Xenoblade Chronicles > Baten Kaitos Origins > Xenosaga III > Xenoblade Chronicles X > Baten Kaitos > Xenosaga > Xenosaga II
The MonolithSoft rankings. It is written.
Never finished BKO. The battle system was a huge step down from BK.
Xenoblade Chronicles > Baten Kaitos Origins > Xenosaga III > Xenoblade Chronicles X > Baten Kaitos > Xenosaga > Xenosaga II
The MonolithSoft rankings. It is written.
DJ: Mom, I wanted to tell you. I just had some questions about God and stuff.
Roseanne:Well, so why didn't you come to us if you had questions? You know, there's no two better people to answer your questions than me and your Dad.
DJ: Okay. What religion are we?
Roseanne: I have no idea. Dan?
Dan: Well... my family's Pentecostal on Mom's side, Baptist on my Dad's. Your Mom's Mom was Lutheran and her Dad was Jewish.
DJ: So what do we believe?
Roseanne: Well... we believe in, ah, being good. So basically we're good people
Dan: Yeah, but we're not practicing.
Can't wait for little marco to lose Florida by double digits :')
Also, just mentioning this because it's kind of impressive: Bernie's holding 4 rallies in 3 states today. 2 in Ohio, one in NC, one in MO.
Meanwhile it appears Hillary is doing a GOTV effort for Illinois in the Latino community because she thinks she's being hurt by Rahm.
The look on Christie's face right now is just....I don't know how anyone with an iota of self respect could do this. I mean...I know it's Christie, so self-respect doesn't come into play....but good lord.
Hurt how? depressed turnout?
He'd be wise to do 2 in OH, 1 in IL, and 1 in MO, but that is impressive.
Hurt how? depressed turnout?
Eh, he had like 3 IL events over the last two days. Also worth noting that the MO rally is in St. Louis, which is on the IL border.
I don't know but I have a friend who voted for him as governor who is furious about this whole Trump thing. Absolutely furious.WHY IS CHRISTIE DOING THIS
Marco Rubio has a small "event."
Big Don said so.
Christie, scratch your nose again if you need someone to rescue you and begin the deprogramming.
Christie out here doing what Palin won't even do
I don't get Bernie going to NC at this point. It's probably too far gone, and one even isn't going to help with margins.
Did you hear that America? We don't even know who our allies are! We just ship weapons to fucking anyone. BOMB BOMB BOMB.
If I recall, its his only NC event. It will probably help with the margins that he came to the state in some capacity.
The military has been against the funding Republicans constantly want them to have though......
Protester alert!
I guarantee Christie is doing this for a non-politics job after his term in NJ is over. He's done with politics and wants to sit on a board of directors somewhere and collect a fat paycheck.
The military has been against the funding Republicans constantly want them to have though......
Shhhh... it's been decimated. DECIMATED I TELLS YA
We'll, they're stupid then. Because the way you solve problems is you throw money at them. Unless the problem is healthcare, poor people, Social Security, the environment, education or infrastructure. Those require less money because FREEDOM.
Christie out here doing what Palin won't even do
Hillarys ground game is bill chasing people around calling them sexist.
Palin/Trump event cancelled bc Todd Palin was in a very serious snow machine crash last night, currently hospitalized in intensive care - Alex Moe