She lost three blue states a black guy carried twice. This is about a flawed campaign strategy, a flawed candidate, lower base turnout, and white women being cooler with voting for a misogynist abuser than we thought.
Not going to lie, I didn't see Clinton losing MI, WI, and PA. Especially MI, where things looked good; iirc she lost by what, <20k votes? But I don't understand ignoring Wisconsin, given what happened in the primary. PA...that's just a loss, can't fault the campaign given that Philly turned out well.
We don't have to "cater" to white racists, nor is this a simple black/white issue of appealing to x or appealing to y. We ran a candidate who has had problems in the midwest contests since 2008, who has been on every side of trade issues since the 1990s. It was bad. And in the future it's clear candidates have to take a different, honest approach as opposed to lying to people. NAFTA didn't kill the jobs these white people claim it did, the death of manufacturing began in the 1980s, etc. But they believe NAFTA, TPP, etc are destroying their neighborhoods. We can't change that.