Talking with some of my friends in Ohio, they either say Trump has no field office or it's basically a store where you can buy t-shirts, hats, and yard signs (staffed by a single person). Dems have huge main offices and various "offices" in people's homes where people are phonebanking and canvassing.
Granted I have no Trump supporting friends to let me know what their ground operation looks like there, but on the outside it doesn't look good.
Election will probably be called when the polls close on the west coast.Hey PoliGAF, what are your guesses for when the election will be called? Some of you mentioned Florida could mean the results are known early. I have a 3yo I put to bed between 8-8:30pm central. I want to be in the chat, I'm assuming there will be a chat, when it happens. I guess I should check that too. Will there be a chat?
And then he's going to California and New York! And then he's going to Washington DC to take back the White House! PYAAHHBreaking News: Trump winning Michigan, Iowa, Minnesota, Ohio, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvaniaaccording to Trump himself at his rally right now
Thank you for this.Compilation of Fox News' people's reaction to Hillary/JayZ/Beyonce:
according to my decision desk, Hillary will win by 7 percent.
Trump again on the warpath against Jay-Z and Beyonce in Sarasota today
I couldn't finish the video. They don't understand anything.
Hilary made some ground on 538. Now at 68% to 32%
John Harwood
Stevie Wonder on why Trump shouldn't be president: "if you had emergency, had to go to hospital, you wouldnt want me driving, right?
Posted? This had me rolling.
I live on the border of West Park and Lakewood, and there are two campaign offices near my house. Dems are on top of things in Cuyahoga County, and it looks like Franklin County is in good shape as well.
Sopan Deb ‏@SopanDeb
Trump is off prompter asking if Jay-Z and Beyoncé were talking or singing at their performance. We are a day before Election Day.
Give link pleaseElection will probably be called when the polls close on the west coast.
There is a chat, but I'm too lazy to link you right now lol
Hillary is going to win by 10%.
If Hillary wins by 6% would that be enough to boost odds a lot for the Senate
Compilation of Fox News' people's reaction to Hillary/JayZ/Beyonce:
yessss five rallies of off-prompter trump pls
Is it bad that I'm hoping he calls Clinton the c-word or something? Dat last second controversyyessss five rallies of off-prompter trump pls
I think he will do a speaking tour to get his money back from campaigning.
They can keep his twitter from him, but they can't control his mouth on stage. This is his only remaining outlet.
Hillary is going to win by 10%.
It only took a dozen mental breakdowns on TV and radio.![]()
We are in the other timeline.
I'm not sure why more Republicans don't do that. Honestly, voting Hillary but going with republican congressmen would be the optimal move for a republican voter who hates trump. You get to stop Hillary from doing anything, and don't have trump in the white house as a permanent damage to the republican brand. And also whatever else crazy he'd do.It probably would, but we can't say for sure. The trend since 2002 is that the majority of close races break for one party and Clinton says that would be the Dems this time. But if you look back at '96 Bill Clinton won huge, with voters also voting Republican down ballot. Its possible that they would do the same here as a check on Hillary's power as President, since she's so unpopular.
Way to high.
I bet $30 that Hill takes more than 300 EC votes. Can we still expect this to happen?
538 has her winning Florida and NC again, but by pretty narrow margins.
Election will probably be called when the polls close on the west coast.
There is a chat, but I'm too lazy to link you right now lol
I bet $30 that Hill takes more than 300 EC votes. Can we still expect this to happen?
538 has her winning Florida and NC again, but by pretty narrow margins.
I bet $30 that Hill takes more than 300 EC votes. Can we still expect this to happen?
538 has her winning Florida and NC again, but by pretty narrow margins.
I can't believe Republicans are still having trouble with the difference between molotov and mazel tov.
Oh god just thinking of votecastr is making me nauseous. Only old fucks are going to vote all morning and hhhh
Its code for the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. That's their plan, the GOP is going to sign a NAP with Russia and split up Europe of the win.I can't believe Republicans are still having trouble with the difference between molotov and mazel tov.