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PoliGAF 2016 |OT15| Orange is the New Black

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Today in Megyn Kelly:

“After all these elections, half the country is severely disappointed and half the country is thrilled,” she pointed out. “This happened four years ago, as well, and it all winds up being okay. For the people that feel upset today: This is the United States of America and it is the most glorious place to live in the world.”

I was worried for nothing.
Markets are already volatile.

I think the Overton Window shift means that Sexual Assaults (especially on campus) will rise. The "Grab her by the Pussy" remark has been legitimized as Locker Room Talk.

Pulling out of the Paris Agreement will be a seismic shift for younger people.

And finally, the removal of the ACA will be seen as removing rights from everyday people.

Trump/Pence will screw this up. The Dems just have to be ready.

To do what? Take over, make some fixes, have it undone? Rinse repeat?

I can't stop repeating this. The GOP broke govt for 6 years. Hard Gop states have been a disaster economically. The electorate agrees that not hearing garland is wrong.

The GOP has paid zero price for this. To the contrary they were rewarded.

Gop voters don't give a shit. They will vote for any gop no matter what. This election proves it.

The way our govt is set up and spread of demographics fuck Democrats over.

The only way this is overcome is when things get really bad or a charismatic candidate shows up certain voters show up to the polls


this must be like what the end of reconstruction must have felt like. everything just goes to shit for a few generations. the southwest is getting bluer. there are flashes of hope along the east coast... but the midwest fucking vanished. voter suppression will be at an all time high and we can't even get that shit struck down as unconstitutional because the supreme court will be stacked with conservatives for 30 more years at least.

part of the blame rests with obama. he seemed not to care about midterms or the democratic party. during his presidency a lot of states and elections started trending towards what we saw today. it seems impossible that six years ago, the dems had congress and a super majority in the senat given where things are now. clinton may have been complacent to a fault in august, but the six years since have been far more damning.
I can't even function today. Some of it is the lack of sleep, for sure, but I feel dead inside. I take the smallest amount of solace in Hillary winning the popular vote, but that and $2 gets me a cup of Starbucks coffee (which I desperately need).


Something for a lot of liberals to remember right now (yes it's from the intercept)

2. White liberals must step up right now in the right way.

If there’s going to be any political force that can resist Trump and build a livable future, it will be led by African Americans, Latinos, and young people from all backgrounds.

The role for older, richer white liberals will be important but painfully different from what they’re used to. They’ll have to support other people’s priorities, put up money for things they don’t control and use all of their social power to protect Muslims, immigrants, and every threatened minority.

What white progressives can and must pursue is outreach to Trump’s white base. One of the killer robot’s main fuels is white supremacy. But human beings are complex and inscrutable and sometimes change. If just 20 percent of the white supremacy could be neutralized, the robot might be much less powerful.

White liberals will be more effective doing this if they first spend time considering how they may be as equally complicit in white supremacy as Trump voters.

McConnel just confirmed they will quickly repeal obamacare. And when the healthcare industry continues to fail they will just say it was because of the aca being so bad.

They can't repeal ACA without replacing it or dismantling it slowly. It's too ingrained into the system. Well, I guess they technically can, but to actually implement such a repeal would be close to impossible.

If they hard line repealed it, instantly, it would send shockwaves through the healthcare industry. Millions losing their insurance over night. Premiums would explode. It would be a disaster.
We need to convince college educated white people in Arizona and Georgia and Florida and Texas that either there is no God or that racism is bad.

That's the way, but I don't know if it will work.


aka andydumi
If democrats rebound fast, they could win local governments in 2018 and 2020, redraw the districts, and regain complete control by 2023. And if Kennedy and the rest of the liberal justices stick around 4 years, they'll have a relatively moderate SCOTUS to work with too.

So if everything goes right, in 6 years they can undo anything republicans do over the next 4 years.

This is highly unlikely. All the justices are unlikely to last 4 years. And the democrats will take forever to bicker internally before putting together any sort of concerted effort for 2018. Plus there will be lots of distraction with what the Republicans will do, gut this, change that. By 2020 maybe they can get presidency, but by then the damage will be in motion and it would take 8 years just to stop the bleeding and get back to today's status quo. Similar to Obama recovering after Bush's recession and shouldering the blame.


