree with this?

(Maggie has been covering Donald for NYT)

I don't think you understand.

Minorities and women wouldn't have just lined up behind Sanders. You needed higher minority turnout for the general, and Sanders would have less than Hillary, because he couldn't energize minorities in the primaries.
As much as it hurts to write and probably read this, for winning the elections you didn't need them, trump conceded the majority of them from the start, they were not going to vote for him in significant numbers. The votes of minorities for the Dem was safe. The white male & Female?? well we already know what happened.
Brazile literally just became DNC chair. I don't see her resigning soon.

She needs to go for what she did during the primaries and how she favored Clinton openly. That's not a good look. The Clinton brand is shot, bury it.

Democrats need to completely drop gun control. I hate to say it.
They do. Like really, these people on the rural areas love their guns and have really very little to hold onto. Not everyone lives in new york, Chicago, MA, etc. Say that you support the 2nd amendment and co-opt Kander message on this.


It's the day after the election man. Give it a week and we'll have stopped being at each other's throats.

If the US and USSR could work together against Hitler, PoliGAF posters can stop sniping each other.

I expect to hear about Bernie Sanders for the next two years.

Then they'll mount a coup and implant our very own Jeremy Corbyn in charge of the opposition party, and he'll start preparing for a Mondale-level walloping, but at least the white liberals will be able to say the only reason he lost is that people of color didn't support the movement enough.

Or we'll get another Bill Clinton, driving a jeep along the Mexican border with a rifle to prove that he's just as harsh on minorities as the Republicans.

Those seem to be the ideas that white liberals have for how to advance the party now.


Maggie Haberman ‏@maggieNYT 1m1 minute ago

Clinton ultimately had no message, a fact that her advisers were aware of - and which was made clear in Wikileaks. She hated running and 1/

2/ wanted the job, but not the things one has to do to get it, and voters pick up on that, as @Peggynoonannyc once wrote.

Interesting angle. I thought she had a message, but it was a very broad one - lots of small, disparate messages connected together. Trump could be boiled down to "foreigners bad, US jobs good", though, which is easier to digest.
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