Where are they getting the latter...? It can only be some sort of modeling I assume.Not really. It's a mix of their proprietary polling combined with real time data on voter turnout.
Where are they getting the latter...? It can only be some sort of modeling I assume.Not really. It's a mix of their proprietary polling combined with real time data on voter turnout.
At this point in the day, she heard he heard she heard from campaign sources isn't particularly useful.She said they're expecting a bigger loss in OH than expected, I'm not optimistic.
FL and NC both looked good, IIRC.I'm confident about NV, but do we have final numbers on how FL, NH, and NC were looking? Especially NC, eager to see how things may have tightened there. Plouffe was saying on Keepin It 1600 last night he expects Hillary to have an easier win in FL then NC.
They are using chartzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzWhere are they getting the latter...? It can only be some sort of modeling I assume.
Remember, Floridians: No on 1, Yes on 2, Yes on 3, No on 4.
And Put Rubio's job security in the trash where it belongs.
At this point in the day, she heard he heard she heard from campaign sources isn't particularly useful.
Where are they getting the latter...? It can only be some sort of modeling I assume.
.VoteCastr will have hundreds of field workers stationed at preselected precincts around the country. Those field workers will be reporting official turnout numbers as theyre provided to them by poll workers throughout the day. By selecting a representative mix of precincts, VoteCastr will extrapolate the turnout in similar precincts that arent being tracked, in the same way it used large-sample polling to draw probabilistic conclusions about how I was going to cast my vote without surveying me directly.
Oh right, I didn't incorporate the trends factor.+15 nationally tho. Come on I'm trying to outsmart Nate Silver here
I suppose a law like the UK has that bans exit polling results before polls close is a non starter thanks to that pesky 1st amendment thing? I'm not honestly sure what point publishing exit polls (before polls close) even serve outside of freaking people out. They are useful for finding out rough demographics/why people vote but not for clear results.Kerry wasn't a good candidate and the swiftboat stuff hurt him, but that exit polling debacle was garbage. They stopped releasing that information that early after that.
It may not be exactly exit polling, but it's still something for people to track and say, "Eh, I don't need to go now."
When people think their candidate will win they're more likely to turn out.Votecastr is a trash idea.
I am 100% convinced early exit polling (some of which was released just after lunch time EST) on 2004 election day is what quashed any chance Kerry had. Reports were everywhere on radio, TV, and the Internet that Kerry was leading exit polling in swing states. I believe that energized Bush voters and depressed voting for Kerry.
Kerry wasn't a good candidate and the swiftboat stuff hurt him, but that exit polling debacle was garbage. They stopped releasing that information that early after that.
It may not be exactly exit polling, but it's still something for people to track and say, "Eh, I don't need to go now."
Managing expectations, she might win but most likely not.
Hillary voting!
Seeing some gaffers revealing their pro-Trump affiliations on Twitter this morning. Including some people who came in here, made a couple of posts, then left when they realized they were probably alone here.
It's making me wonder if his supporters will shrink back when Donald loses. I'm sure we've all been wondering this for a while. But if he makes a legitimate concession speech, and the media stops giving him a pass for every heinous and deplorable thing he does on a weekly basis, I could see Trump supporters shrinking away. My hope is that there is a degree of embarrassment of being rejected so publicly. To have your ideology crushed and stonewalled should, at best, make you more introspective. But, at worst, maybe you'll just stop talking.
If Donald's concession speech is combative and he doesn't stop campaigning, I don't know how we'll deal with that. He doesn't have to run for president, but he could still be a figure who holds rallies of dissent. What would we do if he just continues campaigning against the president and telling his supporters to take back America? We would have a pretty enormous sect of indecent people organized and motivated to combat a liberal America. That's some scary stuff.
Because I feel like Fox and CNN are going to continue to give Donald all the coverage and airtime he wants because he will continue to drive viewership. He has a cult beneath him - he will continue to be news. Is there any escaping it?
I.e. modeling.
Let's give it a couple days before worrying about this. No one knows how the after election is going to go
Who do you think Hillary voted for
Sources tell me that she was pessimistic she would win her voteWho do you think Hillary voted for
Bernie.Who do you think Hillary voted for
JILL NOT HILLWho do you think Hillary voted for
Who do you think Hillary voted for
Her double.Who do you think Hillary voted for
Sources tell me that she was pessimistic she would win her vote
How do you know that though
Do people think she literally bleached the emails?
I.e. modeling.
From a sample of "hundreds" of locations around the entirety of the US?
I don't know how this is any more useful than any other live poll being extrapolated nationally.
Sounds like. Trash.
Who do you think Hillary voted for
She acid bleached themDo people think she literally bleached the emails?
Looks like some off brand bleach as well SADDo people think she literally bleached the emails?
Do people think she literally bleached the emails?
THE RIGGING BEGINSThere's a County-wide technical issue in Durham, NC so they're going to have to revert to pen and paper ballots.
ConvenientThere's a County-wide technical issue in Durham, NC so they're going to have to revert to pen and paper.
EDIT: this is just for check in.
Ok who ran into the pole.There's a County-wide technical issue in Durham, NC so they're going to have to revert to pen and paper.
EDIT: this is just for check in.