It's incredible how confident everybody is that a man who ran on fascism and white nationalism, accused all his political opponents of elaborate nonsensical conspiracy theories to steal the election, and literally said they should cancel the election and just make him president will go forward and honor American democracy and peaceful transitions of power in the future.

I'll worry about the election in 2020 when we know if there will be an election in 2020.


I'm off to bed (been up for a loooooong time).

But I'd just like to say that we disrespect everything Hillary and Obama have done if we give in now.

Don't back down. Don't shrug and say fuck it.

To do what? Take over, make some fixes, have it undone? Rinse repeat?

I can't stop repeating this. The GOP broke govt for 6 years. Hard Gop states have been a disaster economically. The electorate agrees that not hearing garland is wrong.

The GOP has paid zero price for this. To the contrary they were rewarded.

Gop voters don't give a shit. They will vote for any gop no matter what. This election proves it.

The way our govt is set up and spread of demographics fuck Democrats over.

The only way this is overcome is when things get really bad or a charismatic candidate shows up certain voters show up to the polls

Yes, they were rewarded. Because life fucking sucks. But it's a moral imperative that anyone who can, actually stands up and fights this - because like Hell I want to live in a world where Pence can "re-educate" gays, or demand a rape victim carry her attacker's child to term. Fuck. That. Noise. We need to make ourselves heard and get the Dem base voting, because that's a shit world to leave to our children.


As of right now the 2020 Dem primary is probably Biden vs Warren. Beyond that we'll probably see anyone with any standing try a run.

Biden is going to be 77 in 2020. I don't see it happening.

I think we'll see Warren, Kander, Booker, and maybe a wild card like Cuban.
One of my(Bernie or Bust) friends texted me that "Hillary lost the election the second the child trafficking emails leaked".. I'm just in awe tbh. I told her terrible polling and voter suppression had more to do with this upset than anything but honestly, I can't decide whether to explain how out of context the interpretation for those emails are or. to give up because it's over and she's vowed never to bother with the political process again anyway.


If you live in Massachusetts - there is going to be a march at Boston City Hall at 7pm tonight. I know a few friends and myself will be there. Any gaffer would be welcome in our group.


Real talk do we think Kamala, Warren or Gilibrand are viable when gender seems to have worked against Hillary in this election?


No Scrubs
Biden is going to be 77 in 2020. I don't see it happening.

I think we'll see Warren, Kander, Booker, and maybe a wild card like Cuban.

He'll be old for sure, but right now the Dems need someone who can recapture the Obama magic. That and he's a good soldier, if he thinks we need him he'll run.

Real talk do we think Kamala, Warren or Gilibrand are viable when gender seems to have worked against Hillary in this election?

I think this election scared off any women considering it.


One of my(Bernie or Bust) friends texted me that "Hillary lost the election the second the child trafficking emails leaked".. I'm just in awe tbh. I told her terrible polling and voter suppression had more to do with this upset than anything but honestly, I can't decide whether to explain how out of context the interpretation for those emails are or. to give up because it's over and she's vowed never to bother with the political process again anyway.

Please white males, tell me more about Bernie Sanders!


They can't repeal ACA without replacing it or dismantling it slowly. It's too ingrained into the system. Well, I guess they technically can, but to actually implement such a repeal would be close to impossible.

If they hard line repealed it, instantly, it would send shockwaves through the healthcare industry. Millions losing their insurance over night. Premiums would explode. It would be a disaster.

Honestly, let's let America reap what it sows. Not just the insurance market imploding, I'm talking making me register as a Muslim. Marriage equality and Roe v Wade being overturned. Tarrifs and trade wars crippling industries and raising the price of goods. Let everyone see what the far right really is. Maybe then people will actually vote then. (I know this is insensitive - My family will be affected if the ACA is repealed).
It's incredible how confident everybody is that a man who ran on fascism and white nationalism, accused all his political opponents of elaborate nonsensical conspiracy theories to steal the election, and literally said they should cancel the election and just make him president will go forward and honor American democracy and peaceful transitions of power in the future.

