These are both so aesthetically ugly. I think a 65 year old designed these covers.
More like it was designed to appeal to the 65 year olds who buy those things.
These are both so aesthetically ugly. I think a 65 year old designed these covers.
Interesting thing with the IBD
17% of republicans and 40% of independents think Clinton will win.
Wonder if that translates to a bandwagon in the polling booth
If the Clinton campaign was actually sitting on tapes of Trump saying shit and the media was unwilling to pull the trigger, why didn't they just post the audio on some anonymous YouTube channel and then have another random account tweet it out to get people to watch it? Get the media to cover it forcibly. I'll never understand not unloading EVERYTHING on Trump this cycle.
Last week, I learned of a Clinton donor who'd seen the video on an iPhone and was trying to push it onto liberal media. But iPhones display video from YouTube—where you can't find this video—or in digital format burned onto the phone. Could someone convert the video to an easily-downloable format and just decide to keep a lid on it?* Whatever! Last night, I learned that the same donor had actually seen a DVD of the "whitey" speech, and that Louis Farrakhan appeared in it. This was around the time that Johnson poured gasoline on the story by promising an "explosive" break in the story. Today's update:
I learned over the weekend why the Republicans who have seen the tape of Michelle Obama ranting about “whitey” describe it as “STUNNING.” I have not seen it but I have heard from five separate sources who have spoken directly with people who have seen the tape. It features Michelle Obama and Louis Farrakhan. They are sitting on a panel at Jeremiah Wright’s Church when Michelle makes her intemperate remarks. Whoops!!
What's more appropriate, in how the first female presidential candidate is referred to. That Hillary is called "Madam President" or "President Clinton"?
Anyone see the documentary the choice? Facinating docu about trump and clinton. They speculate that trump decided to run For president when Obama roasted him in 2012
Just a little something from Facebook to enrage you guys. Fortunately it only showed up in my feed because a high school friend of mine was ripping it to shreds.
Because they don't have said tapes. They don't exist
Come on guys this is the whitey tape just with twitter not roger stone and powerline
this is Weigel writing about that back in 2008
What's more appropriate, in how the first female presidential candidate is referred to. That Hillary is called "Madam President" or "President Clinton"?
I mean even if this was true none of these people are from MEXICOJust a little something from Facebook to enrage you guys. Fortunately it only showed up in my feed because a high school friend of mine was ripping it to shreds.
What's more appropriate, in how the first female presidential candidate is referred to. That Hillary is called "Madam President" or "President Clinton"?
Just a little something from Facebook to enrage you guys. Fortunately it only showed up in my feed because a high school friend of mine was ripping it to shreds.
Cesare is now the left's Roger Stone and it's so sad.
I know it would never happen, but I would love to see Kazir Khan be appointed to the VA Senate seat. He's so charismatic, honest, and motivated. As far as I see it:
- Historic appointment as the first Muslim Senator
- Unique perspective as a gold star parent
- Articulate and inspiring
- Lack of political skeletons to have flung at him
- Awesome personal story that is the definition of the American dream
- Very large public profile after his DNC speech and subsequent Trump feud
- Never been elected
- Lacks major donor network
I remember right wingers were trying to attach him to the Muslim Brotherhood just after the DNC.
What's more appropriate, in how the first female presidential candidate is referred to. That Hillary is called "Madam President" or "President Clinton"?
Did Halperin have a different role in 2008 and 2012? With his tv show and Trump supporter role this cycle he doesn't seem to be in a position to write the Game Change sequel (triquel?)
Just a little something from Facebook to enrage you guys. Fortunately it only showed up in my feed because a high school friend of mine was ripping it to shreds.
Clinton is campaigning in Ottawa County, Michigan.
Makes no sense.
Even McCain won it,.
Clinton is campaigning in Ottawa County, Michigan.
Makes no sense.
Even McCain won it,.
Clinton is campaigning in Ottawa County, Michigan.
Makes no sense.
Even McCain won it,.
Senate Predictions?
Senate: 46 Dem / 46 Rep
Wisconsin (Dem / Rep)
Pennsylvania (Dem / Rep)
Nevada (Dem / Rep)
New Hampshire (Dem / Rep)
Indiana (Dem / Rep)
Missouri (Dem / Rep)
North Carolina (Dem / Rep)
Florida (Dem / Rep)
Clinton is campaigning in Ottawa County, Michigan.
Makes no sense.
Even McCain won it.
At least 30%What percentage do you guys think turn out will be?
If you don't use an actual Egg McMuffin with the Cover reading "President McMullin" I will personally be very sad.
Clinton is campaigning in Ottawa County, Michigan.
Makes no sense.
Even McCain won it,.
Did Halperin have a different role in 2008 and 2012? With his tv show and Trump supporter role this cycle he doesn't seem to be in a position to write the Game Change sequel (triquel?)
Not the best, but I spent like 10 mintues on it.
Clinton is campaigning in Ottawa County, Michigan.
Makes no sense.
Even McCain won it,.
May be an obtainable house seat there
Not the best, but I spent like 10 mintues on it.
I don't think it will be that cut and dry. You have pundits like Hannity and Limbaugh vowing to blame a Trump loss on the "establishment Republicans" not getting behind him. They can't fathom the thought that Trump was just a terrible candidate. And it's those pundits who have pretty must taken the wheel of the Republican Party. They control the base, and they could very well just keep going down the crazy rabbit hole.
I'm still not totally convinced that Trump doesn't try again in 2020.
Why was Halperin on Ingraham radio show?
May be an obtainable house seat there
@TheFix: Clinton ahead among early voters 55-40 in latest WaPo-ABC tracking poll
538 conveniently curving back up towards Hillary at last minute after public scrutiny
Latest from ABC/WaPo
Also the midnight rally in NC is crazy.
Bill and Chelsea
Lady Gaga
Bon Jovi
Samantha Ronson
Latest from ABC/WaPo
Also the midnight rally in NC is crazy.
Bill and Chelsea
Lady Gaga
Bon Jovi
Samantha Ronson