I'll worry about the election in 2020 when we know if there will be an election in 2020.

I'm not quite there, but there are questions.


I'm forever the optimist. So obviously I'm hoping by some miracle he's actually a decent President that actually does throw a bone to people every so often.

I highly doubt this though.

I doubt it too. Part of me tries to console myself with the hope there's some part of his Democratic side left in there. That he's been underestimated at every turn and maybe just maybe there's a shred of good there and he'll surprise us all. Then I remember the people in his orbit and sink back into a funk again.
Will it? I am curious if Trump drops the rhetoric and lets his democratic side show more. It is easy to draw a line as to what may come next considering the platform he ran on but the guy has never been a true republican.


Folks, he is going to be a rubber stamp for Ryan and McConnell. Don't fool yourselves into thinking he will not be.


I doubt it too. Part of me tries to console myself with the hope there's some part of his Democratic side left in there. That he's been underestimated at every turn and maybe just maybe there's a shred of good there and he'll surprise us all. Then I remember the people in his orbit and sink back into a funk again.

The good news is Pence, Newt, Rudy, etc aren't quite as crazy as some of the other Republicans in the House right now.
It's incredible how confident everybody is that a man who ran on fascism and white nationalism, accused all his political opponents of elaborate nonsensical conspiracy theories to steal the election, and literally said they should cancel the election and just make him president will go forward and honor American democracy and peaceful transitions of power in the future.

I'll worry about the election in 2020 when we know if there will be an election in 2020.
My mom actually believes he'll find some way of declaring permanent martial law and just never hold elections again.
Also anyone who runs is going to have the full force of Russia's intelligence working against them. They better be prepared to potentially have their life ruined.

Also I just started crying again thinking reading the DACA thread.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
They can't repeal ACA without replacing it or dismantling it slowly. It's too ingrained into the system. Well, I guess they technically can, but to actually implement such a repeal would be close to impossible.

If they hard line repealed it, instantly, it would send shockwaves through the healthcare industry. Millions losing their insurance over night. Premiums would explode. It would be a disaster.

Agreed. It's going to be fascinating what happens. Again, HSAs will cause the economy to crumble. SO many people will be bankrupt from medical debt as a result.

They swear they'll instantly repeal it, though, which will destroy everything quickly.
Does poligaf agree with this?

(Maggie has been covering Donald for NYT)


I mean

There's a reason why a bunch of voters didn't vote for her. That's as good a reason as any? I don't know.


Realistically I think Trump will be a shitty but livable four years where a large amount of Obama's progress will be erased. Assuming the dems don't elect a Kerry-esque wet towel, a Democrat will most likely be elected in 2020 and we start building shit back up. And then maybe in 8 years we'll have to deal with Donald Jr. and the cycle just keeps going.

Unfortunately this is just kind of the way US politics goes. One part almost never gets more than 8 consecutive years.
It's incredible how confident everybody is that a man who ran on fascism and white nationalism, accused all his political opponents of elaborate nonsensical conspiracy theories to steal the election, and literally said they should cancel the election and just make him president will go forward and honor American democracy and peaceful transitions of power in the future.

I'll worry about the election in 2020 when we know if there will be an election in 2020.

Sweet fuck, this is also possibly true.
I'm forever the optimist. So obviously I'm hoping by some miracle he's actually a decent President that actually does throw a bone to people every so often.

I highly doubt this though.
I'm hoping Ivanka will get him to do some liberal things. This is what I'm reduced to. Is that technically Stockholm Syndrome?
It's incredible how confident everybody is that a man who ran on fascism and white nationalism, accused all his political opponents of elaborate nonsensical conspiracy theories to steal the election, and literally said they should cancel the election and just make him president will go forward and honor American democracy and peaceful transitions of power in the future.

I'll worry about the election in 2020 when we know if there will be an election in 2020.

Yes this issue too. I'm hoping that trump is do old and weird he doesn't actually care enough but who fucking knows?

We elected a fascist. There are no guarantees.


I'm thankful we aren't dealing with a President Cruz. Small consolation...

Cruz was a big troll. Trump is unpredictable...

Ultimately, things will be okay... We just have to deal with a hiccup.

This is a way up call that you can't ignore the plight of
poor, uneducated whites... No matter how racist they may be.
Democrats managed to mobilize in 2006 to beat back the GOP and Bush's administration.

It's possible.

Yeah it's possible, but many of the voters who helped usher in the 2006 Democratic wave were the same voters who voted for Trump. The Democratic Party wasn't dead to these people in 2006 and we controlled several southern and midwestern state legislatures and governorships. The amount of power and control Republicans wield today just seems insurmountable and entrenched.

Even if Trump is a Hoover-esque disaster who's to say the usual strategy of blaming Democrats, minorities, and Obama won't work again? Even if Trump is a Hoover-esque disaster and America completely turns against Republicans, we still have to live with the economic and political consequences of yesterday and you know what, I'd rather Trump have a roaring success of a presidency then be jobless, homeless, and/or dead. I cannot see the light at the end of this tunnel.


There simply aren't enough competitive districts. The 2018 senate map is a bloodbath. The party has to pivot hard to the center to win those districts -- and, at the same time, the progressive wing of the party is clearly on the ascendancy.

These two realities seem near impossible to reconcile for me. The Democrats no longer have a message - or even a functioning coalition. To fix all that in just two years, with the current map... I see more bleeding and more years in the wilderness.

Maybe Bernie/Sherrod Brown liberals can win back those rural areas with anti-trade populism. I'm skeptical.
I feel like it's quite clear that Bernie style liberals can win back those rural white areas of the rust belt. It's where he did best during the primaries and the greater population very resoundingly said that anti-establishment is the end all be all trait in a candidate.

It did take the great depression to sell America on the new deal many years before. Trump's rhetoric against minorities and foreigners is great for starting wars but without one will be awful for the economy.

We have to believe that a new wave of leftist economic policy can serve the more common American (which still is white people) without inflaming racial and foreign animosity.

America once turned to attitudes that forged the new deal in crisis, Germany turned towards racial and foreign animosity.

We have to act decisively before it's too late.


No Scrubs
I'm hoping Ivanka will get him to do some liberal things. This is what I'm reduced to. Is that technically Stockholm Syndrome?

It's bargaining.


Or testing. Who can tell, I'm still in anger.

I feel like it's quite clear that Bernie style liberals can win back those rural white areas of the rust belt. It's where he did best during the primaries and the greater population very resoundingly said that anti-establishment is the end all be all trait in a candidate.

It did take the great depression to sell America on the new deal many years before. Trump's rhetoric against minorities and foreigners is great for starting wars but without one will be awful for the economy.

We have to believe that a new wave of leftist economic policy can serve the more common American (which still is white people) without inflaming racial and foreign animosity.

America turned to the new deal, Germany turned towards racial and foreign animosity.

We have to act decisively before it's too late.

Except that Bernie style liberals lost across the board. They lost everywhere, even in states the Dems carried handily.


aka andydumi
They can't repeal ACA without replacing it or dismantling it slowly. It's too ingrained into the system. Well, I guess they technically can, but to actually implement such a repeal would be close to impossible.

If they hard line repealed it, instantly, it would send shockwaves through the healthcare industry. Millions losing their insurance over night. Premiums would explode. It would be a disaster.

They can repeal/amend the mandate portion relatively quickly. They can also change the rules regarding preexisting conditions and waiting periods. It might take a few months for it to trickle down, but it can be done before 2017 open enrollment. Then they can slowly repeal/amend a myriad of smaller rules and requirements for plans, from the administrative costs ratios and minimum coverage needed. It can be done, but it's unlikely we will go to a pre-ACA stage for a long time, if ever. Some smaller things like being on parents plan til 26 are too popular to cut, and not too costly if I understand correctly.
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